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The FileMonitor method tail is used to monitor appended changes to files, that is content which has been added to the file incrementally, for example log files containing the stdout of a given process.

    tracked_values=[re.compile(r'^(\w+)=(\d+))', re.compile(r'\w+=([\d\.]+)')],
    labels=[None, "fraction"],
    callback=lambda data, _: logging.getLogger("Simulation").info(data),



list[str] | str

Either a single globular expression string or a list of such strings defining files to be monitored by this tail, can be an explicit string if only one file is required.


list[str | Pattern] | str | Pattern | None

Default: None

Either a single string or regular expression, or a list of a combination of either defining values to be recorded. In general a regular expression applies here as it provides a pattern for recording, a string may be used if waiting for the appearance of a statement explicitly. Regular expressions must be re.compile objects.

Regular expressions can have either one capture group representing the value to capture, or two representing the key and the value. Note when only one regex group or a string is specified a label must also be present (see labels).

tracked_values = [
    "END OF LINE",  # Wait for exact string (requires label)
    re.compile(r'(\w+)=(\d+)'), # Specify label/key and value to capture
    re.compile(r'\w+=(\d+)') # Specify only value to capture (requires label)


list[Pattern | str] | None

Default: None

A list of patterns or strings defining lines to exclude when parsing a file. The patterns are re.compile objects as above:

skip_lines_w_pattern = ["# Header", re.compile(r'^# Begin (\w+)')]


list[str] | None

Default: None

Labels define the key associated with each captured value, in the case where either a string or a single regex capture group is used (see tracked_values) this is mandatory, else in other cases it will overwrite the capture group:

tracked_values = [
    "END OF LINE",  # Wait for exact string (requires label)
    re.compile(r'(\w+)=(\d+)'), # Specify label/key and value to capture
    re.compile(r'\w+=(\d+)') # Specify only value to capture (requires label)

# Scenario 1: Assign labels to first and last tracked_values definition
# labels for first and last entries are mandatory
labels = ["eof", None, "key"]

# Scenario 2: As above but overwrite key captured by regex in second entry
labels = ["eof", "new_key", "key"]


Callable[[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]], None] | None

Default: None

Optional callback exclusively for this file set, this overwrites the global callback (if specified) within the FileMonitor definition (see here).


Callable[[str, *_], tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]] | None

Default: None

Specific a custom parser for this file set, this must be a log parsing function wrapped in the multiparser.parsing.tail.log_parser decorator, for more information see here.


dict[str, Any] | None

Default: None

Keyword arguments to pass to the function defined above, useful if you want to specify near-identical parsing of multiple file sets with slight customisation.

