pfcoil_module Module

Module containing PF coil routines author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: R Kemp, CCFE, Culham Science Centre N/A This module contains routines for calculating the parameters of the PF coil systems for a fusion power plant. !



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer, public :: nef
integer, public :: nfxf
real(kind=dp), public :: ricpf
real(kind=dp), public :: ssq0
real(kind=dp), public :: sig_axial
real(kind=dp), public :: sig_hoop
real(kind=dp), public :: axial_force
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(64):: rfxf
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(64):: zfxf
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(64):: cfxf
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(64):: xind
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(10,2):: rcls
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(10,2):: zcls
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(10):: ccls
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(10):: ccl0
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(22):: bpf2
real(kind=dp), public, dimension(22,3):: vsdum
logical, public :: first_call
logical, public :: CSlimit
type(volume_fractions), private :: conductorpf
type(supercon_strand), private :: croco_strand


public subroutine init_pfcoil_module()

Initialise module variables

