model.f90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of ReMKiT1D.
! ReMKiT1D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! ReMKiT1D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
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! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ReMKiT1D. If not, see <>. 
! Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (
module model_class
    !! author: Stefan Mijin
    !! Houses general model class responsible for storing, directly evaluating and manipulating terms

    use data_kinds                     ,only: rk, ik
    use runtime_constants              ,only: debugging, assertions, assertionLvl
    use god_objects                    ,only: Object
    use assertion_utility              ,only: assert, assertIdentical, assertPure
    use term_abstract_class            ,only: Term 
    use matrix_term_abstract_class     ,only: MatrixTerm ,MatrixTermIndexingData
    use variable_container_class       ,only: VariableContainer
    use petsc_controller_class         ,only: PETScController
    use support_types                  ,only: IntArray ,StringArray
    use model_surrogate_class          ,only: ModelSurrogate
    use modelbound_data_abstract_class ,only: ModelboundData
    use sparse_row_data_class          ,only: SparseRowData

    implicit none

    type ,public :: MatTermContainer
        !! Container allowing for heterogeneous matrix term arrays
        class(MatrixTerm) ,allocatable :: entry
    end type MatTermContainer

    type ,public :: TermContainer
        !! Container allowing for heterogeneous general term arrays
        class(Term) ,allocatable :: entry
    end type TermContainer

    type ,public ,extends(ModelSurrogate) :: Model
        !! Object storing, evaluating, and manipulating various term objects, with terms categorized as either implicit (MatrixTerm objects)
        !! or general (Term objects). 

        integer(ik)                                       ,private :: numAddedMatrixTerms !! Tracker for number of allocated matrix terms
        integer(ik)                                       ,private :: numAddedGeneralTerms !! Tracker for number of allocated general terms
        type(IntArray)         ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: implicitTermGroup !! Groups of matrix terms used to identify terms for evaluation/manipulation
        type(IntArray)         ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: generalTermGroup !! Groups of general terms used to identify terms for evaluation/manipulation

        logical ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: implicitGroupMixed !! True for each implicit group that is either empty or 
                                                                          !! contains terms that evolve/evaluate more than one
                                                                          !! variable - used to forbid explicit evaluation of such terms
        logical ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: generalGroupMixed  !! True for each general group that that is either empty 
                                                                          !! or contains terms that evolve/evaluate more than one 
                                                                          !! variable - used to forbid explicit evaluation of such terms

        type(MatTermContainer) ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: implicitTerms !! Container for MatrixTerm objects living in this model
        type(TermContainer)    ,allocatable ,dimension(:) ,private :: generalTerms !! Container for general Term objects living in this model
        logical                                           ,private :: assembled !! True if the model is assembled and ready for use
        logical ,dimension(4)                             ,private :: setupCounter !! All true if the model is ready to accept terms

        class(ModelboundData) ,allocatable                ,private :: modelData !! Optional model data that can be used by contained terms

        type(StringArray) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)      ,private :: implicitTermNames !! Names of implicit terms
        type(StringArray) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)      ,private :: generalTermNames !! Names of general terms

        logical ,allocatable ,dimension(:)                ,private :: skipPattern !! Flag to skip pattern of particular implicit term when adding (for performance on startup)


        procedure ,public :: isAssembled 
        procedure ,public :: addImplicitTerm
        procedure ,public :: addGeneralTerm

        procedure ,public :: updateTermGroup
        procedure ,public :: evaluateTermGroup 
        procedure ,public :: evaluateTermByName
        procedure ,public :: calculateMatGroupValues
        procedure ,public :: addMatGroupValsToPETSc
        procedure ,public :: assemble

        procedure ,public :: isGroupMixed 
        procedure ,public :: getGroupVarName

        procedure ,public :: setModelData
        procedure ,public :: copyModelData
        procedure ,public :: updateModelData

        procedure ,public :: copyModelboundDataEntry

        procedure ,public :: setNumImplicitTerms
        procedure ,public :: setNumGeneralTerms 
        procedure ,public :: setNumImplicitGroups
        procedure ,public :: setNumGeneralGroups

        procedure ,public :: init => initModel

        procedure ,public :: getImplicitTermRowData
        procedure ,public :: getImplicitTermIndexingData

        procedure ,public :: isTermNameRegistered
        procedure ,public :: isTermNameImplicit

        procedure ,public :: getImplicitTermIndex
        procedure ,public :: getGeneralTermIndex

    end type Model
    pure module subroutine initModel(this,numImplicitTerms,numGeneralTerms,numImplicitGroups,numGeneralGroups) 
        !! Model initialization routine

        class(Model)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik) ,optional    ,intent(in)     :: numImplicitTerms !! Number of MatrixTerm objects this model expects to be added
        integer(ik) ,optional    ,intent(in)     :: numGeneralTerms !! Number of general Term objects this model expects to be added
        integer(ik) ,optional    ,intent(in)     :: numImplicitGroups !! Number of implicit/matrix term groups registered with this model 
        integer(ik) ,optional    ,intent(in)     :: numGeneralGroups !! Number of general term groups registered with this model

    end subroutine initModel
    pure module subroutine setNumImplicitTerms(this,numImplicitTerms) 
        !! Set number of implicit terms and perform allocation

        class(Model)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)              ,intent(in)     :: numImplicitTerms !! Number of MatrixTerm objects this model expects to be added

    end subroutine setNumImplicitTerms
    pure module subroutine setNumGeneralTerms(this,numGeneralTerms) 
        !! Set number of general terms and perform allocation

        class(Model)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)              ,intent(in)     :: numGeneralTerms !! Number of general Term objects this model expects to be added

    end subroutine setNumGeneralTerms
    pure module subroutine setNumImplicitGroups(this,numImplicitGroups) 
        !! Set number of implicit groups and perform allocation

        class(Model)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)              ,intent(in)     :: numImplicitGroups !! Number of implicit/matrix term groups registered with this model 

    end subroutine setNumImplicitGroups
    pure module subroutine setNumGeneralGroups(this,numGeneralGroups) 
        !! Set number of general groups and perform allocation

        class(Model)             ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)              ,intent(in)     :: numGeneralGroups !! Number of general term groups registered with this model

    end subroutine setNumGeneralGroups
    pure module function isAssembled(this) result(assembled)
        !! Check if model is assembled and ready to use

        class(Model)  ,intent(in) :: this
        logical                   :: assembled

    end function isAssembled
    pure module subroutine addImplicitTerm(this,impTerm,implicitGroups,generalGroups,termName,skipPattern)
        !! Add a MatrixTerm object to the model (deallocating the source!), and specify which implicit and general groups it belongs to

        class(Model)                          ,intent(inout)  :: this
        class(MatrixTerm) ,allocatable        ,intent(inout)  :: impTerm !! MatrixTerm object to be reallocated to this model
        integer(ik)             ,dimension(:) ,intent(in)     :: implicitGroups !! Implicit groups the added term should belong to
        integer(ik)             ,dimension(:) ,intent(in)     :: generalGroups !! General groups the added term should belong to
        character(*)                          ,intent(in)     :: termName !! Name of added term for indexing purposes
        logical  ,optional                    ,intent(in)     :: skipPattern !! True if the matrix term pattern should not be added to PETSc preallocation

    end subroutine addImplicitTerm
    pure module subroutine addGeneralTerm(this,genTerm,generalGroups,termName)
        !! Add a Term object to the model (deallocating the source!), and specify which general groups it belongs to

        class(Model)                   ,intent(inout)  :: this
        class(Term)       ,allocatable ,intent(inout)  :: genTerm !! General Term object to be reallocated to this model
        integer(ik)      ,dimension(:) ,intent(in)     :: generalGroups !! General groups the added term should belong to
        character(*)                   ,intent(in)     :: termName !! Name of added term for indexing purposes

    end subroutine addGeneralTerm
    module subroutine updateTermGroup(this,groupIndex,varCont)
        !! Update a term group - if groupIndex > size(implicitGroup) it is taken to be in the general group

        class(Model)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)             ,intent(in)     :: groupIndex !! Group index to be updated 
        type(VariableContainer) ,intent(in)     :: varCont !! Variable container used to update this group

    end subroutine updateTermGroup
    pure module function evaluateTermGroup(this,groupIndex,varCont) result(res)
        !! Evaluate a term group, returning the sum of all explicit results from the term group 
        !! - if groupIndex > size(implicitGroup) it is taken to be in the general group

        class(Model)                         ,intent(in) :: this
        integer(ik)                          ,intent(in) :: groupIndex !! Group index to evaluate
        type(VariableContainer)              ,intent(in) :: varCont !! Variable container used to evaluate this group
        real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)              :: res

    end function evaluateTermGroup
    pure module subroutine calculateMatGroupValues(this,groupIndex,varCont)
        !! Calculate matrix value in implicit term group given by groupIndex

        class(Model)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        integer(ik)             ,intent(in)     :: groupIndex !! Group index of terms whose matrices should be calculated
        type(VariableContainer) ,intent(in)     :: varCont !! Variable container used for the calculation

    end subroutine calculateMatGroupValues
    module subroutine addMatGroupValsToPETSc(this,groupIndex,petscCont,mult,petscGroup)
        !! Send off matrix values of given term group to the PETSc controller, multiplied by mult
        class(Model)            ,intent(in)    :: this
        integer(ik)             ,intent(in)    :: groupIndex !! Group index of terms whose matrices should be sent to PETSc
        type(PETScController)   ,intent(inout) :: petscCont !! PETScController object housing PETSc matrices 
        real(rk)                ,intent(in)    :: mult !! Multiplier used when adding matrices to PETSc - usually -dt 
        integer(ik) ,optional   ,intent(in)    :: petscGroup

    end subroutine addMatGroupValsToPETSc
    module subroutine assemble(this,petscCont)
        !! Assemble all of the matrix terms, preallocate PETScController objects and make sure model is ready for use

        class(Model)                     ,intent(inout) :: this
        type(PETScController)  ,optional ,intent(inout) :: petscCont !! Optional PETScController - should be present if the model has any implicitly evaluated terms

    end subroutine assemble
    pure module function isGroupMixed(this,groupIndex) result(mixed)
        !! Return true if group with given index is mixed

        class(Model)  ,intent(in) :: this
        integer(ik)   ,intent(in) :: groupIndex
        logical                   :: mixed

    end function isGroupMixed
    pure module function getGroupVarName(this,groupIndex) result(name)
        !! Return evolved variable name for given group index - works only for groups that are not mixed
        class(Model)              ,intent(in) :: this
        integer(ik)               ,intent(in) :: groupIndex
        character(:) ,allocatable             :: name

    end function getGroupVarName
    module subroutine updateModelData(this,varCont,updatePriority)
        !! Update this model's modelbound data if allocated

        class(Model)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        type(VariableContainer) ,intent(in)     :: varCont  !! Variable container used in the update
        integer(ik) ,optional   ,intent(in)     :: updatePriority !! Priority for this update call 

    end subroutine updateModelData
    module subroutine setModelData(this,modelData)
        !! Setter for modelData

        class(Model)            ,intent(inout)  :: this
        class(ModelboundData)   ,intent(in)     :: modelData

    end subroutine setModelData
    module subroutine copyModelData(this,modelData)
        !! Copy model data from this model into modelData

        class(Model)                        ,intent(in)     :: this
        class(ModelboundData) ,allocatable  ,intent(inout)  :: modelData

    end subroutine copyModelData
    pure module function getImplicitTermRowData(this,termIndex) result(rowData)
        !! Return row data of implicit term with given term index
        class(Model)              ,intent(in) :: this
        integer(ik)               ,intent(in) :: termIndex
        type(SparseRowData)                   :: rowData

    end function getImplicitTermRowData
    pure module function getImplicitTermIndexingData(this,termIndex) result(indexingData)
        !! Return indexing data of implicit term with given term index
        class(Model)              ,intent(in) :: this
        integer(ik)               ,intent(in) :: termIndex
        type(MatrixTermIndexingData)          :: indexingData

    end function getImplicitTermIndexingData
    module subroutine copyModelboundDataEntry(this,varName,container) 
        !! Copy modelbound variable data with given name. Will throw error if no modelbound data is found

        class(Model)                          ,intent(in)    :: this 
        character(*)                          ,intent(in)    :: varName !! Name of data
        real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(..)  ,intent(inout) :: container !! Container to copy into 

    end subroutine copyModelboundDataEntry
    pure module function isTermNameRegistered(this,name) result(reg)
        !! Check whether term with given name is registered

        class(Model)        ,intent(in)  :: this
        character(*)        ,intent(in)  :: name
        logical                          :: reg

    end function isTermNameRegistered
    pure module function isTermNameImplicit(this,name) result(reg)
        !! Check whether term with given name is implicit

        class(Model)        ,intent(in)  :: this
        character(*)        ,intent(in)  :: name
        logical                          :: reg

    end function isTermNameImplicit
    pure module function getImplicitTermIndex(this,name) result(ind)
        !! Get index of implicit term with given name

        class(Model)          ,intent(in) :: this
        character(*)         ,intent(in) :: name
        integer(ik)                      :: ind

    end function getImplicitTermIndex
    pure module function getGeneralTermIndex(this,name) result(ind)
        !! Get index of general term with given name

        class(Model)          ,intent(in) :: this
        character(*)         ,intent(in) :: name
        integer(ik)                      :: ind

    end function getGeneralTermIndex
    pure module function evaluateTermByName(this,name,varCont) result(res)
        !! Evaluate a term by name

        class(Model)                         ,intent(in) :: this
        character(*)                         ,intent(in) :: name
        type(VariableContainer)              ,intent(in) :: varCont !! Variable container used to evaluate this term
        real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:)              :: res

    end function evaluateTermByName
    end interface
 end module model_class