! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module scan_module !! Module containing routines to perform a parameter scan !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This module contains routines to perform a parameter scan !! over a range of values of a particular scanning variable. !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public integer, parameter :: ipnscns = 1000 !! Maximum number of scan points integer, parameter :: ipnscnv = 81 !! Number of available scan variables integer, parameter :: noutvars = 84 integer, parameter :: width = 110 integer :: scan_dim !! 1-D or 2-D scan switch (1=1D, 2=2D) integer :: isweep !! Number of scan points to calculate integer :: isweep_2 !! Number of 2D scan points to calculate integer :: nsweep !! Switch denoting quantity to scan:<UL> !! <LI> 1 aspect !! <LI> 2 hldivlim !! <LI> 3 pnetelin !! <LI> 4 hfact !! <LI> 5 oacdcp !! <LI> 6 walalw !! <LI> 7 beamfus0 !! <LI> 8 fqval !! <LI> 9 te !! <LI> 10 boundu(15: fvs) !! <LI> 11 beta_norm_max !! <LI> 12 bootstrap_current_fraction_max !! <LI> 13 boundu(10: hfact) !! <LI> 14 fiooic !! <LI> 15 fjprot !! <LI> 16 rmajor !! <LI> 17 bmxlim !! <LI> 18 gammax !! <LI> 19 boundl(16: dr_cs) !! <LI> 20 t_burn_min !! <LI> 21 not used !! <LI> 22 cfactr (N.B. requires iavail=0) !! <LI> 23 boundu(72: fipir) !! <LI> 24 powfmax !! <LI> 25 kappa !! <LI> 26 triang !! <LI> 27 tbrmin (for blktmodel > 0 only) !! <LI> 28 bt !! <LI> 29 coreradius !! <LI> 30 fimpvar # OBSOLETE !! <LI> 31 f_alpha_energy_confinement_min !! <LI> 32 epsvmc !! <LI> 33 ttarget !! <LI> 34 qtargettotal !! <LI> 35 lambda_q_omp !! <LI> 36 lambda_target !! <LI> 37 lcon_factor !! <LI> 38 Neon upper limit !! <LI> 39 Argon upper limit !! <LI> 40 Xenon upper limit !! <LI> 41 dr_blkt_outboard !! <LI> 42 Argon fraction fimp(9) !! <LI> 43 normalised minor radius at which electron cyclotron current drive is maximum !! <LI> 44 Allowable maximum shear stress (Tresca) in tf coil structural material !! <LI> 45 Minimum allowable temperature margin ; tf coils !! <LI> 46 boundu(150) fgwsep !! <LI> 47 impurity_enrichment(9) Argon impurity enrichment !! <LI> 48 TF coil - n_pancake (integer turn winding pack) !! <LI> 49 TF coil - n_layer (integer turn winding pack) !! <LI> 50 Xenon fraction fimp(13) !! <LI> 51 Power fraction to lower DN Divertor ftar !! <LI> 52 SoL radiation fraction !! <LI> 54 GL_nbti upper critical field at 0 Kelvin !! <LI> 55 `dr_shld_inboard` : Inboard neutron shield thickness !! <LI> 56 crypmw_max: Maximum cryogenic power (ixx=164, ixc=87) !! <LI> 57 `bt` lower boundary !! <LI> 58 `dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard` : Inboard plasma-first wall gap !! <LI> 59 `dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard` : Outboard plasma-first wall gap !! <LI> 60 sig_tf_wp_max: Allowable stress in TF Coil conduit (Tresca) !! <LI> 61 copperaoh_m2_max : CS coil current / copper area !! <LI> 62 coheof : CS coil current density at EOF !! <LI> 63 dr_cs : CS thickness (m) !! <LI> 64 ohhghf : CS height (m) !! <LI> 65 n_cycle_min : Minimum cycles for CS stress model constraint 90 !! <LI> 66 oh_steel_frac: Steel fraction in CS coil !! <LI> 67 t_crack_vertical: Initial crack vertical dimension (m) </UL> !! <LI> 68 `inlet_temp_liq' : Inlet temperature of blanket liquid metal coolant/breeder (K) !! <LI> 69 `outlet_temp_liq' : Outlet temperature of blanket liquid metal coolant/breeder (K) !! <LI> 70 `blpressure_liq' : Blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure (Pa) !! <LI> 71 `n_liq_recirc' : Selected number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day !! <LI> 72 `bz_channel_conduct_liq' : Conductance of liquid metal breeder duct walls (A V-1 m-1) !! <LI> 73 `pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll' : Ratio of FW nuclear power as fraction of total (FW+BB) !! <LI> 74 `f_nuc_pow_bz_struct' : Fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant for dual-coolant balnket !! <LI> 75 dx_fw_module : pitch of first wall cooling channels (m) !! <LI> 76 etath : Thermal conversion eff. !! <LI> 77 startupratio : Gyrotron redundancy !! <LI> 78 fkind : Multiplier for Nth of a kind costs !! <LI> 79 etaech : ECH wall plug to injector efficiency integer :: nsweep_2 !! nsweep_2 /3/ : switch denoting quantity to scan for 2D scan: real(dp), dimension(ipnscns) :: sweep !! sweep(ipnscns) /../: actual values to use in scan real(dp), dimension(ipnscns) :: sweep_2 !! sweep_2(ipnscns) /../: actual values to use in 2D scan ! Vars in subroutines scan_1d and scan_2d requiring re-initialising before ! each new run logical :: first_call_1d logical :: first_call_2d contains subroutine init_scan_module !! Initialise module variables implicit none scan_dim = 1 isweep = 0 isweep_2 = 0 nsweep = 1 nsweep_2 = 3 sweep = 0.0D0 sweep_2 = 0.0D0 first_call_1d = .true. first_call_2d = .true. end subroutine init_scan_module subroutine scan_1d_write_point_header(iscan) use global_variables, only: iscan_global, xlabel, vlabel use constants, only: mfile, nout use process_output, only: ovarin, ostars, oblnkl implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iscan !! Scan point number ! Makes iscan available globally (read-only) iscan_global = iscan call scan_select(nsweep, sweep, iscan, vlabel, xlabel) ! Write banner to output file call oblnkl(nout) call ostars(nout,width) write(nout,10) ' ***** Scan point ', iscan,' of ',isweep,': & ',trim(xlabel),', ',trim(vlabel),' = ',sweep(iscan),' *****' 10 format(a,i2,a,i2,5a,1pe10.3,a) call ostars(nout,width) ! Write additional information to mfile call oblnkl(mfile) call ovarin(mfile,'Scan point number','(iscan)',iscan) ! Call the optimization routine VMCON at this scan point write(*,20)'Starting scan point ',iscan,' of ',isweep,': ', trim(xlabel),', & ',trim(vlabel),' = ',sweep(iscan) 20 format(a,i2,a,i2,a,4a,1pe10.3) end subroutine scan_1d_write_point_header subroutine scan_1d_store_output(iscan, ifail, noutvars_, ipnscns_, outvar) use constraint_variables, only: f_alpha_energy_confinement_min use cost_variables, only: cdirt, coe, coeoam, coefuelt, c222, ireactor, & capcost, coecap, c221 use current_drive_variables, only: pheat, pinjmw, bootstrap_current_fraction, beam_energy, bigq use divertor_variables, only: hldiv use error_handling, only: errors_on use heat_transport_variables, only: pgrossmw, pinjwp, pnetelmw use impurity_radiation_module, only: fimp use pfcoil_variables, only: whtpf use pf_power_variables, only: srcktpm use process_output, only: oblnkl use numerics, only: sqsumsq use tfcoil_variables, only: tfareain, wwp2, sig_tf_wp, tfcmw, tcpmax, oacdcp, & tfcpmw, fcutfsu, acond, fcoolcp, rcool, whttf, ppump, vcool, wwp1, n_tf_coils, & dr_tf_wp, b_crit_upper_nbti use fwbs_variables, only: temp_fw_peak use physics_variables, only: q95, aspect, p_plasma_rad_mw, dene, fusion_power, btot, tesep, & pdivt, f_nd_alpha_electron, ten, beta_poloidal, hfac, teped, alpha_power_beams, q95_min, rmajor, wallmw, & beta, beta_max, bt, plasma_current use global_variables, only: verbose, maxcal, runtitle, run_tests use constants, only: nout implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iscan integer, intent(in) :: ifail ! outvar integer, intent(in) :: noutvars_, ipnscns_ real(dp), dimension(noutvars_,ipnscns_), intent(out) :: outvar ! Turn off error reporting (until next output) errors_on = .false. ! Store values for MFILE.DAT output outvar( 1,iscan) = dble(ifail) outvar( 2,iscan) = sqsumsq outvar( 3,iscan) = coe outvar( 4,iscan) = coecap outvar( 5,iscan) = coefuelt outvar( 6,iscan) = coeoam outvar( 7,iscan) = capcost outvar( 8,iscan) = c221 + c222 outvar( 9,iscan) = cdirt / 1.0D3 outvar(10,iscan) = rmajor outvar(11,iscan) = aspect outvar(12,iscan) = 1.0D-6 * plasma_current outvar(13,iscan) = bt outvar(14,iscan) = btot outvar(15,iscan) = q95 outvar(16,iscan) = q95_min outvar(17,iscan) = beta outvar(18,iscan) = beta_max outvar(19,iscan) = beta_poloidal / aspect outvar(20,iscan) = ten/10.0D0 outvar(21,iscan) = dene/1.0D20 outvar(22,iscan) = hfac(6) outvar(23,iscan) = hfac(7) outvar(24,iscan) = fusion_power outvar(25,iscan) = alpha_power_beams * 5.0D0 outvar(26,iscan) = wallmw outvar(27,iscan) = pinjmw outvar(28,iscan) = pinjwp outvar(29,iscan) = pheat outvar(30,iscan) = pinjmw - pheat outvar(31,iscan) = bigq outvar(32,iscan) = bootstrap_current_fraction outvar(33,iscan) = beam_energy/1.0D3 outvar(34,iscan) = hldiv outvar(35,iscan) = tfcmw outvar(36,iscan) = whttf outvar(37,iscan) = sig_tf_wp outvar(38,iscan) = oacdcp/1.0D6 outvar(39,iscan) = tcpmax outvar(40,iscan) = tfcpmw outvar(41,iscan) = fcoolcp outvar(42,iscan) = rcool outvar(43,iscan) = vcool outvar(44,iscan) = ppump/1.0D6 outvar(45,iscan) = 1.0D-3 * srcktpm outvar(46,iscan) = whtpf outvar(47,iscan) = pgrossmw outvar(48,iscan) = pnetelmw if (ireactor == 1) then outvar(49,iscan) = (pgrossmw-pnetelmw) / pgrossmw else outvar(49,iscan) = 0.0D0 end if outvar(50,iscan) = pdivt/rmajor !outvar(51,iscan) = fimpvar #OBSOLETE outvar(51,iscan) = 0.0d0 outvar(52,iscan) = p_plasma_rad_mw outvar(53,iscan) = temp_fw_peak outvar(54,iscan) = fcutfsu outvar(55,iscan) = (wwp1+wwp2)*dr_tf_wp outvar(56,iscan) = acond outvar(57,iscan) = tfareain/n_tf_coils outvar(58,iscan) = f_alpha_energy_confinement_min outvar(66,iscan) = f_nd_alpha_electron outvar(69,iscan) = fimp(1) outvar(70,iscan) = fimp(2) outvar(71,iscan) = fimp(3) outvar(72,iscan) = fimp(4) outvar(73,iscan) = fimp(5) outvar(74,iscan) = fimp(6) outvar(75,iscan) = fimp(7) outvar(76,iscan) = fimp(8) outvar(77,iscan) = fimp(9) outvar(78,iscan) = fimp(10) outvar(79,iscan) = fimp(11) outvar(80,iscan) = fimp(12) outvar(81,iscan) = fimp(13) outvar(82,iscan) = fimp(14) outvar(83,iscan) = teped end subroutine scan_1d_store_output subroutine scan_1d_write_plot(iscan, outvar) use global_variables, only: icase, xlabel use constants, only: nplot, mfile use process_output, only: ovarin implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: iscan real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: outvar character(len=48) :: tlabel integer :: ivar character(len=25), dimension(noutvars), save :: plabel tlabel = icase ! Set up labels for plotting output ! Use underscores instead of spaces if (first_call_1d) then plabel( 1) = 'Ifail____________________' plabel( 2) = 'Sqsumsq__________________' plabel( 3) = 'Electric_cost_(mil/kwh)__' plabel( 4) = 'Capital_cost_(mil/kwh)___' plabel( 5) = 'Fuel_cost_(mil/kwh)______' plabel( 6) = 'Operations_cost_(mil/kwh)' plabel( 7) = 'Capital_cost_(millions)__' plabel( 8) = 'Core_costs_(millions)____' plabel( 9) = 'Direct_cost_(billions)___' plabel(10) = 'Major_Radius_(m)_________' plabel(11) = 'Aspect_Ratio_____________' plabel(12) = 'Plasma_Current_(MA)______' plabel(13) = 'B_Toroidal_Axis_(T)______' plabel(14) = 'B_total_on_axis_(T)______' plabel(15) = 'Safety_Factor____________' plabel(16) = 'q95_min_(zero_if_i_plasma_geometry=0)__' plabel(17) = 'Beta_____________________' plabel(18) = 'Beta_Limit_______________' plabel(19) = 'Epsilon_Beta_Poloidal____' plabel(20) = 'Dens.weight_Te_(10keV)___' plabel(21) = 'Average_Dens_(10^20/m^3)_' plabel(22) = 'H-fact_Iter_Power________' plabel(23) = 'H-fact_Iter_Offset_______' plabel(24) = 'Fusion_Power_(MW)________' plabel(25) = 'nb_Fusion_Power_(MW)_____' plabel(26) = 'Wall_Load_(MW/m^2)_______' plabel(27) = 'Injection_Power_(MW)_____' plabel(28) = 'Inject_Pwr_Wall_Plug_(MW)' plabel(29) = 'Heating_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(30) = 'Current_Drive_(MW)_______' plabel(31) = 'Big_Q____________________' plabel(32) = 'Bootstrap_Fraction_______' plabel(33) = 'Neutral_Beam_Energy_(MeV)' plabel(34) = 'Divertor_Heat_(MW/m^2)___' plabel(35) = 'TF_coil_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(36) = 'TF_coil_weight_(kg)______' plabel(37) = 'vM_stress_in_TF_case_(Pa)' plabel(38) = 'J_TF_inboard_leg_(MA/m^2)' plabel(39) = 'Centrepost_max_T_(TART)__' plabel(40) = 'Res_TF_inbrd_leg_Pwr_(MW)' plabel(41) = 'Coolant_Fraction_Ctr.____' plabel(42) = 'C/P_coolant_radius_(m)___' plabel(43) = 'C/P_coolant_velocity(m/s)' plabel(44) = 'C/P_pump_power_(MW)______' plabel(45) = 'PF_coil_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(46) = 'PF_coil_weight_(kg)______' plabel(47) = 'Gross_Elect_Pwr_(MW)_____' plabel(48) = 'Net_electric_Pwr_(MW)____' plabel(49) = 'Recirculating_Fraction___' plabel(50) = 'Psep/R___________________' plabel(51) = '' !OBSOLETE plabel(52) = 'Tot._radiation_power_(MW)' plabel(53) = 'First_wall_peak_temp_(K)_' plabel(54) = 'Cu_frac_TFC_conductor____' plabel(55) = 'Winding_pack_area_TFC(m2)' plabel(56) = 'Conductor_area_TFC_(m2)__' plabel(57) = 'Area_TF_inboard_leg_(m2)_' plabel(58) = 't_alpha_confinement/taueff_lower_limit__' plabel(59) = 'Plasma_temp_at_sep_[keV]_' plabel(60) = 'SOL_density_at_OMP_______' plabel(61) = 'Power_through__separatrix' plabel(62) = 'neomp/nesep______________' plabel(63) = 'qtargettotal_____________' plabel(64) = 'Total_pressure_at_target_' plabel(65) = 'Temperature_at_target____' plabel(66) = 'Helium_fraction__________' plabel(67) = 'Momentum_loss_factor_____' plabel(68) = 'totalpowerlost_[W]_______' plabel(69) = 'H__concentration_________' plabel(70) = 'He_concentration_________' plabel(71) = 'Be_concentration_________' plabel(72) = 'C__concentration_________' plabel(73) = 'N__concentration_________' plabel(74) = 'O__concentration_________' plabel(75) = 'Ne_concentration_________' plabel(76) = 'Si_concentration_________' plabel(77) = 'Ar_concentration_________' plabel(78) = 'Fe_concentration_________' plabel(79) = 'Ni_concentration_________' plabel(80) = 'Kr_concentration_________' plabel(81) = 'Xe_concentration_________' plabel(82) = 'W__concentration_________' plabel(83) = 'teped____________________' plabel(84) = 'Max_field_on_TF_coil_____' call ovarin(mfile,'Number of scan points','(isweep)',isweep) call ovarin(mfile,'Scanning variable number','(nsweep)',nsweep) first_call_1d = .false. end if end subroutine scan_1d_write_plot subroutine scan_2d_init !! Routine to call 2-D scan !! author: J Morris, UKAEA, Culham Science Centre ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: mfile use process_output, only: ovarin implicit none ! Set up labels for plotting output ! Use underscores instead of spaces call ovarin(mfile,'Number of first variable scan points','(isweep)',isweep) call ovarin(mfile,'Number of second variable scan points','(isweep_2)',isweep_2) call ovarin(mfile,'Scanning first variable number','(nsweep)',nsweep) call ovarin(mfile,'Scanning second variable number','(nsweep_2)',nsweep_2) call ovarin(mfile,'Scanning second variable number','(nsweep_2)',nsweep_2) call ovarin(mfile,'Scanning second variable number','(nsweep_2)',nsweep_2) end subroutine scan_2d_init subroutine scan_2d_write_point_header(iscan, iscan_1, iscan_2, iscan_R) use process_output, only: oblnkl, ostars, ovarin use global_variables, only: vlabel, vlabel_2, xlabel, xlabel_2, iscan_global use constants, only: nout, mfile implicit none integer, intent(in) :: iscan integer, intent(in) :: iscan_1 integer, intent(in) :: iscan_2 integer, intent(out) :: iscan_R integer :: ifail if (mod(iscan_1,2)==0) then iscan_R = isweep_2 - iscan_2 + 1 else iscan_R = iscan_2 end if ! Makes iscan available globally (read-only) iscan_global = iscan call scan_select(nsweep, sweep, iscan_1, vlabel, xlabel) call scan_select(nsweep_2, sweep_2, iscan_R, vlabel_2, xlabel_2) ! Write banner to output file call oblnkl(nout) call ostars(nout,width) write(nout,10) iscan, isweep*isweep_2, trim(vlabel), & sweep(iscan_1), trim(vlabel_2), sweep_2(iscan_R) ! 10 format(a, i2, a, i2, 5a, 1pe10.3, a) 10 format(' ***** 2D scan point ', i3, ' of ', i3, ' : ', a, ' = ', & 1pe10.3, ' and ', a, ' = ', 1pe10.3, ' *****') call ostars(nout,width) ! Write additional information to mfile call oblnkl(mfile) call ovarin(mfile,'Scan point number','(iscan)',iscan) ! Call the optimization routine VMCON at this scan point write(*,20) iscan, trim(xlabel), trim(vlabel), sweep(iscan_1), & trim(xlabel_2), trim(vlabel_2), sweep_2(iscan_R) ! 20 format(a,i2,a,4a,1pe10.3) 20 format('Starting scan point ', i3, ': ', a, ', ', a, ' = ', & 1pe10.3, ' and ', a, ', ', a, ' = ', 1pe10.3) end subroutine scan_2d_write_point_header subroutine scan_2d_store_output(ifail, iscan_1, iscan_R, iscan, noutvars_, ipnscns_, outvar, & sweep_1_vals, sweep_2_vals) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ifail integer, intent(in) :: iscan_1 integer, intent(in) :: iscan_R integer, intent(in) :: iscan integer, intent(in) :: noutvars_, ipnscns_ ! Required for shape of intent(out) arrays real(dp), dimension(noutvars_,ipnscns_), intent(out) :: outvar real(dp), dimension(ipnscns_), intent(out) :: sweep_1_vals, sweep_2_vals call scan_1d_store_output(iscan, ifail, noutvars_, ipnscns_, outvar) sweep_1_vals(iscan) = sweep(iscan_1) sweep_2_vals(iscan) = sweep_2(iscan_R) end subroutine scan_2d_store_output subroutine scan_2d_write_plot(iscan, outvar, sweep_1_vals, sweep_2_vals) use constants, only: nplot use global_variables, only: icase, xlabel, xlabel_2 implicit none integer, intent(inout) :: iscan real(dp), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: outvar real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: sweep_1_vals, sweep_2_vals integer :: ivar character(len=48) :: tlabel character(len=25), dimension(noutvars), save :: plabel plabel( 1) = 'Ifail____________________' plabel( 2) = 'Sqsumsq__________________' plabel( 3) = 'Electric_cost_(mil/kwh)__' plabel( 4) = 'Capital_cost_(mil/kwh)___' plabel( 5) = 'Fuel_cost_(mil/kwh)______' plabel( 6) = 'Operations_cost_(mil/kwh)' plabel( 7) = 'Capital_cost_(millions)__' plabel( 8) = 'Core_costs_(millions)____' plabel( 9) = 'Direct_cost_(billions)___' plabel(10) = 'Major_Radius_(m)_________' plabel(11) = 'Aspect_Ratio_____________' plabel(12) = 'Plasma_Current_(MA)______' plabel(13) = 'B_Toroidal_Axis_(T)______' plabel(14) = 'B_total_on_axis_(T)______' plabel(15) = 'Safety_Factor____________' plabel(16) = 'q95_min_(zero_if_i_plasma_geometry=0)__' plabel(17) = 'Beta_____________________' plabel(18) = 'Beta_Limit_______________' plabel(19) = 'Epsilon_Beta_Poloidal____' plabel(20) = 'Dens.weight_Te_(10keV)___' plabel(21) = 'Average_Dens_(10^20/m^3)_' plabel(22) = 'H-fact_Iter_Power________' plabel(23) = 'H-fact_Iter_Offset_______' plabel(24) = 'Fusion_Power_(MW)________' plabel(25) = 'nb_Fusion_Power_(MW)_____' plabel(26) = 'Wall_Load_(MW/m^2)_______' plabel(27) = 'Injection_Power_(MW)_____' plabel(28) = 'Inject_Pwr_Wall_Plug_(MW)' plabel(29) = 'Heating_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(30) = 'Current_Drive_(MW)_______' plabel(31) = 'Big_Q____________________' plabel(32) = 'Bootstrap_Fraction_______' plabel(33) = 'Neutral_Beam_Energy_(MeV)' plabel(34) = 'Divertor_Heat_(MW/m^2)___' plabel(35) = 'TF_coil_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(36) = 'TF_coil_weight_(kg)______' plabel(37) = 'vM_stress_in_TF_cond_(Pa)' plabel(38) = 'J_TF_inboard_leg_(MA/m^2)' plabel(39) = 'Centrepost_max_T_(TART)__' plabel(40) = 'Res_TF_inbrd_leg_Pwr_(MW)' plabel(41) = 'Coolant_Fraction_Ctr.____' plabel(42) = 'C/P_coolant_radius_(m)___' plabel(43) = 'C/P_coolant_velocity(m/s)' plabel(44) = 'C/P_pump_power_(MW)______' plabel(45) = 'PF_coil_Power_(MW)_______' plabel(46) = 'PF_coil_weight_(kg)______' plabel(47) = 'Gross_Elect_Pwr_(MW)_____' plabel(48) = 'Net_electric_Pwr_(MW)____' plabel(49) = 'Recirculating_Fraction___' plabel(50) = 'Psep/R___________________' plabel(51) = '' !OBSOLETE plabel(52) = 'Tot._radiation_power_(MW)' plabel(53) = 'First_wall_peak_temp_(K)_' plabel(54) = 'Cu_frac_TFC_conductor____' plabel(55) = 'Winding_pack_area_TFC(m2)' plabel(56) = 'Conductor_area_TFC_(m2)__' plabel(57) = 'Area_TF_inboard_leg_(m2)_' plabel(58) = 't_alpha_confinement/taueff_lower_limit__' plabel(59) = 'Plasma_temp_at_sep_[keV]_' plabel(60) = 'SOL_density_at_OMP_______' plabel(61) = 'Power_through__separatrix' plabel(62) = 'neomp/nesep______________' plabel(63) = 'qtargettotal_____________' plabel(64) = 'Total_pressure_at_target_' plabel(65) = 'Temperature_at_target____' plabel(66) = 'Helium_fraction__________' plabel(67) = 'Momentum_loss_factor_____' plabel(68) = 'totalpowerlost_[W]_______' plabel(69) = 'H__concentration_________' plabel(70) = 'He_concentration_________' plabel(71) = 'Be_concentration_________' plabel(72) = 'C__concentration_________' plabel(73) = 'N__concentration_________' plabel(74) = 'O__concentration_________' plabel(75) = 'Ne_concentration_________' plabel(76) = 'Si_concentration_________' plabel(77) = 'Ar_concentration_________' plabel(78) = 'Fe_concentration_________' plabel(79) = 'Ni_concentration_________' plabel(80) = 'Kr_concentration_________' plabel(81) = 'Xe_concentration_________' plabel(82) = 'W__concentration_________' plabel(83) = 'teped____________________' plabel(84) = 'Max_field_on_TF_coil_____' tlabel = icase end subroutine scan_2d_write_plot subroutine scan_select(nwp, swp, iscn, vlab, xlab) !! Routine to select first scan case !! author: J Morris, UKAEA, Culham Science Centre ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use build_variables, only: dr_blkt_outboard, dr_shld_inboard, dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard, dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard, dr_cs use constraint_variables, only: fiooic, walalw, bmxlim, fqval, f_alpha_energy_confinement_min, & gammax, t_burn_min, tbrmin, fjprot, pnetelin, powfmax use cost_variables, only: cfactr, iavail, fkind, startupratio use current_drive_variables, only: bootstrap_current_fraction_max, etaech use divertor_variables, only: hldivlim use error_handling, only: idiags, report_error use fwbs_variables, only: inlet_temp_liq, outlet_temp_liq, blpressure_liq, & n_liq_recirc, bz_channel_conduct_liq, pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll, f_nuc_pow_bz_struct, dx_fw_module use impurity_radiation_module, only: fimp, coreradius, impurity_arr_frac use physics_variables, only: kappa, beta_norm_max, te, aspect, ftar, bt, & rad_fraction_sol, triang, rmajor, beamfus0, hfact use numerics, only: epsvmc, boundu, boundl use tfcoil_variables, only: tmargmin_tf, sig_tf_case_max, n_pancake, oacdcp, & n_layer, b_crit_upper_nbti, sig_tf_wp_max, fcoolcp, n_tf_turn use heat_transport_variables, only: crypmw_max, etath use rebco_variables, only: copperaoh_m2_max use pfcoil_variables, only: coheof, ohhghf, oh_steel_frac use CS_fatigue_variables, only: n_cycle_min, t_crack_vertical implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nwp, iscn real(dp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: swp character(len=25), intent(out) :: vlab, xlab select case (nwp) ! Use underscores instead of spaces in xlabel ! MDK Remove the "=" from vlabel, to make it easier to compare with ! list of iteration variables case (1) aspect = swp(iscn) vlab = 'aspect' ; xlab = 'Aspect_ratio' case (2) hldivlim = swp(iscn) vlab = 'hldivlim' ; xlab = 'Div_heat_limit_(MW/m2)' case (3) pnetelin = swp(iscn) vlab = 'pnetelin' ; xlab = 'Net_electric_power_(MW)' case (4) hfact = swp(iscn) vlab = 'hfact' ; xlab = 'Confinement_H_factor' case (5) oacdcp = swp(iscn) vlab = 'oacdcp' ; xlab = 'TF_inboard_leg_J_(MA/m2)' case (6) walalw = swp(iscn) vlab = 'walalw' ; xlab = 'Allow._wall_load_(MW/m2)' case (7) beamfus0 = swp(iscn) vlab = 'beamfus0' ; xlab = 'Beam_bkgrd_multiplier' case (8) fqval = swp(iscn) vlab = 'fqval' ; xlab = 'Big_Q_f-value' case (9) te = swp(iscn) vlab = 'te' ; xlab = 'Electron_temperature_keV' case (10) boundu(15) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(15)' ; xlab = 'Volt-second_upper_bound' case (11) beta_norm_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'beta_norm_max' ; xlab = 'Beta_coefficient' case (12) bootstrap_current_fraction_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'bootstrap_current_fraction_max' ; xlab = 'Bootstrap_fraction' case (13) boundu(10) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(10)' ; xlab = 'H_factor_upper_bound' case (14) fiooic = swp(iscn) vlab = 'fiooic' ; xlab = 'TFC_Iop_/_Icrit_f-value' case (15) fjprot = swp(iscn) vlab = 'fjprot' ; xlab = 'TFC_Jprot_limit_f-value' case (16) rmajor = swp(iscn) vlab = 'rmajor' ; xlab = 'Plasma_major_radius_(m)' case (17) bmxlim = swp(iscn) vlab = 'bmxlim' ; xlab = 'Max_toroidal_field_(T)' case (18) gammax = swp(iscn) vlab = 'gammax' ; xlab = 'Maximum_CD_gamma' case (19) boundl(16) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundl(16)' ; xlab = 'CS_thickness_lower_bound' case (20) t_burn_min = swp(iscn) vlab = 't_burn_min' ; xlab = 'Minimum_burn_time_(s)' case (21) ! sigpfalw = swp(iscn) vlab = 'obsolete' ; xlab = 'obsolete' case (22) if (iavail == 1) call report_error(95) cfactr = swp(iscn) vlab = 'cfactr' ; xlab = 'Plant_availability_factor' case (23) boundu(72) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(72)' ; xlab = 'Ip/Irod_upper_bound' case (24) powfmax = swp(iscn) vlab = 'powfmax' ; xlab = 'Fusion_power_limit_(MW)' case (25) kappa = swp(iscn) vlab = 'kappa' ; xlab = 'Plasma_elongation' case (26) triang = swp(iscn) vlab = 'triang' ; xlab = 'Plasma_triangularity' case (27) tbrmin = swp(iscn) vlab = 'tbrmin' ; xlab = 'Min_tritium_breed._ratio' case (28) bt = swp(iscn) vlab = 'bt' ; xlab = 'Tor._field_on_axis_(T)' case (29) coreradius = swp(iscn) vlab = 'coreradius' ; xlab = 'Core_radius' case (30) !fimpvar = swp(iscn) vlab = 'OBSOLETE' ; xlab = 'OBSOLETE' case (31) f_alpha_energy_confinement_min = swp(iscn) vlab = 'f_alpha_energy_confinement_min' ; xlab = 't_alpha_confinement/taueff_lower_limit' case (32) epsvmc = swp(iscn) vlab = 'epsvmc' ; xlab = 'VMCON error tolerance' case (33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 47) write(*,*) 'Kallenbach model has been removed, remove the kallenbach scan variables' stop 1 case (38) boundu(129) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(129)' ; xlab = ' Neon upper limit' case (39) boundu(131) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(131)' ; xlab = ' Argon upper limit' case (40) boundu(135) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(135)' ; xlab = ' Xenon upper limit' case (41) dr_blkt_outboard = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dr_blkt_outboard' ; xlab = 'Outboard blanket thick.' case (42) fimp(9) = swp(iscn) impurity_arr_frac(9) = fimp(9) vlab = 'fimp(9)' ; xlab = 'Argon fraction' case (43) ! rho_ecrh = swp(iscn) vlab = 'obsolete' ; xlab = 'obsolete' case (44) sig_tf_case_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'sig_tf_case_max' ; xlab = 'Allowable_stress_in_tf_coil_case_Tresca_(pa)' case (45) tmargmin_tf = swp(iscn) vlab = 'tmargmin_tf' ; xlab = 'Minimum_allowable_temperature_margin' case (46) boundu(152) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(152)' ; xlab = 'Max allowable fgwsep' case (48) n_pancake = int(swp(iscn)) vlab = 'n_pancake' ; xlab = 'TF Coil - n_pancake' case (49) n_layer = int(swp(iscn)) vlab = 'n_layer' ; xlab = 'TF Coil - n_layer' case (50) fimp(13) = swp(iscn) impurity_arr_frac(13) = fimp(13) vlab = 'fimp(13)' ; xlab = 'Xenon fraction' case (51) ftar = swp(iscn) vlab = 'ftar' ; xlab = 'lower_divertor_power_fraction' case (52) rad_fraction_sol = swp(iscn) vlab = 'rad_fraction_sol' ; xlab = 'SoL radiation fraction' case (53) boundu(157) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundu(157)' ; xlab = 'Max allowable fvssu' case (54) b_crit_upper_nbti = swp(iscn) vlab = 'Bc2(0K)' ; xlab = 'GL_NbTi Bc2(0K)' case(55) dr_shld_inboard = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dr_shld_inboard' ; xlab = 'Inboard neutronic shield' case(56) crypmw_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'crypmw_max' ; xlab = 'max allowable crypmw' case(57) boundl(2) = swp(iscn) vlab = 'boundl(2)' ; xlab = 'bt minimum' case(58) dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard' ; xlab = 'Inboard FW-plasma sep gap' case(59) dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard' ; xlab = 'Outboard FW-plasma sep gap' case (60) sig_tf_wp_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'sig_tf_wp_max' ; xlab = 'Allowable_stress_in_tf_coil_conduit_Tresca_(pa)' case (61) copperaoh_m2_max = swp(iscn) vlab = 'copperaoh_m2_max' ; xlab = 'Max CS coil current / copper area' case (62) coheof = swp(iscn) vlab = 'coheof' ; xlab = 'CS coil current density at EOF (A/m2)' case (63) dr_cs = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dr_cs' ; xlab = 'CS coil thickness (m)' case (64) ohhghf = swp(iscn) vlab = 'ohhghf' ; xlab = 'CS height (m)' case (65) n_cycle_min = swp(iscn) vlab = 'n_cycle_min' ; xlab = 'CS stress cycles min' case (66) oh_steel_frac = swp(iscn) vlab = 'oh_steel_frac' ; xlab = 'CS steel fraction' case (67) t_crack_vertical = swp(iscn) vlab = 't_crack_vertical' ; xlab = 'Initial crack vertical size (m)' case (68) inlet_temp_liq = swp(iscn) vlab = 'inlet_temp_liq' ; xlab = 'Inlet Temperature Liquid Metal Breeder/Coolant (K)' case (69) outlet_temp_liq = swp(iscn) vlab = 'outlet_temp_liq' ; xlab = 'Outlet Temperature Liquid Metal Breeder/Coolant (K)' case(70) blpressure_liq = swp(iscn) vlab = 'blpressure_liq' ; xlab = 'Blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure (Pa)' case(71) n_liq_recirc = swp(iscn) vlab = 'n_liq_recirc' ; xlab = 'Selected number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day' case(72) bz_channel_conduct_liq = swp(iscn) vlab = 'bz_channel_conduct_liq' ; xlab = 'Conductance of liquid metal breeder duct walls (A V-1 m-1)' case(73) pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll = swp(iscn) vlab = 'pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll' ; xlab = 'Ratio of FW nuclear power as fraction of total (FW+BB)' case(74) f_nuc_pow_bz_struct = swp(iscn) vlab = 'f_nuc_pow_bz_struct' ; xlab = 'Fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant for dual-coolant balnket' case(75) dx_fw_module = swp(iscn) vlab = 'dx_fw_module' ; xlab = 'pitch of first wall cooling channels (m)' case (76) etath = swp(iscn) vlab = 'etath' ; xlab = 'Thermal conversion eff.' case (77) startupratio = swp(iscn) vlab = 'startupratio' ; xlab = 'Gyrotron redundancy' case (78) fkind = swp(iscn) vlab = 'fkind' ; xlab = 'Multiplier for Nth of a kind costs' case (79) etaech = swp(iscn) vlab = 'etaech' ; xlab = 'ECH wall plug to injector efficiency' case (80) fcoolcp = swp(iscn) vlab = 'fcoolcp' ; xlab = 'Coolant fraction of TF' case (81) n_tf_turn = swp(iscn) vlab = 'n_tf_turn' ; xlab = 'Number of turns in TF' case default idiags(1) = nwp ; call report_error(96) end select end subroutine scan_select subroutine post_optimise(ifail) !! Called after calling the optimising equation solver from Python. !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! ifail : input integer : error flag !! use constraints use error_handling use numerics use process_output use utilities, only:upper_case ! for ipedestal = 2 option use global_variables, only: convergence_parameter use constants, only: iotty, nout, mfile use physics_variables, only: ipedestal use define_iteration_variables, only: boundxc, loadxc implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ifail ! Local variables integer :: ii,inn,iflag real(dp) :: summ,xcval,xmaxx,xminn,f,xnorm real(dp), dimension(ipeqns) :: con1, con2, err character(len=1), dimension(ipeqns) :: sym character(len=10), dimension(ipeqns) :: lab character(len=60) :: string1, string2 ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check on accuracy of solution by summing the ! squares of the residuals of the equality constraints summ = 0.0D0 do ii = 1,neqns summ = summ + rcm(ii)*rcm(ii) end do sqsumsq = sqrt(summ) ! Turn on error reporting errors_on = .true. ! Print out information on solution call oheadr(nout,'Numerics') call ocmmnt(nout,'PROCESS has performed a VMCON (optimisation) run.') if (ifail /= 1) then !call ocmmnt(nout,'but could not find a feasible set of parameters.') ! call oheadr(nout,'PROCESS COULD NOT FIND A FEASIBLE SOLUTION') ! call ovarin(iotty,'VMCON error flag (ifail)','',ifail) call ovarin(nout,'VMCON error flag','(ifail)',ifail) call oheadr(iotty,'PROCESS COULD NOT FIND A FEASIBLE SOLUTION') call oblnkl(iotty) idiags(1) = ifail ; call report_error(132) else call ocmmnt(nout,'and found a feasible set of parameters.') call oblnkl(nout) call ovarin(nout,'VMCON error flag','(ifail)',ifail) call oheadr(iotty,'PROCESS found a feasible solution') end if !call oblnkl(nout) ! If necessary, write out a relevant error message if (ifail /= 1) then call verror(ifail) call oblnkl(nout) call oblnkl(iotty) else ! Show a warning if the constraints appear high even if allegedly converged if (sqsumsq >= 1.0D-2) then call oblnkl(nout) call ocmmnt(nout,'WARNING: Constraint residues are HIGH; consider re-running') call ocmmnt(nout,' with lower values of EPSVMC to confirm convergence...') call ocmmnt(nout,' (should be able to get down to about 1.0E-8 okay)') call oblnkl(nout) call ocmmnt(iotty,'WARNING: Constraint residues are HIGH; consider re-running') call ocmmnt(iotty,' with lower values of EPSVMC to confirm convergence...') call ocmmnt(iotty,' (should be able to get down to about 1.0E-8 okay)') call oblnkl(iotty) fdiags(1) = sqsumsq ; call report_error(134) end if end if call ovarin(nout,'Number of iteration variables','(nvar)',nvar) call ovarin(nout,'Number of constraints (total)','(neqns+nineqns)',neqns+nineqns) call ovarin(nout,'Optimisation switch','(ioptimz)',ioptimz) call ovarin(nout,'Figure of merit switch','(minmax)',minmax) ! if (ifail /= 1) then ! call ovarin(nout,'VMCON error flag','(ifail)',ifail) ! end if objf_name = '"'//trim(lablmm(abs(minmax)))//'"' ! Quotes required for string parsing in MFILE call ovarst(nout,'Objective function name','(objf_name)',objf_name) call ovarre(nout,'Normalised objective function','(norm_objf)',norm_objf, 'OP ') call ovarre(nout,'Square root of the sum of squares of the constraint residuals','(sqsumsq)',sqsumsq, 'OP ') call ovarre(nout,'VMCON convergence parameter','(convergence_parameter)',convergence_parameter, 'OP ') call ovarin(nout,'Number of VMCON iterations','(nviter)',nviter, 'OP ') call oblnkl(nout) if (ifail == 1) then string1 = 'PROCESS has successfully optimised the iteration variables' else string1 = 'PROCESS has tried to optimise the iteration variables' end if if (minmax > 0) then string2 = ' to minimise the figure of merit: ' else string2 = ' to maximise the figure of merit: ' end if call upper_case(objf_name) write(nout,10) trim(string1) // trim(string2), trim(objf_name) 10 format(a90, t92, a22) call oblnkl(nout) ! Check which variables are at bounds iflag = 0 do ii = 1,nvar xminn = 1.01D0*bondl(ii) xmaxx = 0.99D0*bondu(ii) if (xcm(ii) < xminn) then if (iflag == 0) then call ocmmnt(nout, & 'Certain operating limits have been reached,') call ocmmnt(nout, & 'as shown by the following iteration variables that are') call ocmmnt(nout, & 'at or near to the edge of their prescribed range :') call oblnkl(nout) iflag = 1 end if xcval = xcm(ii)*scafc(ii) !write(nout,30) ii,lablxc(ixc(ii)),xcval,bondl(ii)*scafc(ii) write(nout,30) lablxc(ixc(ii)),xcval,bondl(ii)*scafc(ii) end if if (xcm(ii) > xmaxx) then if (iflag == 0) then call ocmmnt(nout, & 'Certain operating limits have been reached,') call ocmmnt(nout, & 'as shown by the following iteration variables that are') call ocmmnt(nout, & 'at or near to the edge of their prescribed range :') call oblnkl(nout) iflag = 1 end if xcval = xcm(ii)*scafc(ii) write(nout,40) lablxc(ixc(ii)),xcval,bondu(ii)*scafc(ii) end if end do !30 format(t4,'Variable ',i3,' (',a9, & ! ',',1pe12.4,') is at or below its lower bound:',1pe12.4) 30 format(t4, a30, '=',1pe12.4,' is at or below its lower bound:',1pe12.4) 40 format(t4, a30, '=',1pe12.4,' is at or above its upper bound:',1pe12.4) !40 format(t4,'Variable ',i3,' (',a9, & ! ',',1pe12.4,') is at or above its upper bound:',1pe12.4) ! Print out information on numerics call osubhd(nout,'The solution vector is comprised as follows :') ! write(nout,50) ! Remove Lagrange multipliers as no-one understands them. ! MFILE not changed !50 format(t47,'lower',t59,'upper') write(nout,60) !60 format(t23,'final',t33,'fractional',t46,'Lagrange',t58,'Lagrange') 60 format(t43,'final',t55,'final /') write(nout,70) !70 format(t5,'i',t23,'value',t35,'change',t45,'multiplier', & ! t57,'multiplier') 70 format(t5,'i',t43,'value',t55,'initial') call oblnkl(nout) do inn = 1,nvar xcs(inn) = xcm(inn)*scafc(inn) ! write(nout,80) inn,lablxc(ixc(inn)),xcs(inn),xcm(inn), & ! vlam(neqns+nineqns+inn), vlam(neqns+nineqns+1+inn+nvar) write(nout,80) inn,lablxc(ixc(inn)),xcs(inn),xcm(inn) !80 format(t2,i4,t8,a9,t19,4(1pe12.4)) !80 format(t2,i4,t8,a30,t39,2(1pe12.4)) 80 format(t2,i4,t8,a30,t39,1pe12.4, t52, 0pf10.4) ! MDK The 0p is needed because of a bizarre "feature"/bug in fortran: ! the 1p in the previous format continues until changed. call ovarre(mfile,lablxc(ixc(inn)),'(itvar'//int_to_string3(inn)//')',xcs(inn)) ! 'Range-normalised' iteration variable values for MFILE: ! 0.0 (at lower bound) to 1.0 (at upper bound) if (bondl(inn) == bondu(inn)) then xnorm = 1.0D0 else xnorm = (xcm(inn) - bondl(inn)) / (bondu(inn) - bondl(inn)) xnorm = max(xnorm, 0.0D0) xnorm = min(xnorm, 1.0D0) end if ! Added ratio final/initial to MFILE call ovarre(mfile,trim(lablxc(ixc(inn)))//' (final value/initial value)', & '(xcm'//int_to_string3(inn)//')',xcm(inn)) call ovarre(mfile,trim(lablxc(ixc(inn)))//' (range normalised)', & '(nitvar'//int_to_string3(inn)//')',xnorm) end do call osubhd(nout, & 'The following equality constraint residues should be close to zero :') call constraint_eqns(neqns+nineqns,-1,con1,con2,err,sym,lab) write(nout,90) 90 format(t48,'physical',t73,'constraint',t100,'normalised') write(nout,100) 100 format(t47,'constraint',t74,'residue',t101,'residue') call oblnkl(nout) do inn = 1,neqns write(nout,110) inn,lablcc(icc(inn)),sym(inn),con2(inn), & lab(inn),err(inn),lab(inn),con1(inn) call ovarre(mfile,lablcc(icc(inn))//' normalised residue', & '(eq_con'//int_to_string3(icc(inn))//')',con1(inn)) end do 110 format(t2,i4,t8,a33,t46,a1,t47,1pe12.4,t60,a10,t71,1pe12.4,t84,a10,t98,1pe12.4) if (nineqns > 0) then call osubhd(nout, & 'The following inequality constraint residues should be greater than or approximately equal to zero :') do inn = neqns+1,neqns+nineqns !write(nout,120) inn,lablcc(icc(inn)),rcm(inn),vlam(inn) write(nout,110) inn,lablcc(icc(inn)),sym(inn),con2(inn), & lab(inn), err(inn), lab(inn) call ovarre(mfile,lablcc(icc(inn)),'(ineq_con'//int_to_string3(icc(inn))//')',rcm(inn)) end do end if ! 120 format(t2,i4,t8,a33,t45,1pe12.4,1pe12.4) end subroutine post_optimise ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine verror(ifail) !! Routine to print out relevant messages in the case of an !! unfeasible result from a VMCON (optimisation) run !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! ifail : input integer : error flag !! This routine prints out relevant messages in the case of !! an unfeasible result from a VMCON (optimisation) run. !! <P>The messages are written to units NOUT and IOTTY, which are !! by default the output file and screen, respectively. !! <P>If <CODE>IFAIL=1</CODE> then a feasible solution has been !! found and therefore no error message is required. !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: nout, iotty use process_output, only: ocmmnt, oblnkl implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ifail ! Local variables ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! select case (ifail) case (:-1) call ocmmnt(nout, 'User-terminated execution of VMCON.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'User-terminated execution of VMCON.') case (0) call ocmmnt(nout, 'Improper input parameters to the VMCON routine.') call ocmmnt(nout, 'PROCESS coding must be checked.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'Improper input parameters to the VMCON routine.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'PROCESS coding must be checked.') case (1) continue case (2) call ocmmnt(nout,'The maximum number of calls has been reached without solution.') call ocmmnt(nout,'The code may be stuck in a minimum in the residual space that is significantly above zero.') call oblnkl(nout) call ocmmnt(nout,'There is either no solution possible, or the code') call ocmmnt(nout,'is failing to escape from a deep local minimum.') call ocmmnt(nout,'Try changing the variables in IXC, or modify their initial values.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'The maximum number of calls has been reached without solution.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'The code may be stuck in a minimum in the residual space that is significantly above zero.') call oblnkl(nout) call oblnkl(iotty) call ocmmnt(iotty,'There is either no solution possible, or the code') call ocmmnt(iotty,'is failing to escape from a deep local minimum.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'Try changing the variables in IXC, or modify their initial values.') case (3) call ocmmnt(nout,'The line search required the maximum of 10 calls.') call ocmmnt(nout,'A feasible solution may be difficult to achieve.') call ocmmnt(nout,'Try changing or adding variables to IXC.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'The line search required the maximum of 10 calls.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'A feasible solution may be difficult to achieve.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'Try changing or adding variables to IXC.') case (4) call ocmmnt(nout,'An uphill search direction was found.') call ocmmnt(nout,'Try changing the equations in ICC, or') call ocmmnt(nout,'adding new variables to IXC.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'An uphill search direction was found.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'Try changing the equations in ICC, or') call ocmmnt(iotty,'adding new variables to IXC.') case (5) call ocmmnt(nout, & 'The quadratic programming technique was unable to') call ocmmnt(nout,'find a feasible point.') call oblnkl(nout) call ocmmnt(nout,'Try changing or adding variables to IXC, or modify') call ocmmnt(nout,'their initial values (especially if only 1 optimisation') call ocmmnt(nout,'iteration was performed).') call ocmmnt(iotty, & 'The quadratic programming technique was unable to') call ocmmnt(iotty,'find a feasible point.') call oblnkl(iotty) call ocmmnt(iotty,'Try changing or adding variables to IXC, or modify') call ocmmnt(iotty,'their initial values (especially if only 1 optimisation') call ocmmnt(iotty,'iteration was performed).') case (6) call ocmmnt(nout, & 'The quadratic programming technique was restricted') call ocmmnt(nout, & 'by an artificial bound, or failed due to a singular') call ocmmnt(nout,'matrix.') call ocmmnt(nout,'Try changing the equations in ICC, or') call ocmmnt(nout,'adding new variables to IXC.') call ocmmnt(iotty, & 'The quadratic programming technique was restricted') call ocmmnt(iotty, & 'by an artificial bound, or failed due to a singular') call ocmmnt(iotty,'matrix.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'Try changing the equations in ICC, or') call ocmmnt(iotty,'adding new variables to IXC.') case default call ocmmnt(nout,'This value of IFAIL should not be possible...') call ocmmnt(nout,'See source code for details.') call ocmmnt(iotty,'This value of IFAIL should not be possible...') call ocmmnt(iotty,'See source code for details.') end select end subroutine verror end module scan_module