Welcome to MARTe2-Pythons documentation
This repository holds the pythonic representatiuons of MARTe2 components and provides you with an interface to define a MARTe2 application programmatically in python.
As well as this it also provides functions and classes capable of producing not only a MARTe2 configuration but also a simulated version where it replaces all inputs into the system via any datasource with instead a file input to replace specific signals if provided, or alternatively as a constant value (default 0).
The purpose of this documentation is to provide the user with a description on how to create an application in python for MARTe2. And subsequently also a simulated version of the application.
MARTe2 Setup
It is expected that you already have MARTe2 and MARTe2-Components built. We recommend you follow the procedure defined here:
MARTe2 is a block based methodology of defining a real time control application and can be hard-coded in C++ to create static binaries or as a configuration file parsed at startup which defines the blocks and subsequent connections between blocks. MARTe2 is compatible with multiple systems spanning linux distributions to barebone metal whereby there is no operating system.
This method in computing of describing the flow of data through a system and operations is commonly compared to graphing, an illustration below shows a simple application which performs arithmetic operations on several constant values as input to compute the output of 15.

If you navigate to the getting started section there is a walk through of creating a very simple application.
This documentation shall guide the user through creating a MARTe2 application from python.