module times_variables !! author: J. Morris (UKAEA) !! !! Module containing global variables relating to the plasma pulse timings !! !!### References !! !! - #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public real(dp) :: pulsetimings !! Switch for pulse timings (if i_pulsed_plant=1): !! !! - =0, t_current_ramp_up = Ip(MA)/0.1 t_precharge, t_ramp_down = input !! - =1, t_current_ramp_up = iteration var or input. t_precharge/t_ramp_down max of input or t_current_ramp_up real(dp) :: t_burn !! flat-top duration (s) (calculated if `i_pulsed_plant=1`) real(dp) :: t_burn_0 !! burn time (s) - used for internal consistency real(dp) :: t_cycle !! full cycle time (s) real(dp) :: tdown !! down time (s) real(dp) :: t_between_pulse !! time between pulses in a pulsed reactor (s) (`iteration variable 17`) real(dp) :: t_fusion_ramp !! time for plasma temperature and density rise to full values (s) real(dp), dimension(6) :: tim !! array of time points during plasma pulse (s) character*11, dimension(6) :: timelabel !! array of time labels during plasma pulse (s) character*19, dimension(5) :: intervallabel !! time intervals - as strings (s) real(dp) :: t_current_ramp_up !! time for plasma current to ramp up to approx. full value (s) (calculated if `i_pulsed_plant=0`) !! (`iteration variable 65`) integer :: i_t_current_ramp_up !! Switch for plasma current ramp-up time (if i_pulsed_plant=0): !! !! - = 0, t_current_ramp_up = t_precharge = t_ramp_down = Ip(MA)/0.5 !! - = 1, t_current_ramp_up, t_precharge, t_ramp_down are input real(dp) :: t_pulse_repetition !! pulse length = t_current_ramp_up + t_fusion_ramp + t_burn + t_ramp_down real(dp) :: t_ramp_down !! time for plasma current, density, and temperature to ramp down to zero, simultaneously (s); if pulsed, = t_current_ramp_up !! the CS and PF coil currents also ramp to zero at the same time real(dp) :: t_precharge !! the time for the central solenoid and PF coils to ramp from zero to max current (s); if pulsed, = t_current_ramp_up contains subroutine init_times_variables !! Initialise module variables implicit none pulsetimings = 1.0D0 t_burn = 1000.0D0 t_burn_0 = 0.0D0 t_cycle = 0.0D0 tdown = 0.0D0 t_between_pulse = 1800.0D0 t_fusion_ramp = 10.0D0 tim = 0.0D0 timelabel = (/ 'Start', & 'BOP ', & 'EOR ', & 'BOF ', & 'EOF ', & 'EOP ' /) intervallabel = (/ 't_precharge ', & 't_current_ramp_up ', & 't_fusion_ramp ', & 't_burn ', & 't_ramp_down ' /) t_current_ramp_up = 30.0D0 i_t_current_ramp_up = 0 t_pulse_repetition = 0.0D0 t_ramp_down = 15.0D0 t_precharge = 15.0D0 end subroutine init_times_variables end module times_variables