This module contains global variables relating to the constraint equations (f-values, limits, etc.).
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | auxmin | minimum auxiliary power (MW) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_poloidal_max | maximum poloidal beta ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | bigqmin | minimum fusion gain Q ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | bmxlim | maximum peak toroidal field (T) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fauxmn | f-value for minimum auxiliary power ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fbeta_poloidal_eps | f-value for epsilon beta-poloidal ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fbeta_poloidal | f-value for poloidal beta ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fbeta_max | f-value for beta limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fbeta_min | f-value for (lower) beta limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fcpttf | f-value for TF coil current per turn upper limit
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fr_conducting_wall | f-value for conducting wall radius / rminor limit
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fdene | f-value for density limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fdivcol | f-value for divertor collisionality ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fdtmp | f-value for first wall coolant temperature rise
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fecrh_ignition | f-value for ecrh ignition constraint
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fflutf | f-value for neutron fluence on TF coil ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ffuspow | f-value for maximum fusion power ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fgamcd | f-value for current drive gamma ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fhldiv | f-value for divertor heat load ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fiooic | f-value for TF coil operating current / critical current ratio
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fipir | f-value for Ip/Irod upper limit constraint equation icc = 46 iteration variable ixc = 72 |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fjohc | f-value for central solenoid current at end-of-flattop
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fjohc0 | f-value for central solenoid current at beginning of pulse
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fjprot | f-value for TF coil winding pack current density
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fl_h_threshold | f-value for L-H power threshold ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fmva | f-value for maximum MVA ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fnbshinef | f-value for maximum neutral beam shine-through fraction
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fncycle | f-value for minimum CS coil stress load cycles
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fnesep | f-value for Eich critical separatrix density
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | foh_stress | f-value for Tresca yield criterion in Central Solenoid
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpeakb | f-value for maximum toroidal field ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpinj | f-value for injection power ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpnetel | f-value for net electric power ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fportsz | f-value for neutral beam tangency radius limit
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpsepbqar | f-value for maximum Psep*Bt/qAR limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpsepr | f-value for maximum Psep/R limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fptemp | f-value for peak centrepost temperature ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fptfnuc | f-value for maximum TF coil nuclear heating ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fq | f-value for edge safety factor ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fqval | f-value for Q ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fradpwr | f-value for core radiation power limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fradwall | f-value for upper limit on radiation wall load ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | freinke | f-value for Reinke detachment criterion ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | frminor | f-value for minor radius limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fstrcase | f-value for maximum TF coil case Tresca yield criterion
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fstrcond | f-value for maxiumum TF coil conduit Tresca yield criterion
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fstr_wp | f-value for maxiumum TF coil strain absolute value
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fmaxvvstress | f-value for maximum permitted stress of the VV
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftbr | f-value for minimum tritium breeding ratio ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ft_burn | f-value for minimum burn time ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftcycl | f-value for cycle time ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftmargoh | f-value for central solenoid temperature margin
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftmargtf | f-value for TF coil temperature margin ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ft_current_ramp_up | f-value for plasma current ramp-up time ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftpeak | f-value for first wall peak temperature ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fvdump | f-value for dump voltage ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fvs | f-value for flux-swing (V-s) requirement (STEADY STATE)
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fvvhe | f-value for vacuum vessel He concentration limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fwalld | f-value for maximum wall load ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fzeffmax | f-value for maximum zeff ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | gammax | maximum current drive gamma ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | maxradwallload | Maximum permitted radiation wall load (MW/m^2) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | mvalim | maximum MVA limit ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nbshinefmax | maximum neutral beam shine-through fraction ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nflutfmax | max fast neutron fluence on TF coil (n/m2) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pdivtlim | Minimum pdivt [MW] ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_fw_rad_max | peaking factor for radiation wall load ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pflux_fw_rad_max_mw | Peak radiation wall load (MW/m^2) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pnetelin | required net electric power (MW) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | powfmax | maximum fusion power (MW) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | psepbqarmax | maximum ratio of Psep*Bt/qAR (MWT/m) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pseprmax | maximum ratio of power crossing the separatrix to plasma major radius (Psep/R) (MW/m)
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ptfnucmax | maximum nuclear heating in TF coil (MW/m3) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tbrmin | minimum tritium breeding ratio ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_burn_min | minimum burn time (s) (KE - no longer itv., see issue #706) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tcycmn | minimum cycle time (s) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_current_ramp_up_min | minimum plasma current ramp-up time (s) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vvhealw | allowed maximum helium concentration in vacuum vessel at end of plant life (appm)
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | walalw | allowable neutron wall-load (MW/m2) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_alpha_energy_confinement_min | Lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy confinement
times ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | falpha_energy_confinement | f-value for lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy
confinement times ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fniterpump | f-value for constraint that number of pumps < tfno
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | zeffmax | maximum value for Zeff ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpoloidalpower | f-value for constraint on rate of change of energy in poloidal field
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpsep | f-value to ensure separatrix power is less than value from Kallenbach divertor (Not required as constraint 69 is an equality) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fcqt | TF coil quench temparature remains below tmax_croco
( |
Initialise module variables