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Simulation Options#

Simulation options are those found within Modelica itself and determine the time interval, solver choice etc. The options are written in a TOML file placed in the same directory as parameter options. The name of this file should be specified within the API configuration file via the simulation_options_file key. This configuration is validated before the session is run.

The default file parameters/simulation_options.toml contained within the PBM module has the contents:

startTime = 0
stopTime = 60
stepSize = 0.01
tolerance = 1e-012
solver = "dassl"

these options being defined as:

Option Description
startTime Simulation data record start time in seconds
stopTime Simulation data record stop time in seconds
stepSize Frequency of data collection
tolerance Tolerance of the solver
solver Choice of solver

Case sensitivity

These options are case sensitive, make sure to correctly specify the keys above.

Solver Types#

Recognised solver types:

  • dassl
  • ida
  • cvode
  • impeuler
  • trapezoid
  • imprungekutta
  • euler
  • heun
  • rungekutta
  • rungekuttaSsc
  • irksco
  • symSolver
  • symSolverSsc
  • qss