initMBLBC Interface

private module subroutine initMBLBC(this, vSpaceObj, distExtDerivation, distExtReqVarIndices, ionCurrentVarIndex, isActive, totalCurrentVarIndex, bisTol, isLeftBoundary)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(ModelboundLBCData), intent(inout) :: this
type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj

Velocity space object used to get grid data

class(MatDerivation), intent(in) :: distExtDerivation

Extrapolated distribution derivation object

integer(kind=ik), intent(in), dimension(:) :: distExtReqVarIndices

Required variable indices for the distribution derivation

integer(kind=ik), intent(in) :: ionCurrentVarIndex

Scalar variable index representing ion current at boundary

logical, intent(in) :: isActive

True if the modelbound data should be updated (use to avoid updates on processors with no boundary)

integer(kind=ik), intent(in), optional :: totalCurrentVarIndex

Scalar variable index representing total current through boundary. Defaults to 0 current.

real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional :: bisTol

Bisection tolerance for false position method used to calculate cut-off velocity. Defaults to 1e-12

logical, intent(in), optional :: isLeftBoundary

True if boundary this data refers to is the left boundary. Defaults to false.


Varlike modelbound data initialization routine