stellarator_variables.f90 Source File


Source Code

module stellarator_variables
  !! author: S. Muldrew (UKAEA), F. Warmer, J. Lion (IPP Greifswald)
  !! Module containing global variables relating to the stellarator model
  !!### References
  !! - A general stellarator version of the Systems code PROCESS, J. Lion et al, Nucl. Fus. (2021),
  !! - Stellarator Divertor Model for the Systems Code PROCESS, F. Warmer, 21/06/2013

#ifndef dp
  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64

  implicit none


  integer :: istell
  !! Switch for stellarator option (set via `device.dat`):
  !! - =0 use tokamak model
  !! - =1 use stellarator model: Helias5
  !! - =2 use stellarator model: Helias4
  !! - =3 use stellarator model: Helias3
  !! - =4 use stellarator model: Wendelstein 7-X with 50 Coils
  !! - =5 use stellarator model: Wendelstein 7-X with 30 Coils
  !! - =6 use stellarator model: Use stella_conf.json file (any modulear stellarator, see documentation)

  real(dp) :: bmn
  !! relative radial field perturbation

  real(dp) :: f_asym
  !! divertor heat load peaking factor

  real(dp) :: f_rad
  !! radiated power fraction in SOL

  real(dp) :: f_w
  !! island size fraction factor

  real(dp) :: fdivwet
  !! wetted fraction of the divertor area

  real(dp) :: flpitch
  !! field line pitch (rad)

  real(dp) :: hportamax
  !! maximum available area for horizontal ports (m2)

  real(dp) :: hportpmax
  !! maximum available poloidal extent for horizontal ports (m)

  real(dp) :: hporttmax
  !! maximum available toroidal extent for horizontal ports (m)

  real(dp) :: iotabar
  !! rotational transform (reciprocal of tokamak q) for stellarator confinement time scaling laws

  integer :: isthtr
  !! Switch for stellarator auxiliary heating method:
  !! - = 1electron cyclotron resonance heating
  !! - = 2lower hybrid heating
  !! - = 3neutral beam injection

  integer :: m_res
  !! poloidal resonance number (1)

  real(dp) :: max_gyrotron_frequency
  !! Maximal available gyrotron frequency (input parameter) (Hz)

  integer :: n_res
  !! toroidal resonance number (1)

  real(dp) :: shear
  !! magnetic shear, derivative of iotabar (1)

  real(dp) :: te0_ecrh_achievable
  !! maximal central electron temperature as achievable by the ECRH, input. (keV)

  real(dp) :: vportamax
  !! maximum available area for vertical ports (m2)

  real(dp) :: vportpmax
  !! maximum available poloidal extent for vertical ports (m)

  real(dp) :: vporttmax
  !! maximum available toroidal extent for vertical ports (m)

  real(dp) :: powerht_constraint
  real(dp) :: powerscaling_constraint


  subroutine init_stellarator_variables
    !! Initialise module variables
    implicit none

    istell = 0
    bmn = 1.0D-3
    f_asym = 1.0D0
    f_rad = 0.85D0
    f_w = 0.5D0
    fdivwet = 0.333333333333333D0
    flpitch = 1.0D-3
    hportamax = 0.0D0
    hportpmax = 0.0D0
    hporttmax = 0.0D0
    iotabar = 1.0D0
    isthtr = 3
    m_res = 5
    n_res = 5
    shear = 0.5D0
    vportamax = 0.0D0
    vportpmax = 0.0D0
    vporttmax = 0.0D0
    max_gyrotron_frequency = 1.0D9
    te0_ecrh_achievable = 1.0D2
  end subroutine init_stellarator_variables
end module stellarator_variables