IntegratorCallStep Derived Type

type, public :: IntegratorCallStep

Object containing data pertaining to single integration step


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=ik), public :: integratorIndex

Index of integrator active during this step

type(IntArray), public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: groupIndices

Term groups evolved during step

integer(kind=ik), public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: modelIndices

Model indices of evolved groups

real(kind=rk), public :: globalStepFraction

Fraction of global timestep allocated to this integration stage

logical, public :: allowTimeEvolution = .false.

Set to true to allow this step to change "time" variable if it is present

logical, public :: useInitialInput = .false.

Set to true to make this timestep use data from the start of the composite integration

logical, public :: communicationNeeded = .false.

Set to true to make integrator perform communication

logical, public :: nonTrivialUpdate = .false.

Set to true to update terms during internal integrator iterations

logical, public :: nonTrivialModelDataUpdate = .false.

Set to true to update model data during internal integrator iterations

type(CommunicationData), public :: commData

Data used for communication if applicable

type(LogicalArray), public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: updatesOnInternalIterations

True for those terms to be updated during internal integrator iterations

logical, public, allocatable, dimension(:) :: updatesOnInternalIterationsModelData

True for those models whose data should be updated during internal integrator iterations