module dcll_module !! This module contains the Dual Coolant Lead Lithium (DCLL) specific submods of PROCESSS. !! !! author: G. Graham, CCFE !! !! Acronyms for this module: !! !! BB Breeding Blanket !! FW First Wall !! BZ Breeder Zone !! MF/BSS Manifold/Back Supporting Structure !! LT Low Temperature !! HT High Temperature !! MMS Multi Module Segment !! SMS Single Modle Segment !! IB Inboard !! OB Outboard !! HCD Heating & Current Drive !! FCI Flow Channel Insert !! !! IN.DAT info for DCLL: !! !! Select DCLL model !! i_blanket_type = 5 * DCLL !! !! Liquid Metal Breeder Material = PbLi !! i_bb_liq = 0 * Liquid Metal Breeder Material = PbLi !! !! Specify dual-coolant i.e., get mass flow required from heat extracted from liqid metal breeder !! icooldual = 2 !! !! FIC switch: 0 = no FIC, Eurofer; 1 = FCIs, perfect electrical insulator, 2 = FCIs, with specified conductance !! ifci = 0, 1, or 2 !! !! Liquid metal duct wall conductance initilized at Eurofer value in fwbs_variables, or can input other value, used for ifci = 0 or 2 !! (bz_channel_conduct_liq) !! !! Choose if FW and BB structure are on the same pumping system (unless have diffent coolants), default is same coolant with flow IN->FW->BB->OUT !! (ipump) !! !! Can set inlet and oulet temperature for liquid metal breeder !! (inlet_temp_liq) !! (outlet_temp_liq) !! !! References: !! !! [Nat1995] Natesan et al. (1995), Assessment of alkali metal coolants for !! for the ITER blanket, Fusion Engineering and Design 27, 457-466 !! !! [Mal1995] Malang and Mattas (1995), Comparison of lithium and the eutectic !! lead-lithium alloy, two candidate liquid metal breeder materials !! for self-cooled blankets, Fusion Engineering and Design 27, 399-406 !! !! [Gas2001] Gasior and Mozer (2001), Thermodynamic study of liquid lithium–lead !! alloys using the EMF method, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 294, 77-83 !! !! [Pal2016] Palermo et al. (2016), Neutronic analyses of the preliminary design !! of a DCLL blanket for the EUROfusion DEMO power plant, !! Fusion Engineering and Design 109-111. !! !! [Gar2017] Garcinuno et al. (2017), Design of a permeator against vacuum for !! tritium extraction from eutectic lithium-lead in a DCLL DEMO, !! Fusion Engineering and Design, 117, 226-231 !! !! [Fer2021] Fernandez-Berceruelo et al. (2021), Alternatives for upgrading the !! eu dcll breeding blanket from mms to sms, Fusion Engineering and !! Design 167, 112380 !! !! !! Note: request for when CCFE Bluemira nutronics work is added: output maximum values, as well as average values, for wall neutronics calculation if possible. !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif use fwbs_variables, only: wht_liq, wht_liq_ib, wht_liq_ob implicit none !! DCLL Variables !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Radial thickness of FCIs annd backwall [m] real(dp) :: r_fci, r_backwall !! Radial BZ thickness [m] real(dp) :: bz_r_ib, bz_r_ob !! Structure/coolant compositional fractions real(dp) :: f_vol_stff_plates, f_vol_stl_bz_struct, f_vol_stl_back_wall, f_vol_stl_fw !! MF/BSS compositional fractions real(dp) :: f_vol_mfbss_stl, f_vol_mfbss_he, f_vol_mfbss_pbli !! Volume of FCIs, other BZ structure, liquid channels, backwall and MF/BSS [m^3] real(dp) :: vol_fci, vol_bz_struct, vol_bz_liq, vol_bz_liq_ib, vol_bz_liq_ob, vol_bw, vol_bss !! BZ masses by composition [kg] real(dp) :: wht_cer, wht_stl_struct, wht_cool_struct !! Backwall masses by composition [kg] real(dp) :: wht_bw_stl, wht_bw_cool !! MF/BSS masses by composition [kg] real(dp) :: wht_mfbss_stl, wht_mfbss_cool, wht_mfbss_pbli !! FW masses by composition [kg] real(dp) :: fwmass_stl, fwmass_cool !! Total masses of material in blanket [kg] real(dp) :: mass_cool_blanket, mass_liq_blanket, mass_stl_blanket !! Total mass for an inboard/outboard reactor segment [kg] real(dp) :: mass_segm_ib, mass_segm_ob contains !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine init_dcll_module !! Initialise module variables !!! implicit none r_fci = 0.0 r_backwall = 0.0 bz_r_ib = 0.0 bz_r_ob = 0.0 f_vol_stff_plates = 0.0 f_vol_stl_bz_struct = 0.0 f_vol_stl_back_wall = 0.0 f_vol_stl_fw = 0.0 f_vol_mfbss_stl = 0.0 f_vol_mfbss_he = 0.0 f_vol_mfbss_pbli = 0.0 vol_fci = 0.0 vol_bz_struct = 0.0 vol_bz_liq = 0.0 vol_bz_liq_ib = 0.0 vol_bz_liq_ob = 0.0 vol_bw = 0.0 vol_bss = 0.0 wht_cer = 0.0 wht_stl_struct = 0.0 wht_cool_struct = 0.0 wht_bw_stl = 0.0 wht_bw_cool = 0.0 wht_mfbss_stl = 0.0 wht_mfbss_cool = 0.0 wht_mfbss_pbli = 0.0 fwmass_stl = 0.0 fwmass_cool = 0.0 mass_cool_blanket = 0.0 mass_liq_blanket = 0.0 mass_stl_blanket = 0.0 mass_segm_ib = 0.0 mass_segm_ob = 0.0 end subroutine init_dcll_module !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end module dcll_module