basic_normalization_procedures.f90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of ReMKiT1D.
! ReMKiT1D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! ReMKiT1D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
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! Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (
submodule (basic_normalization_class) basic_normalization_procedures
!! author: Stefan Mijin 
!! Contains module procedures associated with the basic normalization class

implicit none

module subroutine initNormalizationFromJSON(this,jsonCont,mpiCont)
    !! Initialize normalization based on config.json, loading temperature, density, and reference ion charge. 
    !! The resulting object will have the following normalization quantities:
    !! 1. density (in m^{-3})
    !! 2. temperature (in eV)
    !! 3. reference ion Z
    !! 4. velocity (used for the velocity grid)
    !! 5. speed (here equal to the velocity)
    !! 6. time (normalized to e-i collision time)
    !! 7. length (velocity * time)
    !! 8. EField (here elMass * velocity/(elCharge * time))
    !! 9. heatFlux (here elMass * density * velocity^3 /2)
    !! 10. crossSection (here 1/(time*density*velocity))
    !! All names taken from key_names module

    class(BasicNormalization) ,intent(inout) :: this
    type(JSONController)      ,intent(inout) :: jsonCont    !! JSONController used to get parameters from ./config.json 
    type(MPIController)       ,intent(inout) :: mpiCont     !! MPIController used with JSONController 

    type(NamedReal) ,dimension(3) :: inputNorms
    type(NamedReal) ,dimension(10) :: finalNorms 
    type(NamedReal) ,dimension(10) :: finalNormsNameCropped

    real(rk) :: Te ,ne, Z ,E0

    integer(ik) :: i

    if (assertions) call assert(mpiCont%isDefined(),"Undefined MPIController passed to initNormalizationFromJSON")

    inputNorms(1) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyDensNorm,real(1.0d19,kind=rk))
    inputNorms(2) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyTempEVNorm,real(10,kind=rk))
    inputNorms(3) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyIonZNorm,real(1,kind=rk))

    call jsonCont%load(inputNorms)
    finalNorms(1:3) = inputNorms 

    ne = inputNorms(1)%value 
    Te = inputNorms(2)%value 
    Z = inputNorms(3)%value

    finalNorms(4) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyVelGridNorm,elVthermal(Te))
    finalNorms(5) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keySpeedNorm,finalNorms(4)%value)
    finalNorms(6) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyTimeNorm,collTimeei(Te,ne,Z,logLei(Te,ne,Z)))
    finalNorms(7) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyLengthNorm,finalNorms(4)%value*finalNorms(6)%value)

    E0 = elMass * finalNorms(4)%value /(elCharge * finalNorms(6)%value)

    finalNorms(8) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyEFieldNorm,E0)

    finalNorms(9) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyHeatFluxNorm,elMass * ne * finalNorms(4)%value**3/2)
    finalNorms(10) = NamedReal(keyNormalization//"."//keyCrossSectionNorm,&
    finalNormsNameCropped = finalNorms

    do i = 1,10
        finalNormsNameCropped(i)%name = &
    end do

    call jsonCont%output(finalNorms)

    call this%setNormalizationVals(finalNormsNameCropped)
    call this%makeDefined()

end subroutine initNormalizationFromJSON
end submodule basic_normalization_procedures