initStandardTextbook Interface

public module subroutine initStandardTextbook(textbookObj, gridObj, geometryObj, partObj, vSpaceObj, normObj, speciesListObj, varList, jsonCont, mpiCont)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
type(Grid), intent(in) :: gridObj
type(Geometry), intent(in) :: geometryObj
type(Partition), intent(in) :: partObj
type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
class(Normalization), intent(in) :: normObj
type(SpeciesList), intent(in) :: speciesListObj
type(VariableList), intent(in) :: varList
type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

MPIController used with JSONController


Assumes that the velocity grid is normalized to electron thermal speed. The textbook includes (passed variables are in appearance order unless otherwise specified):

"flowSpeedFromFlux" = flux/density (normalized to n_0 * u_0) "sonicSpeed" for each ion species (negative IDs) = sqrt((poly_e * T_e + poly_i * T_i)/m_i) where i is the index of the ion species (normalized to u_0) "tempFromEnergy" for each species specified in config file as requiring temperature derivation = 2/3 * energy/density - mass * flux2/(3*density2) "leftElectronGamma" = sheath heat transmission coeffiecient for electrons at the left boundary using T_e and T_i "rightElectronGamma" = sheath heat transmission coefficient for electrons at the right boundary using T_e and T_i "densityMoment" = zeroth moment of f_0 "energyMoment" = second order of f_0 "cclDragCoeff" = Chang-Cooper-Langdon drag coefficient - assumes passed variable is the single harmonic f_0 "cclDiffusionCoeff" = Chang-Cooper-Langdon diffusion coefficient - assumes passed variables are the single harmonic f_0 and cclWeight "cclWeight" = Chang-Cooper-Langdon interpolation weight - assumes passed variables are the single harmonic cclDragCoeff and cclDiffusionCoeff if l=1 is resolved: "fluxMoment" = first moment of f_1/3 (normalized to n_0u_0) "heatFluxMoment" = third moment of f_1/3 (normalized to m_e * n_0 * v_th3 / 2) if l=2 is resolved: "viscosityTensorxxMoment" = second moment of 2f_2/15 (normalized to n_0 * e * T_0) Interpolation for staggered grids:
"gridToDual" = interpolates one variable from regular to staggered(dual) grid "dualToGrid" = interpolates one variable from staggered(dual) to regular grid "distributionInterp" = interpolates one distribution function (even harmonics to dual, odd to regular grid) Other useful derivations: "gradDeriv" = calculates gradient of variable on regular grid, interpolating on cell faces and extrapolating at boundaries "logLei" = calculates electron-ion Coulomb log taking in electron temperature and density (derivations added for each ion species) "logLee" = calculates electron self collision Coulomb log taking in electron temperature and density "logLii" = calculates ion-ion collision frequency for each ion collision combination taking in the two species temperatures and densities (used as"logLiis_S" where s and S are the first and second ion species name) "maxwellianDistribution" = calculates distribution function with Maxwellian l=0 harmonic and all other harmonics 0. Takes in temperature and density Also automatically includes all defined custom derivations