UDA server installation
- Prerequisites
- Supported OSs
- Building UDA
- Running the server
- Server configuration and logging
- Configuring a server to accept authenticated connections only
Name | Minimum Version |
C++ compiler | c++17 compliant compiler |
CMake | 3.0 |
Boost | 1.65 |
OpenSSL version 1 | 1.1 |
pkg-config | 0.29 |
libXML2 | 2.10 |
Capnproto | 0.10 |
Supported OSs
The UDA server can been build on Linux and macOS. Note that the server will not run on Windows; only the client installation is supported.
Building UDA
Note that the most up-to-date build script will be the one used for testing in the github CI tests here. This will contain the relevant buld steps for Ubuntu and MacOS. There are also some dockerfiles available here which will show the build steps for some other Linux flavours.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:ukaea/UDA.git
Build configuration
Cmake configuration options
Option | Defaullt | Description |
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL | ON | Build shared libraries |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH | /usr/local | Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories. |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING | Debug | Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel … |
UDA_SERVER_HOST:STRING | hostname | define hostname in server configuration files |
UDA_SERVER_PORT:STRING | 56565 | define port number in server configuration files |
CLIENT_ONLY:BOOL | ON | Only build UDA client |
SERVER_ONLY:BOOL | OFF | Only build UDA server |
ENABLE_CAPNP:BOOL | ON | Enable Cap’n Proto serialisation |
NO_MEMCACHE:BOOL | ON | Do not attempt to build with libmemcached support |
NO_WRAPPERS:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build any UDA client wrappers |
NO_CLI:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build UDA CLI |
UDA_CLI_BOOST_STATIC:BOOL | OFF | compile commandline interface with static boost libraries |
NO_CXX_WRAPPER:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build C++ wrapper |
NO_IDL_WRAPPER:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build IDL wrapper |
FAT_IDL:BOOL | OFF | Build IDL wrapper using fat-client |
NO_JAVA_WRAPPER:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build Java wrapper |
NO_PYTHON_WRAPPER:BOOL | OFF | Don’t build Python wrapper |
export UDA_ROOT=/usr/local
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
Running the server
There are currently two main options to run the server as a system service, either using xinetd or systemd as super-server daemons. It’s also possible to run a test server manually using xinetd, but this is more for testing and debugging and will be covered in the development section of the docs.
Note that concurrent connections are managed by spinning up a new instance of the server process for each new client process. All the listener options listed here will have configurable options to control how many concurrent connections can be permitted at any one time, both as a total number of connections and the acceptable number from any single source (IP address).
The server process launched for each request is the udaserver.sh
script in the etc
subdirectory. This script loads a companion configuration file udaserver.cfg
and then launches the uda server binary (/bin/uda_server
Specifying the port number on which to listen for new connection requests is also done in the configuration file for the system service; the details will be covered for each specific listener below.
The systemd files will be automatically configured as part of the uda server build process and will be installed to the etc
subdirectory in the uda install location. Note that the maximum connections options are set in the uda.socket
file and the path to the script for launching a new server is set in the uda@.service
Setting the port number is done in the uda.socket
file in the Socket.ListenStream field.
Finally, the service can be started as follows:
sudo cp <install_dir>/etc/uda.socket <install_dir>l/etc/uda@.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl start uda.socket
sudo systemctl enable uda.socket
The xinetd configuration file xinetd.conf
will be installed to the etc
subdirectory in the uda install location. This file can be used to set the maximum connection limits and the port number.
Copy this configuration file into /etc/xinetd.d
and start (or restart) the xinetd system service to deploy. It can be a good idea to rename it to something more descriptive when moving, e.g. uda
instad of xinetd.conf
cp <install_dir>/etc/xinetd.conf /etc/xinetd.d/uda
sudo systemctl start xinetd
sudo systemctl enable xinetd
The launchd configuration file launchd.udaserver.plist
will be installed to the etc subdirectory in the uda install location. The SockServiceName
key in this file defines what the port number will be (56565 by default).
Copy the plist file to the MacOS LaunchAgents directory and start the super-server as shown below.
cp <install_dir>/etc/launchd.udaserver.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/.
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/launchd.udaserver.plist
launchctl start udaserver
You can stop as follows:
launchctl stop udaserver
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/launchd.udaserver.plist
Server configuration and logging
Currently, configuration options are loaded as environment variables in the uda server subprocess environment before the server binary is launched. There are 3 main categories of configuration files to be aware of.
Machine-specific configurations
There is a directory in <install_dir>/etc
called machine.d
in which general configuration options for a specific domain can be set. The uda server will look for a file named after what the dnsdomainname
command evaluates to on the current machine. This can be used to e.g. load environment modules on an HPC system or shared cluster.
General server-specific options
Most general server options are set in <install_dir>/etc/udaserver.cfg
including the debug level, the file locations of plugin-registration files, and to add the library locations of uda and any uda-plugin builds (as well as any other dependencies such as imas) to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Note that the UDA_LOG_LEVEL should Generally be set to ERROR for a production deployment. The DEBUG level will impose severe a performance penalty, but can be used to print some very verbose logs for each incoming request during server development.
Plugin-specific options
Any configuration options for specific plugins will be stored in different files for each plugin in the <install_dir>/etc/plugins.d
directory. This may be to set file paths for additional configuration files required by a plugin at runtime, to set a list of permissible filesystem locations a plugin is permitted to access (e.g. in the bytes plugin), or to set memory limits on the size of data a plugin is allowed to cache.
Refer to any plugin-specific documentation for more information on configuration options for a particular plugin.
Configuring a server to accept authenticated connections only
UDA currently only supports X509 based SSL certificate authentication, see the authentication section for more details.
export UDA_SERVER_SSL_CERT="${UDA_ROOT}/etc/.uda/certs/<server_address>.pem"
export UDA_SERVER_SSL_KEY="${UDA_ROOT}/etc/.uda/keys/<server_address>.key.pem"
export UDA_SERVER_CA_SSL_CERT="${UDA_ROOT}/etc/.uda/certs/uda-ca.cert.pem"
export UDA_SERVER_CA_SSL_CRL="${UDA_ROOT}/etc/.uda/crl/uda-ca.crl.pem"