custom_model_builder.f90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of ReMKiT1D.
! ReMKiT1D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! ReMKiT1D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ReMKiT1D. If not, see <>. 
! Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (
module custom_model_builder_class
    !! author: Stefan Mijin
    !! Houses model builder for user-defined models

    use data_kinds                            ,only: rk, ik
    use runtime_constants                     ,only: debugging, assertions ,assertionLvl
    use god_objects                           ,only: Object
    use assertion_utility                     ,only: assert, assertIdentical, assertPure
    use support_types                         
    use mpi_controller_class                  ,only: MPIController
    use json_controller_class                 ,only: JSONController
    use modeller_class                        ,only: Modeller
    use model_builder_abstract_class          ,only: ModelBuilder
    use grid_class                            ,only: Grid 
    use partition_class                       ,only: Partition 
    use geometry_class                        ,only: Geometry 
    use indexing_class                        ,only: Indexing 
    use variable_container_class              ,only: VariableContainer
    use model_class                           ,only: Model
    use matrix_term_abstract_class            ,only: MatrixTerm
    use basic_environment_wrapper             ,only: EnvironmentWrapper
    use normalization_abstract_class          ,only: Normalization
    use general_mat_term_class                ,only: VarData ,GeneralMatrixTerm ,StencilTemplate ,CoordProfiles
    use term_generator_abstract_class         ,only: TermGenerator ,TermGeneratorContainer
    use signal_abstract_class                 ,only: TimeSignalData
    use status_printing
    use fluid_term_generator_support
    use kinetic_term_generator_support
    use fluid_stencil_templates
    use kinetic_stencil_templates
    use modelbound_data_support
    use key_names

    implicit none

    type ,public ,extends(ModelBuilder) :: CustomModelBuilder
        !! Builder for custom models with user defined terms and modelbound data

        class(Model) ,allocatable ,private :: modelBuffer !! Model buffer filled during initialization


        procedure ,public :: init => initCustomBuilder

        procedure ,public :: addModelToModeller => addCustomModel
        procedure ,private :: addTermToModel

        procedure ,private :: applyTermGenerator

    end type CustomModelBuilder
    module subroutine initCustomBuilder(this,env,normObject,modelTag) 
        !! Constructs the model for this builder and sets it into defined state
        class(CustomModelBuilder)                 ,intent(inout)  :: this 
        class(EnvironmentWrapper)                 ,intent(inout)  :: env 
        class(Normalization)                      ,intent(in)     :: normObject !! Reference normalization object
        character(*)                              ,intent(in)     :: modelTag !! Tag of this model

        end subroutine initCustomBuilder
        module subroutine addCustomModel(this,modellerObj) 
            !! Adds the model built by the builder and resets the builder to become undefined for further use

            class(CustomModelBuilder)           ,intent(inout) :: this 
            class(Modeller)                     ,intent(inout) :: modellerObj

        end subroutine addCustomModel
        module subroutine addTermToModel(this,termJSONPrefix,termTag,env,normObject,mbData) 
            !! Adds individual term to model buffer based on JSON file data
            class(CustomModelBuilder)                 ,intent(inout)  :: this 
            character(*)                              ,intent(in)     :: termJSONPrefix 
            character(*)                              ,intent(in)     :: termTag 
            class(EnvironmentWrapper)                 ,intent(inout)  :: env 
            class(Normalization)                      ,intent(in)     :: normObject
            class(ModelboundData) ,optional           ,intent(in)     :: mbData

        end subroutine addTermToModel
        module subroutine applyTermGenerator(this,env,normObject,modelTag,currentNumTerms,mbData) 
            !! Checks for associated term generator in JSON file and applies to custom model
            class(CustomModelBuilder)                 ,intent(inout)  :: this 
            class(EnvironmentWrapper)                 ,intent(inout)  :: env 
            class(Normalization)                      ,intent(in)     :: normObject !! Reference normalization object
            character(*)                              ,intent(in)     :: modelTag !! Tag of this model
            integer(ik)                               ,intent(in)     :: currentNumTerms
            class(ModelboundData) ,optional           ,intent(in)     :: mbData
        end subroutine applyTermGenerator
    end interface 
 end module custom_model_builder_class