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Parser Functions#

Depending on requirement, parsing actions can either be specified using the built-in set of parsers available within Multiparser, or by defining custom parsers.

The module comes with a set of pre-defined parsing functions which can be used when processing a recognised file type from the table below:

File Suffix Description
.json JSON key-value file
.toml TOML key-value file
.csv Comma separated values file
.yaml YAML indent based key-value file
.pckl/.pickle/.pkl Pickle file type
.nml Fortran named list*
.pqt/.parquet Apache open source column-orientated data file**
.ft/.feather Apache arrow portable file format**

* Requires the extra fortran to be installed.

** Requires the extra arrow to be installed.

These are executed when using "tracking" (see Tracking and Tailing) on recognised file types without custom parser specification. Note they assume the data can be loaded as a single level dictionary.