modelbound_lbc_data_procedures.f90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of ReMKiT1D.
! ReMKiT1D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
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! ReMKiT1D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
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! Copyright 2023 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (
submodule (modelbound_lbc_data_class) modelbound_lbc_data_procedures
!! author: Stefan Mijin 
!! Contains module procedures associated with the modelbound logical boundary condition data class

implicit none

module subroutine initMBLBC(this,vSpaceObj,distExtDerivation,distExtReqVarIndices,&
    !! Varlike modelbound data initialization routine

    class(ModelboundLBCData)        ,intent(inout)  :: this
    type(VSpace)                    ,intent(in)     :: vSpaceObj !! Velocity space object used to get grid data
    class(MatDerivation)            ,intent(in)     :: distExtDerivation !! Extrapolated distribution derivation object
    integer(ik) ,dimension(:)       ,intent(in)     :: distExtReqVarIndices !! Required variable indices for the distribution derivation 
    integer(ik)                     ,intent(in)     :: ionCurrentVarIndex !! Scalar variable index representing ion current at boundary
    logical                         ,intent(in)     :: isActive !! True if the modelbound data should be updated (use to avoid updates on processors with no boundary)
    integer(ik) ,optional           ,intent(in)     :: totalCurrentVarIndex !! Scalar variable index representing total current through boundary. Defaults to 0 current.
    real(rk)    ,optional           ,intent(in)     :: bisTol !! Bisection tolerance for false position method used to calculate cut-off velocity. Defaults to 1e-12
    logical     ,optional           ,intent(in)     :: isLeftBoundary !! True if boundary this data refers to is the left boundary. Defaults to false. 

    if (assertions) then 

            call assertPure(vSpaceObj%isDefined(),"Undefined VSpace object passed to initMBLBC")
            call assertPure(distExtDerivation%isDefined(),"Undefined distribution derivation passed to init MBLBC")

    end if

    this%isActive = isActive

    if (isActive) then 
        this%fextReqIndices = distExtReqVarIndices
        this%ionCurrentVarIndex = ionCurrentVarIndex
        if (present(totalCurrentVarIndex)) this%totalCurrentVarIndex = totalCurrentVarIndex
        this%bisTol = real(1d-12,kind=rk)
        if (present(bisTol)) this%bisTol = bisTol

        this%isLeftBoundary = .false.
        if (present(isLeftBoundary)) this%isLeftBoundary = isLeftBoundary

        this%vGridCopy = vSpaceObj%getVGrid()
        this%dvCopy = vSpaceObj%getVCellWidths()

        this%vBoundaries(1:size(this%vGridCopy)) = this%vGridCopy - this%dvCopy/2
        this%vBoundaries(size(this%vGridCopy)+1) = this%vGridCopy(size(this%vGridCopy)) + this%dvCopy(size(this%vGridCopy))/2

        this%maxL = vSpaceObj%getNumH() - 1 !Assuming no m>0 harmonics 

        this%fext = 0 

        this%fixedPLL = fixedPll(this%maxL)
    end if

    call this%makeDefined()
end subroutine initMBLBC
module subroutine updateDataLBC(this,hostModel,inputVars,updatePriority) 
    !!  Update modelbound data based on input variable container

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout) :: this 
    class(ModelSurrogate)                 ,intent(in)    :: hostModel !! Host model - unused
    class(VariableContainer)              ,intent(in)    :: inputVars !! Variable container used to calculate modelbound data
    integer(ik) ,optional                 ,intent(in)    :: updatePriority !! Priority for this update call (determines which variables are updated) - unused here

    real(rk) :: ionCurrent, totCurrent ,boundaryWe ,boundaryDens ,boundaryFlux ,boundaryHeatflux

    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: f0, f1 

    if (assertions) then 
        call assert(this%isDefined(),"Attempted to updated undefined logical boundary modelbound data")
        call assert(inputVars%isDefined(),"Attempted to updated logical boundary modelbound data using undefined inputVars")
    end if

    if (this%isActive) then 
        this%fext = this%fextDeriv%calculate(inputVars%variables,this%fextReqIndices)

        ionCurrent = inputVars%variables(this%ionCurrentVarIndex)%entry(1)
        totCurrent = 0 

        if (allocated(this%totalCurrentVarIndex)) &
        totCurrent = inputVars%variables(this%totalCurrentVarIndex)%entry(1)

        call this%calculateCutOff(ionCurrent,totCurrent)
        call this%calculatePll()

        f0 = this%boundaryHarmonic(0)
        f1 = this%boundaryHarmonic(1)
        boundaryDens = this%interpMom(0,f0)
        boundaryWe = this%interpMom(2,f0)
        boundaryFlux = this%interpMom(1,f1)/real(3,kind=rk)
        boundaryHeatflux = this%interpMom(3,f1)/real(3,kind=rk)
        this%shTemp = 2 * boundaryWe/(3*boundaryDens) - elMass * boundaryFlux**2/boundaryDens**2

        this%gamma = boundaryHeatflux/(boundaryFlux*this%shTemp)
        this%potential = this%coVel**2/this%shTemp
    end if

end subroutine updateDataLBC
module subroutine copyDataLBC(this,name,container) 
    !! Copy named modelbound data to passed container.

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(in)    :: this 
    character(*)                          ,intent(in)    :: name !! Name of data
    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(..)  ,intent(inout) :: container !! Container to copy into 

    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"Attempted to copy data from undefined logical boundary modelbound data object")

    select rank (container)
    rank (1)
        if (allocated(container)) then 
            if (ubound(container,1) /= 1 .or. &
               lbound(container,1) /= 1) then 
            end if
        end if

        select case (name)
        case ("gamma")
            container = this%gamma
        case ("potential")
            container = this%potential
        case ("coVel")
            container = this%coVel
        case ("shTemp")
            container = this%shTemp
        case default
            error stop "unregistered name requested from ModelboundLBCData object"
        end select
    rank default 
        error stop "container passed to copyDataLBC is not rank 1"
    end select

end subroutine copyDataLBC
module function getDataDimLBC(this,name) result(dim)
    !! Get data dimensionality - will return 0 for scalars

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(in)    :: this 
    character(*)                          ,intent(in)    :: name !! Name of data
    integer(ik)                                          :: dim

    if (assertions) &
    call assert(this%isDefined(),"Attempted to get data dimensionality from undefined logical boundary modelbound data object")

    select case (name)
    case ("gamma")
        dim = 0
    case ("potential")
        dim = 0
    case ("coVel")
        dim = 0
    case ("shTemp")
        dim = 0
    case default
        error stop "unregistered name requested from ModelboundLBCData object"
    end select

end function getDataDimLBC
function fixedPll(maxL) result(res)
    !! Calculate fixed component of Pll tensor 

    integer(ik)           ,intent(in)     :: maxL
    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:,:) :: legPl 
    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:,:) :: res 

    integer(ik) :: i ,j
    legPl = allPl([real(0,kind=rk)],maxL)

    res = 0 
    do i = 0,maxL 

        if (mod(i,2)==1) then

            do j = 0,maxL 

                if (mod(j,2)==1 .and. i == j) res(j,i) = real(1,kind=rk) 

                if (mod(j,2)==0) then 

                    if (j==0) then 
                        res(j,i) = - i * legPl(1,i-1)
                        res(j,i) = j * legPl(1,j-1)*legPl(1,i) - i * legPl(1,j)*legPl(1,i-1)
                    end if

                    res(j,i) = res(j,i) * real(2*j+1,kind=rk)/(real((j-i)*(i+j+1),kind=rk))
                end if 
            end do 

        end if

    end do

end function fixedPll
module subroutine calculatePll(this,rowsToUpdate)
    !! Calculate full Pll tensor based on modelbound data 

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout)    :: this 
    integer(ik) ,optional ,dimension(:)   ,intent(in)       :: rowsToUpdate

    integer(ik) :: maxL ,numV ,i ,j ,k

    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: xmin

    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:,:) :: legPl

    integer(ik) ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: lRows
    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"calculatePll called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    maxL = size(this%fixedPLL,1)-1
    numV = size(this%vGridCopy)

    if (.not. allocated(this%bufferPLL)) then 
    end if
    xmin = - this%coVel/this%vGridCopy
    xmin(this%coCell) = - this%coVel/this%interpCoord(2)

    xmin = max(xmin,real(-1,kind=rk))
    if (present(rowsToUpdate)) then 
        lRows = rowsToUpdate
        lRows = [(i,i=0,maxL)]
    end if
    legPl = allPl(xmin,maxL)

    do i = 0,maxL
        do j = 1,size(lRows) 
            this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) = 0

            if (i==lRows(j)) then 
                this%bufferPLL(1:this%coCell-1,lRows(j),i) = real(1,kind=rk)
                this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = real(0.5d0,kind=rk) - xmin(this%coCell:numV)&

                do k = 1,i-1
                    this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) &
                                                - legPl(this%coCell:numV,k)*(xmin(this%coCell:numV)*legPl(this%coCell:numV,k) &
                                                                            - legPl(this%coCell:numV,k+1))
                end do

                this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) * (-1) ** i

                this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = - xmin(this%coCell:numV) * legPl(this%coCell:numV,i) &
                                                      * legPl(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j)) 

                if (i > 0) this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) &
                                                                - i*legPl(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j))*legPl(this%coCell:numV,i-1)&

                if (lRows(j) > 0) this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) &
                                                                 + lRows(j)*legPl(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j)-1)&
                                                                 *legPl(this%coCell:numV,i) &

                this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(this%coCell:numV,lRows(j),i) &
                                                       * (-1)**i * real(2*lRows(j)+1,kind=rk)/real(2*(i+lRows(j)+1),kind=rk)
            end if

            this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) + this%fixedPLL(lRows(j),i)
            if (this%isLeftBoundary) this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) = this%bufferPLL(:,lRows(j),i) * (-1)**(i+lRows(j))

        end do 

    end do

end subroutine calculatePll
module subroutine calculateInterps(this)
    !! Calculate interpolation quantities based on modelbound data 

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout)    :: this 

    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"calculateInterps called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    this%interpCoord(1) = (this%vBoundaries(this%coCell-1)+this%coVel)/2 !Left value
    this%interpCoord(2) = (this%vBoundaries(this%coCell+1)+this%coVel)/2 !Right value

    this%vInterp(1) = real(1,kind=rk) - (this%interpCoord(1)-this%vGridCopy(this%coCell-1))/this%dvCopy(this%coCell-1)
    this%vInterp(2) = real(1,kind=rk) - (this%interpCoord(2)-this%vGridCopy(this%coCell))/this%dvCopy(this%coCell)

    this%interpdv(1) = this%coVel - this%vBoundaries(this%coCell-1)
    this%interpdv(2) = this%vBoundaries(this%coCell+1) - this%coVel 

end subroutine calculateInterps
module function interpMom(this,order,f) result(res)
    !! Calculate moment of single local harmonic with interpolated grid points near cut-off

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout)    :: this 
    integer(ik)                           ,intent(in)       :: order 
    real(rk) ,dimension(:)                ,intent(in)       :: f

    real(rk) :: res
    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"interpMom called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    res = 0 

    res = res + dot_product(f(1:this%coCell-2),this%vGridCopy(1:this%coCell-2)**(order+2)*this%dvCopy(1:this%coCell-2))

    res = res + f(this%coCell-1) * this%interpCoord(1)**2*this%interpdv(1)*this%vGridCopy(this%coCell-1)**order

    res = res + f(this%coCell) * this%interpCoord(2)**2*this%interpdv(2)*this%vGridCopy(this%coCell)**order

    res = res + dot_product(f(this%coCell+1:size(f)),this%vGridCopy(this%coCell+1:size(f))**(order+2)&

    res = res * 4*pi

end function interpMom
module function boundaryHarmonic(this,lNum) result(res)
    !! Calculate lNum harmonic at boundary (assuming m=0) using Pll tensor and interpolation

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout)    :: this 
    integer(ik)                           ,intent(in)       :: lNum 

    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:) :: res

    integer(ik) :: i

    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"boundaryHarmonic called on undefined modelbound LBC data")


    res = 0 

    do i = 1,this%coCell-2
        res(i) = dot_product(this%bufferPLL(i,lNum,:),this%fext(:,i))
    end do

    !Left interpolated cell
    res(this%coCell-1) = dot_product(this%bufferPLL(this%coCell-1,lNum,:),this%vInterp(1) * this%fext(:,this%coCell-1) &
                                                                    + (real(1,kind=rk)-this%vInterp(1))*this%fext(:,this%coCell))
    !Right interpolated cell
    if (this%coCell == size(res)) then 
        res(this%coCell) = dot_product(this%bufferPLL(this%coCell,lNum,:),this%vInterp(2) * this%fext(:,this%coCell))

        res(this%coCell) = dot_product(this%bufferPLL(this%coCell,lNum,:),this%vInterp(2) * this%fext(:,this%coCell) &
        + (real(1,kind=rk)-this%vInterp(2))*this%fext(:,this%coCell+1))
    end if

    do i = this%coCell+1,size(res)
        res(i) = dot_product(this%bufferPLL(i,lNum,:),this%fext(:,i))
    end do
end function boundaryHarmonic
module subroutine calculateCutOff(this,ionCurrent,totalCurrent)
    !! Calculate cut-off cell and velocity based on modelbound data and currents

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(inout)    :: this 
    real(rk)                              ,intent(in)       :: ionCurrent !! ion current into sheath 
    real(rk)                              ,intent(in)       :: totalCurrent !! total current into sheath to be matched

    integer(ik) :: i 

    real(rk) :: elFlux ,v1,v2,y1, y2
    if (assertions) call assert(this%isDefined(),"calculateCutOff called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    do i = size(this%vGridCopy),2,-1
        this%coVel = this%vBoundaries(i)
        this%coCell = i
        call this%calculateInterps()
        call this%calculatePll([1])

        elFlux = this%interpMom(1,this%boundaryHarmonic(1))/real(3,kind=rk)
        if (abs(elFlux) > abs(ionCurrent - totalCurrent)) exit
    end do

    if (this%coCell == 2) error stop "calculateCutOff cannot match logical boundary condition fluxes"

    !Initialize false position method variables 

    v1 = this%coVel
    y1 = elFlux - ionCurrent + totalCurrent
    v2 = this%vBoundaries(this%coCell+1)
    this%coVel = v2
    call this%calculateInterps()
    call this%calculatePll([1])

    elFlux = this%interpMom(1,this%boundaryHarmonic(1))/real(3,kind=rk)

    y2 = elFlux - ionCurrent + totalCurrent

    do i = 1,30
        this%coVel = (v1*y2-v2*y1)/(y2-y1)
        call this%calculateInterps()
        call this%calculatePll([1])
        elFlux = this%interpMom(1,this%boundaryHarmonic(1))/real(3,kind=rk)
        if (abs(elFlux-ionCurrent+ totalCurrent)/abs(ionCurrent- totalCurrent) < this%bisTol) exit 

        if ((elFlux-ionCurrent+ totalCurrent) * y1 < 0 ) then 

            v2 = this%coVel
            y2 = elFlux-ionCurrent+ totalCurrent

            v1 = this%coVel
            y1 = elFlux-ionCurrent+ totalCurrent
        end if

    end do

end subroutine 
pure module function getCoCell(this) result(res)
    !! Getter for the cut-off cell coordinate

    class(ModelboundLBCData)              ,intent(in)    :: this
    integer(ik)                                          :: res

    if (assertions) call assertPure(this%isDefined(),"getCoCell called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    res = this%coCell

end function getCoCell
pure module function getPll(this,lNum) result(res)
    !! Getter for the cut-off (lNum,:,:) decomposition tensor

    class(ModelboundLBCData)             ,intent(in)    :: this
    integer(ik)                          ,intent(in)    :: lNum 
    real(rk) ,allocatable ,dimension(:,:)               :: res

    if (assertions) call assertPure(this%isDefined(),"getPll called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    res = this%bufferPLL(:,lNum,:)

end function getPll
pure module function getInterpCoords(this) result(res)
    !! Getter for the interpolated cut-off cell coordinates

    class(ModelboundLBCData)  ,intent(in)    :: this
    real(rk) ,dimension(2)                   :: res

    if (assertions) call assertPure(this%isDefined(),"getInterpCoords called on undefined modelbound LBC data")
    res = this%interpCoord

end function getInterpCoords
pure module function getInterpWidths(this) result(res)
    !! Getter for the interpolated cut-off cell widths

    class(ModelboundLBCData)  ,intent(in)    :: this
    real(rk) ,dimension(2)                   :: res

    if (assertions) call assertPure(this%isDefined(),"getInterpWidths called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    res = this%interpdv 
end function getInterpWidths
pure module function getInterpCoeffs(this) result(res)
    !! Getter for the interpolation coefficients

    class(ModelboundLBCData)  ,intent(in)    :: this
    real(rk) ,dimension(2)                   :: res 

    if (assertions) call assertPure(this%isDefined(),"getInterpCoeffs called on undefined modelbound LBC data")

    res = this%vInterp

end function getInterpCoeffs
end submodule modelbound_lbc_data_procedures