initNormalizationFromJSON Module Subroutine

module subroutine initNormalizationFromJSON(this, jsonCont, mpiCont)

Initialize normalization based on config.json, loading temperature, density, and reference ion charge. The resulting object will have the following normalization quantities:

  1. density (in m^{-3})
  2. temperature (in eV)
  3. reference ion Z
  4. velocity (used for the velocity grid)
  5. speed (here equal to the velocity)
  6. time (normalized to e-i collision time)
  7. length (velocity * time)
  8. EField (here elMass * velocity/(elCharge * time))
  9. heatFlux (here elMass * density * velocity^3 /2)
  10. crossSection (here 1/(timedensityvelocity))

All names taken from key_names module


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(BasicNormalization), intent(inout) :: this
type(JSONController), intent(inout) :: jsonCont

JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json

type(MPIController), intent(inout) :: mpiCont

MPIController used with JSONController