UDA (Universal Data Access) is a client-server infrastructure designed to enable the reading and passing of heterogeneous data format back to a client in a universal data format.


The architecture can be seen in the figure below and is described in more detail in the sections below. UDA exists in both a client-server and fat-client forms. The client-server form allows for remote servers to be connected to over TCP sockets, whereas the fat-client form requires the data to be accessible from the locally run plugins.

UDA supports SSL certificate based authentication.

UDA architecture

UDA Architecture

UDA fat-client architecture

UDA Architecture


The server runs behind xinetd which handles load balancing and creation of UDA server processes on demand. Each client socket connection is paired with a new UDA process, with that process living until the client socket is closed or until the server times out.


The server (or fat-client) dynamically loads a set of plugin libraries during initialisation. These plugins define the functionality available to server to handle data access requests.


The client is responsible for passing the user data request to a remote server and making the returned data available.


The fat-client is a combination of the client and server code and handles the data access request using locally available plugins instead of passing the request to a remote server.


Information about installing a UDA client (including the pyuda Python wrapper) can be found here.

Information about installing and configuring a UDA server can be found here.


Information about developing new plugin functionality can be found here.

Information about general development of the UDA code can be found here.