Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
no_roots | integer | 30 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
species | character | (/"e", "D", "T", "a"/) | |
densities | real | None | |
temperatures | real | None | |
dr_densities | real | None | |
dr_temperatures | real | None | |
roots | real | 0 | |
weights | real | 0 | |
nu | real | 0 | |
nu_star | real | 0 | |
nu_star_averaged | real | 0 | |
vd | real | 0 | |
KT | real | 0 | |
Er | real | 0.0 | |
iota | real | 1.0d0 | |
D11_mono | real | 0 | |
D11_plateau | real | 0 | |
D111 | real | 0 | |
D112 | real | 0 | |
D113 | real | 0 | |
q_flux | real | 0 | |
Gamma_flux | real | 0 | |
D31_mono | real | 0 | |
eps_eff | real | 1d-5 | |
r_eff | real | 0 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
errors_on | logical | None | |
ERROR_OKAY | integer | 0 | |
ERROR_INFO | integer | 1 | |
ERROR_WARN | integer | 2 | |
ERROR_SEVERE | integer | 3 | |
error_id | integer | None | error_id : identifier for final message encountered |
error_status | integer | None | error_status : overall status flag for a run; on exit:
INT_DEFAULT | integer | -999999 | |
FLT_DEFAULT | real | real(INT_DEFAULT, kind(1.0D0)) | |
idiags | integer | None | |
fdiags | real | None | |
error_head | type | None | |
error_tail | type | None | |
error_type | type | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
BLOCK_SIZE | integer | 32 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
TYPE_UNKNOWN | integer | -1 | |
TYPE_NULL | integer | 0 | |
TYPE_OBJECT | integer | 1 | |
TYPE_ARRAY | integer | 2 | |
TYPE_STRING | integer | 3 | |
TYPE_INTEGER | integer | 4 | |
TYPE_REAL | integer | 5 | |
TYPE_LOGICAL | integer | 6 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
end_of_file | integer | -1 | |
end_of_record | integer | -2 | |
STATE_LOOKING_FOR_VALUE | integer | 1 | |
STATE_IN_OBJECT | integer | 2 | |
STATE_IN_PAIR_NAME | integer | 3 | |
STATE_IN_PAIR_VALUE | integer | 4 | |
pushed_index | integer | None | |
pushed_char | character | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
volshldi | real | None | Volume of inboard and outboard shield (m3) |
volshldo | real | None | Volume of inboard and outboard shield (m3) |
volvvi | real | None | Volume of inboard and outboard Vacuum Vessel (m3) |
volvvo | real | None | Volume of inboard and outboard Vacuum Vessel (m3) |
dz_pf_cryostat | real | None | Clearance between uppermost PF coil and cryostat lid (m) |
vfblkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard void fraction of blanket |
vfblkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard void fraction of blanket |
bldepti | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket coolant channel length (radial direction) (m) |
bldepto | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket coolant channel length (radial direction) (m) |
blwidti | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mid-plan toroidal circumference for segment (m) |
blwidto | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mid-plan toroidal circumference for segment (m) |
bllengi | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket segment poloidal length (m) |
bllengo | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket segment poloidal length (m) |
bzfllengi | real | None | Inboard/outboard primary blanket flow lengths (m) |
bzfllengo | real | None | Inboard/outboard primary blanket flow lengths (m) |
bzfllengi_liq | real | None | Inboard/outboard secondary blanket flow lengths (m) |
bzfllengo_liq | real | None | Inboard/outboard secondary blanket flow lengths (m) |
pnucfwi | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall nuclear heating (MW) |
pnucfwo | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall nuclear heating (MW) |
tpeakfwi | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall peak temperature (K) |
tpeakfwo | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall peak temperature (K) |
mffwi | real | None | Inboard/outboard total mass flow rate to remove inboard FW power (kg/s) |
mffwo | real | None | Inboard/outboard total mass flow rate to remove inboard FW power (kg/s) |
mffw | real | None | Inboard/outboard total mass flow rate to remove inboard FW power (kg/s) |
npfwi | real | None | Inboard/utboard total number of pipes |
npfwo | real | None | Inboard/utboard total number of pipes |
mffwpi | real | None | Inboard/outboard mass flow rate per coolant pipe (kg/s) |
mffwpo | real | None | Inboard/outboard mass flow rate per coolant pipe (kg/s) |
pnucblkti | real | None | Neutron power deposited inboard/outboard blanket blanket (MW) |
pnucblkto | real | None | Neutron power deposited inboard/outboard blanket blanket (MW) |
mfblkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for coolant (kg/s) |
mfblkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for coolant (kg/s) |
mfblkt | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for coolant (kg/s) |
mfblkti_liq | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for liquid breeder (kg/s) |
mfblkto_liq | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for liquid breeder (kg/s) |
mfblkt_liq | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket mass flow rate for liquid breeder (kg/s) |
mftotal | real | None | Total mass flow rate for coolant (kg/s) |
npblkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard total num of pipes |
npblkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard total num of pipes |
mfblktpi | real | None | Inboard/outboard mass flow rate per coolant pipe (kg/s) |
mfblktpo | real | None | Inboard/outboard mass flow rate per coolant pipe (kg/s) |
velblkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard coolant velocity in blanket (m/s) |
velblkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard coolant velocity in blanket (m/s) |
htpmw_fwi | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_fwo | real | None | Inboard/outboard first wall pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_blkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_blkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard blanket pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_fw_blkti | real | None | Inboard/outboard fw and blanket pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_fw_blkto | real | None | Inboard/outboard fw and blanket pumping power (MW) |
hblnkt | real | None | Blanket internal half-height (m) |
hshld | real | None | Shield internal half-height (m) |
hvv | real | None | Vacuum vessel internal half-height (m) |
icomponent | integer | None | Switch used to specify selected component: blanket=0, shield=1, vacuum vessel=2 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
bktlife | real | None | Full power blanket lifetime (years) |
bktlife_cal | real | None | Calendar year blanket lifetime (years) |
coolmass | real | None | mass of water coolant (in shield, blanket, first wall, divertor) [kg] |
vvmass | real | None | vacuum vessel mass [kg] |
denstl | real | None | density of steel [kg m^-3] |
denwc | real | None | density of tungsten carbide [kg m^-3] |
dewmkg | real | None | total mass of vacuum vessel + cryostat [kg] (calculated if blktmodel>0) |
emult | real | None | energy multiplication in blanket and shield |
emultmw | real | None | power due to energy multiplication in blanket and shield [MW] |
fblss | real | None | KIT blanket model: steel fraction of breeding zone |
fdiv | real | None | Solid angle fraction taken by one divertor |
fhcd | real | None | area fraction covered by heating/current drive apparatus plus diagnostics |
fhole | real | None | area fraction taken up by other holes (IFE) |
fwbsshape | integer | None | switch for first wall, blanket, shield and vacuum vessel shape:
life_fw_fpy | real | None | first wall full-power year lifetime (y) |
m_fw_total | real | None | first wall mass [kg] |
fw_armour_mass | real | None | first wall armour mass [kg] |
fw_armour_thickness | real | None | first wall armour thickness [m] |
fw_armour_vol | real | None | first wall armour volume [m^3] |
i_blanket_type | integer | None | switch for blanket model:
i_blkt_inboard | integer | None | switch for inboard blanket:
inuclear | integer | None | switch for nuclear heating in the coils:
qnuc | real | None | nuclear heating in the coils (W) ( |
li6enrich | real | None | lithium-6 enrichment of breeding material (%) |
pnucblkt | real | None | nuclear heating in the blanket [MW] |
pnuc_cp | real | None | Total nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] |
pnuc_cp_sh | real | None | Neutronic shield nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] |
pnuc_cp_tf | real | None | TF neutronic nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] |
pnucdiv | real | None | nuclear heating in the divertor [MW] |
p_fw_nuclear_heat_total_mw | real | None | nuclear heating in the first wall [MW] |
pnuchcd | real | None | nuclear heating in the HCD apparatus and diagnostics [MW] |
pnucloss | real | None | nuclear heating lost via holes [MW] |
pnucvvplus | real | None | nuclear heating to vacuum vessel and beyond [MW] |
pnucshld | real | None | nuclear heating in the shield [MW] |
whtblkt | real | None | mass of blanket [kg] |
whtblss | real | None | mass of blanket - steel part [kg] |
armour_fw_bl_mass | real | None | Total mass of armour, first wall and blanket [kg] |
breeder_f | real | None | Volume ratio: Li4SiO4/(Be12Ti+Li4SiO4) ( |
breeder_multiplier | real | None | combined breeder/multipler fraction of blanket by volume |
vfcblkt | real | None | He coolant fraction of blanket by volume ( |
vfpblkt | real | None | He purge gas fraction of blanket by volume ( |
whtblli4sio4 | real | None | mass of lithium orthosilicate in blanket [kg] ( |
whtbltibe12 | real | None | mass of titanium beryllide in blanket [kg] ( |
neut_flux_cp | real | None | Centrepost TF fast neutron flux (E > 0.1 MeV) [m^(-2).^(-1)] This variable is only calculated for superconducting (i_tf_sup = 1 ) spherical tokamal magnet designs (itart = 0) |
f_neut_shield | real | None | Fraction of nuclear power shielded before the CP magnet (ST) ( neut_absorb = -1 --> a fit on simplified MCNP neutronic calculation is used assuming water cooled (13%) tungesten carbyde ) |
f_a_fw_coolant_inboard | real | None | Inboard/outboard FW coolant cross-sectional area void fraction |
f_a_fw_coolant_outboard | real | None | Inboard/outboard FW coolant cross-sectional area void fraction |
psurffwi | real | None | Surface heat flux on first wall [MW] (sum = pradfw) |
psurffwo | real | None | Surface heat flux on first wall [MW] (sum = pradfw) |
vol_fw_total | real | None | First wall volume [m3] |
fblss_ccfe | real | None | Fractions of blanket by volume: steel, lithium orthosilicate, titanium beryllide |
fblli2sio4 | real | None | Fractions of blanket by volume: steel, lithium orthosilicate, titanium beryllide |
fbltibe12 | real | None | Fractions of blanket by volume: steel, lithium orthosilicate, titanium beryllide |
breedmat | integer | None | breeder material switch (i_blanket_type=2 (KIT HCPB)):
densbreed | real | None | density of breeder material [kg m^-3] ( |
fblbe | real | None | beryllium fraction of blanket by volume (if |
fblbreed | real | None | breeder fraction of blanket breeding zone by volume ( |
fblhebmi | real | None | helium fraction of inboard blanket box manifold by volume ( |
fblhebmo | real | None | helium fraction of outboard blanket box manifold by volume ( |
fblhebpi | real | None | helium fraction of inboard blanket back plate by volume ( |
fblhebpo | real | None | helium fraction of outboard blanket back plate by volume ( |
hcdportsize | integer | None | switch for size of heating/current drive ports (
nflutf | real | None | peak fast neutron fluence on TF coil superconductor [n m^-2] ( |
npdiv | integer | None | number of divertor ports ( |
nphcdin | integer | None | number of inboard ports for heating/current drive ( |
nphcdout | integer | None | number of outboard ports for heating/current drive ( |
tbr | real | None | tritium breeding ratio ( |
tritprate | real | None | tritium production rate [g day^-1] ( |
wallpf | real | None | neutron wall load peaking factor ( |
whtblbreed | real | None | mass of blanket - breeder part [kg] ( |
whtblbe | real | None | mass of blanket - beryllium part [kg] |
iblanket_thickness | integer | None | Blanket thickness switch (Do not set dr_blkt_inboard, dr_blkt_outboard, dr_fw_inboard or dr_fw_outboard when
primary_pumping | integer | None | Switch for pumping power for primary coolant (mechanical power only and peak first wall
temperature is only calculated if
i_shield_mat | integer | None | Switch for shield material - currently only applied in costing routines
secondary_cycle | integer | None | Switch for power conversion cycle:
secondary_cycle_liq | integer | None | Switch for power conversion cycle for the liquid breeder component of the blanket:
coolwh | integer | None | Switch for blanket coolant (set via blkttype):
afwi | real | None | inner radius of inboard first wall/blanket coolant channels (stellarator only) [m] |
afwo | real | None | inner radius of outboard first wall/blanket coolant channels (stellarator only) [m] |
i_fw_coolant_type | character | None | switch for first wall coolant (can be different from blanket coolant):
dr_fw_wall | real | None | wall thickness of first wall coolant channels [m] |
radius_fw_channel | real | None | radius of first wall cooling channels [m] |
dx_fw_module | real | None | Width of a FW module containing a cooling channel [m] |
temp_fw_coolant_in | real | None | inlet temperature of first wall coolant [K] |
temp_fw_coolant_out | real | None | outlet temperature of first wall coolant [K] |
pres_fw_coolant | real | None | first wall coolant pressure [Pa] ( |
temp_fw_peak | real | None | peak first wall temperature [K] |
roughness | real | None | first wall channel roughness epsilon [m] |
len_fw_channel | real | None | Length of a single first wall channel (all in parallel) [m]
( |
f_fw_peak | real | None | peaking factor for first wall heat loads. (Applied separately to inboard and outboard loads. Applies to both neutron and surface loads. Only used to calculate peak temperature - not the coolant flow rate.) |
blpressure | real | None | blanket coolant pressure [Pa] ( |
inlet_temp | real | None | inlet temperature of blanket coolant [K] ( |
outlet_temp | real | None | Outlet temperature of blanket coolant [K] (
coolp | real | None | blanket coolant pressure [Pa] (stellarator only) |
nblktmodpo | integer | None | number of outboard blanket modules in poloidal direction ( |
nblktmodpi | integer | None | number of inboard blanket modules in poloidal direction ( |
nblktmodto | integer | None | number of outboard blanket modules in toroidal direction ( |
nblktmodti | integer | None | number of inboard blanket modules in toroidal direction ( |
temp_fw_max | real | None | maximum temperature of first wall material [K] ( |
fw_th_conductivity | real | None | thermal conductivity of first wall material at 293 K (W/m/K) (Temperature dependence is as for unirradiated Eurofer) |
fvoldw | real | None | area coverage factor for vacuum vessel volume |
fvolsi | real | None | area coverage factor for inboard shield volume |
fvolso | real | None | area coverage factor for outboard shield volume |
fwclfr | real | None | first wall coolant fraction (calculated if |
praddiv | real | None | Radiation power incident on the divertor (MW) |
pradfw | real | None | Radiation power incident on the first wall (MW) |
pradhcd | real | None | Radiation power incident on the heating and current drive system (MW) |
pradloss | real | None | Radiation power lost through holes (eventually hits shield) (MW) Only used for stellarator |
ptfnuc | real | None | nuclear heating in the TF coil (MW) |
ptfnucpm3 | real | None | nuclear heating in the TF coil (MW/m3) ( |
r_cryostat_inboard | real | None | cryostat radius [m] |
z_cryostat_half_inside | real | None | cryostat height [m] |
dr_pf_cryostat | real | None | Radial distance between outer edge of furthest away PF coil (or stellarator modular coil) and cryostat [m] |
vol_cryostat | real | None | Cryostat structure volume [m^3] |
vol_cryostat_internal | real | None | Internal volume of the cryostat [m^3] |
vdewin | real | None | vacuum vessel volume [m^3] |
vfshld | real | None | coolant void fraction in shield |
volblkt | real | None | volume of blanket [m^3] |
volblkti | real | None | volume of inboard blanket [m^3] |
volblkto | real | None | volume of outboard blanket [m^3] |
volshld | real | None | volume of shield [m^3] |
whtshld | real | None | mass of shield [kg] |
wpenshld | real | None | mass of the penetration shield [kg] |
wtshldi | real | None | mass of inboard shield [kg] |
wtshldo | real | None | mass of outboard shield [kg] |
irefprop | integer | None | Switch to use REFPROP routines (stellarator only) |
fblli | real | None | lithium fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) |
fblli2o | real | None | lithium oxide fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) |
fbllipb | real | None | lithium lead fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) |
fblvd | real | None | vanadium fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) |
wtblli2o | real | None | mass of blanket - Li_2O part [kg] |
wtbllipb | real | None | mass of blanket - Li-Pb part [kg] |
whtblvd | real | None | mass of blanket - vanadium part [kg] |
whtblli | real | None | mass of blanket - lithium part [kg] |
vfblkt | real | None | coolant void fraction in blanket. |
blktmodel | integer | None | switch for blanket/tritium breeding model (see i_blanket_type):
declblkt | real | None | neutron power deposition decay length of blanket structural material [m] (stellarators only) |
declfw | real | None | neutron power deposition decay length of first wall structural material [m] (stellarators only) |
declshld | real | None | neutron power deposition decay length of shield structural material [m] (stellarators only) |
blkttype | integer | None | Switch for blanket type:
etaiso | real | None | isentropic efficiency of FW and blanket coolant pumps |
etahtp | real | None | electrical efficiency of primary coolant pumps BLANKET REFACTOR For DCLL, but to be used by all mods that share blanket library after testing. Thermodynamic Model for primary_pumping == 2 |
ipump | integer | None | Switch for whether the FW and BB are on the same pump system i.e. do they have the same primary coolant or not - =0 FW and BB have the same primary coolant, flow = FWin->FWout->BBin->BBout - =1 FW and BB have the different primary coolant and are on different pump systems |
i_bb_liq | integer | None | Switch for Liquid Metal Breeder Material - =0 PbLi - =1 Li |
icooldual | integer | None | Switch to specify whether breeding blanket is single-cooled or dual-coolant. - =0 Single coolant used for FW and Blanket (H2O or He). Solid Breeder. - =1 Single coolant used for FW and Blanket (H2O or He). Liquid metal breeder circulted for tritium extraction. - =2 Dual coolant: primary coolant (H2O or He) for FW and blanket structure; secondary coolant is self-cooled liquid metal breeder. |
ifci | integer | None | Switch for Flow Channel Insert (FCI) type if liquid metal breeder blanket. - =0 Thin conducting walls, default electrical conductivity (bz_channel_conduct_liq) is Eurofer - =1 Insulating Material, assumed perfect electrical insulator, default density (den_ceramic) is for SiC - =2 Insulating Material, electrical conductivity (bz_channel_conduct_liq) is input (default Eurofer), default density (den_ceramic) is for SiC |
ims | integer | None | Switch for Multi Module Segment (MMS) or Single Modle Segment (SMS) - =0 MMS - =1 SMS |
n_liq_recirc | integer | None | Number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day, for use with icooldual=1 |
r_f_liq_ib | real | None | Radial fraction of BZ liquid channels |
r_f_liq_ob | real | None | Radial fraction of BZ liquid channels |
w_f_liq_ib | real | None | Toroidal fraction of BZ liquid channels |
w_f_liq_ob | real | None | Toroidal fraction of BZ liquid channels |
den_ceramic | real | None | FCI material density |
th_wall_secondary | real | None | Liquid metal coolant/breeder wall thickness thin conductor or FCI [m] |
bz_channel_conduct_liq | real | None | Liquid metal coolant/breeder thin conductor or FCI wall conductance [A V^-1 m^-1] |
a_bz_liq | real | None | Toroidal width of the rectangular cooling channel [m] for long poloidal sections of blanket breeding zone |
b_bz_liq | real | None | Radial width of the rectangular cooling channel [m] for long poloidal sections of blanket breeding zone |
nopol | integer | None | Number of poloidal sections in a liquid metal breeder/coolant channel for module/segment |
nopipes | integer | None | Number of Liquid metal breeder/coolant channels per module/segment |
den_liq | real | None | Liquid metal breeder/coolant density [kg m^-3] |
wht_liq | real | None | Liquid metal |
wht_liq_ib | real | None | Liquid metal |
wht_liq_ob | real | None | Liquid metal |
specific_heat_liq | real | None | Liquid metal breeder/coolant specific heat [J kg^-1 K^-1] |
thermal_conductivity_liq | real | None | Liquid metal breeder/coolant thermal conductivity [W m^-1 K^-1] |
dynamic_viscosity_liq | real | None | Liquid metal breeder/coolant dynamic viscosity [Pa s] |
electrical_conductivity_liq | real | None | Liquid metal breeder/coolant electrical conductivity [Ohm m] |
hartmann_liq | real | None | Hartmann number |
b_mag_blkt | real | None | Toroidal Magnetic feild strength for IB/OB blanket [T] |
etaiso_liq | real | None | Isentropic efficiency of blanket liquid breeder/coolant pumps |
blpressure_liq | real | None | blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure [Pa] |
inlet_temp_liq | real | None | Inlet (scan var 68) and Outlet (scan var 69) temperature of the liquid breeder/coolant [K] |
outlet_temp_liq | real | None | Inlet (scan var 68) and Outlet (scan var 69) temperature of the liquid breeder/coolant [K] |
den_fw_coolant | real | None | Density of the FW primary coolant |
visc_fw_coolant | real | None | Viscosity of the FW primary coolant |
rhof_bl | real | None | Density of the blanket primary coolant |
visc_bl | real | None | Viscosity of the blanket primary coolant |
cp_fw | real | None | Spesific heat for FW and blanket primary coolant(s) |
cv_fw | real | None | Spesific heat for FW and blanket primary coolant(s) |
cp_bl | real | None | Spesific heat for FW and blanket primary coolant(s) |
cv_bl | real | None | Spesific heat for FW and blanket primary coolant(s) |
f_nuc_pow_bz_struct | real | None | For a dual-coolant blanket, fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant |
f_nuc_pow_bz_liq | real | None | For a dual-coolant blanket, fraction of BZ self-cooled power (secondary coolant) |
pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll | real | None | For a dual-coolant blanket, ratio of FW/Blanket nuclear power as fraction of total |
pnuc_blkt_ratio_dcll | real | None | For a dual-coolant blanket, ratio of FW/Blanket nuclear power as fraction of total |
bzfllengi_n_rad | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total primary coolant flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengi_n_pol | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total primary coolant flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengo_n_rad | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total primary coolant flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengo_n_pol | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total primary coolant flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengi_n_rad_liq | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total secondary coolant/breeder flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengi_n_pol_liq | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total secondary coolant/breeder flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengo_n_rad_liq | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total secondary coolant/breeder flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
bzfllengo_n_pol_liq | integer | None | Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total secondary coolant/breeder flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
istell | integer | None | Switch for stellarator option (set via
bmn | real | None | relative radial field perturbation |
f_asym | real | None | divertor heat load peaking factor |
f_rad | real | None | radiated power fraction in SOL |
f_w | real | None | island size fraction factor |
fdivwet | real | None | wetted fraction of the divertor area |
flpitch | real | None | field line pitch (rad) |
hportamax | real | None | maximum available area for horizontal ports (m2) |
hportpmax | real | None | maximum available poloidal extent for horizontal ports (m) |
hporttmax | real | None | maximum available toroidal extent for horizontal ports (m) |
iotabar | real | None | rotational transform (reciprocal of tokamak q) for stellarator confinement time scaling laws |
isthtr | integer | None | Switch for stellarator auxiliary heating method:
m_res | integer | None | poloidal resonance number (1) |
max_gyrotron_frequency | real | None | Maximal available gyrotron frequency (input parameter) (Hz) |
n_res | integer | None | toroidal resonance number (1) |
shear | real | None | magnetic shear, derivative of iotabar (1) |
te0_ecrh_achievable | real | None | maximal central electron temperature as achievable by the ECRH, input. (keV) |
vportamax | real | None | maximum available area for vertical ports (m2) |
vportpmax | real | None | maximum available poloidal extent for vertical ports (m) |
vporttmax | real | None | maximum available toroidal extent for vertical ports (m) |
powerht_constraint | real | None | |
powerscaling_constraint | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
adas | real | None | area divertor / area main plasma (along separatrix) |
anginc | real | None | angle of incidence of field line on plate (rad) |
beta_div | real | None | field line angle wrt divertor target plate (degrees) |
betai | real | None | poloidal plane angle between divertor plate and leg, inboard (rad) |
betao | real | None | poloidal plane angle between divertor plate and leg, outboard (rad) |
bpsout | real | None | reference B_p at outboard divertor strike point (T) |
c1div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
c2div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
c3div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
c4div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
c5div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
c6div | real | None | fitting coefficient to adjust ptpdiv, ppdiv |
delld | real | None | coeff for power distribution along main plasma |
dendiv | real | None | plasma density at divertor (10**20 /m3) |
densin | real | None | density at plate (on separatrix) (10**20 /m3) |
divclfr | real | None | divertor coolant fraction |
divdens | real | None | divertor structure density (kg/m3) |
divdum | integer | None | switch for divertor Zeff model:
divfix | real | None | divertor structure vertical thickness (m) |
divmas | real | None | divertor plate mass (kg) |
divplt | real | None | divertor plate thickness (m) (from Spears, Sept 1990) |
divsur | real | None | divertor surface area (m2) |
fdfs | real | None | radial gradient ratio |
fdiva | real | None | divertor area fudge factor (for ITER, Sept 1990) |
fhout | real | None | fraction of power to outboard divertor (for single null) |
fififi | real | None | coefficient for gamdiv |
flux_exp | real | None | The plasma flux expansion in the divertor (default 2; Wade 2020) |
frrp | real | None | fraction of radiated power to plate |
hldiv | real | None | divertor heat load (MW/m2) |
i_hldiv | integer | None | switch for user input hldiv:
hldivlim | real | None | heat load limit (MW/m2) |
ksic | real | None | power fraction for outboard double-null scrape-off plasma |
lamp | real | None | power flow width (m) |
minstang | real | None | minimum strike angle for heat flux calculation |
omegan | real | None | pressure ratio (nT)_plasma / (nT)_scrape-off |
omlarg | real | None | power spillage to private flux factor |
ppdivr | real | None | peak heat load at plate (with radiation) (MW/m2) |
prn1 | real | None | n-scrape-off / n-average plasma; (input for |
ptpdiv | real | None | peak temperature at the plate (eV) |
rconl | real | None | connection length ratio, outboard side |
rlclolcn | real | None | ratio of collision length / connection length |
rlenmax | real | None | maximum value for length ratio (rlclolcn) ( |
rsrd | real | None | effective separatrix/divertor radius ratio |
tconl | real | None | main plasma connection length (m) |
tdiv | real | None | temperature at divertor (eV) (input for stellarator only, calculated for tokamaks) |
tsep | real | None | temperature at the separatrix (eV) |
xparain | real | None | parallel heat transport coefficient (m2/s) |
xpertin | real | None | perpendicular heat transport coefficient (m2/s) |
zeffdiv | real | None | Zeff in the divertor region (if |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
f_n | real | None | |
f_r | real | None | |
f_aspect | real | None | |
f_b | real | None | |
f_i | real | None | |
f_a | real | None | |
first_call | logical | .true. | |
first_call_stfwbs | logical | .true. |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
iotty | integer | 6 | |
nout | integer | 11 | |
nplot | integer | 12 | |
mfile | integer | 13 | |
vfile | integer | 14 | |
opt_file | integer | 15 | |
sig_file | integer | 16 | |
degrad | real | 0.01745329251D0 | |
electron_charge | real | 1.602176634D-19 | |
electron_volt | real | 1.602176634D-19 | |
kiloelectron_volt | real | 1.602176634D-16 | |
atomic_mass_unit | real | 1.66053906892D-27 | |
electron_mass | real | 9.1093837139D-31 | |
proton_mass | real | 1.67262192595D-27 | |
m_proton_amu | real | 1.0072764665789 | |
m_protium_amu | real | 1.00782503223 | |
deuteron_mass | real | 3.3435837768D-27 | |
m_deuteron_amu | real | 2.013553212544 | |
triton_mass | real | 5.0073567512D-27 | |
m_triton_amu | real | 3.01550071597 | |
neutron_mass | real | 1.67492750056D-27 | |
alpha_mass | real | 6.6446573450D-27 | |
m_alpha_amu | real | 4.001506179129 | |
m_helium_amu | real | 4.002602 | |
helion_mass | real | 5.0064127862D-27 | |
m_helion_amu | real | 3.014932246932 | |
m_beryllium_amu | real | 9.0121831 | |
m_carbon_amu | real | 12.0096 | |
m_nitrogen_amu | real | 14.00643 | |
m_oxygen_amu | real | 15.99903 | |
m_neon_amu | real | 20.1797 | |
m_silicon_amu | real | 28.084 | |
m_argon_amu | real | 39.948 | |
m_iron_amu | real | 55.845 | |
m_nickel_amu | real | 58.6934 | |
m_krypton_amu | real | 83.798 | |
m_xenon_amu | real | 131.293 | |
m_tungsten_amu | real | 183.84 | |
speed_light | real | 299792458D0 | |
d_t_energy | real | (((deuteron_mass+triton_mass)-(alpha_mass+neutron_mass))*speed_light**2) | |
d_helium_energy | real | (((deuteron_mass+helion_mass)-(alpha_mass+proton_mass))*speed_light**2) | |
dd_helium_energy | real | (((deuteron_mass+deuteron_mass)-(helion_mass+neutron_mass))*speed_light**2) | |
dd_triton_energy | real | (((deuteron_mass+deuteron_mass)-(triton_mass+proton_mass))*speed_light**2) | |
dt_neutron_energy_fraction | real | (alpha_mass/(neutron_mass+alpha_mass)) | |
dt_alpha_energy | real | (1.0D0-dt_neutron_energy_fraction)*d_t_energy | |
dd_neutron_energy_fraction | real | (helion_mass/(neutron_mass+helion_mass)) | |
dd_proton_energy_fraction | real | (triton_mass/(proton_mass+triton_mass)) | |
dhelium_proton_energy_fraction | real | (alpha_mass/(proton_mass+alpha_mass)) | |
den_tungsten | real | 19250.0D0 | |
pi | real | 3.1415926535897932D0 | |
rmu0 | real | 1.256637062D-6 | |
twopi | real | 6.2831853071795862D0 | |
umass | real | 1.660538921D-27 | |
epsilon0 | real | 8.85418781D-12 | |
cph2o | real | 4180.0D0 | |
dcopper | real | None | |
dalu | real | None | |
denh2o | real | 985.0D0 | |
k_copper | real | 330.0D0 | |
kh2o | real | 0.651D0 | |
muh2o | real | 4.71D-4 | |
n_day_year | real | 365.2425D0 | |
acceleration_gravity | real | 9.81D0 | Acceleration due to gravity [m/s2] |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
n_impurities | integer | 14 | n_impurities /14/ FIX : number of ion species in impurity radiation model |
coreradius | real | None | coreradius /0.6/ : normalised radius defining the 'core' region |
coreradiationfraction | real | None | coreradiationfraction /1.0/ : fraction of radiation from 'core' region that is subtracted from the loss power fimp(n_impurities) /1.0,0.1,0.02,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0016,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0/ : impurity number density fractions relative to electron density |
fimp | real | None | |
imp_label | character | None | imp_label(n_impurities) : impurity ion species names:
all_array_hotfix_len | integer | 200 | |
impurity_arr_Label | character | None | |
impurity_arr_Z | integer | None | |
impurity_arr_amass | real | None | |
impurity_arr_frac | real | None | |
impurity_arr_len_tab | integer | None | |
impurity_arr_Temp_keV | real | None | |
impurity_arr_Lz_Wm3 | real | None | |
impurity_arr_Zav | real | None | |
toolow | logical | None | Used for reporting error in function pimpden |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
ngrpmx | integer | 10 | maximum number of groups of PF coils |
nclsmx | integer | 2 | maximum number of PF coils in a given group |
nptsmx | integer | 32 | maximum number of points across the midplane of the plasma at which the field from the PF coils is fixed |
nfixmx | integer | 64 | maximum number of fixed current PF coils |
ngc | integer | ngrpmx*nclsmx | maximum total number of coils across all groups |
ngc2 | integer | ngc+2 | new variable to include 2 additional circuits: plasma and central solenoid |
alfapf | real | None | smoothing parameter used in PF coil current calculation at the beginning of pulse (BoP) |
alstroh | real | None | allowable hoop stress in Central Solenoid structural material (Pa) |
i_cs_stress | integer | None | Switch for CS stress calculation:
areaoh | real | None | Central solenoid vertical cross-sectional area (m2) |
a_oh_turn | real | None | Central solenoid (OH) trun cross-sectional area (m2) |
awpoh | real | None | central solenoid conductor+void area with area of steel subtracted (m2) |
bmaxoh | real | None | maximum field in central solenoid at end of flat-top (EoF) (T) |
bmaxoh0 | real | None | maximum field in central solenoid at beginning of pulse (T) |
bpf | real | None | peak field at coil i (T) |
ccl0_ma | real | None | PF group current array, flux-swing cancellation current (MA) Input if i_pf_current=0, computed otherwise |
ccls_ma | real | None | PF group current array, equilibrium current (MA) Input if i_pf_current=0, computed otherwise |
cohbop | real | None | Central solenoid overall current density at beginning of pulse (A/m2) |
coheof | real | None | Central solenoid overall current density at end of flat-top (A/m2) ( |
cpt | real | None | current per turn in coil i at time j (A) |
cptdin | real | None | peak current per turn input for PF coil i (A) |
curpfb | real | None | PF coil current array, at beginning of pulse (MA) Indexed by coil number, not group number |
curpff | real | None | PF coil current array, at flat top (MA) Indexed by coil number, not group number |
curpfs | real | None | PF coil current array, at end of pulse (MA) Indexed by coil number, not group number |
etapsu | real | None | Efficiency of transfer of PF stored energy into or out of storage. |
fcohbof | real | None | ratio of central solenoid overall current density at beginning of flat-top / end of flat-top |
fcohbop | real | None | ratio of central solenoid overall current density at beginning of pulse / end of flat-top
( |
fcuohsu | real | None | copper fraction of strand in central solenoid |
fcupfsu | real | None | copper fraction of cable conductor (PF coils) |
fvssu | real | None | F-value for |
ipfloc | integer | None | Switch for location of PF coil group i:
ipfres | integer | None | switch for PF & CS coil conductor type:
itr_sum | real | None | total sum of I x turns x radius for all PF coils and CS (Am) |
isumatoh | integer | None | switch for superconductor material in central solenoid:
isumatpf | integer | None | switch for superconductor material in PF coils:
j_crit_str_cs | real | None | superconductor strand critical current density under operating conditions in central solenoid (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kA m |
j_crit_str_pf | real | None | superconductor strand critical current density under operating conditions in PF coils (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kA m |
i_pf_current | integer | None | Switch for controlling the current of the PF coils:
i_sup_pf_shape | integer | None | Switch for the placement of Location 3 (outboard) PF coils when the TF coils are superconducting (i_tf_sup = 1)
jscoh_bop | real | None | central solenoid superconductor critical current density (A/m2) at beginning-of-pulse |
jscoh_eof | real | None | central solenoid superconductor critical current density (A/m2) at end-of-flattop |
jcableoh_bop | real | None | central solenoid cable critical current density (A/m2) at beginning-of-pulse |
jcableoh_eof | real | None | central solenoid cable critical current density (A/m2) at end-of-flattop |
ncirt | integer | None | number of PF circuits (including central solenoid and plasma) |
ncls | integer | None | number of PF coils in group j |
nfxfh | integer | None | number of filaments the top and bottom of the central solenoid should be broken into during scaling (5 - 10 is good) |
ngrp | integer | None | number of groups of PF coils. Symmetric coil pairs should all be in the same group |
nohc | integer | None | number of PF coils (excluding the central solenoid) + 1 |
ohhghf | real | None | Central solenoid height / TF coil internal height |
oh_steel_frac | real | None | central solenoid steel fraction ( |
pf_current_safety_factor | real | None | Ratio of permissible PF coil conductor current density to critical conductor current density based on short-sample DC measurements |
pfcaseth | real | None | steel case thickness for PF coil i (m) |
pfclres | real | None | PF coil resistivity (if ipfres=1) (Ohm-m) |
rhopfbus | real | None | Resistivity of CS and PF coil bus bars (irrespective of whether the coils themselves are superconducting or resistive) (Ohm-m) |
pfmmax | real | None | mass of heaviest PF coil (tonnes) |
pfrmax | real | None | radius of largest PF coil (m) |
pfwpmw | real | None | Total mean wall plug power dissipated in PFC and CS power supplies (MW) (issue #713) |
powohres | real | None | central solenoid resistive power during flattop (W) |
powpfres | real | None | total PF coil resistive losses during flattop (W) |
ra | real | None | inner radius of coil i (m) |
rb | real | None | outer radius of coil i (m) |
ric | real | None | peak current in coil i (MA-turns) |
rjconpf | real | None | average winding pack current density of PF coil i (A/m2) at time of peak
current in that coil (calculated for |
rjohc | real | None | allowable central solenoid current density at end of flat-top (A/m2) |
rjohc0 | real | None | allowable central solenoid current density at beginning of pulse (A/m2) |
rjpfalw | real | None | allowable winding pack current density of PF coil i (A/m2) |
rohc | real | None | radius to the centre of the central solenoid (m) |
routr | real | None | radial distance (m) from outboard TF coil leg to centre of |
rpf | real | None | radius of PF coil i (m) |
rpf1 | real | None | offset (m) of radial position of |
rpf2 | real | None | offset (m) of radial position of |
rref | real | None | PF coil radial positioning adjuster:
s_tresca_oh | real | None | Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) coils/central solenoid [MPa] |
sigpfcalw | real | None | maximum permissible tensile stress (MPa) in steel coil cases for superconducting
PF coils ( |
sigpfcf | real | None | fraction of JxB hoop force supported by steel case for superconducting PF coils ( |
sxlg | real | None | mutual inductance matrix (H) |
tmargoh | real | None | Central solenoid temperature margin (K) |
turns | real | None | number of turns in PF coil i |
vf | real | None | winding pack void fraction of PF coil i for coolant |
vfohc | real | None | void fraction of central solenoid conductor for coolant |
vsbn | real | None | total flux swing available for burn (Wb) |
vsefbn | real | None | flux swing from PF coils for burn (Wb) |
vsefsu | real | None | flux swing from PF coils for startup (Wb) |
vseft | real | None | total flux swing from PF coils (Wb) |
vsoh | real | None | total flux swing from the central solenoid (Wb) |
vsohbn | real | None | central solenoid flux swing for burn (Wb) |
vsohsu | real | None | central solenoid flux swing for startup (Wb) |
vssu | real | None | total flux swing for startup ( |
vstot | real | None | total flux swing for pulse (Wb) |
waves | real | None | used in current waveform of PF coils/central solenoid |
whtpf | real | None | total mass of the PF coil conductor (kg) |
whtpfs | real | None | total mass of the PF coil structure (kg) |
wtc | real | None | conductor mass for PF coil i (kg) |
wts | real | None | structure mass for PF coil i (kg) |
zh | real | None | upper point of PF coil i (m) |
zl | real | None | lower point of PF coil i (m) |
zpf | real | None | z (height) location of PF coil i (m) |
zref | real | None | PF coil vertical positioning adjuster:
bmaxcs_lim | real | None | Central solenoid max field limit [T] |
fbmaxcs | real | None | F-value for CS mmax field ( |
ld_ratio_cst | real | None | Ratio of CS coil turn conduit length to depth |
l_cond_cst | real | None | Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit |
d_cond_cst | real | None | Depth/width of CS of CS coil turn conduit |
r_out_cst | real | None | Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit length |
r_in_cst | real | None | Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit length |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
vcritx | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
icase | character | None | power plant type |
runtitle | character | None | short descriptive title for the run |
verbose | integer | None | switch for turning on/off diagnostic messages
run_tests | integer | None | turns on built-in tests if set to 1 |
maxcal | integer | None | maximum number of VMCON iterations |
fileprefix | character | None | input file prefix |
output_prefix | character | None | output file prefix |
xlabel | character | None | scan parameter description label |
vlabel | character | None | scan value name label |
xlabel_2 | character | None | scan parameter description label (2nd dimension) |
vlabel_2 | character | None | scan value name label (2nd dimension) |
iscan_global | integer | None | Makes iscan available globally. |
convergence_parameter | real | None | VMCON convergence parameter "sum" |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
aplasmin | real | None | minimum minor radius (m) |
available_radial_space | real | None | Minimal radial space between plasma and coils (m) |
blarea | real | None | blanket total surface area (m2) |
blareaib | real | None | inboard blanket surface area (m2) |
blareaob | real | None | outboard blanket surface area (m2) |
blbmith | real | None | inboard blanket box manifold thickness (m) ( |
blbmoth | real | None | outboard blanket box manifold thickness (m) ( |
blbpith | real | None | inboard blanket base plate thickness (m) ( |
blbpoth | real | None | outboard blanket base plate thickness (m) ( |
blbuith | real | None | inboard blanket breeding zone thickness (m) ( |
blbuoth | real | None | outboard blanket breeding zone thickness (m) ( |
dr_blkt_inboard | real | None | inboard blanket thickness (m); (calculated if |
dr_blkt_outboard | real | None | outboard blanket thickness (m); calculated if |
blnktth | real | None | top blanket thickness (m), = mean of inboard and outboard blanket thicknesses |
dr_bore | real | None | central solenoid inboard radius (m) ( |
f_z_cryostat | real | None | cryostat lid height scaling factor (tokamaks) |
dr_cryostat | real | None | cryostat thickness (m) |
dr_vv_inboard | real | None | vacuum vessel inboard thickness (TF coil / shield) (m) |
dr_vv_outboard | real | None | vacuum vessel outboard thickness (TF coil / shield) (m) |
d_vv_top | real | None | vacuum vessel topside thickness (TF coil / shield) (m) (= d_vv_bot if double-null) |
d_vv_bot | real | None | vacuum vessel underside thickness (TF coil / shield) (m) |
f_avspace | real | None | F-value for stellarator radial space check ( |
fcspc | real | None | Fraction of space occupied by CS pre-compression structure |
fseppc | real | None | Separation force in CS coil pre-compression structure |
a_fw_total | real | None | First wall total surface area [m^2] |
a_fw_inboard | real | None | Inboard first wall surface area [m^2] |
a_fw_outboard | real | None | Outboard first wall surface area [m^2] |
dr_fw_inboard | real | None | inboard first wall thickness, initial estimate as calculated (m) |
dr_fw_outboard | real | None | outboard first wall thickness, initial estimate as calculated (m) |
dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard | real | None | gap between inboard vacuum vessel and thermal shield (m) ( |
dr_cs_tf_gap | real | None | gap between central solenoid and TF coil (m) ( |
gapomin | real | None | minimum gap between outboard vacuum vessel and TF coil (m) ( |
dr_shld_vv_gap_outboard | real | None | gap between outboard vacuum vessel and TF coil (m) |
hmax | real | None | maximum (half-)height of TF coil (inside edge) (m) |
hpfdif | real | None | difference in distance from midplane of upper and lower portions of TF legs (non-zero for single-null devices) (m) |
hpfu | real | None | height to top of (upper) TF coil leg (m) |
hr1 | real | None | half-height of TF coil inboard leg straight section (m) |
iohcl | integer | None | Switch for existence of central solenoid:
i_cs_precomp | integer | None | Switch for existence of central solenoid pre-compression structure:
tf_in_cs | integer | None | Switch for placing the TF coil inside the CS
dr_cs | real | None | Central solenoid thickness (m) ( |
dr_cs_precomp | real | None | CS coil precompression structure thickness (m) |
rbld | real | None | sum of thicknesses to the major radius (m) |
required_radial_space | real | None | Required space between coil and plasma for blanket shield wall etc (m) |
rinboard | real | None | plasma inboard radius (m) ( |
rsldi | real | None | radius to inboard shield (inside point) (m) |
rsldo | real | None | radius to outboard shield (outside point) (m) |
r_vv_inboard_out | real | None | Radial plasma facing side position of inboard vacuum vessel [m] |
r_sh_inboard_in | real | None | Radial inner side position of inboard neutronic shield [m] |
r_sh_inboard_out | real | None | Radial plasma facing side position of inboard neutronic shield [m] |
r_tf_inboard_in | real | None | Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at the centre-machine side [m] |
r_tf_inboard_mid | real | None | Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at middle of the coil [m] |
r_tf_inboard_out | real | None | Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at the plasma side [m] |
r_tf_outboard_mid | real | None | Mid-plane outboard TF coil leg radius at the middle of the coil [m] |
i_r_cp_top | integer | None | Switch selecting the he parametrization of the outer radius of the top of the CP part of the TF coil
0 : |
r_cp_top | real | None | Top outer radius of the centropost (ST only) (m) |
f_r_cp | real | None | Ratio between the top and the midplane TF CP outer radius [-] Not used by default (-1) must be larger than 1 otherwise |
dr_tf_inner_bore | real | None | TF coil horizontal inner dr_bore (m) |
dh_tf_inner_bore | real | None | TF coil vertical inner dr_bore (m) |
dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard | real | None | Gap between plasma and first wall, inboard side (m) (if |
dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard | real | None | Gap between plasma and first wall, outboard side (m) (if |
sharea | real | None | shield total surface area (m2) |
shareaib | real | None | inboard shield surface area (m2) |
shareaob | real | None | outboard shield surface area (m2) |
dr_shld_inboard | real | None | inboard shield thickness (m) ( |
shldlth | real | None | lower (under divertor) shield thickness (m) |
dr_shld_outboard | real | None | outboard shield thickness (m) ( |
shldtth | real | None | upper/lower shield thickness (m); calculated if |
sigallpc | real | None | allowable stress in CSpre-compression structure (Pa) |
dr_tf_inboard | real | None | inboard TF coil thickness, (centrepost for ST) (m)
(input, calculated or |
tfoffset | real | None | vertical distance between centre of TF coils and centre of plasma (m) |
tfootfi | real | None | TF coil outboard leg / inboard leg radial thickness
ratio ( |
dr_tf_outboard | real | None | Outboard TF coil thickness (m) |
dr_tf_shld_gap | real | None | Minimum metal-to-metal gap between TF coil and thermal shield (m) |
dr_shld_thermal_inboard | real | None | TF-VV thermal shield thickness, inboard (m) |
dr_shld_thermal_outboard | real | None | TF-VV thermal shield thickness, outboard (m) |
thshield_vb | real | None | TF-VV thermal shield thickness, vertical build (m) |
vgap_vv_thermalshield | real | None | vertical gap between vacuum vessel and thermal shields (m) |
vgap_xpoint_divertor | real | None | vertical gap between x-point and divertor (m) (if = 0, it is calculated) |
vgaptop | real | None | vertical gap between top of plasma and first wall (m) (= vgap_xpoint_divertor if double-null) |
dr_shld_blkt_gap | real | None | gap between vacuum vessel and blanket (m) |
plleni | real | None | length of inboard divertor plate (m) |
plleno | real | None | length of outboard divertor plate (m) |
plsepi | real | None | poloidal length, x-point to inboard strike point (m) |
plsepo | real | None | poloidal length, x-point to outboard strike point (m) |
rspo | real | None | outboard strike point radius (m) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
DUMMY | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
n_confinement_scalings | integer | 51 | number of energy confinement time scaling laws |
m_beam_amu | real | None | beam ion mass (amu) |
m_fuel_amu | real | None | average mass of fuel portion of ions (amu) |
m_ions_total_amu | real | None | average mass of all ions (amu) |
alphaj | real | None | current profile index (calculated from q_0 and q if |
alphan | real | None | density profile index |
alphap | real | None | pressure profile index |
alpha_rate_density_total | real | None | Alpha particle production rate per unit volume, from plasma and beams [particles/m3/sec] |
alpha_rate_density_plasma | real | None | Alpha particle production rate per unit volume, just from plasma [particles/m3/sec] |
alphat | real | None | temperature profile index |
aspect | real | None | aspect ratio ( |
beamfus0 | real | None | multiplier for beam-background fusion calculation |
beta | real | None | total plasma beta ( |
beta_fast_alpha | real | None | fast alpha beta component |
beta_max | real | None | Max allowable beta |
beta_min | real | None | allowable lower beta |
beta_beam | real | None | neutral beam beta component |
beta_poloidal | real | None | poloidal beta |
beta_poloidal_eps | real | None | Poloidal beta and inverse aspcet ratio product |
beta_toroidal | real | None | toroidal beta |
beta_thermal | real | None | thermal beta |
beta_thermal_poloidal | real | None | poloidal thermal beta |
beta_thermal_toroidal | real | None | poloidal thermal beta |
beta_norm_total | real | None | normaised total beta |
beta_norm_thermal | real | None | normaised thermal beta |
beta_norm_toroidal | real | None | normaised toroidal beta |
beta_norm_poloidal | real | None | normaised poloidal beta |
e_plasma_beta_thermal | real | None | Plasma thermal energy derived from thermal beta |
betbm0 | real | None | leading coefficient for NB beta fraction |
bp | real | None | poloidal field (T) |
bt | real | None | toroidal field on axis (T) ( |
btot | real | None | total toroidal + poloidal field (T) |
burnup | real | None | fractional plasma burnup |
burnup_in | real | None | fractional plasma burnup user input |
bvert | real | None | vertical field at plasma (T) |
c_beta | real | None | Destabalisation parameter for iprofile=6 beta limit |
csawth | real | None | coeff. for sawteeth effects on burn V-s requirement |
f_vol_plasma | real | None | multiplying factor for the plasma volume (normally=1) |
f_r_conducting_wall | real | None | maximum ratio of conducting wall distance to plasma minor radius for
vertical stability ( |
dene | real | None | electron density (/m3) ( |
nd_fuel_ions | real | None | fuel ion density (/m3) |
dlamee | real | None | electron-electron coulomb logarithm |
dlamie | real | None | ion-electron coulomb logarithm |
dlimit | real | None | density limit (/m3) as calculated using various models |
nd_alphas | real | None | thermal alpha density (/m3) |
nd_beam_ions | real | None | hot beam ion density, variable (/m3) |
beam_density_out | real | None | hot beam ion density from calculation (/m3) |
beta_norm_max | real | None | Troyon-like coefficient for beta scaling |
dnelimt | real | None | density limit (/m3) |
nd_ions_total | real | None | total ion density (/m3) |
dnla | real | None | line averaged electron density (/m3) |
nd_protons | real | None | proton ash density (/m3) |
ntau | real | None | Fusion double product (s/m3) |
nTtau | real | None | Lawson triple product [keV s / m3] |
nd_impurities | real | None | high Z ion density (/m3) |
gradient_length_ne | real | None | Max. normalized gradient length in el. density (ipedestal==0 only) |
gradient_length_te | real | None | Max. normalized gradient length in el. temperature (ipedestal==0 only) |
beta_poloidal_eps_max | real | None | maximum (eps*beta_poloidal) ( |
eps | real | None | inverse aspect ratio |
aux_current_fraction | real | None | fraction of plasma current produced by auxiliary current drive |
inductive_current_fraction | real | None | fraction of plasma current produced inductively |
f_alpha_electron | real | None | fraction of alpha energy to electrons |
f_alpha_plasma | real | None | Fraction of alpha power deposited in plasma. Default of 0.95 taken from |
f_alpha_ion | real | None | fraction of alpha power to ions |
f_deuterium | real | None | deuterium fuel fraction |
ftar | real | None | fraction of power to the lower divertor in double null configuration
( |
ffwal | real | None | factor to convert plasma surface area to first wall area in neutron wall
load calculation ( |
fgwped | real | None | fraction of Greenwald density to set as pedestal-top density. If |
fgwsep | real | None | fraction of Greenwald density to set as separatrix density. If |
f_helium3 | real | None | helium-3 fuel fraction |
figmer | real | None | physics figure of merit (= plasma_currentaspect*sbar, where |
fkzohm | real | None | Zohm elongation scaling adjustment factor ( |
fplhsep | real | None | F-value for Psep >= Plh + Paux ( |
fpdivlim | real | None | F-value for minimum pdivt ( |
fne0 | real | None | f-value for the constraint ne(0) > ne(ped) ( |
f_tritium | real | None | tritium fuel fraction |
fusion_rate_density_total | real | None | fusion reaction rate, from beams and plasma (reactions/m3/sec) |
fusion_rate_density_plasma | real | None | fusion reaction rate, just from plasma (reactions/m3/sec) |
fvsbrnni | real | None | fraction of the plasma current produced by non-inductive means ( |
ejima_coeff | real | None | Ejima coefficient for resistive startup V-s formula |
f_beta_alpha_beam_thermal | real | None | ratio of (fast alpha + neutral beam beta) to thermal beta |
hfac | real | None | H factors for an ignited plasma for each energy confinement time scaling law |
hfact | real | None | H factor on energy confinement times, radiation corrected ( |
taumax | real | None | Maximum allowed energy confinement time (s) |
i_bootstrap_current | integer | None | switch for bootstrap current scaling
i_beta_component | integer | None | switch for beta limit scaling (
i_plasma_current | integer | None | switch for plasma current scaling to use
i_diamagnetic_current | integer | None | switch for diamagnetic current scaling
i_density_limit | integer | None | switch for density limit to enforce (
idivrt | integer | None | number of divertors (calculated from |
i_beta_fast_alpha | integer | None | switch for fast alpha pressure calculation
ignite | integer | None | switch for ignition assumption. Obviously, ignite must be zero if current drive is required. If ignite is 1, any auxiliary power is assumed to be used only during plasma start-up, and is excluded from all steady-state power balance calculations.
ipedestal | integer | None | switch for pedestal profiles:
i_pfirsch_schluter_current | integer | None | switch for Pfirsch-Schlüter current scaling (issue #413):
neped | real | None | electron density of pedestal [m-3] (`ipedestal==1) |
nesep | real | None | electron density at separatrix [m-3] (`ipedestal==1) |
alpha_crit | real | None | critical ballooning parameter value |
nesep_crit | real | None | critical electron density at separatrix [m-3] |
plasma_res_factor | real | None | plasma resistivity pre-factor |
rhopedn | real | None | r/a of density pedestal ( |
rhopedt | real | None | r/a of temperature pedestal ( |
rho_te_max | real | None | r/a where the temperature gradient is largest ( |
rho_ne_max | real | None | r/a where the density gradient is largest ( |
tbeta | real | None | temperature profile index beta (`ipedestal==1) |
teped | real | None | electron temperature of pedestal (keV) ( |
tesep | real | None | electron temperature at separatrix (keV) ( |
iprofile | integer | None | switch for current profile consistency:
i_rad_loss | integer | None | switch for radiation loss term usage in power balance (see User Guide):
i_confinement_time | integer | None | switch for energy confinement time scaling law (see description in labels_confinement_scalings(n_confinement_scalings) : labels describing energy confinement scaling laws |
labels_confinement_scalings | character | (/'User input electron confinement ', 'Neo-Alcator (Ohmic)', 'Mirnov (H)', 'Merezkhin-Muhkovatov (Ohmic)(L)', 'Shimomura (H)', 'Kaye-Goldston (L)', 'ITER 89-P (L)', 'ITER 89-O (L)', 'Rebut-Lallia (L)', 'Goldston (L)', 'T10 (L)', 'JAERI / Odajima-Shimomura (L)', 'Kaye-Big Complex (L)', 'ITER H90-P (H)', 'ITER 89-P & 89-O min (L)', 'Riedel (L)', 'Christiansen (L)', 'Lackner-Gottardi (L)', 'Neo-Kaye (L)', 'Riedel (H)', 'ITER H90-P amended (H)', 'LHD (Stell)', 'Gyro-reduced Bohm (Stell)', 'Lackner-Gottardi (Stell)', 'ITER-93H ELM-free (H)', 'TITAN RFP OBSOLETE ', 'ITER H-97P ELM-free (H)', 'ITER H-97P ELMy (H)', 'ITER-96P (ITER-97L) (L)', 'Valovic modified ELMy (H)', 'Kaye 98 modified (L)', 'ITERH-PB98P(y) (H)', 'IPB98(y) (H)', 'IPB98(y,1) (H)', 'IPB98(y,2) (H)', 'IPB98(y,3) (H)', 'IPB98(y,4) (H)', 'ISS95 (Stell)', 'ISS04 (Stell)', 'DS03 beta-independent (H)', 'Murari "Non-power law" (H)', 'Petty 2008 (ST)(H)', 'Lang high density (H)', 'Hubbard 2017 - nominal (I)', 'Hubbard 2017 - lower (I)', 'Hubbard 2017 - upper (I)', 'Menard NSTX (ST)(H)', 'Menard NSTX-Petty08 hybrid (ST)(H)', 'Buxton NSTX gyro-Bohm (ST)(H)', 'ITPA20 (H)', 'ITPA20-IL (H)'/) | |
i_plasma_wall_gap | integer | None | Switch for plasma-first wall clearances at the mid-plane:
i_plasma_geometry | integer | None | switch for plasma elongation and triangularity calculations:
i_plasma_shape | integer | None | switch for plasma boundary shape:
itart | integer | None | switch for spherical tokamak (ST) models:
itartpf | integer | None | switch for Spherical Tokamak PF models:
iwalld | integer | None | switch for neutron wall load calculation:
plasma_square | real | None | plasma squareness used by Sauter plasma shape |
kappa | real | None | plasma separatrix elongation (calculated if |
kappa95 | real | None | plasma elongation at 95% surface (calculated if |
kappa_ipb | real | None | Separatrix elongation calculated for IPB scalings |
ne0 | real | None | central electron density (/m3) |
ni0 | real | None | central ion density (/m3) |
m_s_limit | real | None | margin to vertical stability |
p0 | real | None | central total plasma pressure (Pa) |
j_plasma_0 | real | None | Central plasma current density (A/m2) |
vol_avg_pressure | real | None | Volume averaged plasma pressure (Pa) |
f_dd_branching_trit | real | None | branching ratio for DD -> T |
alpha_power_density_plasma | real | None | Alpha power per volume just from plasma [MW/m3] |
alpha_power_density_total | real | None | Alpha power per volume from plasma and beams [MW/m3] |
alpha_power_electron_density | real | None | Alpha power per volume to electrons [MW/m3] |
palpfwmw | real | None | alpha power escaping plasma and reaching first wall (MW) |
alpha_power_ions_density | real | None | alpha power per volume to ions (MW/m3) |
alpha_power_plasma | real | None | Alpha power from only the plasma (MW) |
alpha_power_total | real | None | Total alpha power from plasma and beams (MW) |
alpha_power_beams | real | None | alpha power from hot neutral beam ions (MW) |
non_alpha_charged_power | real | None | non-alpha charged particle fusion power (MW) |
charged_particle_power | real | None | Total charged particle fusion power [MW] |
charged_power_density | real | None | Non-alpha charged particle fusion power per volume [MW/m3] |
pcoef | real | None | profile factor (= n-weighted T / average T) |
p_plasma_inner_rad_mw | real | None | radiation power from inner zone (MW) |
pcoreradpv | real | None | total core radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
dd_power | real | None | deuterium-deuterium fusion power (MW) |
dhe3_power | real | None | deuterium-helium3 fusion power (MW) |
pdivt | real | None | power to conducted to the divertor region (MW) |
pdivl | real | None | power conducted to the lower divertor region (calculated if |
pdivu | real | None | power conducted to the upper divertor region (calculated if |
pdivmax | real | None | power conducted to the divertor with most load (calculated if |
dt_power_total | real | None | Total deuterium-tritium fusion power, from plasma and beams [MW] |
dt_power_plasma | real | None | Deuterium-tritium fusion power, just from plasma [MW] |
p_plasma_outer_rad_mw | real | None | radiation power from outer zone (MW) |
pedgeradpv | real | None | edge radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
vs_plasma_internal | real | None | internal plasma V-s |
pflux_fw_rad_mw | real | None | Nominal mean radiation load on inside surface of reactor (MW/m2) |
piepv | real | None | ion/electron equilibration power per volume (MW/m3) |
plasma_current | real | None | plasma current (A) |
neutron_power_plasma | real | None | Neutron fusion power from just the plasma [MW] |
neutron_power_total | real | None | Total neutron fusion power from plasma and beams [MW] |
neutron_power_density_total | real | None | neutron fusion power per volume from beams and plasma (MW/m3) |
neutron_power_density_plasma | real | None | neutron fusion power per volume just from plasma (MW/m3) |
p_plasma_ohmic_mw | real | None | ohmic heating power (MW) |
pden_plasma_ohmic_mw | real | None | ohmic heating power per volume (MW/m3) |
p_plasma_loss_mw | real | None | heating power (= transport loss power) (MW) used in confinement time calculation |
fusion_power | real | None | fusion power (MW) |
len_plasma_poloidal | real | None | plasma poloidal perimeter (m) |
p_plasma_rad_mw | real | None | total radiation power from inside LCFS (MW) |
pden_plasma_rad_mw | real | None | total radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
pradsolmw | real | None | radiation power from SoL (MW) |
proton_rate_density | real | None | Proton production rate [particles/m3/sec] |
psolradmw | real | None | SOL radiation power (MW) ( |
pden_plasma_sync_mw | real | None | synchrotron radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
i_l_h_threshold | integer | None | switch for L-H mode power threshold scaling to use (see l_h_threshold_powers for list) |
p_l_h_threshold_mw | real | None | L-H mode power threshold (MW) (chosen via i_l_h_threshold, and enforced if constraint equation 15 is on) |
l_h_threshold_powers | real | None | L-H power threshold for various scalings (MW)
p_electron_transport_loss_mw | real | None | electron transport power (MW) |
pden_electron_transport_loss_mw | real | None | electron transport power per volume (MW/m3) |
p_ion_transport_loss_mw | real | None | ion transport power (MW) |
pscalingmw | real | None | Total transport power from scaling law (MW) |
pden_ion_transport_loss_mw | real | None | ion transport power per volume (MW/m3) |
q0 | real | None | Safety factor on axis |
q95 | real | None | Safety factor at 95% flux surface (iteration variable 18) (unless icurr=2 (ST current scaling), in which case q95 = mean edge safety factor qbar) |
qfuel | real | None | plasma fuelling rate (nucleus-pairs/s) |
tauratio | real | None | tauratio /1.0/ : ratio of He and pellet particle confinement times |
q95_min | real | None | lower limit for edge safety factor |
qstar | real | None | cylindrical safety factor |
rad_fraction_sol | real | None | SoL radiation fraction |
rad_fraction_total | real | None | Radiation fraction total = SoL + LCFS radiation / total power deposited in plasma |
f_nd_alpha_electron | real | None | thermal alpha density/electron density ( |
f_nd_protium_electrons | real | None | Seeded f_nd_protium_electrons density / electron density. |
ind_plasma_internal_norm | real | None | Plasma normalised internal inductance (calculated from alphaj if |
ind_plasma | real | None | plasma inductance (H) |
rmajor | real | None | plasma major radius (m) ( |
rminor | real | None | plasma minor radius (m) |
f_nd_beam_electron | real | None | hot beam density / n_e ( |
rncne | real | None | n_carbon / n_e |
rndfuel | real | None | fuel burnup rate (reactions/second) |
rnfene | real | None | n_highZ / n_e |
rnone | real | None | n_oxygen / n_e |
f_res_plasma_neo | real | None | neo-classical correction factor to res_plasma |
res_plasma | real | None | plasma resistance (ohm) |
t_plasma_res_diffusion | real | None | plasma current resistive diffusion time (s) |
a_plasma_surface | real | None | plasma surface area |
a_plasma_surface_outboard | real | None | outboard plasma surface area |
i_single_null | integer | None | switch for single null / double null plasma:
f_sync_reflect | real | None | synchrotron wall reflectivity factor |
t_electron_energy_confinement | real | None | electron energy confinement time (sec) |
tauee_in | real | None | Input electron energy confinement time (sec) ( |
t_energy_confinement | real | None | global thermal energy confinement time (sec) |
t_ion_energy_confinement | real | None | ion energy confinement time (sec) |
t_alpha_confinement | real | None | alpha particle confinement time (sec) |
f_alpha_energy_confinement | real | None | alpha particle to energy confinement time ratio |
te | real | None | volume averaged electron temperature (keV) ( |
te0 | real | None | central electron temperature (keV) |
ten | real | None | density weighted average electron temperature (keV) |
ti | real | None | volume averaged ion temperature (keV). N.B. calculated from te if |
ti0 | real | None | central ion temperature (keV) |
tin | real | None | density weighted average ion temperature (keV) |
tratio | real | None | ion temperature / electron temperature(used to calculate ti if |
triang | real | None | plasma separatrix triangularity (calculated if |
triang95 | real | None | plasma triangularity at 95% surface (calculated if |
vol_plasma | real | None | plasma volume (m3) |
vs_plasma_burn_required | real | None | V-s needed during flat-top (heat + burn times) (Wb) |
v_plasma_loop_burn | real | None | Plasma loop voltage during flat-top (V) |
vshift | real | None | plasma/device midplane vertical shift - single null |
vs_plasma_ind_ramp | real | None | Total plasma inductive flux consumption for plasma current ramp-up (Vs)(Wb) |
vs_plasma_res_ramp | real | None | Plasma resistive flux consumption for plasma current ramp-up (Vs)(Wb) |
vs_plasma_total_required | real | None | total V-s needed (Wb) |
wallmw | real | None | average neutron wall load (MW/m2) |
wtgpd | real | None | mass of fuel used per day (g) |
a_plasma_poloidal | real | None | plasma poloidal cross-sectional area [m^2] |
zeff | real | None | plasma effective charge |
zeffai | real | None | mass weighted plasma effective charge |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
admv | real | None | administration building volume (m3) |
admvol | real | None | volume of administration buildings (m3) |
aux_build_l | real | None | aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m) |
aux_build_w | real | None | aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m) |
aux_build_h | real | None | aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m) |
auxcool_l | real | None | Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m) |
auxcool_w | real | None | Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m) |
auxcool_h | real | None | Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m) |
bioshld_thk | real | None | Radial thickness of bio-shield around reactor (m) |
chemlab_l | real | None | Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m) |
chemlab_w | real | None | Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m) |
chemlab_h | real | None | Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m) |
dz_tf_cryostat | real | None | vertical clearance from TF coil to cryostat (m) (calculated for tokamaks) |
clh2 | real | None | clearance beneath TF coil to foundation (including basement) (m) |
control_buildings_l | real | None | control building length, width, height (m) |
control_buildings_w | real | None | control building length, width, height (m) |
control_buildings_h | real | None | control building length, width, height (m) |
conv | real | None | control building volume (m3) |
convol | real | None | volume of control, protection and i&c building (m3) |
crane_arm_h | real | None | vertical dimension of crane arm, operating over reactor (m) |
crane_clrnc_h | real | None | horizontal clearance to building wall for crane operation (m) |
crane_clrnc_v | real | None | vertical clearance for crane operation (m) |
cryomag_l | real | None | Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m) |
cryomag_w | real | None | Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m) |
cryomag_h | real | None | Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m) |
cryostore_l | real | None | Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m) |
cryostore_w | real | None | Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m) |
cryostore_h | real | None | Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m) |
cryostat_clrnc | real | None | vertical clearance from TF coil to cryostat (m) |
cryvol | real | None | volume of cryoplant building (m3) |
efloor | real | None | effective total floor space (m2) |
elecdist_l | real | None | Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m) |
elecdist_w | real | None | Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m) |
elecdist_h | real | None | Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m) |
elecload_l | real | None | Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m) |
elecload_w | real | None | Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m) |
elecload_h | real | None | Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m) |
elecstore_l | real | None | Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m) |
elecstore_w | real | None | Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m) |
elecstore_h | real | None | Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m) |
elevol | real | None | volume of electrical equipment building (m3) |
esbldgm3 | real | None | volume of energy storage equipment building (m3) (not used if |
fc_building_l | real | None | Fuel Cycle facilities length, width (m) |
fc_building_w | real | None | Fuel Cycle facilities length, width (m) |
fndt | real | None | foundation thickness (m) |
gas_buildings_l | real | None | air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m) |
gas_buildings_w | real | None | air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m) |
gas_buildings_h | real | None | air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m) |
ground_clrnc | real | None | clearance beneath TF coil (m) |
hcd_building_l | real | None | HCD building length, width, height (m) |
hcd_building_w | real | None | HCD building length, width, height (m) |
hcd_building_h | real | None | HCD building length, width, height (m) |
hccl | real | None | clearance around components in hot cell (m) |
hcwt | real | None | hot cell wall thickness (m) |
heat_sink_l | real | None | heat sinks length, width, height (m) |
heat_sink_w | real | None | heat sinks length, width, height (m) |
heat_sink_h | real | None | heat sinks length, width, height (m) |
hot_sepdist | real | None | hot cell storage component separation distance (m) |
hotcell_h | real | None | hot cell storage and maintenance facility height (m) |
hw_storage_l | real | None | hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
hw_storage_w | real | None | hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
hw_storage_h | real | None | hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
i_bldgs_size | integer | None | switch between routines estimating building sizes (0 = default; 1 = updated) |
i_bldgs_v | integer | None | switch to select verbose output for buildings (1 = verbose) |
ilw_smelter_l | real | None | radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m) |
ilw_smelter_w | real | None | radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m) |
ilw_smelter_h | real | None | radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m) |
ilw_storage_l | real | None | ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
ilw_storage_w | real | None | ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
ilw_storage_h | real | None | ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
llw_storage_l | real | None | LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
llw_storage_w | real | None | LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
llw_storage_h | real | None | LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_pulse_l | real | None | pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_pulse_w | real | None | pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_pulse_h | real | None | pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_trains_l | real | None | steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_trains_w | real | None | steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m) |
magnet_trains_h | real | None | steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m) |
maint_cont_l | real | None | maintenance control building length, width, height (m) |
maint_cont_w | real | None | maintenance control building length, width, height (m) |
maint_cont_h | real | None | maintenance control building length, width, height (m) |
mbvfac | real | None | maintenance building volume multiplication factor |
nbi_sys_l | real | None | NBI system length, width (m) |
nbi_sys_w | real | None | NBI system length, width (m) |
pfbldgm3 | real | None | volume of PF coil power supply building (m3) |
pibv | real | None | power injection building volume (m3) |
qnty_sfty_fac | real | None | quantity safety factor for component use during plant lifetime |
rbvfac | real | None | reactor building volume multiplication factor |
rbrt | real | None | reactor building roof thickness (m) |
rbvol | real | None | reactor building volume (m3) |
rbwt | real | None | reactor building wall thickness (m) |
reactor_clrnc | real | None | clearance around reactor (m) |
reactor_fndtn_thk | real | None | reactor building foundation thickness (m) |
reactor_hall_l | real | None | reactor building length, width, height (m) |
reactor_hall_w | real | None | reactor building length, width, height (m) |
reactor_hall_h | real | None | reactor building length, width, height (m) |
reactor_roof_thk | real | None | reactor building roof thickness (m) |
reactor_wall_thk | real | None | reactor building wall thickness (m) |
rmbvol | real | None | volume of maintenance and assembly building (m3) |
robotics_l | real | None | robotics buildings length, width, height (m) |
robotics_w | real | None | robotics buildings length, width, height (m) |
robotics_h | real | None | robotics buildings length, width, height (m) |
row | real | None | clearance to building wall for crane operation (m) |
rxcl | real | None | clearance around reactor (m) |
sec_buildings_l | real | None | security & safety buildings length, width, height (m) |
sec_buildings_w | real | None | security & safety buildings length, width, height (m) |
sec_buildings_h | real | None | security & safety buildings length, width, height (m) |
shmf | real | None | fraction of shield mass per TF coil to be moved in the maximum shield lift |
shov | real | None | shops and warehouse volume (m3) |
shovol | real | None | volume of shops and buildings for plant auxiliaries (m3) |
staff_buildings_area | real | None | footprint of staff buildings (m2) |
staff_buildings_h | real | None | staff buildings height (m) |
stcl | real | None | clearance above crane to roof (m) |
tfcbv | real | None | volume of TF coil power supply building (m3) (calculated if TF coils are superconducting) |
transp_clrnc | real | None | transportation clearance between components (m) |
trcl | real | None | transportation clearance between components (m) |
triv | real | None | volume of tritium, fuel handling and health physics buildings (m3) |
turbine_hall_l | real | None | turbine hall length, width, height (m) |
turbine_hall_w | real | None | turbine hall length, width, height (m) |
turbine_hall_h | real | None | turbine hall length, width, height (m) |
tw_storage_l | real | None | tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
tw_storage_w | real | None | tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
tw_storage_h | real | None | tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m) |
volrci | real | None | internal volume of reactor building (m3) |
volnucb | real | None | sum of nuclear buildings volumes (m3) |
warm_shop_l | real | None | warm shop length, width, height (m) |
warm_shop_w | real | None | warm shop length, width, height (m) |
warm_shop_h | real | None | warm shop length, width, height (m) |
water_buildings_l | real | None | water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m) |
water_buildings_w | real | None | water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m) |
water_buildings_h | real | None | water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m) |
wgt | real | None | reactor building crane capacity (kg) (calculated if 0 is input) |
wgt2 | real | None | hot cell crane capacity (kg) (calculated if 0 is input) |
workshop_l | real | None | [cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m) |
workshop_w | real | None | [cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m) |
workshop_h | real | None | [cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m) |
wrbi | real | None | distance from centre of machine to building wall (m) |
wsvol | real | None | volume of warm shop building (m3) |
wsvfac | real | None | warm shop building volume multiplication factor |
a_reactor_bldg | real | None | Floor area of reactor building in m^2 |
a_ee_ps_bldg | real | None | Floor area of electrical equipment and power supply building in m^2 |
a_aux_services_bldg | real | None | Floor area of auxiliary services building in m^2 |
a_hot_cell_bldg | real | None | Floor area of hot cell building in m^2 |
a_reactor_service_bldg | real | None | Floor area of reactor service building in m^2 |
a_service_water_bldg | real | None | Floor area of service water building in m^2 |
a_fuel_handling_bldg | real | None | Floor area of fuel handling and storage building in m^2 |
a_control_room_bldg | real | None | Floor area of controlroom building in m^2 |
a_ac_ps_bldg | real | None | Floor area of AC power supply building in m^2 |
a_admin_bldg | real | None | Floor area of admin building in m^2 |
a_site_service_bldg | real | None | Floor area of site service building in m^2 |
a_cryo_inert_gas_bldg | real | None | Floor area of cryogenics and inert gas storage building in m^2 |
a_security_bldg | real | None | Floor area of security building in m^2 |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
acasetf | real | None | external case area per coil (inboard leg) (m2) |
acasetfo | real | None | external case area per coil (outboard leg) (m2) |
acndttf | real | None | area of the cable conduit (m2) |
acond | real | None | Winding pack conductor area [m2] Does not include the area of voids and central helium channel |
acstf | real | None | Cable space area (per turn) [m2] Includes the area of voids and central helium channel |
insulation_area | real | None | single turn insulation area (m2) |
aiwp | real | None | winding pack turn insulation area per coil (m2) |
sig_tf_case_max | real | None | Allowable maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF coil case (Pa) |
sig_tf_wp_max | real | None | Allowable maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF coil conduit (Pa) Allowable Tresca stress in TF coil structural material (Pa) |
a_tf_leg_outboard | real | None | outboard TF leg area (m2) |
aswp | real | None | winding pack structure area (m2) |
avwp | real | None | winding pack void (He coolant) area (m2) |
awphec | real | None | winding pack He coil area (m2) |
bcritsc | real | None | upper critical field (T) for Nb3Sn superconductor at zero temperature and
strain ( |
bmaxtf | real | None | mean peak field at TF coil (T) |
bmaxtfrp | real | None | peak field at TF conductor with ripple (T) |
casestr | real | None | case strain |
casthi | real | None | inboard TF coil case plasma side thickness (m) (calculated for stellarators) |
casthi_fraction | real | None | inboard TF coil case plasma side thickness as a fraction of dr_tf_inboard |
casthi_is_fraction | logical | None | logical switch to make casthi a fraction of TF coil thickness ( |
casths | real | None | inboard TF coil sidewall case thickness (m) (calculated for stellarators) |
casths_fraction | real | None | inboard TF coil sidewall case thickness as a fraction of tftort |
tfc_sidewall_is_fraction | logical | None | logical switch to make casths a fraction of TF coil thickness ( |
t_conductor | real | None | Conductor (cable + steel conduit) area averaged dimension [m] |
t_turn_tf | real | None | TF coil turn edge length including turn insulation [m] If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of equivelent size is use to calculated this quantity If the t_turn_tf is non zero, cpttf is calculated |
t_turn_tf_is_input | logical | None | Boolean switch to activated when the user set the TF coil turn dimensions Not an input |
f_t_turn_tf | real | None | f-value for TF turn edge length constraint If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of equivelent size is use for this constraint iteration variable ixc = 175 constraint equation icc = 86 |
t_turn_tf_max | real | None | TF turn edge length including turn insulation upper limit [m] If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of equivelent size is use for this constraint constraint equation icc = 86 |
t_cable_tf | real | None | TF coil superconducting cable squared/rounded dimensions [m] If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared cable of equivelent size is use to calculated this quantity If the t_cable_tf is non zero, cpttf is calculated |
t_cable_tf_is_input | logical | None | Boolean switch to activated when the user set the TF coil cable dimensions Not an input |
acs | real | None | Area of space inside conductor (m2) |
cdtfleg | real | None | TF outboard leg current density (A/m2) (resistive coils only) |
cforce | real | None | centering force on inboard leg (per coil) (N/m) |
cplen | real | None | length of TF coil inboard leg ('centrepost') ( |
cpttf | real | None | TF coil current per turn (A). (calculated for stellarators) (calculated for
integer-turn TF coils |
cpttf_max | real | None | Max TF coil current per turn [A]. (for stellarators and |
dcase | real | None | density of coil case (kg/m3) |
dcond | real | None | density of superconductor type given by i_tf_sc_mat/isumatoh/isumatpf (kg/m3) |
dcondins | real | None | density of conduit + ground-wall insulation (kg/m3) |
dhecoil | real | None | diameter of central helium channel in TF winding (m) |
estotftgj | real | None | total stored energy in the toroidal field (GJ) |
b_crit_upper_nbti | real | None | upper critical field of GL_nbti |
t_crit_nbti | real | None | critical temperature of GL_nbti |
max_force_density | real | None | Maximal (WP averaged) force density in TF coils at 1 point. (MN/m3) |
fcutfsu | real | None | copper fraction of cable conductor (TF coils) (iteration variable 59) |
fhts | real | None | technology adjustment factor for critical current density fit for isumat..=2 Bi-2212 superconductor, to describe the level of technology assumed (i.e. to account for stress, fatigue, radiation, AC losses, joints or manufacturing variations; 1.0 would be very optimistic) |
insstrain | real | None | Radial strain in insulator |
i_tf_stress_model | integer | None | Switch for the TF coil stress model 0 : Generalized plane strain formulation, Issues #977 and #991, O(n^3) 1 : Old plane stress model (only for SC) 2 : Axisymmetric extended plane strain, Issues #1414 and #998, O(n) |
i_tf_tresca | integer | None | Switch for TF coil conduit Tresca stress criterion: 0 : Tresca (no adjustment); 1 : Tresca with CEA adjustment factors (radial+2%, vertical+60%) |
i_tf_wp_geom | integer | None | Switch for TF WP geometry selection 0 : Rectangular geometry 1 : Double rectangular geometry 2 : Trapezoidal geometry (constant lateral casing thickness) Default setting for backward compatibility if i_tf_turns_integer = 0 : Double rectangular if i_tf_turns_integer = 1 : Rectangular |
i_tf_case_geom | integer | None | Switch for TF case geometry selection 0 : Circular front case (ITER design) 1 : Straight front case |
i_tf_turns_integer | integer | None | Switch for TF coil integer/non-integer turns: 0 : non-integer turns 1 : integer turns |
i_tf_sc_mat | integer | None | Switch for superconductor material in TF coils:
i_tf_sup | integer | None | Switch for TF coil conductor model:
i_tf_shape | integer | None | Switch for TF coil toroidal shape:
i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial | integer | None | Switch for the behavior of the TF coil conductor elastic axial properties
i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans | integer | None | Switch for the behavior of the elastic properties of the TF coil
conductorin the transverse direction. Only active if
n_pancake | integer | None | Number of pancakes in TF coil. Only used if |
n_layer | integer | None | Number of layers in TF coil. Only used if |
n_rad_per_layer | integer | None | Size of the arrays per layers storing the radial dependent stress quantities (stresses, strain displacement etc..) |
i_tf_bucking | integer | None | Switch for TF inboard suport structure design: Default setting for backward compatibility - if copper resistive TF (i_tf_sup = 0) : Free standing TF without bucking structure - if Superconducting TF (i_tf_sup = 1) : Free standing TF with a steel casing - if aluminium TF (i_tf_sup = 2) : Free standing TF with a bucking structure Rem : the case is a bucking structure - =0 : Free standing TF without case/bucking cyliner (only a conductor layer) - =1 : Free standing TF with a case/bucking cylinder made of - if copper resistive TF (i_tf_sup = 0) : used defined bucking cylinder - if Superconducting TF (i_tf_sup = 1) : Steel casing - if aluminium resisitive TF (i_tf_sup = 2) : used defined bucking cylinder - =2 : The TF is in contact with the CS : "bucked and wedged design" Fast version : thin TF-CS interface neglected in the stress calculations (3 layers) The CS is frictionally decoupled from the TF, does not carry axial tension - =3 : The TF is in contact with the CS : "bucked and wedged design" Full version : thin TF-CS Kapton interface introduced in the stress calculations (4 layers) The CS and kaptop are frictionally decoupled from the TF, do not carry axial tension |
n_tf_graded_layers | integer | None | Number of layers of different stress properties in the WP. If |
n_tf_stress_layers | integer | None | Number of layers considered for the inboard TF stress calculations set in initial.f90 from i_tf_bucking and n_tf_graded_layers |
n_tf_wp_layers | integer | None | Maximum number of layers that can be considered in the TF coil composited/smeared stress analysis. This is the layers of one turn, not the entire WP. Default: 5. void, conductor, copper, conduit, insulation. |
j_tf_bus | real | None | bussing current density (A/m2) |
j_crit_str_tf | real | None | j_crit_str : superconductor strand critical current density under operating conditions (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kAm |
j_crit_str_0 | real | None | j_crit_str_pf_0 : superconductor strand critical current density at 6 T and 4.2 K (A/m2) Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kAm |
jwdgcrt | real | None | critical current density for winding pack (A/m2) |
jwdgpro | real | None | allowable TF coil winding pack current density, for dump temperature rise protection (A/m2) |
jwptf | real | None | winding pack engineering current density (A/m2) |
oacdcp | real | None | Overall current density in TF coil inboard legs midplane (A/m2) Rem SK : Not used in tfcoil to set the current any more. Should not be used as iteration variable 12 any more. It is now calculated. |
eyoung_ins | real | None | Insulator Young's modulus [Pa]. Default value (1.0D8) setup the following values - SC TF, eyoung_ins = 20 Gpa (default value from DDD11-2 v2 2 (2009)) - Al TF, eyoung_ins = 2.5 GPa (Kapton polymer) |
eyoung_steel | real | None | Steel case Young's modulus (Pa) (default value from DDD11-2 v2 2 (2009)) |
eyoung_cond_axial | real | None | SC TF coil conductor Young's modulus in the parallel (along the wire/tape)
direction [Pa]
Set by user input only if |
eyoung_cond_trans | real | None | SC TF coil conductor Young's modulus in the transverse direction [Pa]
Set by user input only if |
eyoung_res_tf_buck | real | None | Resistive TF magnets bucking cylinder young modulus (Pa) |
eyoung_copper | real | None | Copper young modulus. Default value taken from wikipedia |
eyoung_al | real | None | Aluminium young modulus. Default value taken from wikipedia |
poisson_steel | real | None | Steel Poisson's ratio, Source : |
poisson_copper | real | None | Copper Poisson's ratio. Source : |
poisson_al | real | None | Aluminium Poisson's ratio. Source : |
poisson_ins | real | None | Insulation Poisson's ratio. Default: Kapton. Source : DuPont™ Kapton® HN datasheet. |
poisson_cond_axial | real | None | SC TF coil conductor Poisson's ratio in the parallel-transverse direction |
poisson_cond_trans | real | None | SC TF coil conductor Poisson's ratio in the transverse-transverse direction |
rbmax | real | None | Radius of maximum TF B-field (m) |
res_tf_leg | real | None | TF coil leg resistance (ohm) |
toroidalgap | real | None | Minimal distance between two toroidal coils. (m) |
ftoroidalgap | real | None | F-value for minimum tftort ( |
ripmax | real | None | aximum allowable toroidal field ripple amplitude at plasma edge (%) |
ripple | real | None | peak/average toroidal field ripple at plasma edge (%) |
c_tf_total | real | None | total (summed) current in TF coils (A) |
n_radial_array | integer | 50 | Size of the radial distribution arrays per layers used for stress, strain and displacement distibution |
radial_array | real | None | Array refining the radii of the stress calculations arrays |
sig_tf_r | real | None | TF Inboard leg radial stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] |
sig_tf_t | real | None | TF Inboard leg tangential stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] |
deflect | real | None | TF coil radial deflection (displacement) radial distribution [m] |
sig_tf_z | real | None | TF Inboard leg vertical tensile stress in steel at mid-plane [Pa] |
sig_tf_vmises | real | None | TF Inboard leg Von-Mises stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] |
sig_tf_tresca | real | None | TF Inboard leg maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] |
sig_tf_cs_bucked | real | None | Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in CS structures at CS flux swing [Pa]:
Quantity only computed for bucked and wedged design ( |
sig_tf_case | real | None | Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF casing steel structures (Pa) |
sig_tf_wp | real | None | |
str_cs_con_res | real | None | Residual manufacturing strain in CS superconductor material |
str_pf_con_res | real | None | Residual manufacturing strain in PF superconductor material |
str_tf_con_res | real | None | Residual manufacturing strain in TF superconductor material
If |
str_wp | real | None | Axial (vertical) strain in the TF coil winding pack found by
self-consistent stress/strain calculation.
if |
str_wp_max | real | None | Maximum allowed absolute value of the strain in the TF coil
( |
i_str_wp | integer | None | Switch for the behavior of the TF strain used to compute the strain-dependent critical surface:
quench_model | character | None | switch for TF coil quench model (Only applies to REBCO magnet at present, issue #522):
time1 | real | None | Time at which TF quench is detected (s) |
tcritsc | real | None | critical temperature (K) for superconductor at zero field and strain ( |
tdmptf | real | None | fast discharge time for TF coil in event of quench (s) ( For REBCO model, meaning depends on quench_model:
tfareain | real | None | Area of inboard midplane TF legs (m2) |
len_tf_bus | real | None | TF coil bus length (m) |
m_tf_bus | real | None | TF coil bus mass (kg) |
tfckw | real | None | available DC power for charging the TF coils (kW) |
tfcmw | real | None | Peak power per TF power supply (MW) |
tfcpmw | real | None | Peak resistive TF coil inboard leg power (MW) |
tfjtsmw | real | None | TF joints resistive power losses (MW) |
tfcryoarea | real | None | surface area of toroidal shells covering TF coils (m2) |
tficrn | real | None | TF coil half-width - inner dr_bore (m) |
tfind | real | None | TF coil inductance (H) |
tfinsgap | real | None | TF coil WP insertion gap (m) |
tflegmw | real | None | TF coil outboard leg resistive power (MW) |
rho_cp | real | None | TF coil inboard leg resistivity [Ohm-m]. If |
rho_tf_leg | real | None | Resistivity of a TF coil leg (Ohm-m) |
rho_tf_bus | real | None | Resistivity of a TF coil bus (Ohm-m). Default values is for that of GLIDCOP AL-15 (C15715) at 293K |
frhocp | real | None | Centrepost resistivity enhancement factor. For |
frholeg | real | None | Ouboard legs resistivity enhancement factor. Only used for |
i_cp_joints | integer | None | Switch for CP demoutable joints type -= 0 : Clampled joints -= 1 : Sliding joints Default value (-1) choses : Sliding joints for resistive magnets (i_tf_sup = 0, 2) Clampled joints for superconducting magents (i_tf_sup = 1) |
rho_tf_joints | real | None | TF joints surfacic resistivity [ohm.m]. Feldmetal joints assumed. |
n_tf_joints_contact | integer | None | Number of contact per turn |
n_tf_joints | integer | None | Number of joints Ex: n_tf_joints = 2 for top and bottom CP joints |
th_joint_contact | real | None | TF sliding joints contact pad width [m] |
pres_joints | real | None | Calculated TF joints resistive power losses [W] |
len_tf_coil | real | None | TF coil circumference (m) |
eff_tf_cryo | real | None | TF cryoplant efficiency (compared to pefect Carnot cycle). Using -1 set the default value depending on magnet technology:
n_tf_coils | real | None | Number of TF coils (default = 50 for stellarators). Number of TF coils outer legs for ST |
tfocrn | real | None | TF coil half-width - outer dr_bore (m) |
tfsai | real | None | area of the inboard TF coil legs (m2) |
tfsao | real | None | area of the outboard TF coil legs (m2) |
tftmp | real | None | peak helium coolant temperature in TF coils and PF coils (K) |
tftort | real | None | TF coil toroidal thickness (m) |
thicndut | real | None | conduit insulation thickness (m) |
layer_ins | real | None | Additional insulation thickness between layers (m) |
thkcas | real | None | inboard TF coil case outer (non-plasma side) thickness (m) ( |
dr_tf_wp | real | None | radial thickness of winding pack (m) ( |
thwcndut | real | None | TF coil conduit case thickness (m) ( |
tinstf | real | None | Thickness of the ground insulation layer surrounding (m)
- Superconductor TF ( |
tmargmin_tf | real | None | minimum allowable temperature margin : TF coils (K) |
tmargmin_cs | real | None | minimum allowable temperature margin : CS (K) |
tmargmin | real | None | minimum allowable temperature margin : TFC AND CS (K) |
temp_margin | real | None | temperature margin (K) |
tmargtf | real | None | TF coil temperature margin (K) |
tmaxpro | real | None | maximum temp rise during a quench for protection (K) |
tmax_croco | real | None | CroCo strand: maximum permitted temp during a quench (K) |
croco_quench_temperature | real | None | CroCo strand: Actual temp reached during a quench (K) |
tmpcry | real | None | coil temperature for cryogenic plant power calculation (K) |
n_tf_turn | real | None | number of turns per TF coil |
vdalw | real | None | max voltage across TF coil during quench (kV) ( |
vforce | real | None | vertical tension on inboard leg/coil (N) |
f_vforce_inboard | real | None | Fraction of the total vertical force taken by the TF inboard leg tension
Not used for resistive |
vforce_outboard | real | None | Vertical tension on outboard leg/coil (N) |
vftf | real | None | coolant fraction of TFC 'cable' ( |
voltfleg | real | None | volume of each TF coil outboard leg (m3) |
vtfkv | real | None | TF coil voltage for resistive coil including bus (kV) |
vtfskv | real | None | voltage across a TF coil during quench (kV) |
whtcas | real | None | mass per coil of external case (kg) |
whtcon | real | None | TF coil conductor mass per coil (kg/coil).
For |
whtconcu | real | None | copper mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil).
For |
whtconal | real | None | Aluminium mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil).
For |
whtconin | real | None | conduit insulation mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil) |
whtconsc | real | None | superconductor mass in TF coil cable (kg/coil) |
whtconsh | real | None | steel conduit mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil) |
whtgw | real | None | mass of ground-wall insulation layer per coil (kg/coil) |
whttf | real | None | total mass of the TF coils (kg) |
wwp1 | real | None | width of first step of winding pack (m) |
wwp2 | real | None | width of second step of winding pack (m) |
dthet | real | None | angle of arc i (rad) |
radctf | real | None | radius of arc i (m) |
xarc | real | None | x location of arc point i on surface (m) |
xctfc | real | None | x location of arc centre i (m) |
yarc | real | None | y location of arc point i on surface (m) |
yctfc | real | None | y location of arc centre i (m) |
tfa | real | None | Horizontal radius of inside edge of TF coil (m) |
tfb | real | None | Vertical radius of inside edge of TF coil (m) |
drtop | real | None | centrepost taper maximum radius adjustment (m) |
dztop | real | None | centrepost taper height adjustment (m) |
etapump | real | None | centrepost coolant pump efficiency |
fcoolcp | real | None | coolant fraction of TF coil inboard legs ( |
f_a_tf_cool_outboard | real | None | coolant fraction of TF coil outboard legs |
a_cp_cool | real | None | Centrepost cooling area toroidal cross-section (constant over the whole CP) |
ncool | real | None | number of centrepost coolant tubes |
ppump | real | None | centrepost coolant pump power (W) |
p_cp_resistive | real | None | resistive power in the centrepost (itart=1) [W].
If |
p_tf_leg_resistive | real | None | Summed resistive power in the TF coil legs [W]. Remain 0 if |
ptempalw | real | None | maximum peak centrepost temperature (K) ( |
rcool | real | None | average radius of coolant channel (m) ( |
tcoolin | real | None | centrepost coolant inlet temperature (K) |
dtiocool | real | None | inlet / outlet TF coil coolant temperature rise (K) |
temp_cp_average | real | None | Average temperature of centrepost called CP (K). Only used for resistive coils
to compute the resisitive heating. Must be an iteration variable for
ST ( |
tcpav2 | real | None | Computed centrepost average temperature (K) (for consistency) |
temp_tf_legs_outboard | real | None | Average temperature of the TF outboard legs [K]. If |
tcpmax | real | None | peak centrepost temperature (K) |
vcool | real | None | inlet centrepost coolant flow speed at midplane (m/s) ( |
vol_cond_cp | real | None | Exact conductor volume in the centrepost (m3) |
whtcp | real | None | mass of TF coil inboard legs (kg) |
whttflgs | real | None | mass of the TF coil legs (kg) |
cryo_cool_req | real | None | Cryo cooling requirement at helium temp 4.5K (kW) |
theta1_coil | real | None | The angle of the outboard arc forming the TF coil current center line [deg] |
theta1_vv | real | None | The angle of the outboard arc forming the Vacuum Vessel current center line [deg] |
max_vv_stress | real | None | The allowable peak maximum shear stress in the vacuum vessel due to quench and fast discharge of the TF coils [Pa] |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
tf_fit_t | real | None | Dimensionless winding pack width |
tf_fit_z | real | None | Dimensionless winding pack radial thickness |
tf_fit_y | real | None | Ratio of peak field with ripple to nominal axisymmetric peak field |
tfc_current | real | None | Current in each TF coil |
awpc | real | None | Total cross-sectional area of winding pack including GW insulation and insertion gap [m2] |
awptf | real | None | Total cross-sectional area of winding pack without ground insulation and insertion gap [m2] |
a_tf_steel | real | None | Inboard coil steel coil cross-sectional area [m2] |
a_tf_ins | real | None | Inboard coil insulation cross-section per coil [m2] |
f_tf_steel | real | None | Inboard coil steel fraction [-] |
f_tf_ins | real | None | Inboard coil insulation fraction [-] |
h_cp_top | real | None | Vertical distance from the midplane to the top of the tapered section [m] |
r_tf_outboard_in | real | None | Radial position of plasma-facing edge of TF coil outboard leg [m] |
r_tf_outboard_out | real | None | Radial position of outer edge of TF coil inboard leg [m] |
r_wp_inner | real | None | Radial position of inner edge and centre of winding pack [m] |
r_wp_outer | real | None | Radial position of outer edge and centre of winding pack [m] |
r_wp_centre | real | None | Radial position of centre and centre of winding pack [m] |
dr_tf_wp_top | real | None | Conductor layer radial thickness at centercollumn top [m] Ground insulation layer included, only defined for itart = 1 |
vol_ins_cp | real | None | CP turn insulation volume [m3] |
vol_gr_ins_cp | real | None | CP ground insulation volume [m3] |
vol_case_cp | real | None | Volume of the CP outer casing cylinder |
t_wp_toroidal | real | None | Minimal toroidal thickness of of winding pack [m] |
t_wp_toroidal_av | real | None | Averaged toroidal thickness of of winding pack [m] |
t_lat_case_av | real | None | Average lateral casing thickness [m] |
a_case_front | real | None | Front casing area [m2] |
a_case_nose | real | None | Nose casing area [m2] |
a_ground_ins | real | None | Inboard mid-plane cross-section area of the WP ground insulation [m2] |
a_leg_ins | real | None | TF ouboard leg turn insulation area per coil [m2] |
a_leg_gr_ins | real | None | TF outboard leg ground insulation area per coil [m2] |
a_leg_cond | real | None | Exact TF ouboard leg conductor area [m2] |
theta_coil | real | None | Half toroidal angular extent of a single TF coil inboard leg |
tan_theta_coil | real | None | Tan half toroidal angular extent of a single TF coil inboard leg |
t_conductor_radial | real | None | Conductor area radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_conductor_toroidal | real | None | Conductor area radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_cable_radial | real | None | Cable area radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_cable_toroidal | real | None | Cable area radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_turn_radial | real | None | Turn radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_turn_toroidal | real | None | Turn radial and toroidal dimension (integer turn only) [m] |
t_cable | real | None | Cable area averaged dimension (square shape) [m] |
vforce_inboard_tot | real | None | Total inboard vertical tension (all coils) [N] |
vv_stress_quench | real | None | The Tresca stress experienced by the Vacuum Vessel when the SCTF coil quenches [Pa] |
copper | type | None | |
hastelloy | type | None | |
solder | type | None | |
jacket | type | None | |
helium | type | None | |
croco_strand_area | real | None | |
croco_strand_critical_current | real | None | |
conductor_copper_area | real | None | |
conductor_copper_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_copper_bar_area | real | None | |
conductor_hastelloy_area | real | None | |
conductor_hastelloy_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_helium_area | real | None | |
conductor_helium_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_solder_area | real | None | |
conductor_solder_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_jacket_area | real | None | |
conductor_jacket_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_rebco_area | real | None | |
conductor_rebco_fraction | real | None | |
conductor_critical_current | real | None | |
conductor_acs | real | None | |
conductor_area | real | None | Area of cable space inside jacket |
T1 | real | None | |
time2 | real | None | |
tau2 | real | None | |
estotft | real | None | |
is_leg_cp_temp_same | integer | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
baseel | real | None | base plant electric load (W) |
crypmw | real | None | cryogenic plant power (MW) |
crypmw_max | real | None | Maximum cryogenic plant power (MW) Constraint equation icc = 87 Scan variable nwseep = 56 |
f_crypmw | real | None | f-value for maximum cryogenic plant power Iteration variable ixc = 164 Constraint equation icc = 87 |
etatf | real | None | AC to resistive power conversion for TF coils |
etath | real | None | thermal to electric conversion efficiency if |
etath_liq | real | None | |
fachtmw | real | None | facility heat removal (MW) |
fcsht | real | None | total baseline power required at all times (MW) |
fgrosbop | real | None | scaled fraction of gross power to balance-of-plant |
fmgdmw | real | None | power to mgf (motor-generator flywheel) units (MW) (ignored if |
fpumpblkt | real | None | fraction of total blanket thermal power required to drive the blanket
coolant pumps (default assumes water coolant) ( |
fpumpdiv | real | None | fraction of total divertor thermal power required to drive the divertor coolant pumps (default assumes water coolant) |
fpumpfw | real | None | fraction of total first wall thermal power required to drive the FW coolant
pumps (default assumes water coolant) ( |
fpumpshld | real | None | fraction of total shield thermal power required to drive the shield coolant pumps (default assumes water coolant) |
htpmw_min | real | None | Minimum total electrical power for primary coolant pumps (MW) (NOT RECOMMENDED) |
helpow | real | None | Heat removal at cryogenic temperature tmpcry (W) |
helpow_cryal | real | None | Heat removal at cryogenic temperature tcoolin (W) |
htpmw | real | None | heat transport system electrical pump power (MW) |
htpmw_blkt | real | None | blanket primary coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_blkt_liq | real | None | blanket secondary coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_blkt_tot | real | None | blanket primary + secondary coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_div | real | None | divertor coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_fw | real | None | first wall coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpmw_shld | real | None | shield and vacuum vessel coolant mechanical pumping power (MW) |
htpsecmw | real | None | Waste power lost from primary coolant pumps (MW) |
ipowerflow | integer | None | switch for power flow model:
iprimshld | integer | None | Switch for shield thermal power destiny:
nphx | integer | None | number of primary heat exchangers |
pacpmw | real | None | total pulsed power system load (MW) |
peakmva | real | None | peak MVA requirement |
pfwdiv | real | None | heat removal from first wall/divertor (MW) |
pgrossmw | real | None | gross electric power (MW) |
pinjht | real | None | power dissipated in heating and current drive system (MW) |
pinjmax | real | None | maximum injector power during pulse (heating and ramp-up/down phase) (MW) |
pinjwp | real | None | injector wall plug power (MW) |
pinjwpfix | real | None | secondary injector wall plug power (MW) |
pnetelmw | real | None | net electric power (MW) |
precircmw | real | None | recirculating electric power (MW) |
priheat | real | None | total thermal power removed from fusion core (MW) |
psecdiv | real | None | Low-grade heat lost in divertor (MW) |
psechcd | real | None | Low-grade heat lost into HCD apparatus (MW) |
psechtmw | real | None | Low-grade heat (MW) |
pseclossmw | real | None | Low-grade heat (VV + lost)(MW) |
psecshld | real | None | Low-grade heat deposited in shield (MW) |
pthermmw | real | None | High-grade heat useful for electric production (MW) |
pwpm2 | real | None | base AC power requirement per unit floor area (W/m2) |
tfacpd | real | None | total steady state TF coil AC power demand (MW) |
tlvpmw | real | None | estimate of total low voltage power (MW) |
trithtmw | real | None | power required for tritium processing (MW) |
tturb | real | None | coolant temperature at turbine inlet (K) ( |
vachtmw | real | None | vacuum pump power (MW) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
ip | integer | None | |
ofile | integer | None | |
armour_density | real | None | FW armour density [kg/m3] |
fw_density | real | None | FW density [kg/m3] |
blanket_density | real | None | Blanket density [kg/m3] |
shield_density | real | None | Shield density [kg/m3] |
vv_density | real | None | Vacuum vessel density [kg/m3] |
x_blanket | real | None | Blanket exponent (tonne/m2) |
x_shield | real | None | Shield exponent (tonne/m2) |
tfc_nuc_heating | real | None | Unit nuclear heating in TF coil (W per W of fusion power) |
fw_armour_u_nuc_heating | real | None | Unit heating of FW and armour in FW armour (W/kg per W of fusion power) |
shld_u_nuc_heating | real | None | Unit nuclear heating in shield (W per W of fusion power) |
pnuc_tot_blk_sector | real | None | Total nuclear power deposited in blanket covered sector (FW, BLKT, SHLD, TF) (MW) |
exp_blanket | real | None | Exponential factors in nuclear heating calcs |
exp_shield1 | real | None | Exponential factors in nuclear heating calcs |
exp_shield2 | real | None | Exponential factors in nuclear heating calcs |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
pulsetimings | real | None | Switch for pulse timings (if i_pulsed_plant=1):
t_burn | real | None | flat-top duration (s) (calculated if |
t_burn_0 | real | None | burn time (s) - used for internal consistency |
t_cycle | real | None | full cycle time (s) |
tdown | real | None | down time (s) |
t_between_pulse | real | None | time between pulses in a pulsed reactor (s) ( |
t_fusion_ramp | real | None | time for plasma temperature and density rise to full values (s) |
tim | real | None | array of time points during plasma pulse (s) |
timelabel | character | None | array of time labels during plasma pulse (s) |
intervallabel | character | None | time intervals - as strings (s) |
t_current_ramp_up | real | None | time for plasma current to ramp up to approx. full value (s) (calculated if |
i_t_current_ramp_up | integer | None | Switch for plasma current ramp-up time (if i_pulsed_plant=0):
t_pulse_repetition | real | None | pulse length = t_current_ramp_up + t_fusion_ramp + t_burn + t_ramp_down |
t_ramp_down | real | None | time for plasma current, density, and temperature to ramp down to zero, simultaneously (s); if pulsed, = t_current_ramp_up the CS and PF coil currents also ramp to zero at the same time |
t_precharge | real | None | the time for the central solenoid and PF coils to ramp from zero to max current (s); if pulsed, = t_current_ramp_up |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
nin | integer | 10 | |
maxlen | integer | 2000 | |
line | character | None | |
linelen | integer | None | |
lineno | integer | None | |
iptr | integer | None | |
infile | integer | None | |
outfile | integer | None | |
report_changes | integer | None | |
icode | integer | None | |
subscript_present | logical | None | |
error | logical | None | |
error_message | character | None | |
show_changes | integer | None | |
constraints_exist | logical | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
beamwd | real | None | width of neutral beam duct where it passes between the TF coils (m) T Inoue et al, Design of neutral beam system for ITER-FEAT, Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 56-57, October 2001, Pages 517-521) |
bigq | real | None | Fusion gain; P_fusion / (P_injection + P_ohmic) |
bootstrap_current_fraction | real | None | bootstrap current fraction (enforced; see i_bootstrap_current) |
bootstrap_current_fraction_max | real | None | maximum fraction of plasma current from bootstrap; if |
bscf_iter89 | real | None | bootstrap current fraction, ITER 1989 model |
bscf_nevins | real | None | bootstrap current fraction, Nevins et al model |
bscf_sauter | real | None | bootstrap current fraction, Sauter et al model |
bscf_wilson | real | None | bootstrap current fraction, Wilson et al model |
bscf_sakai | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, Sakai et al model |
bscf_aries | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, ARIES model |
bscf_andrade | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, Andrade et al model |
bscf_hoang | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, Hoang et al model |
bscf_wong | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, Wong et al model |
bscf_gi_I | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, first Gi et al model |
bscf_gi_II | real | None | Bootstrap current fraction, second Gi et al model |
cboot | real | None | bootstrap current fraction multiplier |
beam_current | real | None | neutral beam current (A) |
diacf_hender | real | None | diamagnetic current fraction, Hender fit |
diacf_scene | real | None | diamagnetic current fraction, SCENE fit |
diamagnetic_current_fraction | real | None | diamagnetic current fraction |
echpwr | real | None | ECH power (MW) |
echwpow | real | None | ECH wall plug power (MW) |
effcd | real | None | current drive efficiency (A/W) |
harnum | real | None | cyclotron harmonic frequency number, used in cut-off function |
wave_mode | integer | None | Switch for ECRH wave mode :
beam_energy | real | None | neutral beam energy (keV) ( |
etacd | real | None | auxiliary power wall plug to injector efficiency |
etacdfix | real | None | secondary auxiliary power wall plug to injector efficiency |
etaech | real | None | ECH wall plug to injector efficiency |
etalh | real | None | lower hybrid wall plug to injector efficiency |
etanbi | real | None | neutral beam wall plug to injector efficiency |
fpion | real | None | fraction of beam energy to ions |
pnbitot | real | None | neutral beam power entering vacuum vessel |
pscf_scene | real | None | Pfirsch-Schlüter current fraction, SCENE fit |
nbshinemw | real | None | neutral beam shine-through power |
feffcd | real | None | current drive efficiency fudge factor ( |
forbitloss | real | None | fraction of neutral beam power lost after ionisation but before thermalisation (orbit loss fraction) |
frbeam | real | None | R_tangential / R_major for neutral beam injection |
f_tritium_beam | real | None | fraction of beam that is tritium |
gamcd | real | None | normalised current drive efficiency (1.0e20 A/(W m^2)) |
gamma_ecrh | real | None | User input ECRH gamma (1.0e20 A/(W m^2)) |
xi_ebw | real | None | User scaling input for EBW plasma heating. Default 0.43 |
iefrf | integer | None | Switch for current drive efficiency model:
iefrffix | integer | None | Switch for 2nd current drive efficiency model:
irfcd | integer | None | Switch for current drive calculation:
nbshinef | real | None | neutral beam shine-through fraction |
nbshield | real | None | neutral beam duct shielding thickness (m) |
pheat | real | None | heating power not used for current drive (MW) ( |
pheatfix | real | None | secondary fixed heating power not used for current drive (MW) |
pinjalw | real | None | maximum allowable value for injected power (MW) ( |
pinjemw | real | None | auxiliary injected power to electrons (MW) |
pinjimw | real | None | auxiliary injected power to ions (MW) |
pinjmw | real | None | total auxiliary injected power (MW) |
pinjfixmw | real | None | secondary total fixed auxiliary injected power (MW) |
plasma_current_internal_fraction | real | None | plasma current fraction driven internally (Bootstrap + Diamagnetic + PS) |
plhybd | real | None | lower hybrid injection power (MW) |
pnbeam | real | None | neutral beam injection power (MW) |
porbitlossmw | real | None | neutral beam power lost after ionisation but before thermalisation (orbit loss power) (MW) |
ps_current_fraction | real | None | Pfirsch-Schlüter current fraction |
pwplh | real | None | lower hybrid wall plug power (MW) |
pwpnb | real | None | neutral beam wall plug power (MW) |
rtanbeam | real | None | neutral beam centreline tangency radius (m) |
rtanmax | real | None | maximum tangency radius for centreline of beam (m) |
taubeam | real | None | neutral beam e-decay lengths to plasma centre |
tbeamin | real | None | permitted neutral beam e-decay lengths to plasma centre |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
abktflnc | real | None | allowable first wall/blanket neutron fluence (MW-yr/m2) ( |
adivflnc | real | None | allowable divertor heat fluence (MW-yr/m2) |
blkcst | real | None | blanket direct cost (M$) |
c221 | real | None | total account 221 cost (M$) - first wall, blanket, shield, support structure and div plates |
c222 | real | None | total account 222 cost (M$) - TF coils + PF coils |
capcost | real | None | total capital cost including interest (M$) |
cconfix | real | None | fixed cost of superconducting cable ($/m) |
cconshpf | real | None | cost of PF coil steel conduit/sheath ($/m) |
cconshtf | real | None | cost of TF coil steel conduit/sheath ($/m) |
cdcost | real | None | current drive direct costs (M$) |
cdirt | real | None | total plant direct cost (M$) |
cdrlife | real | None | Full power year lifetime of heating/current drive system (y) |
cdrlife_cal | real | None | Calendar year lifetime of heating/current drive system (y) |
cfactr | real | None | Total plant availability fraction; input if |
cpfact | real | None | Total plant capacity factor |
cfind | real | None | indirect cost factor (func of lsa) (cost model = 0) |
cland | real | None | cost of land (M$) |
coe | real | None | cost of electricity ($/MW-hr) |
coecap | real | None | capital cost of electricity (m$/kW-hr) |
coefuelt | real | None | 'fuel' (including replaceable components) contribution to cost of electricity (m$/kW-hr) |
coeoam | real | None | operation and maintenance contribution to cost of electricity (m$/kW-hr) |
concost | real | None | plant construction cost (M$) |
costexp | real | None | cost exponent for scaling in 2015 costs model |
costexp_pebbles | real | None | cost exponent for pebbles in 2015 costs model |
cost_factor_buildings | real | None | cost scaling factor for buildings |
cost_factor_land | real | None | cost scaling factor for land |
cost_factor_tf_coils | real | None | cost scaling factor for TF coils |
cost_factor_fwbs | real | None | cost scaling factor for fwbs |
cost_factor_rh | real | None | cost scaling factor for remote handling |
cost_factor_vv | real | None | cost scaling factor for vacuum vessel |
cost_factor_bop | real | None | cost scaling factor for energy conversion system |
cost_factor_misc | real | None | cost scaling factor for remaining subsystems |
maintenance_fwbs | real | None | Maintenance cost factor: first wall, blanket, shield, divertor |
maintenance_gen | real | None | Maintenance cost factor: All other components except coils, vacuum vessel, thermal shield, cryostat, land |
amortization | real | None | amortization factor (fixed charge factor) "A" (years) |
cost_model | integer | None | Switch for cost model:
i_cp_lifetime | integer | None | Switch for the centrepost lifetime constraint 0 : The CP full power year lifetime is set by the user via cplife_input 1 : The CP lifetime is equal to the divertor lifetime 2 : The CP lifetime is equal to the breeding blankets lifetime 3 : The CP lifetime is equal to the plant lifetime |
cowner | real | None | owner cost factor |
cplife_input | real | None | User input full power year lifetime of the centrepost (years) (i_cp_lifetime = 0) |
cplife | real | None | Calculated full power year lifetime of centrepost (years) |
cplife_cal | real | None | Calculated calendar year lifetime of centrepost (years) |
cpstcst | real | None | ST centrepost direct cost (M$) |
cpstflnc | real | None | allowable ST centrepost neutron fluence (MW-yr/m2) |
crctcore | real | None | reactor core costs (categories 221, 222 and 223) |
csi | real | None | allowance for site costs (M$) |
cturbb | real | None | cost of turbine building (M$) |
decomf | real | None | proportion of constructed cost required for decommissioning fund |
dintrt | real | None | diff between borrowing and saving interest rates |
divcst | real | None | divertor direct cost (M$) |
divlife | real | None | Full power lifetime of divertor (y) |
divlife_cal | real | None | Calendar year lifetime of divertor (y) |
dtlife | real | None | period prior to the end of the plant life that the decommissioning fund is used (years) |
fcap0 | real | None | average cost of money for construction of plant assuming design/construction time of six years |
fcap0cp | real | None | average cost of money for replaceable components assuming lead time for these of two years |
fcdfuel | real | None | fraction of current drive cost treated as fuel (if |
fcontng | real | None | project contingency factor |
fcr0 | real | None | fixed charge rate during construction |
fkind | real | None | multiplier for Nth of a kind costs |
fwallcst | real | None | first wall cost (M$) |
iavail | integer | None | Switch for plant availability model:
ibkt_life | integer | None | Switch for fw/blanket lifetime calculation in availability module:
life_dpa | real | None | Allowable DPA from DEMO fw/blanket lifetime calculation in availability module |
bktcycles | real | None | Number of fusion cycles to reach allowable DPA from DEMO fw/blanket lifetime calculation |
avail_min | real | None | Minimum availability ( |
tok_build_cost_per_vol | real | None | Unit cost for tokamak complex buildings, including building and site services ($/m3) |
light_build_cost_per_vol | real | None | Unit cost for unshielded non-active buildings ($/m3) |
favail | real | None | F-value for minimum availability ( |
num_rh_systems | integer | None | Number of remote handling systems (1-10) |
conf_mag | real | None | c parameter, which determines the temperature margin at which magnet lifetime starts to decline |
div_prob_fail | real | None | Divertor probability of failure (per op day) |
div_umain_time | real | None | Divertor unplanned maintenance time (years) |
div_nref | real | None | Reference value for cycle cycle life of divertor |
div_nu | real | None | The cycle when the divertor fails with 100% probability |
fwbs_nref | real | None | Reference value for cycle life of blanket |
fwbs_nu | real | None | The cycle when the blanket fails with 100% probability |
fwbs_prob_fail | real | None | Fwbs probability of failure (per op day) |
fwbs_umain_time | real | None | Fwbs unplanned maintenance time (years) |
redun_vacp | real | None | Vacuum system pump redundancy level (%) |
redun_vac | integer | None | Number of redundant vacuum pumps |
t_operation | real | None | Operational time (yrs) |
tbktrepl | real | None | time taken to replace blanket (y) ( |
tcomrepl | real | None | time taken to replace both blanket and divertor (y) ( |
tdivrepl | real | None | time taken to replace divertor (y) ( |
uubop | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for balance of plant ( |
uucd | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for current drive ( |
uudiv | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for divertor ( |
uufuel | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for fuel system ( |
uufw | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for first wall ( |
uumag | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for magnets ( |
uuves | real | None | unplanned unavailability factor for vessel ( |
ifueltyp | integer | None | Switch for fuel type:
ipnet | integer | None | Switch for net electric power calculation:
ireactor | integer | None | Switch for net electric power and cost of electricity calculations:
lsa | integer | None | Level of safety assurance switch (generally, use 3 or 4):
moneyint | real | None | interest portion of capital cost (M$) |
output_costs | integer | None | Switch for costs output:
discount_rate | real | None | effective cost of money in constant dollars |
startupratio | real | None | ratio of additional HCD power for start-up to flat-top operational requirements |
startuppwr | real | None | cost associated with additional HCD system power required on start-up ($) |
supercond_cost_model | integer | None | Switch for superconductor cost model:
tlife | real | None | Full power year plant lifetime (years) |
tmain | real | None | Maintenance time for replacing CP (years) (iavail = 3) |
u_unplanned_cp | real | None | User-input CP unplanned unavailability (iavail = 3) |
ucad | real | 180.0D0 | unit cost for administration buildings (M$/m3) |
ucaf | real | 1.5D6 | unit cost for aux facility power equipment ($) |
ucahts | real | 31.0D0 | unit cost for aux heat transport equipment ($/W**exphts) |
ucap | real | 17.0D0 | unit cost of auxiliary transformer ($/kVA) |
ucblbe | real | None | unit cost for blanket beryllium ($/kg) |
ucblbreed | real | None | unit cost for breeder material ($/kg) ( |
ucblli | real | None | unit cost for blanket lithium ($/kg) (30% Li6) |
ucblli2o | real | None | unit cost for blanket Li_2O ($/kg) |
ucbllipb | real | None | unit cost for blanket Li-Pb ($/kg) (30% Li6) |
ucblss | real | None | unit cost for blanket stainless steel ($/kg) |
ucblvd | real | None | unit cost for blanket vanadium ($/kg) |
ucbpmp | real | 2.925D5 | vacuum system backing pump cost ($) |
ucbus | real | None | cost of aluminium bus for TF coil ($/A-m) |
uccase | real | None | cost of superconductor case ($/kg) |
ucco | real | 350.0D0 | unit cost for control buildings (M$/m3) |
uccpcl1 | real | None | cost of high strength tapered copper ($/kg) |
uccpclb | real | None | cost of TF outboard leg plate coils ($/kg) |
uccpmp | real | 3.9D5 | vacuum system cryopump cost ($) |
uccr | real | 460.0D0 | unit cost for cryogenic building (M$/vol) |
uccry | real | None | heat transport system cryoplant costs ($/W**expcry) |
uccryo | real | None | unit cost for vacuum vessel ($/kg) |
uccu | real | None | unit cost for copper in superconducting cable ($/kg) |
ucdgen | real | 1.7D6 | cost per 8 MW diesel generator ($) |
ucdiv | real | None | cost of divertor blade ($) |
ucdtc | real | 13.0D0 | detritiation, air cleanup cost ($/10000m3/hr) |
ucduct | real | 4.225D4 | vacuum system duct cost ($/m) |
ucech | real | None | ECH system cost ($/W) |
ucel | real | 380.0D0 | unit cost for electrical equipment building (M$/m3) |
uces1 | real | 3.2D4 | MGF (motor-generator flywheel) cost factor ($/MVA**0.8) |
uces2 | real | 8.8D3 | MGF (motor-generator flywheel) cost factor ($/MJ**0.8) |
ucf1 | real | None | cost of fuelling system ($) |
ucfnc | real | None | outer PF coil fence support cost ($/kg) |
ucfpr | real | 4.4D7 | cost of 60g/day tritium processing unit ($) |
ucfuel | real | None | unit cost of D-T fuel (M$/year/1200MW) |
ucfwa | real | 6.0D4 | first wall armour cost ($/m2) |
ucfwps | real | 1.0D7 | first wall passive stabiliser cost ($) |
ucfws | real | 5.3D4 | first wall structure cost ($/m2) |
ucgss | real | 35.0D0 | cost of reactor structure ($/kg) |
uche3 | real | None | cost of helium-3 ($/kg) |
uchrs | real | None | cost of heat rejection system ($) |
uchts | real | None | cost of heat transport system equipment per loop ($/W); dependent on coolant type (coolwh) |
uciac | real | None | cost of instrumentation, control & diagnostics ($) |
ucich | real | None | ICH system cost ($/W) |
ucint | real | 35.0D0 | superconductor intercoil structure cost ($/kg) |
uclh | real | None | lower hybrid system cost ($/W) |
uclv | real | 16.0D0 | low voltage system cost ($/kVA) |
ucmb | real | 260.0D0 | unit cost for reactor maintenance building (M$/m3) |
ucme | real | None | cost of maintenance equipment ($) |
ucmisc | real | None | miscellaneous plant allowance ($) |
ucnbi | real | None | NBI system cost ($/W) |
ucnbv | real | 1000.0D0 | cost of nuclear building ventilation ($/m3) |
ucoam | real | None | annual cost of operation and maintenance (M$/year/1200MW**0.5) |
ucpens | real | None | penetration shield cost ($/kg) |
ucpfb | real | None | cost of PF coil buses ($/kA-m) |
ucpfbk | real | None | cost of PF coil DC breakers ($/MVA**0.7) |
ucpfbs | real | None | cost of PF burn power supplies ($/kW**0.7) |
ucpfcb | real | None | cost of PF coil AC breakers ($/circuit) |
ucpfdr1 | real | None | cost factor for dump resistors ($/MJ) |
ucpfic | real | None | cost of PF instrumentation and control ($/channel) |
ucpfps | real | None | cost of PF coil pulsed power supplies ($/MVA) |
ucphx | real | 15.0D0 | primary heat transport cost ($/W**exphts) |
ucpp | real | 48.0D0 | cost of primary power transformers ($/kVA**0.9) |
ucrb | real | None | cost of reactor building (M$/m3) |
ucsc | real | None | cost of superconductor ($/kg) |
sc_mat_cost_0 | real | None | cost of superconductor ($/kA m) at 6.4 T, 4.2 K |
ucsh | real | 115.0D0 | cost of shops and warehouses (M$/m3) |
ucshld | real | None | cost of shield structural steel ($/kg) |
ucswyd | real | 1.84D7 | switchyard equipment costs ($) |
uctfbr | real | None | cost of TF coil breakers ($/W**0.7) |
uctfbus | real | None | cost of TF coil bus ($/kg) |
uctfdr | real | 1.75D-4 | cost of TF coil dump resistors ($/J) |
uctfgr | real | 5000.0D0 | additional cost of TF coil dump resistors ($/coil) |
uctfic | real | 1.0D4 | cost of TF coil instrumentation and control ($/coil/30) |
uctfps | real | None | cost of TF coil power supplies ($/W**0.7) |
uctfsw | real | None | cost of TF coil slow dump switches ($/A) |
uctpmp | real | 1.105D5 | cost of turbomolecular pump ($) |
uctr | real | 370.0D0 | cost of tritium building ($/m3) |
ucturb | real | None | cost of turbine plant equipment ($) (dependent on coolant type coolwh) |
ucvalv | real | 3.9D5 | vacuum system valve cost ($) |
ucvdsh | real | 26.0D0 | vacuum duct shield cost ($/kg) |
ucviac | real | 1.3D6 | vacuum system instrumentation and control cost ($) |
ucwindpf | real | None | cost of PF coil superconductor windings ($/m) |
ucwindtf | real | None | cost of TF coil superconductor windings ($/m) |
ucws | real | 460.0D0 | cost of active assembly shop ($/m3) |
ucwst | real | None | cost of waste disposal (M$/y/1200MW) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
bctmp | real | None | first wall bulk coolant temperature (C) |
dtstor | real | None | maximum allowable temperature change in stainless steel thermal storage block (K) ( |
istore | integer | None | Switch for thermal storage method:
itcycl | integer | None | Switch for first wall axial stress model:
i_pulsed_plant | integer | None | Switch for reactor model:
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
ipnscns | integer | 1000 | Maximum number of scan points |
ipnscnv | integer | 81 | Number of available scan variables |
noutvars | integer | 84 | |
width | integer | 110 | |
scan_dim | integer | None | 1-D or 2-D scan switch (1=1D, 2=2D) |
isweep | integer | None | Number of scan points to calculate |
isweep_2 | integer | None | Number of 2D scan points to calculate |
nsweep | integer | None | Switch denoting quantity to scan:
inlet_temp_liq' : Inlet temperature of blanket liquid metal coolant/breeder (K)
<LI> 69 outlet_temp_liq' : Outlet temperature of blanket liquid metal coolant/breeder (K)
blpressure_liq' : Blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure (Pa)
<LI> 71 n_liq_recirc' : Selected number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day
bz_channel_conduct_liq' : Conductance of liquid metal breeder duct walls (A V-1 m-1)
<LI> 73 pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll' : Ratio of FW nuclear power as fraction of total (FW+BB)
nsweep_2 | integer | None | nsweep_2 /3/ : switch denoting quantity to scan for 2D scan: |
sweep | real | None | sweep(ipnscns) /../: actual values to use in scan |
sweep_2 | real | None | sweep_2(ipnscns) /../: actual values to use in 2D scan |
first_call_1d | logical | None | |
first_call_2d | logical | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
auxmin | real | None | minimum auxiliary power (MW) ( |
beta_poloidal_max | real | None | maximum poloidal beta ( |
bigqmin | real | None | minimum fusion gain Q ( |
bmxlim | real | None | maximum peak toroidal field (T) ( |
fauxmn | real | None | f-value for minimum auxiliary power ( |
fbeta_poloidal_eps | real | None | f-value for epsilon beta-poloidal ( |
fbeta_poloidal | real | None | f-value for poloidal beta ( |
fbeta_max | real | None | f-value for beta limit ( |
fbeta_min | real | None | f-value for (lower) beta limit ( |
fcpttf | real | None | f-value for TF coil current per turn upper limit
( |
fr_conducting_wall | real | None | f-value for conducting wall radius / rminor limit
( |
fdene | real | None | f-value for density limit ( |
fdivcol | real | None | f-value for divertor collisionality ( |
fdtmp | real | None | f-value for first wall coolant temperature rise
( |
fecrh_ignition | real | None | f-value for ecrh ignition constraint
( |
fflutf | real | None | f-value for neutron fluence on TF coil ( |
ffuspow | real | None | f-value for maximum fusion power ( |
fgamcd | real | None | f-value for current drive gamma ( |
fhldiv | real | None | f-value for divertor heat load ( |
fiooic | real | None | f-value for TF coil operating current / critical current ratio
( |
fipir | real | None | f-value for Ip/Irod upper limit constraint equation icc = 46 iteration variable ixc = 72 |
fjohc | real | None | f-value for central solenoid current at end-of-flattop
( |
fjohc0 | real | None | f-value for central solenoid current at beginning of pulse
( |
fjprot | real | None | f-value for TF coil winding pack current density
( |
fl_h_threshold | real | None | f-value for L-H power threshold ( |
fmva | real | None | f-value for maximum MVA ( |
fnbshinef | real | None | f-value for maximum neutral beam shine-through fraction
( |
fncycle | real | None | f-value for minimum CS coil stress load cycles
( |
fnesep | real | None | f-value for Eich critical separatrix density
( |
foh_stress | real | None | f-value for Tresca yield criterion in Central Solenoid
( |
fpeakb | real | None | f-value for maximum toroidal field ( |
fpinj | real | None | f-value for injection power ( |
fpnetel | real | None | f-value for net electric power ( |
fportsz | real | None | f-value for neutral beam tangency radius limit
( |
fpsepbqar | real | None | f-value for maximum Psep*Bt/qAR limit ( |
fpsepr | real | None | f-value for maximum Psep/R limit ( |
fptemp | real | None | f-value for peak centrepost temperature ( |
fptfnuc | real | None | f-value for maximum TF coil nuclear heating ( |
fq | real | None | f-value for edge safety factor ( |
fqval | real | None | f-value for Q ( |
fradpwr | real | None | f-value for core radiation power limit ( |
fradwall | real | None | f-value for upper limit on radiation wall load ( |
freinke | real | None | f-value for Reinke detachment criterion ( |
frminor | real | None | f-value for minor radius limit ( |
fstrcase | real | None | f-value for maximum TF coil case Tresca yield criterion
( |
fstrcond | real | None | f-value for maxiumum TF coil conduit Tresca yield criterion
( |
fstr_wp | real | None | f-value for maxiumum TF coil strain absolute value
( |
fmaxvvstress | real | None | f-value for maximum permitted stress of the VV
( |
ftbr | real | None | f-value for minimum tritium breeding ratio ( |
ft_burn | real | None | f-value for minimum burn time ( |
ftcycl | real | None | f-value for cycle time ( |
ftmargoh | real | None | f-value for central solenoid temperature margin
( |
ftmargtf | real | None | f-value for TF coil temperature margin ( |
ft_current_ramp_up | real | None | f-value for plasma current ramp-up time ( |
ftpeak | real | None | f-value for first wall peak temperature ( |
fvdump | real | None | f-value for dump voltage ( |
fvs | real | None | f-value for flux-swing (V-s) requirement (STEADY STATE)
( |
fvvhe | real | None | f-value for vacuum vessel He concentration limit ( |
fwalld | real | None | f-value for maximum wall load ( |
fzeffmax | real | None | f-value for maximum zeff ( |
gammax | real | None | maximum current drive gamma ( |
maxradwallload | real | None | Maximum permitted radiation wall load (MW/m^2) ( |
mvalim | real | None | maximum MVA limit ( |
nbshinefmax | real | None | maximum neutral beam shine-through fraction ( |
nflutfmax | real | None | max fast neutron fluence on TF coil (n/m2) ( |
pdivtlim | real | None | Minimum pdivt [MW] ( |
f_fw_rad_max | real | None | peaking factor for radiation wall load ( |
pflux_fw_rad_max_mw | real | None | Peak radiation wall load (MW/m^2) ( |
pnetelin | real | None | required net electric power (MW) ( |
powfmax | real | None | maximum fusion power (MW) ( |
psepbqarmax | real | None | maximum ratio of Psep*Bt/qAR (MWT/m) ( |
pseprmax | real | None | maximum ratio of power crossing the separatrix to plasma major radius (Psep/R) (MW/m)
( |
ptfnucmax | real | None | maximum nuclear heating in TF coil (MW/m3) ( |
tbrmin | real | None | minimum tritium breeding ratio ( |
t_burn_min | real | None | minimum burn time (s) (KE - no longer itv., see issue #706) |
tcycmn | real | None | minimum cycle time (s) ( |
t_current_ramp_up_min | real | None | minimum plasma current ramp-up time (s) ( |
vvhealw | real | None | allowed maximum helium concentration in vacuum vessel at end of plant life (appm)
( |
walalw | real | None | allowable neutron wall-load (MW/m2) ( |
f_alpha_energy_confinement_min | real | None | Lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy confinement
times ( |
falpha_energy_confinement | real | None | f-value for lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy
confinement times ( |
fniterpump | real | None | f-value for constraint that number of pumps < tfno
( |
zeffmax | real | None | maximum value for Zeff ( |
fpoloidalpower | real | None | f-value for constraint on rate of change of energy in poloidal field
( |
fpsep | real | None | f-value to ensure separatrix power is less than value from Kallenbach divertor (Not required as constraint 69 is an equality) |
fcqt | real | None | TF coil quench temparature remains below tmax_croco
( |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
iscz | integer | None | |
err242 | integer | None | |
err243 | integer | None | |
rad_fraction_LCFS | real | None | |
e_plasma_beta | real | None | |
total_loss_power | real | None | |
t_energy_confinement_beta | real | None | |
ptarmw | real | None | |
lambdaio | real | None | |
drsep | real | None | |
fio | real | None | |
fLI | real | None | |
fLO | real | None | |
fUI | real | None | |
fUO | real | None | |
pLImw | real | None | |
pLOmw | real | None | |
pUImw | real | None | |
pUOmw | real | None | |
rho_star | real | None | |
nu_star | real | None | |
beta_mcdonald | real | None | |
itart_r | real | None | |
first_call | integer | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
ipnvars | integer | 175 | ipnvars FIX : total number of variables available for iteration |
ipeqns | integer | 92 | ipeqns FIX : number of constraint equations available |
ipnfoms | integer | 19 | ipnfoms FIX : number of available figures of merit |
ipvlam | integer | ipeqns+2*ipnvars+1 | |
iptnt | integer | (ipeqns*(3*ipeqns+13))/2 | |
ipvp1 | integer | ipnvars+1 | |
ioptimz | integer | None | ioptimz /1/ : code operation switch:
minmax /7/ : switch for figure-of-merit (see lablmm for descriptions) negative => maximise, positive => minimise |
minmax | integer | None | |
lablmm | character | None | lablmm(ipnfoms) : labels describing figures of merit:
ncalls | integer | None | ncalls : number of function calls during solution |
neqns | integer | None | neqns /0/ : number of equality constraints to be satisfied |
nfev1 | integer | None | nfev1 : number of calls to FCNHYB (HYBRD function caller) made |
nfev2 | integer | None | nfev2 : number of calls to FCNVMC1 (VMCON function caller) made |
nineqns | integer | None | nineqns /0/ : number of inequality constraints VMCON must satisfy (leave at zero for now) |
nvar | integer | None | nvar /16/ : number of iteration variables to use |
nviter | integer | None | nviter : number of VMCON iterations performed icc(ipeqns) /0/ : array defining which constraint equations to activate (see lablcc for descriptions) |
icc | integer | None | |
active_constraints | logical | None | active_constraints(ipeqns) : Logical array showing which constraints are active |
lablcc | character | None | lablcc(ipeqns) : labels describing constraint equations (corresponding itvs)
ixc | integer | None | ixc(ipnvars) /0/ : array defining which iteration variables to activate (see lablxc for descriptions) |
lablxc | character | None | lablxc(ipnvars) : labels describing iteration variables
name_xc | character | None | |
sqsumsq | real | None | sqsumsq : sqrt of the sum of the square of the constraint residuals |
objf_name | character | None | Description of the objective function |
norm_objf | real | None | Normalised objective function (figure of merit) |
epsfcn | real | None | epsfcn /1.0e-3/ : finite difference step length for HYBRD/VMCON derivatives |
epsvmc | real | None | epsvmc /1.0e-6/ : error tolerance for VMCON |
factor | real | None | factor /0.1/ : used in HYBRD for first step size |
ftol | real | None | ftol /1.0e-4/ : error tolerance for HYBRD |
boundl | real | None | boundl(ipnvars) /../ : lower bounds used on ixc variables during VMCON optimisation runs |
boundu | real | None | |
itv_scaled_lower_bounds | real | None | Lower bound of the ixc variables scaled to (divided by) the initial value of the corresponding ixc |
itv_scaled_upper_bounds | real | None | Upper bound of the ixc variables scaled to (divided by) the initial value of the corresponding ixc |
rcm | real | None | |
resdl | real | None | |
scafc | real | None | The initial value of each ixc variable |
scale | real | None | The reciprocal of the initial value of each ixc variable |
xcm | real | None | |
xcs | real | None | |
vlam | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
gamma_he | real | None | ratio of specific heats for helium ( |
t_in_bb | real | None | temperature in FW and blanket coolant at blanket entrance ( |
t_out_bb | real | None | temperature in FW and blanket coolant at blanket exit ( |
p_he | real | None | pressure in FW and blanket coolant at pump exit ( |
dp_he | real | None | pressure drop in FW and blanket coolant including heat exchanger and pipes ( |
dp_fw_blkt | real | None | pressure drop in FW and blanket coolant including heat exchanger and pipes ( |
dp_fw | real | None | pressure drop in FW coolant including heat exchanger and pipes ( |
dp_blkt | real | None | pressure drop in blanket coolant including heat exchanger and pipes ( |
dp_liq | real | None | pressure drop in liquid metal blanket coolant including heat exchanger and pipes ( |
htpmw_fw_blkt | real | None | mechanical pumping power for FW and blanket including heat exchanger and
pipes ( |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
vacuum_model | character | None | switch for vacuum pumping model:
niterpump | real | None | number of high vacuum pumps (real number), each with the throughput of one
ITER cryopump (50 Pa m3 s-1), all operating at the same time ( |
ntype | integer | None | switch for vacuum pump type:
nvduct | integer | None | number of ducts (torus to pumps) |
dlscal | real | None | vacuum system duct length scaling |
pbase | real | None | base pressure during dwell before gas pre-fill(Pa) |
prdiv | real | None | divertor chamber pressure during burn (Pa) |
pumptp | real | None | Pump throughput (molecules/s) (default is ITER value) |
rat | real | None | plasma chamber wall outgassing rate (Pa-m/s) |
tn | real | None | neutral gas temperature in chamber (K) |
vacdshm | real | None | mass of vacuum duct shield (kg) |
vcdimax | real | None | diameter of duct passage (m) |
vpumpn | integer | None | number of high vacuum pumps |
dwell_pump | integer | None | switch for dwell pumping options:
pumpareafraction | real | None | area of one pumping port as a fraction of plasma surface area |
pumpspeedmax | real | None | maximum pumping speed per unit area for deuterium & tritium, molecular flow |
pumpspeedfactor | real | None | effective pumping speed reduction factor due to duct impedance |
initialpressure | real | None | initial neutral pressure at the beginning of the dwell phase (Pa) |
outgasindex | real | None | outgassing decay index |
outgasfactor | real | None | outgassing prefactor kw: outgassing rate at 1 s per unit area (Pa m s-1) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
acptmax | real | None | average of currents in PF circuits (kA) |
ensxpfm | real | None | maximum stored energy in the PF circuits (MJ) |
iscenr | integer | None | Switch for PF coil energy storage option:
pfckts | real | None | number of PF coil circuits |
spfbusl | real | None | total PF coil circuit bus length (m) |
spsmva | real | None | sum of PF power supply ratings (MVA) |
srcktpm | real | None | sum of resistive PF coil power (kW) |
vpfskv | real | None | PF coil voltage (kV) |
peakpoloidalpower | real | None | Peak absolute rate of change of stored energy in poloidal field (MW) |
maxpoloidalpower | real | None | Maximum permitted absolute rate of change of stored energy in poloidal field (MW) |
poloidalpower | real | None | Poloidal power usage at time t (MW) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
impvardiv | integer | None | Index of impurity to be iterated for Reinke divertor detachment criterion |
lhat | real | None | Connection length factor L|| = lhat qstar R for Reinke criterion, default value from Post et al. 1995 J. Nucl. Mat. 220-2 1014 |
fzmin | real | None | Minimum impurity fraction necessary for detachment. This is the impurity at the SOL/Div. |
fzactual | real | None | Actual impurity fraction of divertor impurity (impvardiv) in the SoL (taking
impurity_enrichment into account) ( |
reinke_mode | integer | None | Switch for Reinke criterion H/I mode:
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
aintmass | real | None | intercoil structure mass (kg) |
clgsmass | real | None | gravity support structure for TF coil, PF coil and intercoil support systems (kg) |
coldmass | real | None | total mass of components at cryogenic temperatures (kg) |
fncmass | real | None | PF coil outer support fence mass (kg) |
gsmass | real | None | reactor core gravity support mass (kg) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
airtemp | real | None | ambient air temperature (degrees Celsius) |
watertemp | real | None | water temperature (degrees Celsius) |
windspeed | real | None | wind speed (m/s) |
waterdens | real | None | density of water (kg/m3) for simplicity, set to static value applicable to water at 21 degC |
latentheat | real | None | latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) for simplicity, set to static value applicable at 1 atm (100 kPa) air pressure |
volheat | real | None | volumetric heat of vaporization (J/m3) |
evapratio | real | None | evaporation ratio: ratio of the heat used to evaporate water to the total heat discharged through the tower |
evapvol | real | None | evaporated volume of water (m3) |
energypervol | real | None | input waste (heat) energy cooled per evaporated volume (J/m3) |
volperenergy | real | None | volume evaporated by units of heat energy (m3/MJ) |
waterusetower | real | None | total volume of water used in cooling tower (m3) |
wateruserecirc | real | None | total volume of water used in recirculating system (m3) |
wateruseonethru | real | None | total volume of water used in once-through system (m3) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
maxmat | integer | 8 | Total number of materials in IFE device. Material numbers are as follows:
bldr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE blanket (m; calculated |
bldrc | real | None | radial thickness of IFE curtain (m; |
bldzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE blanket below chamber (m) |
bldzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE blanket above chamber (m) |
blmatf | real | None | IFE blanket material fractions |
blmatm | real | None | IFE blanket material masses (kg) |
blmatv | real | None | IFE blanket material volumes (m3) |
blvol | real | None | IFE blanket volume (m3) |
cdriv0 | real | None | IFE generic/laser driver cost at edrive=0 (M$) |
cdriv1 | real | None | IFE low energy heavy ion beam driver cost extrapolated to |
cdriv2 | real | None | IFE high energy heavy ion beam driver cost extrapolated to |
cdriv3 | real | None | IFE driver cost ($/J wall plug) ( |
chdzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE chamber below centre (m) |
chdzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE chamber above centre (m) |
chmatf | real | None | IFE chamber material fractions |
chmatm | real | None | IFE chamber material masses (kg) |
chmatv | real | None | IFE chamber material volumes (m3) |
chrad | real | None | radius of IFE chamber (m) ( |
chvol | real | None | IFE chamber volume (m3) |
dcdrv0 | real | None | IFE generic/laser driver cost gradient (M$/MJ) |
dcdrv1 | real | None | HIB driver cost gradient at low energy (M$/MJ) |
dcdrv2 | real | None | HIB driver cost gradient at high energy (M$/MJ) |
drveff | real | None | IFE driver wall plug to target efficiency ( |
edrive | real | None | IFE driver energy (J) ( |
etadrv | real | None | IFE driver wall plug to target efficiency |
etali | real | None | IFE lithium pump wall plug efficiency ( |
etave | real | None | IFE driver efficiency vs driver energy ( |
fauxbop | real | None | fraction of gross electric power to balance-of-plant (IFE) |
fbreed | real | None | fraction of breeder external to device core |
fburn | real | None | IFE burn fraction (fraction of tritium fused/target) |
flirad | real | None | radius of FLiBe/lithium inlet (m) ( |
frrmax | real | None | f-value for maximum IFE repetition rate ( |
fwdr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE first wall (m) |
fwdzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE first wall below chamber (m) |
fwdzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE first wall above chamber (m) |
fwmatf | real | None | IFE first wall material fractions |
fwmatm | real | None | IFE first wall material masses (kg) |
fwmatv | real | None | IFE first wall material volumes (kg) |
fwvol | real | None | IFE first wall volume (m3) |
gain | real | None | IFE target gain |
gainve | real | None | IFE target gain vs driver energy ( |
htpmw_ife | real | None | IFE heat transport system electrical pump power (MW) |
ife | integer | None | Switch for IFE option:
ifedrv | integer | None | Switch for type of IFE driver:
ifetyp | integer | None | Switch for type of IFE device build:
lipmw | real | None | IFE lithium pump power (MW; |
mcdriv | real | None | IFE driver cost multiplier |
mflibe | real | None | total mass of FLiBe (kg) |
pdrive | real | None | IFE driver power reaching target (W) ( |
pfusife | real | None | IFE input fusion power (MW) ( |
pifecr | real | None | IFE cryogenic power requirements (MW) |
ptargf | real | None | IFE target factory power at 6 Hz repetition rate (MW) |
r1 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r2 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r3 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r4 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r5 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r6 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
r7 | real | None | IFE device radial build (m) |
reprat | real | None | IFE driver repetition rate (Hz) |
rrin | real | None | Input IFE repetition rate (Hz) ( |
rrmax | real | None | maximum IFE repetition rate (Hz) |
shdr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE shield (m) |
shdzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE shield below chamber (m) |
shdzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE shield above chamber (m) |
shmatf | real | None | IFE shield material fractions |
shmatm | real | None | IFE shield material masses (kg) |
shmatv | real | None | IFE shield material volumes (kg) |
shvol | real | None | IFE shield volume (m3) |
sombdr | real | None | radius of cylindrical blanket section below chamber ( |
somtdr | real | None | radius of cylindrical blanket section above chamber ( |
taufall | real | None | Lithium Fall Time (s) |
tdspmw | real | None | IFE target delivery system power (MW) |
tfacmw | real | None | IFE target factory power (MW) |
tgain | real | None | IFE target gain (if |
uccarb | real | None | cost of carbon cloth ($/kg) |
ucconc | real | None | cost of concrete ($/kg) |
ucflib | real | None | cost of FLiBe ($/kg) |
uctarg | real | None | cost of IFE target ($/target) |
v1dr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE void between first wall and blanket (m) |
v1dzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 1 below chamber (m) |
v1dzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 1 above chamber (m) |
v1matf | real | None | IFE void 1 material fractions |
v1matm | real | None | IFE void 1 material masses (kg) |
v1matv | real | None | IFE void 1 material volumes (kg) |
v1vol | real | None | IFE void 1 volume (m3) |
v2dr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE void between blanket and shield (m) |
v2dzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 2 below chamber (m) |
v2dzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 2 above chamber (m) |
v2matf | real | None | IFE void 2 material fractions |
v2matm | real | None | IFE void 2 material masses (kg) |
v2matv | real | None | IFE void 2 material volumes (kg) |
v2vol | real | None | IFE void 2 volume (m3) |
v3dr | real | None | radial thickness of IFE void outside shield (m) |
v3dzl | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 3 below chamber (m) |
v3dzu | real | None | vertical thickness of IFE void 3 above chamber (m) |
v3matf | real | None | IFE void 3 material fractions |
v3matm | real | None | IFE void 3 material masses (kg) |
v3matv | real | None | IFE void 3 material volumes (kg) |
v3vol | real | None | IFE void 3 volume (m3) |
zl1 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl2 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl3 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl4 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl5 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl6 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zl7 | real | None | IFE vertical build below centre (m) |
zu1 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu2 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu3 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu4 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu5 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu6 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
zu7 | real | None | IFE vertical build above centre (m) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
r_fci | real | None | Radial BZ thickness [m] |
r_backwall | real | None | Radial BZ thickness [m] |
bz_r_ib | real | None | Structure/coolant compositional fractions |
bz_r_ob | real | None | Structure/coolant compositional fractions |
f_vol_stff_plates | real | None | MF/BSS compositional fractions |
f_vol_stl_bz_struct | real | None | MF/BSS compositional fractions |
f_vol_stl_back_wall | real | None | MF/BSS compositional fractions |
f_vol_stl_fw | real | None | MF/BSS compositional fractions |
f_vol_mfbss_stl | real | None | Volume of FCIs, other BZ structure, liquid channels, backwall and MF/BSS [m^3] |
f_vol_mfbss_he | real | None | Volume of FCIs, other BZ structure, liquid channels, backwall and MF/BSS [m^3] |
f_vol_mfbss_pbli | real | None | Volume of FCIs, other BZ structure, liquid channels, backwall and MF/BSS [m^3] |
vol_fci | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bz_struct | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bz_liq | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bz_liq_ib | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bz_liq_ob | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bw | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
vol_bss | real | None | BZ masses by composition [kg] |
wht_cer | real | None | Backwall masses by composition [kg] |
wht_stl_struct | real | None | Backwall masses by composition [kg] |
wht_cool_struct | real | None | Backwall masses by composition [kg] |
wht_bw_stl | real | None | MF/BSS masses by composition [kg] |
wht_bw_cool | real | None | MF/BSS masses by composition [kg] |
wht_mfbss_stl | real | None | FW masses by composition [kg] |
wht_mfbss_cool | real | None | FW masses by composition [kg] |
wht_mfbss_pbli | real | None | FW masses by composition [kg] |
fwmass_stl | real | None | Total masses of material in blanket [kg] |
fwmass_cool | real | None | Total masses of material in blanket [kg] |
mass_cool_blanket | real | None | Total mass for an inboard/outboard reactor segment [kg] |
mass_liq_blanket | real | None | Total mass for an inboard/outboard reactor segment [kg] |
mass_stl_blanket | real | None | Total mass for an inboard/outboard reactor segment [kg] |
mass_segm_ib | real | None | |
mass_segm_ob | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
stella_config_name | character | None | |
stella_config_symmetry | integer | None | |
stella_config_coilspermodule | integer | None | |
stella_config_rmajor_ref | real | None | |
stella_config_rminor_ref | real | None | |
stella_config_coil_rmajor | real | None | |
stella_config_coil_rminor | real | None | |
stella_config_aspect_ref | real | None | |
stella_config_bt_ref | real | None | |
stella_config_WP_area | real | None | |
stella_config_WP_bmax | real | None | |
stella_config_i0 | real | None | |
stella_config_a1 | real | None | |
stella_config_a2 | real | None | |
stella_config_dmin | real | None | |
stella_config_inductance | real | None | |
stella_config_coilsurface | real | None | |
stella_config_coillength | real | None | |
stella_config_max_portsize_width | real | None | |
stella_config_maximal_coil_height | real | None | |
stella_config_min_plasma_coil_distance | real | None | |
stella_config_derivative_min_LCFS_coils_dist | real | None | |
stella_config_vol_plasma | real | None | |
stella_config_plasma_surface | real | None | |
stella_config_WP_ratio | real | None | |
stella_config_max_force_density | real | None | |
stella_config_max_force_density_MNm | real | None | |
stella_config_min_bend_radius | real | None | |
stella_config_epseff | real | None | |
stella_config_max_lateral_force_density | real | None | |
stella_config_max_radial_force_density | real | None | |
stella_config_centering_force_max_MN | real | None | |
stella_config_centering_force_min_MN | real | None | |
stella_config_centering_force_avg_MN | real | None | |
stella_config_neutron_peakfactor | real | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
residual_sig_hoop | real | None | residual hoop stress in strucutal material (Pa) |
n_cycle | real | None | Allowable number of cycles for CS stress model |
n_cycle_min | real | None | Minimum llowable number of cycles for CS stress model |
t_crack_radial | real | None | Initial depth of crack in thickness of conduit (m) |
t_crack_vertical | real | None | Inital vertical crack size (m) |
t_structural_radial | real | None | Thickness of CS conductor conduit (m) |
t_structural_vertical | real | None | Vertical thickness of CS conductor conduit (m) |
bkt_life_csf | real | None | Switch to pass bkt_life cycles to n_cycle_min |
sf_vertical_crack | real | None | Safety factor for vertical crack size (-) |
sf_radial_crack | real | None | Safety factor for radial crack size (-) |
sf_fast_fracture | real | None | safety factor for stress intensity factor (-) |
paris_coefficient | real | None | Paris equation material coefficient (-) |
paris_power_law | real | None | Paris equation material power law (-) |
walker_coefficient | real | None | walker coefficent (-) |
fracture_toughness | real | None | fracture toughness (MPa m^1/2) |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
nef | integer | None | |
nfxf | integer | None | |
ricpf | real | None | |
ssq0 | real | None | |
sig_axial | real | None | |
sig_hoop | real | None | |
axial_force | real | None | |
rfxf | real | None | |
zfxf | real | None | |
cfxf | real | None | |
xind | real | None | |
rcls | real | None | |
zcls | real | None | |
ccls | real | None | |
ccl0 | real | None | |
bpf2 | real | None | |
vsdum | real | None | |
first_call | logical | None | |
CSlimit | logical | None | |
conductorpf | type | None | |
croco_strand | type | None |
Variable name | Type | Initial | Description |
rebco_thickness | real | None | thickness of REBCO layer in tape (m) ( |
copper_thick | real | None | thickness of copper layer in tape (m) ( |
hastelloy_thickness | real | None | thickness of Hastelloy layer in tape (m) |
tape_width | real | None | Mean width of tape (m) |
tape_thickness | real | None | thickness of tape, inc. all layers (hts, copper, substrate, etc.) (m) |
croco_od | real | None | Outer diameter of CroCo strand (m) |
croco_id | real | None | Inner diameter of CroCo copper tube (m) |
croco_thick | real | None | Thickness of CroCo copper tube (m) ( |
copper_rrr | real | None | residual resistivity ratio copper in TF superconducting cable |
copperA_m2 | real | None | TF coil current / copper area (A/m2) |
coppera_m2_max | real | None | Maximum TF coil current / copper area (A/m2) |
f_coppera_m2 | real | None | f-value for constraint 75: TF coil current / copper area < copperA_m2_max |
copperaoh_m2 | real | None | CS coil current / copper area (A/m2) ( |
copperaoh_m2_max | real | None | Maximum CS coil current / copper area (A/m2) |
f_copperaoh_m2 | real | None | f-value for constraint 88: CS coil current / copper area < copperA_m2_max |
stack_thickness | real | None | |
tapes | real | None | |
rebco_area | real | None | |
copper_area | real | None | |
hastelloy_area | real | None | |
solder_area | real | None | |
croco_area | real | None |