module stellarator_module !! Module containing stellarator routines !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! N/A !! This module contains routines for calculating the !! parameters of the first wall, blanket and shield components !! of a fusion power plant. !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none ! scaling parameters to reference point. real(dp) :: f_n, f_r, f_aspect, f_b, f_i, f_a logical :: first_call = .true. logical :: first_call_stfwbs = .true. contains subroutine init_stellarator_module !! Initialise module variables implicit none first_call = .true. first_call_stfwbs = .true. f_n = 0.0D0 f_r = 0.0D0 f_a = 0.0D0 f_b = 0.0D0 f_i = 0.0D0 end subroutine init_stellarator_module ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine stinit !! Routine to initialise the variables relevant to stellarators !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! author: F Warmer, IPP Greifswald !! None !! This routine initialises the variables relevant to stellarators. !! Many of these may override the values set in routine !! <A HREF="initial.html">initial</A>. !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use build_variables, only: dr_cs_tf_gap, iohcl, dr_cs, tfootfi use current_drive_variables, only: irfcd use pfcoil_variables, only: ohhghf use physics_variables, only: aspect, beta_norm_max, kappa, kappa95, q95, rmajor, & triang, hfac, labels_confinement_scalings use numerics, only: boundl, boundu use stellarator_variables, only: istell use tfcoil_variables, only: n_tf_coils use times_variables, only: t_burn, t_cycle, tdown, t_between_pulse, t_fusion_ramp, t_current_ramp_up, & t_pulse_repetition, t_ramp_down, t_precharge use global_variables, only: icase use constants, only: pi, rmu0, nout implicit none ! Arguments ! Local variables !real(dp) :: fsum ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This routine is called before (!!!) the input file. put everything that depends on the input file in stcaller if (istell == 0) return boundu(1) = 40.0D0 ! allow higher aspect ratio ! Numerics quantities !boundl(1) = 5.0D0 !boundu(3) = 30.0D0 !boundu(29) = 20.0D0 ! These lines switch off tokamak specifics (solenoid, pf coils, pulses etc.). ! Are they still up to date? (26/07/22 JL) ! Build quantities dr_cs = 0.0D0 iohcl = 0 ohhghf = 0.0D0 dr_cs_tf_gap = 0.0D0 tfootfi = 1.0D0 ! Physics quantities beta_norm_max = 0.0D0 kappa95 = 1.0D0 triang = 0.0D0 q95 = 1.03D0 ! Turn off current drive irfcd = 0 ! Times for different phases t_precharge = 0.0D0 t_current_ramp_up = 0.0D0 t_burn = 3.15576D7 ! one year t_ramp_down = 0.0D0 t_pulse_repetition = t_current_ramp_up + t_fusion_ramp + t_burn + t_ramp_down tdown = t_precharge + t_current_ramp_up + t_ramp_down + t_between_pulse t_cycle = t_precharge + t_current_ramp_up + t_fusion_ramp + t_burn + t_ramp_down + t_between_pulse end subroutine stinit end module stellarator_module