basic_interfaces Module

Contains a set of basic (abstract) interfaces that do not depend on packages other than basic support used by other modules

Abstract Interfaces

abstract interface

  • public pure function realFunction(input) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: input

    Return Value real(kind=rk)

abstract interface

  • public pure function realArrayFunction(input) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=rk), intent(in), dimension(:) :: input

    Return Value real(kind=rk), allocatable, dimension(:)

abstract interface

  • public pure function realArrayFunctionIntParam(input, param) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=rk), intent(in), dimension(:) :: input
    integer(kind=ik), intent(in) :: param

    Return Value real(kind=rk), allocatable, dimension(:)

abstract interface

  • public pure function realArrayFunctionGenParam(input, realParams, intParams, logicalParams) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    real(kind=rk), intent(in), dimension(:) :: input
    real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: realParams
    integer(kind=ik), intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: intParams
    logical, intent(in), optional, dimension(:) :: logicalParams

    Return Value real(kind=rk), allocatable, dimension(:)

abstract interface

  • public pure function indexedTransform(inputArray, indices) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(RealArray), intent(in), dimension(:) :: inputArray
    integer(kind=ik), intent(in), dimension(:) :: indices

    Return Value real(kind=rk), allocatable, dimension(:)

abstract interface

  • public pure function coordMapping(inputArray) result(output)


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    integer(kind=ik), intent(in), dimension(:) :: inputArray

    Return Value type(IntArray), allocatable, dimension(:)