Module containing global variables relating to the plasma physics
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
integer, | public, | parameter | :: | n_confinement_scalings | = | 51 | number of energy confinement time scaling laws |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | m_beam_amu | beam ion mass (amu) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | m_fuel_amu | average mass of fuel portion of ions (amu) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | m_ions_total_amu | average mass of all ions (amu) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alphaj | current profile index (calculated from q_0 and q if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alphan | density profile index |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alphap | pressure profile index |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_rate_density_total | Alpha particle production rate per unit volume, from plasma and beams [particles/m3/sec] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_rate_density_plasma | Alpha particle production rate per unit volume, just from plasma [particles/m3/sec] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alphat | temperature profile index |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | aspect | aspect ratio ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beamfus0 | multiplier for beam-background fusion calculation |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta | total plasma beta ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_fast_alpha | fast alpha beta component |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_max | Max allowable beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_min | allowable lower beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_beam | neutral beam beta component |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_poloidal | poloidal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_poloidal_eps | Poloidal beta and inverse aspcet ratio product |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_toroidal | toroidal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_thermal | thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_thermal_poloidal | poloidal thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_thermal_toroidal | poloidal thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_norm_total | normaised total beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_norm_thermal | normaised thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_norm_toroidal | normaised toroidal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_norm_poloidal | normaised poloidal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | e_plasma_beta_thermal | Plasma thermal energy derived from thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | betbm0 | leading coefficient for NB beta fraction |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | bp | poloidal field (T) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | bt | toroidal field on axis (T) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | btot | total toroidal + poloidal field (T) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | burnup | fractional plasma burnup |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | burnup_in | fractional plasma burnup user input |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | bvert | vertical field at plasma (T) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | c_beta | Destabalisation parameter for iprofile=6 beta limit |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | csawth | coeff. for sawteeth effects on burn V-s requirement |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_vol_plasma | multiplying factor for the plasma volume (normally=1) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_r_conducting_wall | maximum ratio of conducting wall distance to plasma minor radius for
vertical stability ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dene | electron density (/m3) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_fuel_ions | fuel ion density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dlamee | electron-electron coulomb logarithm |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dlamie | ion-electron coulomb logarithm |
real(kind=dp), | public, | dimension(8) | :: | dlimit | density limit (/m3) as calculated using various models |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_alphas | thermal alpha density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_beam_ions | hot beam ion density, variable (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beam_density_out | hot beam ion density from calculation (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_norm_max | Troyon-like coefficient for beta scaling |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dnelimt | density limit (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_ions_total | total ion density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dnla | line averaged electron density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_protons | proton ash density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ntau | Fusion double product (s/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nTtau | Lawson triple product [keV s / m3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nd_impurities | high Z ion density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | gradient_length_ne | Max. normalized gradient length in el. density (ipedestal==0 only) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | gradient_length_te | Max. normalized gradient length in el. temperature (ipedestal==0 only) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | beta_poloidal_eps_max | maximum (eps*beta_poloidal) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | eps | inverse aspect ratio |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | aux_current_fraction | fraction of plasma current produced by auxiliary current drive |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | inductive_current_fraction | fraction of plasma current produced inductively |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_alpha_electron | fraction of alpha energy to electrons |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_alpha_plasma | Fraction of alpha power deposited in plasma. Default of 0.95 taken from |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_alpha_ion | fraction of alpha power to ions |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_deuterium | deuterium fuel fraction |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ftar | fraction of power to the lower divertor in double null configuration
( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ffwal | factor to convert plasma surface area to first wall area in neutron wall
load calculation ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fgwped | fraction of Greenwald density to set as pedestal-top density. If |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fgwsep | fraction of Greenwald density to set as separatrix density. If |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_helium3 | helium-3 fuel fraction |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | figmer | physics figure of merit (= plasma_currentaspect*sbar, where |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fkzohm | Zohm elongation scaling adjustment factor ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fplhsep | F-value for Psep >= Plh + Paux ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fpdivlim | F-value for minimum pdivt ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fne0 | f-value for the constraint ne(0) > ne(ped) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_tritium | tritium fuel fraction |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fusion_rate_density_total | fusion reaction rate, from beams and plasma (reactions/m3/sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fusion_rate_density_plasma | fusion reaction rate, just from plasma (reactions/m3/sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fvsbrnni | fraction of the plasma current produced by non-inductive means ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ejima_coeff | Ejima coefficient for resistive startup V-s formula |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_beta_alpha_beam_thermal | ratio of (fast alpha + neutral beam beta) to thermal beta |
real(kind=dp), | public, | dimension(n_confinement_scalings) | :: | hfac | H factors for an ignited plasma for each energy confinement time scaling law |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | hfact | H factor on energy confinement times, radiation corrected ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | taumax | Maximum allowed energy confinement time (s) |
integer, | public | :: | i_bootstrap_current | switch for bootstrap current scaling
integer, | public | :: | i_beta_component | switch for beta limit scaling (
integer, | public | :: | i_plasma_current | switch for plasma current scaling to use
integer, | public | :: | i_diamagnetic_current | switch for diamagnetic current scaling
integer, | public | :: | i_density_limit | switch for density limit to enforce (
integer, | public | :: | idivrt | number of divertors (calculated from |
integer, | public | :: | i_beta_fast_alpha | switch for fast alpha pressure calculation
integer, | public | :: | ignite | switch for ignition assumption. Obviously, ignite must be zero if current drive is required. If ignite is 1, any auxiliary power is assumed to be used only during plasma start-up, and is excluded from all steady-state power balance calculations.
integer, | public | :: | ipedestal | switch for pedestal profiles:
integer, | public | :: | i_pfirsch_schluter_current | switch for Pfirsch-Schlüter current scaling (issue #413):
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | neped | electron density of pedestal [m-3] (`ipedestal==1) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nesep | electron density at separatrix [m-3] (`ipedestal==1) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_crit | critical ballooning parameter value |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | nesep_crit | critical electron density at separatrix [m-3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | plasma_res_factor | plasma resistivity pre-factor |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rhopedn | r/a of density pedestal ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rhopedt | r/a of temperature pedestal ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rho_te_max | r/a where the temperature gradient is largest ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rho_ne_max | r/a where the density gradient is largest ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tbeta | temperature profile index beta (`ipedestal==1) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | teped | electron temperature of pedestal (keV) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tesep | electron temperature at separatrix (keV) ( |
integer, | public | :: | iprofile | switch for current profile consistency:
integer, | public | :: | i_rad_loss | switch for radiation loss term usage in power balance (see User Guide):
integer, | public | :: | i_confinement_time | switch for energy confinement time scaling law (see description in labels_confinement_scalings(n_confinement_scalings) : labels describing energy confinement scaling laws |
character(len=34), | public, | parameter, dimension(n_confinement_scalings) | :: | labels_confinement_scalings | = | (/'User input electron confinement ', 'Neo-Alcator (Ohmic)', 'Mirnov (H)', 'Merezkhin-Muhkovatov (Ohmic)(L)', 'Shimomura (H)', 'Kaye-Goldston (L)', 'ITER 89-P (L)', 'ITER 89-O (L)', 'Rebut-Lallia (L)', 'Goldston (L)', 'T10 (L)', 'JAERI / Odajima-Shimomura (L)', 'Kaye-Big Complex (L)', 'ITER H90-P (H)', 'ITER 89-P & 89-O min (L)', 'Riedel (L)', 'Christiansen (L)', 'Lackner-Gottardi (L)', 'Neo-Kaye (L)', 'Riedel (H)', 'ITER H90-P amended (H)', 'LHD (Stell)', 'Gyro-reduced Bohm (Stell)', 'Lackner-Gottardi (Stell)', 'ITER-93H ELM-free (H)', 'TITAN RFP OBSOLETE ', 'ITER H-97P ELM-free (H)', 'ITER H-97P ELMy (H)', 'ITER-96P (ITER-97L) (L)', 'Valovic modified ELMy (H)', 'Kaye 98 modified (L)', 'ITERH-PB98P(y) (H)', 'IPB98(y) (H)', 'IPB98(y,1) (H)', 'IPB98(y,2) (H)', 'IPB98(y,3) (H)', 'IPB98(y,4) (H)', 'ISS95 (Stell)', 'ISS04 (Stell)', 'DS03 beta-independent (H)', 'Murari "Non-power law" (H)', 'Petty 2008 (ST)(H)', 'Lang high density (H)', 'Hubbard 2017 - nominal (I)', 'Hubbard 2017 - lower (I)', 'Hubbard 2017 - upper (I)', 'Menard NSTX (ST)(H)', 'Menard NSTX-Petty08 hybrid (ST)(H)', 'Buxton NSTX gyro-Bohm (ST)(H)', 'ITPA20 (H)', 'ITPA20-IL (H)'/) | |
integer, | public | :: | i_plasma_wall_gap | Switch for plasma-first wall clearances at the mid-plane:
integer, | public | :: | i_plasma_geometry | switch for plasma elongation and triangularity calculations:
integer, | public | :: | i_plasma_shape | switch for plasma boundary shape:
integer, | public | :: | itart | switch for spherical tokamak (ST) models:
integer, | public | :: | itartpf | switch for Spherical Tokamak PF models:
integer, | public | :: | iwalld | switch for neutron wall load calculation:
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | plasma_square | plasma squareness used by Sauter plasma shape |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | kappa | plasma separatrix elongation (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | kappa95 | plasma elongation at 95% surface (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | kappa_ipb | Separatrix elongation calculated for IPB scalings |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ne0 | central electron density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ni0 | central ion density (/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | m_s_limit | margin to vertical stability |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p0 | central total plasma pressure (Pa) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | j_plasma_0 | Central plasma current density (A/m2) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vol_avg_pressure | Volume averaged plasma pressure (Pa) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_dd_branching_trit | branching ratio for DD -> T |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_density_plasma | Alpha power per volume just from plasma [MW/m3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_density_total | Alpha power per volume from plasma and beams [MW/m3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_electron_density | Alpha power per volume to electrons [MW/m3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | palpfwmw | alpha power escaping plasma and reaching first wall (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_ions_density | alpha power per volume to ions (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_plasma | Alpha power from only the plasma (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_total | Total alpha power from plasma and beams (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | alpha_power_beams | alpha power from hot neutral beam ions (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | non_alpha_charged_power | non-alpha charged particle fusion power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | charged_particle_power | Total charged particle fusion power [MW] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | charged_power_density | Non-alpha charged particle fusion power per volume [MW/m3] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pcoef | profile factor (= n-weighted T / average T) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_plasma_inner_rad_mw | radiation power from inner zone (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pcoreradpv | total core radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dd_power | deuterium-deuterium fusion power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dhe3_power | deuterium-helium3 fusion power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pdivt | power to conducted to the divertor region (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pdivl | power conducted to the lower divertor region (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pdivu | power conducted to the upper divertor region (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pdivmax | power conducted to the divertor with most load (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dt_power_total | Total deuterium-tritium fusion power, from plasma and beams [MW] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | dt_power_plasma | Deuterium-tritium fusion power, just from plasma [MW] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_plasma_outer_rad_mw | radiation power from outer zone (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pedgeradpv | edge radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vs_plasma_internal | internal plasma V-s |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pflux_fw_rad_mw | Nominal mean radiation load on inside surface of reactor (MW/m2) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | piepv | ion/electron equilibration power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | plasma_current | plasma current (A) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | neutron_power_plasma | Neutron fusion power from just the plasma [MW] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | neutron_power_total | Total neutron fusion power from plasma and beams [MW] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | neutron_power_density_total | neutron fusion power per volume from beams and plasma (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | neutron_power_density_plasma | neutron fusion power per volume just from plasma (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_plasma_ohmic_mw | ohmic heating power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pden_plasma_ohmic_mw | ohmic heating power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_plasma_loss_mw | heating power (= transport loss power) (MW) used in confinement time calculation |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | fusion_power | fusion power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | len_plasma_poloidal | plasma poloidal perimeter (m) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_plasma_rad_mw | total radiation power from inside LCFS (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pden_plasma_rad_mw | total radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pradsolmw | radiation power from SoL (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | proton_rate_density | Proton production rate [particles/m3/sec] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | psolradmw | SOL radiation power (MW) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pden_plasma_sync_mw | synchrotron radiation power per volume (MW/m3) |
integer, | public | :: | i_l_h_threshold | switch for L-H mode power threshold scaling to use (see l_h_threshold_powers for list) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_l_h_threshold_mw | L-H mode power threshold (MW) (chosen via i_l_h_threshold, and enforced if constraint equation 15 is on) |
real(kind=dp), | public, | dimension(21) | :: | l_h_threshold_powers | L-H power threshold for various scalings (MW)
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_electron_transport_loss_mw | electron transport power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pden_electron_transport_loss_mw | electron transport power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | p_ion_transport_loss_mw | ion transport power (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pscalingmw | Total transport power from scaling law (MW) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | pden_ion_transport_loss_mw | ion transport power per volume (MW/m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | q0 | Safety factor on axis |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | q95 | Safety factor at 95% flux surface (iteration variable 18) (unless icurr=2 (ST current scaling), in which case q95 = mean edge safety factor qbar) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | qfuel | plasma fuelling rate (nucleus-pairs/s) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tauratio | tauratio /1.0/ : ratio of He and pellet particle confinement times |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | q95_min | lower limit for edge safety factor |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | qstar | cylindrical safety factor |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rad_fraction_sol | SoL radiation fraction |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rad_fraction_total | Radiation fraction total = SoL + LCFS radiation / total power deposited in plasma |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_nd_alpha_electron | thermal alpha density/electron density ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_nd_protium_electrons | Seeded f_nd_protium_electrons density / electron density. |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ind_plasma_internal_norm | Plasma normalised internal inductance (calculated from alphaj if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ind_plasma | plasma inductance (H) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rmajor | plasma major radius (m) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rminor | plasma minor radius (m) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_nd_beam_electron | hot beam density / n_e ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rncne | n_carbon / n_e |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rndfuel | fuel burnup rate (reactions/second) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rnfene | n_highZ / n_e |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | rnone | n_oxygen / n_e |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_res_plasma_neo | neo-classical correction factor to res_plasma |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | res_plasma | plasma resistance (ohm) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_plasma_res_diffusion | plasma current resistive diffusion time (s) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | a_plasma_surface | plasma surface area |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | a_plasma_surface_outboard | outboard plasma surface area |
integer, | public | :: | i_single_null | switch for single null / double null plasma:
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_sync_reflect | synchrotron wall reflectivity factor |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_electron_energy_confinement | electron energy confinement time (sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tauee_in | Input electron energy confinement time (sec) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_energy_confinement | global thermal energy confinement time (sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_ion_energy_confinement | ion energy confinement time (sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | t_alpha_confinement | alpha particle confinement time (sec) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | f_alpha_energy_confinement | alpha particle to energy confinement time ratio |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | te | volume averaged electron temperature (keV) ( |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | te0 | central electron temperature (keV) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ten | density weighted average electron temperature (keV) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ti | volume averaged ion temperature (keV). N.B. calculated from te if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | ti0 | central ion temperature (keV) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tin | density weighted average ion temperature (keV) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | tratio | ion temperature / electron temperature(used to calculate ti if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | triang | plasma separatrix triangularity (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | triang95 | plasma triangularity at 95% surface (calculated if |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vol_plasma | plasma volume (m3) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vs_plasma_burn_required | V-s needed during flat-top (heat + burn times) (Wb) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | v_plasma_loop_burn | Plasma loop voltage during flat-top (V) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vshift | plasma/device midplane vertical shift - single null |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vs_plasma_ind_ramp | Total plasma inductive flux consumption for plasma current ramp-up (Vs)(Wb) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vs_plasma_res_ramp | Plasma resistive flux consumption for plasma current ramp-up (Vs)(Wb) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | vs_plasma_total_required | total V-s needed (Wb) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | wallmw | average neutron wall load (MW/m2) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | wtgpd | mass of fuel used per day (g) |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | a_plasma_poloidal | plasma poloidal cross-sectional area [m^2] |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | zeff | plasma effective charge |
real(kind=dp), | public | :: | zeffai | mass weighted plasma effective charge |
Initialise module variables