InternalControllerOptions Derived Type

type, public :: InternalControllerOptions


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer(kind=ik), public :: currentNumSubsteps = 1

The current number of sub- timesteps

integer(kind=ik), public :: stepMultiplier = 2

Which number to multiply the current number of substeps when a solve failure is detected

integer(kind=ik), public :: stepDecrament = 1

By how much to decrament the current number of timesteps when the number of nonlinear iterations drops below minNonlinIters

integer(kind=ik), public :: minNonlinIters = 5

Number of nonlinear iterations below which the number of substeps gets reduced

integer(kind=ik), public :: maxRestarts = 3

Maximum number of consecutive solver restart attempts before critical failure is announced

integer(kind=ik), public :: hardMaxRestarts = 10

Maximum number of consecutive solver restart attempts before critical failure is announced regardless of whether consolidation happened or not

integer(kind=ik), public :: restartCount = 0

Counter for consecutive number of solver restars

integer(kind=ik), public :: consolidationInterval = 50

How many integration calls before currentNumSubsteps is again reduced to 1

integer(kind=ik), public :: stepsSinceLastConsolidation = 0

Counter for steps since last consolidation to 1 substep