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The FileMonitor method track is used to monitor files as a whole, that is loading the full file whenever it is modified and parsing it in its entirety, for example JSON or YAML files.

    tracked_values=[re.compile(r'^(\w+)=(\d+))', re.compile(r'\w+=([\d\.]+)')],
    labels=[None, "fraction"],
    callback=lambda data, _: logging.getLogger("Simulation").info(data),



list[str] | str

Either a single globular expression string or a list of such strings defining files to be monitored by this tail, can be an explicit string if only one file is required.


list[str | Pattern] | str | Pattern | None

Default: None

Either a single string or regular expression, or a list of a combination of either defining keys for values to be recorded. Regular expressions must be re.compile objects. In the case of regular expressions findall is used to filter required information. If no tracked values are specified all content is read.

tracked_values = [


Callable[[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]], None] | None

Default: None

Optional callback exclusively for this file set, this overwrites the global callback (if specified) within the FileMonitor definition (see here).


Callable[[str, *_], tuple[dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]] | None

Default: None

Specific a custom parser for this file set, this must be a file parsing function wrapped in the multiparser.parsing.file.file_parser decorator, for more information see here.


dict[str, Any] | None

Default: None

Keyword arguments to pass to the function defined above, useful if you want to specify near-identical parsing of multiple file sets with slight customisation.



Default: False

If True the file is read only once, recommended if a recorded file is never overwritten later during process execution as it will terminate the thread monitoring that file.


Literal['csv', 'pkl', 'json', 'toml', 'yaml', 'nml', 'pqt', 'ft'] | None

Default: None

If using "lazy" parsing whereby the file is read based on extension, override the default. This is mandatory whereby the input file suffix does not match any of the above. For more information on built-in parsers see here.