
ModuleSource FileDescription

! This library contains routines that can be shared by the blanket modules used in PROCESS.

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Module containing global variables relating to the machine's radial and vertical build

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Module containing global variables relating to the plant buildings

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This module contains the PROCESS CCFE HCPB blanket model based on CCFE HCPB model from the PROCESS engineering paper PROCESS Engineering paper (M. Kovari et al.)

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Module containing miscellaneous numerical and physical constants

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This module contains global variables relating to the constraint equations (f-values, limits, etc.).

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Module defining the constraint equations and the routine that evaluates the constraint equations.


Module containing global variables relating to the costing algorithms of a fusion power plant.

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Module containing global variables relating to the current drive system

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This module contains the Dual Coolant Lead Lithium (DCLL) specific submods of PROCESSS.

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Module to define iteration variables

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Module containing global variables relating to the tokamak divertor components

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Error handling module for PROCESS author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module provides a centralised method for dealing with errors generated by PROCESS.

All possible informational/error messages are initialised via a call to initialise_error_list. Thereafter, any routine that needs to flag a message should call report_error with the relevant error identifier as the argument. Up to eight integer and eight floating-point diagnostic values may be saved by the user in arrays idiags and fdiags, respectively, for debugging purposes.

The list of messages reported during the course of a run may be displayed by calling routine show_errors.

The error_status variable returns the highest severity level that has been encountered; if a severe error is flagged (level 3) the program is terminated immediately. None


JSON file reading module author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module uses a local copy of the freely-available FSON library, written by Joseph A. Levin and distributed via github, to enable PROCESS to read in information from JSON-formatted files. None


Module containing global variables relating to the first wall, blanket and shield components

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This module contains miscellaneous global variables not well-suited to any of the other 'variables' modules.


This module contains global variables relating to the heat transport system of a fusion power plant, and also those for a hydrogen production plant.

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Module containing global variables relating to the inertial fusion energy model

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Module for new impurity radiation calculations author: H Lux, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: R Kemp, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains routines for calculating the bremsstrahlung and line radiation of impurities including H and He, assuming a coronal equilibrium.

The model is only valid for T > 30 eV. For some impurity species there is also an upper temperature limit of T < 40 keV. Johner, Fusion Science and Technology 59 (2011), pp 308-349 Sertoli, private communication Kallenbach et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fus. 55(2013) 124041 (It is recommended to turn on constraint eqn.17 with iteration variable 28: fradpwr.)


Module containing neoclassical computations author: J Lion, IPP Greifswald Formulas used are described in: Beidler (2013),


Module containing callers to the main equation solvers HYBRD and VMCON author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre This module contains the primary numerics variables and the calling routines for the two equation solvers in the code.


Module containing global variables relating to the PF coil power conversion system

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Module containing PF coil routines author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: R Kemp, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains routines for calculating the parameters of the PF coil systems for a fusion power plant. !


Module containing global variables relating to the poloidal field coil systems

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Module containing tokamak plasma physics routines author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains all the primary plasma physics routines for a tokamak device. !


Module containing global variables relating to the plasma physics

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Module containing global variables relating to the primary_pumping=3 option. (Mechanical pumping power is calculated using specified pressure drop)

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Module containing the routines that perform the actual reading and parsing of the input file author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module provides a set of routines to read in data from the main PROCESS input file (IN.DAT). The format of the file is similar to the F90 NAMELIST structure, but with a few additional features:

  1. Comments can be read in that are copied to the standard output channel - these are lines with five (or more) consecutive '*' characters at the start.

  2. Other lines within the file can contain simple comments for the user - these are not copied to the standard output channel. They start with one to four '*' characters.

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Module containing routines to produce a uniform output style author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains a number of routines that allow the program to write output to a file unit in a uniform style. !


Module containing global variables relating to the pulsed reactor model

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Module for the REBCO HTS superconductor variables

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This module contains global variables relating to the minimum impurity fraction for detached divertor conditions Reinke criterion. It furthermore uses several parameters from Kallenbach model like netau and empurity_enrichment.

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Variables relating to resistive materials in superconducting conductors


Module containing routines to perform a parameter scan author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre None This module contains routines to perform a parameter scan over a range of values of a particular scanning variable. !


Module containing superconducting TF coil routines author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: J Morris, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: S Kahn, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains routines for calculating the parameters of a superconducting TF coil system for a fusion power plant. PROCESS Superconducting TF Coil Model, J. Morris, CCFE, 1st May 2014


Module containing defining parameters for a stellarator

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Module containing stellarator routines author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains routines for calculating the parameters of the first wall, blanket and shield components of a fusion power plant.

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Module containing global variables relating to the stellarator model

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Module containing global variables relating to the support structure

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Module containing global variables relating to the toroidal field coil systems

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Module containing global variables relating to the plasma pulse timings

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Module containing global variables relating to the vacuum system

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Module containing global variables relating to the water usage

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