module pfcoil_variables !! author: J. Morris, M. Kovari (UKAEA) !! !! Module containing global variables relating to the poloidal field coil systems !! !!### References !! !! - #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public integer, parameter :: ngrpmx = 10 !! maximum number of groups of PF coils integer, parameter :: nclsmx = 2 !! maximum number of PF coils in a given group integer, parameter :: nptsmx = 32 !! maximum number of points across the midplane of the plasma at which the field from !! the PF coils is fixed integer, parameter :: nfixmx = 64 !! maximum number of fixed current PF coils integer, parameter :: ngc = ngrpmx*nclsmx !! maximum total number of coils across all groups integer, parameter :: ngc2 = ngc+2 !! new variable to include 2 additional circuits: plasma and central solenoid real(dp) :: alfapf !! smoothing parameter used in PF coil current calculation at the beginning of pulse (BoP) real(dp) :: alstroh !! allowable hoop stress in Central Solenoid structural material (Pa) integer :: i_cs_stress !! Switch for CS stress calculation: !! !! - =0 Hoop stress only !! - =1 Hoop + Axial stress real(dp) :: areaoh !! Central solenoid vertical cross-sectional area (m2) real(dp) :: a_oh_turn !! Central solenoid (OH) trun cross-sectional area (m2) real(dp) :: awpoh !! central solenoid conductor+void area with area of steel subtracted (m2) real(dp) :: bmaxoh !! maximum field in central solenoid at end of flat-top (EoF) (T) real(dp) :: bmaxoh0 !! maximum field in central solenoid at beginning of pulse (T) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: bpf !! peak field at coil i (T) real(dp), dimension(ngrpmx) :: ccl0_ma !! PF group current array, flux-swing cancellation current (MA) !! Input if i_pf_current=0, computed otherwise real(dp), dimension(ngrpmx) :: ccls_ma !! PF group current array, equilibrium current (MA) !! Input if i_pf_current=0, computed otherwise real(dp) :: cohbop !! Central solenoid overall current density at beginning of pulse (A/m2) real(dp) :: coheof !! Central solenoid overall current density at end of flat-top (A/m2) (`iteration variable 37`) (`sweep variable 62`) real(dp), dimension(ngc2,6) :: cpt !! current per turn in coil i at time j (A) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: cptdin !! peak current per turn input for PF coil i (A) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: curpfb !! PF coil current array, at beginning of pulse (MA) !! Indexed by coil number, not group number real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: curpff !! PF coil current array, at flat top (MA) !! Indexed by coil number, not group number real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: curpfs !! PF coil current array, at end of pulse (MA) !! Indexed by coil number, not group number real(dp) :: etapsu !! Efficiency of transfer of PF stored energy into or out of storage. real(dp) :: fcohbof !! ratio of central solenoid overall current density at beginning of flat-top / end of flat-top real(dp) :: fcohbop !! ratio of central solenoid overall current density at beginning of pulse / end of flat-top !! (`iteration variable 41`) real(dp) :: fcuohsu !! copper fraction of strand in central solenoid real(dp) :: fcupfsu !! copper fraction of cable conductor (PF coils) real(dp) :: fvssu !! F-value for `constraint equation 51` integer, dimension(ngrpmx) :: ipfloc !! Switch for location of PF coil group i: !! !! - =1 PF coil on top of central solenoid (flux ramp only) !! - =2 PF coil on top of TF coil (flux ramp only) !! - =3 PF coil outside of TF coil (equilibrium coil) !! - =4 PF coil, general location (equilibrium coil) integer :: ipfres !! switch for PF & CS coil conductor type: !! !! - =0 superconducting PF coils !! - =1 resistive PF coils ! real(dp) :: itr_sum !! total sum of I x turns x radius for all PF coils and CS (Am) integer :: isumatoh !! switch for superconductor material in central solenoid: !! !! - =1 ITER Nb3Sn critical surface model with standard !! ITER parameters !! - =2 Bi-2212 high temperature superconductor (range of !! validity T < 20K, adjusted field b < 104 T, B > 6 T) !! - =3 NbTi !! - =4 ITER Nb3Sn model with user-specified parameters !! - =5 WST Nb3Sn parameterisation !! - =6 REBCO HTS tape in CroCo strand !! - =7 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for Nb-Ti !! - =8 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for REBCO !! - =9 Hazelton experimental data + Zhai conceptual model for REBCO integer :: isumatpf !! switch for superconductor material in PF coils: !! !! - =1 ITER Nb3Sn critical surface model with standard !! ITER parameters !! - =2 Bi-2212 high temperature superconductor (range of !! validity T < 20K, adjusted field b < 104 T, B > 6 T) !! - =3 NbTi !! - =4 ITER Nb3Sn model with user-specified parameters !! - =5 WST Nb3Sn parameterisation !! - =6 REBCO HTS tape in CroCo strand !! - =7 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for Nb-Ti !! - =8 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for REBCO !! - =9 Hazelton experimental data + Zhai conceptual model for REBCO real(dp) :: j_crit_str_cs !! superconductor strand critical current density under operating !! conditions in central solenoid (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kA m real(dp) :: j_crit_str_pf !! superconductor strand critical current density under operating !! conditions in PF coils (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kA m integer :: i_pf_current !! Switch for controlling the current of the PF coils: !! !! - =0 Input via the variables curpfb, curpff, curpfs !! - =1 SVD targets zero field across midplane (flux swing !! coils) and the correct vertical field at the plasma !! center (equilibrium coils) integer :: i_sup_pf_shape !! Switch for the placement of Location 3 (outboard) PF coils !! when the TF coils are superconducting (i_tf_sup = 1) !! !! - =0 (Default) Outboard PF coils follow TF shape !! in an ellipsoidal winding surface !! - =1 Outboard PF coils all have same radius, cylindrical !! winding surface real(dp) :: jscoh_bop !! central solenoid superconductor critical current density (A/m2) at beginning-of-pulse real(dp) :: jscoh_eof !! central solenoid superconductor critical current density (A/m2) at end-of-flattop real(dp) :: jcableoh_bop !! central solenoid cable critical current density (A/m2) at beginning-of-pulse real(dp) :: jcableoh_eof !! central solenoid cable critical current density (A/m2) at end-of-flattop integer :: ncirt !! number of PF circuits (including central solenoid and plasma) integer, dimension(ngrpmx+2) :: ncls !! number of PF coils in group j integer :: nfxfh !! number of filaments the top and bottom of the central solenoid should be broken !! into during scaling (5 - 10 is good) integer :: ngrp !! number of groups of PF coils. Symmetric coil pairs should all be in the same group integer :: nohc !! number of PF coils (excluding the central solenoid) + 1 real(dp) :: ohhghf !! Central solenoid height / TF coil internal height real(dp) :: oh_steel_frac !! central solenoid steel fraction (`iteration variable 122`) real(dp) :: pf_current_safety_factor !! Ratio of permissible PF coil conductor current density to critical conductor !! current density based on short-sample DC measurements real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: pfcaseth !! steel case thickness for PF coil i (m) real(dp) :: pfclres !! PF coil resistivity (if ipfres=1) (Ohm-m) real(dp) :: rhopfbus !! Resistivity of CS and PF coil bus bars (irrespective of !! whether the coils themselves are superconducting or resistive) (Ohm-m) real(dp) :: pfmmax !! mass of heaviest PF coil (tonnes) real(dp) :: pfrmax !! radius of largest PF coil (m) real(dp) :: pfwpmw !! Total mean wall plug power dissipated in PFC and CS power supplies (MW) (issue #713) real(dp) :: powohres !! central solenoid resistive power during flattop (W) real(dp) :: powpfres !! total PF coil resistive losses during flattop (W) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: ra !! inner radius of coil i (m) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: rb !! outer radius of coil i (m) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: ric !! peak current in coil i (MA-turns) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: rjconpf !! average winding pack current density of PF coil i (A/m2) at time of peak !! current in that coil (calculated for `ipfloc=1` coils) real(dp) :: rjohc !! allowable central solenoid current density at end of flat-top (A/m2) real(dp) :: rjohc0 !! allowable central solenoid current density at beginning of pulse (A/m2) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: rjpfalw !! allowable winding pack current density of PF coil i (A/m2) real(dp) :: rohc !! radius to the centre of the central solenoid (m) real(dp) :: routr !! radial distance (m) from outboard TF coil leg to centre of `ipfloc=3` PF coils real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: rpf !! radius of PF coil i (m) real(dp) :: rpf1 !! offset (m) of radial position of `ipfloc=1` PF coils from being directly above !! the central solenoid real(dp) :: rpf2 !! offset (m) of radial position of `ipfloc=2` PF coils from being at !! rmajor (offset = rpf2*triang*rminor) real(dp), dimension(ngrpmx) :: rref !! PF coil radial positioning adjuster: !! !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 1; rref(j) is ignored !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 2; rref(j) is ignored !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 3; rref(j) is ignored !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 4; rref(j) is radius of !! the coil in units of minor radii from the major radius !! (r = rmajor + rref*rminor) real(dp) :: s_tresca_oh !! Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) coils/central solenoid [MPa] real(dp) :: sigpfcalw !! maximum permissible tensile stress (MPa) in steel coil cases for superconducting !! PF coils (`ipfres=0`) real(dp) :: sigpfcf !! fraction of JxB hoop force supported by steel case for superconducting PF coils (`ipfres=0`) real(dp), dimension(ngc2,ngc2) :: sxlg !! mutual inductance matrix (H) real(dp) :: tmargoh !! Central solenoid temperature margin (K) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: turns !! number of turns in PF coil i real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: vf !! winding pack void fraction of PF coil i for coolant real(dp) :: vfohc !! void fraction of central solenoid conductor for coolant real(dp) :: vsbn !! total flux swing available for burn (Wb) real(dp) :: vsefbn !! flux swing from PF coils for burn (Wb) real(dp) :: vsefsu !! flux swing from PF coils for startup (Wb) real(dp) :: vseft !! total flux swing from PF coils (Wb) real(dp) :: vsoh !! total flux swing from the central solenoid (Wb) real(dp) :: vsohbn !! central solenoid flux swing for burn (Wb) real(dp) :: vsohsu !! central solenoid flux swing for startup (Wb) real(dp) :: vssu !! total flux swing for startup (`constraint eqn 51` to enforce vssu=vs_plasma_res_ramp+vs_plasma_ind_ramp) (Wb) real(dp) :: vstot !! total flux swing for pulse (Wb) real(dp), dimension(ngc2,6) :: waves !! used in current waveform of PF coils/central solenoid real(dp) :: whtpf !! total mass of the PF coil conductor (kg) real(dp) :: whtpfs !! total mass of the PF coil structure (kg) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: wtc !! conductor mass for PF coil i (kg) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: wts !! structure mass for PF coil i (kg) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: zh !! upper point of PF coil i (m) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: zl !! lower point of PF coil i (m) real(dp), dimension(ngc2) :: zpf !! z (height) location of PF coil i (m) real(dp), dimension(ngrpmx) :: zref !! PF coil vertical positioning adjuster: !! !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 1; zref(j) is ignored !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 2 AND itart=1 (only); !! zref(j) is distance of centre of PF coil from inside !! edge of TF coil (remember that PF coils for STs lie !! within the TF coil) !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 3; zref(j) = ratio of !! height of coil group j to plasma minor radius</UL> !! - for groups j with ipfloc(j) = 4; zref(j) = ratio of !! height of coil group j to plasma minor radius</UL> real(dp) :: bmaxcs_lim !! Central solenoid max field limit [T] real(dp) :: fbmaxcs !! F-value for CS mmax field (`cons. 79`, `itvar 149`) real(dp) :: ld_ratio_cst !! Ratio of CS coil turn conduit length to depth real(dp) :: l_cond_cst !! Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit real(dp) :: d_cond_cst !! Depth/width of CS of CS coil turn conduit real(dp) :: r_out_cst !! Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit length real(dp) :: r_in_cst !! Length of CS of CS coil turn conduit length contains subroutine init_pfcoil_variables !! Initialise module variables implicit none alfapf = 5.0D-10 alstroh = 4.0D8 i_cs_stress = 0 areaoh = 0.0D0 a_oh_turn = 0.0D0 awpoh = 0.0D0 bmaxoh = 0.0D0 bmaxoh0 = 0.0D0 bpf = 0.0D0 ccl0_ma = (/0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, & 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0/) ccls_ma = (/0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, & 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0, 0.0D0/) cohbop = 0.0D0 coheof = 1.85D7 cpt = 0.0D0 cptdin = (/4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, & 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, & 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, & 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4, 4.0D4/) curpfb = 0.0D0 curpff = 0.0D0 curpfs = 0.0D0 etapsu = 0.9D0 fcohbof = 0.0D0 fcohbop = 0.9D0 fcuohsu = 0.7D0 fcupfsu = 0.69D0 fvssu = 1.0 ipfloc = (/2,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/) ipfres = 0 itr_sum = 0.0D0 isumatoh = 1 isumatpf = 1 j_crit_str_cs = 0.0D0 j_crit_str_pf = 0.0D0 i_pf_current = 1 i_sup_pf_shape = 0 jscoh_bop = 0.0D0 jscoh_eof = 0.0D0 jcableoh_bop = 0.0D0 jcableoh_eof = 0.0D0 ncirt = 0 ncls = (/1,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/) nfxfh = 7 ngrp = 3 nohc = 0 ohhghf = 0.71D0 oh_steel_frac = 0.5D0 pf_current_safety_factor = 1.0D0 pfcaseth = 0.0D0 pfclres = 2.5D-8 rhopfbus = 3.93D-8 pfmmax = 0.0D0 pfrmax = 0.0D0 pfwpmw = 0.0D0 powohres = 0.0D0 powpfres = 0.0D0 ra = 0.0D0 rb = 0.0D0 ric = 0.0D0 rjconpf = (/3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, & 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, & 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, & 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7, 3.0D7/) rjohc = 0.0D0 rjohc0 = 0.0D0 rjpfalw = 0.0D0 rohc = 0.0D0 routr = 1.5D0 rpf = 0.0D0 rpf1 = 0.0D0 rpf2 = -1.63D0 rref = (/7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0, & 7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0, 7.0D0/) s_tresca_oh = 0.0D0 sigpfcalw = 500.0D0 sigpfcf = 1.0D0 sxlg = 0.0D0 tmargoh = 0.0D0 turns = 0.0D0 vf = 0.3D0 vfohc = 0.3D0 vsbn = 0.0D0 vsefbn = 0.0D0 vsefsu = 0.0D0 vseft = 0.0D0 vsoh = 0.0D0 vsohbn = 0.0D0 vsohsu = 0.0D0 vssu = 0.0D0 vstot = 0.0D0 waves = 0.0D0 whtpf = 0.0D0 whtpfs = 0.0D0 wtc = 0.0D0 wts = 0.0D0 zh = 0.0D0 zl = 0.0D0 zpf = 0.0D0 zref = (/3.6D0, 1.2D0, 2.5D0, & 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0, 1.0D0/) bmaxcs_lim = 13.0 fbmaxcs = 1.0 ld_ratio_cst = 70/22 l_cond_cst = 0.0D0 d_cond_cst = 0.0D0 r_in_cst = 0.0D0 r_out_cst = 3.0D-3 end subroutine init_pfcoil_variables end module pfcoil_variables