custom_derivation_support Module

Contains support for adding custom derivations to a textbook



  • public module subroutine addCustomDerivationsToTextbook(textbookObj, gridObj, geometryObj, partObj, vSpaceObj, normObj, speciesListObj, varList, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Adds custom derivations to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    type(Grid), intent(in) :: gridObj
    type(Geometry), intent(in) :: geometryObj
    type(Partition), intent(in) :: partObj
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    class(Normalization), intent(in) :: normObj
    type(SpeciesList), intent(in) :: speciesListObj
    type(VariableList), intent(in) :: varList
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addSimpleDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add simple derivation to textbook based on JSON data


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addPolyDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a polynomial derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addAdditiveDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add an additive derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addMultiplicativeDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a multiplicative derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addBoundedExtDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, gridObj, partObj, geometryObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a bounded extrapolation derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(Grid), intent(in) :: gridObj
    type(Partition), intent(in) :: partObj
    type(Geometry), intent(in) :: geometryObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addColdIonIJIntDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, gridObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a cold ion I/J integral derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(Grid), intent(in) :: gridObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addIJIntDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a I/J integral derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addHarmonicExtractorDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a harmonic extractor derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addFScalingDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, partObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a distribution scaling extrapolation matrix derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(Partition), intent(in) :: partObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addDDVDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a d/dv derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addD2DV2DerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a d^2/dv^2 derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addMomentDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a custom moment derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addLocalValExtractorDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, partObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a local fluid value extraction derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(Partition), intent(in) :: partObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addVelContracDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add velocity space contraction derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addVelTProdDeivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, vSpaceObj, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add velocity vector tensor product derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VSpace), intent(in) :: vSpaceObj
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addGenIntPolyDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a generalized integer powered polynomial derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addRangeFilterDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a range filter derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addCalculationTreeDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, varList, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add a calculation tree derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(VariableList), intent(in) :: varList
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController


  • private module subroutine addnDLinInterpDerivationToTextbook(textbookObj, derivTag, jsonCont, mpiCont)

    Add an n-D linear interpolation derivation to textbook based on JSON config file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    type(Textbook), intent(inout) :: textbookObj
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: derivTag
    type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

    JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

    type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

    MPIController used with JSONController