matrix_term_abstract.f90 Source File

Source Code

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! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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! Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (
module matrix_term_abstract_class
    !! author: Stefan Mijin 
    !! Houses abstract matrix term with default interface

    use data_kinds                     ,only: rk, ik
    use runtime_constants              ,only: debugging, assertions
    use god_objects                    ,only: Object
    use assertion_utility              ,only: assert, assertIdentical, assertPure
    use support_types                  ,only: RealArray ,IntArray ,StringArray
    use variable_list_class            ,only: VariableList
    use variable_container_class       ,only: VariableContainer
    use sparse_row_data_class          ,only: SparseRowData
    use petsc_preallocation_data_class ,only: PETScPreallocationData
    use petsc_controller_class         ,only: PETScController
    use basic_interfaces               ,only: coordMapping
    use indexing_class                 ,only: Indexing
    use support_functions              ,only: allCombinations
    use term_abstract_class            ,only: Term
    use modelbound_data_abstract_class ,only: ModelboundData
    use model_surrogate_class          ,only: ModelSurrogate

    implicit none

    type ,public :: DataCoords 
        !! Data type used to store global coordinates of any given matrix row

        integer(ik)    ,allocatable ,dimension(:)   :: rowCoords !! Size 1 or 3 array depending on whether the evolved variable is a distribution 
        integer(ik)    ,allocatable ,dimension(:,:) :: colCoords !! Size (1,:) or (3,:) depending on whether the implicit variable is a distribution
                                                                 !! - the second dimension has the size of the column vector corresponding to given row of matrix

    end type DataCoords

    type ,public :: MatrixTermIndexingData
        !! Indexing data used by the matrix term

        type(DataCoords)    ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: rowDataCoordsGlobal !! Global coordinates of each row in matrix
        type(DataCoords)    ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: rowDataCoordsLocal !! Local coordinates of each row in matrix (unflattened)
        integer(ik)         ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: localRowIndices !! Local row indices corresponding to stored evolved variable (flattened)
        type(IntArray)      ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: localColIndices !! Local col indices corresponding to stored implicit variable (flattened)
        integer(ik)         ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: rowReqVarIndices !! Indices of variables entering the matrix as a function of the row coordinates
        integer(ik)         ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: colReqVarIndices !! Indices of variables entering the matrix as s function of the column coordinates
        character(:)        ,allocatable               :: rowVarName !! Name of the evolved/row variable
        character(:)        ,allocatable               :: colVarName !! Name of the implicit/column variable
    end type

    type ,public ,extends(term) ,abstract :: MatrixTerm
        !! Abstract matrix term containing general matrix construction routines and interface with PETSc. 
        !! The values of a matrix are by default constructed by evaluating row and column functions for each element, and multiplying with the corresponding 
        !! multiplicative and normalization constants 

        type(SparseRowData)                            ,private :: rowData  !! Matrix object in sparse row data form
        type(RealArray)     ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: multConst !! Multiplicative constants for each row/column corresponding to the matrix structure
        real(rk)                                       ,private :: normalizationConst = real(1.0d0,kind=rk) !! Normalization constant for this term

        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)                   ,private :: indexingData !! Indexing data used to determing coordinates and required variables

        logical                                        ,private :: fixedMatrix = .false. !! If true the matrix is constructed only once
        logical                                        ,private :: fixedMatrixCalculated = .false. !! True if the fixed matrix has been calculated
        logical                                        ,private :: stationaryEvolvedVar = .false. !! If true, this term is always sent to PETSc with multiplicative constant -1

        logical                                        ,private :: hasNonTrivialRowFun = .true. !! Set to false to not call row function. Defaults to true.
        logical                                        ,private :: hasNonTrivialColFun = .true. !! Set to false to not call col function. Defaults to true.

        type(RealArray)     ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: colBuffer !Buffer for column vector values
        real(rk)            ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: rowBuffer !Buffer for row vector values


        procedure ,public  :: calculateValues 
        procedure ,public  :: setNormalizationConst
        procedure ,public  :: getNormalizationConst
        procedure ,public  :: setReqVars
        procedure ,public  :: setEvolvedAndImplicitVar
        procedure ,public  :: initRowData
        procedure ,public  :: evaluate => evaluateMatTerm

        procedure ,public  :: getMultConst
        procedure ,public  :: setMultConst

        procedure ,public  :: getIndexingData

        procedure ,public  :: setFixedMatrix
        procedure ,public  :: setNontrivialRowFun
        procedure ,public  :: setNontrivialColFun

        procedure ,private :: calculateRows => unityRow
        procedure ,private :: calculateCols => unityCol

        procedure ,public  :: addRowDataToPreallocationData
        procedure ,public  :: addRowDataPatternToController
        procedure ,public  :: addRowValuesToPETScMatrix

        procedure ,public  :: getVarName => getRowVarName

        procedure ,public  :: getRowData
        procedure ,public  :: update => matTermUpdate
        procedure ,public  :: matrixTermUpdate => matrixNoUpdate

    end type MatrixTerm
    pure module subroutine unityRow(this,varCont,rowVals,indexingData) 
        !! Default row function. In general should use the passed variable container, row buffer, and matrix indexing data
        !! to provide values which is only a function of the row 

        class(MatrixTerm)             ,intent(inout)   :: this
        type(VariableContainer)       ,intent(in)      :: varCont
        real(rk) ,dimension(:)        ,intent(inout)   :: rowVals
        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)  ,intent(in)      :: indexingData

    end subroutine unityRow 
    pure module subroutine unityCol(this,varCont,colVals,indexingData) 
        !! Default column function. In general should provide values for each column 

        class(MatrixTerm)             ,intent(inout) :: this
        type(VariableContainer)       ,intent(in)    :: varCont
        type(RealArray) ,dimension(:) ,intent(inout) :: colVals
        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)  ,intent(in)    :: indexingData
    end subroutine unityCol  
    pure module subroutine calculateValues(this,varCont) 
        !! Default matrix entry calculation routine - loops over each row and applies rowFun and colFun to variables in provided container

        class(MatrixTerm)       ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(VariableContainer) ,intent(in)     :: varCont

    end subroutine calculateValues
    pure module subroutine setNormalizationConst(this,norm) 
        !! Setter for normalizationConst

        class(MatrixTerm)       ,intent(inout)  :: this
        real(rk)                ,intent(in)     :: norm

    end subroutine setNormalizationConst
    pure module function getNormalizationConst (this) result(norm)
        !! Getter for normalizationConst

        class(MatrixTerm)  ,intent(in) :: this
        real(rk)                       :: norm

    end function getNormalizationConst
    pure module subroutine setReqVars(this,rowReqVars,colReqVars,varCont) 
        !! Set variable names required by the row and column functions and find their indices in variable container

        class(MatrixTerm)               ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(StringArray) ,dimension(:) ,intent(in)     :: rowReqVars
        type(StringArray) ,dimension(:) ,intent(in)     :: colReqVars
        type(VariableContainer)         ,intent(in)     :: varCont

    end subroutine setReqVars
    pure module subroutine setEvolvedAndImplicitVar(this,rowVarName,colVarName,varCont) 
        !! Set evolved (row) and implicit (column) variable names, and check if evolved variable is stationary using varCont

        class(MatrixTerm)         ,intent(inout)  :: this
        character(*)              ,intent(in)     :: rowVarName
        character(*)              ,intent(in)     :: colVarName
        type(VariableContainer)   ,intent(in)     :: varCont

    end subroutine setEvolvedAndImplicitVar
    module subroutine initRowData(this,rowCoords,rowToColMapping,indexingObj) 
        !! Initialize row data objects based on a set of evolved global coordinates, the row/col var name, and a function that returns 
        !! column coordinates given a row coordinate input. Requires a reference Indexing object.

        class(MatrixTerm)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)  ,dimension(:,:) ,intent(in)     :: rowCoords
        procedure(coordMapping)                      :: rowToColMapping
        type(Indexing)               ,intent(in)     :: indexingObj

    end subroutine initRowData
    module subroutine addRowDataToPreallocationData(this,petscPreallocData) 
        !! Add this term's row data to a PETSc preallocation object

        class(MatrixTerm)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(PETScPreallocationData) ,intent(inout)  :: petscPreallocData

    end subroutine addRowDataToPreallocationData
    module subroutine addRowDataPatternToController(this,petscCont) 
    !! Add this term's row data to a petsc preallocation object in PETSc controller

        class(MatrixTerm)     ,intent(in)     :: this
        type(PETScController) ,intent(inout)  :: petscCont

    end subroutine addRowDataPatternToController
    module subroutine addRowValuesToPETScMatrix(this,petscCont,mult,petscGroup) 
        !! Add this term's row values to a petsc matrix object in PETSc controller, multiplied by mult. If evolved variable is
        !! stationary mult is ignored and set to -1
        class(MatrixTerm)     ,intent(in)     :: this
        type(PETScController) ,intent(inout)  :: petscCont
        real(rk)              ,intent(in)     :: mult
        integer(ik) ,optional ,intent(in)     :: petscGroup

    end subroutine addRowValuesToPETScMatrix
    pure module function evaluateMatTerm (this,varCont) result(res)
        !! Get explicit value for the term by crudely dotting each sparse row with the locally stored implicit variable vector in varCont

        class(MatrixTerm)                    ,intent(in) :: this
        type(VariableContainer)              ,intent(in) :: varCont
        real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)              :: res

    end function evaluateMatTerm
    pure module subroutine setMultConst(this,multConst) 
        !! Setter for multConst

        class(MatrixTerm)              ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(RealArray) ,dimension(:)  ,intent(in)     :: multConst

    end subroutine setMultConst
    pure module function getMultConst (this) result(multConst)
        !! Getter for multConst

        class(MatrixTerm)                          ,intent(in) :: this
        type(RealArray) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)             :: multConst

    end function getMultConst
    pure module function getRowVarName(this) result(name)
        !! Get name of the evolved variable of this term

        class(MatrixTerm)                    ,intent(in) :: this
        character(:) ,allocatable                        :: name

    end function getRowVarName
    pure module subroutine setFixedMatrix(this,isFixed) 
        !! Set whether the matrix is fixed -> only calculated once

        class(MatrixTerm)              ,intent(inout)  :: this
        logical                        ,intent(in)     :: isFixed

    end subroutine setFixedMatrix
    pure module subroutine setNonTrivialRowFun(this,nontriv) 
        !! Set whether the matrix has a non-trivial row function

        class(MatrixTerm)              ,intent(inout)  :: this
        logical                        ,intent(in)     :: nontriv

    end subroutine setNonTrivialRowFun
    pure module subroutine setNonTrivialColFun(this,nontriv) 
        !! Set whether the matrix has a non-trivial col function

        class(MatrixTerm)              ,intent(inout)  :: this
        logical                        ,intent(in)     :: nontriv

    end subroutine setNonTrivialColFun
    pure module function getIndexingData(this) result(indData)
        !! Getter for indexingData

        class(MatrixTerm)                    ,intent(in) :: this
        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)                     :: indData

    end function getIndexingData
    pure module function getRowData(this) result(rowData)
        !! Getter for rowData

        class(MatrixTerm)           ,intent(in) :: this
        type(SparseRowData)                     :: rowData

    end function 
    module subroutine matTermUpdate(this,varCont,modelData,hostModel) 
        !! Default matrix term update, call matrixTermUpdate 

        class(MatrixTerm)               ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(VariableContainer)         ,intent(in)     :: varCont
        class(ModelboundData) ,optional ,intent(in)     :: modelData
        class(ModelSurrogate) ,optional ,intent(in)     :: hostModel

    end subroutine matTermUpdate
    module subroutine matrixNoUpdate(this,varCont,indexingData,modelData,hostModel) 
        !! Default MatrixTerm updateMatTerm function - does nothing

        class(MatrixTerm)               ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(VariableContainer)         ,intent(in)     :: varCont
        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)    ,intent(in)     :: indexingData
        class(ModelboundData) ,optional ,intent(in)     :: modelData
        class(ModelSurrogate) ,optional ,intent(in)     :: hostModel

    end subroutine matrixNoUpdate
    end interface
 end module matrix_term_abstract_class