! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef INSTALLDIR #error INSTALLDIR not defined! #endif module error_handling !! Error handling module for PROCESS !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! N/A !! This module provides a centralised method for dealing with !! errors generated by PROCESS. !! <P>All possible informational/error messages are initialised !! via a call to <A HREF="initialise_error_list.html"> !! <CODE>initialise_error_list</CODE></A>. Thereafter, any routine !! that needs to flag a message should call <A HREF="report_error.html"> !! <CODE>report_error</CODE></A> with the relevant error identifier as !! the argument. Up to eight integer and eight floating-point diagnostic !! values may be saved by the user in arrays <CODE>idiags</CODE> and !! <CODE>fdiags</CODE>, respectively, for debugging purposes. !! <P>The list of messages reported during the course of a run !! may be displayed by calling routine !! <A HREF="show_errors.html"><CODE>show_errors</CODE></A>. !! <P>The <CODE>error_status</CODE> variable returns the highest severity !! level that has been encountered; if a severe error is flagged !! (level 3) the program is terminated immediately. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none private public :: errors_on, error_status, idiags, fdiags public :: initialise_error_list, report_error, show_errors, & init_error_handling ! Switch to turn error handling on ! Error reporting is turned off, until either a severe error is found, or ! during an output step. Warnings during intermediate iteration steps ! may be premature and might clear themselves at the final converged point. logical :: errors_on ! Levels of severity integer, parameter :: ERROR_OKAY = 0 integer, parameter :: ERROR_INFO = 1 integer, parameter :: ERROR_WARN = 2 integer, parameter :: ERROR_SEVERE = 3 integer :: error_id !! error_id : identifier for final message encountered ! Overall status integer :: error_status !! error_status : overall status flag for a run; on exit:<UL> !! <LI> 0 all okay !! <LI> 1 informational messages have been encountered !! <LI> 2 warning (non-fatal) messages have been encountered !! <LI> 3 severe (fatal) errors have occurred</UL> integer, parameter :: INT_DEFAULT = -999999 real(dp), parameter :: FLT_DEFAULT = real(INT_DEFAULT, kind(1.0D0)) ! Arrays for diagnostic output integer, dimension(8) :: idiags real(dp), dimension(8) :: fdiags ! Individual error item ! int and float arrays may be useful to provide diagnostic information type :: error integer :: level ! severity level character(len=200) :: message ! information string integer, dimension(8) :: idiags = INT_DEFAULT real(dp), dimension(8) :: fdiags = FLT_DEFAULT end type error ! Individual element in an error list type :: error_list_item integer :: id ! identifier type (error) :: data ! error details type (error_list_item), pointer :: ptr ! linked list pointer end type error_list_item ! Pointers to head and tail of the error list type (error_list_item), pointer :: error_head type (error_list_item), pointer :: error_tail ! List of messages type(error), allocatable, dimension(:) :: error_type contains ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine init_error_handling !! Initialise the error_handling module variables implicit none errors_on = .false. error_id = 0 error_status = ERROR_OKAY idiags = INT_DEFAULT fdiags = FLT_DEFAULT error_head => null() error_tail => null() end subroutine init_error_handling subroutine initialise_error_list !! Initialises the informational/error message list !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This routine sets all the possible informational/error messages !! that may be used during the course of a run. Thus, it needs !! to be called during the initialisation phase. !! <P>The error messages are read in from a JSON-format file. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use fson_library, only: fson_parse, fson_value, fson_get, fson_destroy implicit none ! Arguments ! Local variables integer :: n_errortypes character(len=180) :: filename type(fson_value), pointer :: errorfile ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Parse the json file character(len=200) :: process_dir CALL get_environment_variable("PYTHON_PROCESS_ROOT", process_dir) if (process_dir == "") then filename = INSTALLDIR//'/process//utilities/errorlist.json' else filename = trim(process_dir)//'/utilities/errorlist.json' end if errorfile => fson_parse(trim(filename)) ! Allocate memory for error_type array contents call fson_get(errorfile, "n_errortypes", n_errortypes) ! Guard against re-allocation if (allocated(error_type)) deallocate(error_type) allocate(error_type(n_errortypes)) error_type(:)%level = ERROR_OKAY error_type(:)%message = ' ' ! Extract information arrays from the file call fson_get(errorfile, "errors", "level", error_type%level) call fson_get(errorfile, "errors", "message", error_type%message) ! Clean up call fson_destroy(errorfile) end subroutine initialise_error_list ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine report_error(error_id) !! Adds the latest error message to the list already specified !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! error_id : input integer : identifier (error_type element number) !! for the relevant error !! This routine should be called if a informational, warning !! or error message needs to be flagged. !! It uses a linked list (see references) to provide !! an audit trail for any such messages during the program !! execution. !! <P>Up to eight integer and eight floating-point diagnostic !! values may be saved by the user in arrays <CODE>idiags</CODE> and !! <CODE>fdiags</CODE>, respectively, for debugging; these arrays must !! be assigned with up to eight values each prior to calling this routine. !! <P>The <CODE>error_status</CODE> variable returns the highest severity !! level that has been encountered; if a severe error is flagged !! (level 3) the program is terminated immediately. !! Introduction to Fortran 90/95, Stephen J, Chapman, pp.467-472, !! McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-115896-0 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: error_id ! Local variables ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Turn on error handling if a severe error has been encountered if (error_type(error_id)%level == ERROR_SEVERE) errors_on = .true. ! Error handling is only turned on during an output step, not during ! intermediate iteration steps if (.not.errors_on) then idiags = INT_DEFAULT fdiags = FLT_DEFAULT return end if if (.not.associated(error_head)) then allocate(error_head) error_tail => error_head else ! SJP Issue #867 ! Remove consecutive identical error messages if (error_tail%id == error_id) return allocate(error_tail%ptr) error_tail => error_tail%ptr end if error_tail%id = error_id error_tail%data%level = error_type(error_id)%level error_tail%data%message = error_type(error_id)%message error_tail%data%idiags = idiags ; idiags = INT_DEFAULT error_tail%data%fdiags = fdiags ; fdiags = FLT_DEFAULT nullify (error_tail%ptr) ! Update the overall error status (highest severity level encountered) ! and stop the program if a severe error has occurred error_status = max(error_status, error_type(error_id)%level) if (error_status == ERROR_SEVERE) then call show_errors write(*,*) 'PROCESS stopping.' stop 1 end if end subroutine report_error ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine show_errors !! Reports all informational/error messages encountered !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This routine provides a summary audit trail of all the errors !! encountered during the program's execution. !! Introduction to Fortran 90/95, Stephen J, Chapman, pp.467-472, !! McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-115896-0 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: iotty, nout use process_output_fortran, only: oblnkl, oheadr, ocmmnt, ovarin, ostars implicit none ! Arguments ! Local variables type (error_list_item), pointer :: ptr integer :: i character(len=50) :: status_message ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call oheadr(iotty,'Errors and Warnings') call oheadr(nout,'Errors and Warnings') call ocmmnt(nout,'(See top of file for solver errors and warnings.)') select case (error_status) case (0) status_message = 'No messages' case (1) status_message = 'Information messages only' case (2) status_message = 'Warning messages' case (3) status_message = 'Errors' case default status_message = 'Incorrect value of error_status' end select call ocmmnt(nout,'PROCESS status flag: '//status_message) write(*,*) 'PROCESS status flag: '//status_message call oblnkl(iotty) call ovarin(nout,'PROCESS error status flag','(error_status)',error_status) ptr => error_head if (.not.associated(ptr)) then call ovarin(nout,'Final error/warning identifier','(error_id)',error_id) return end if write(*,*) 'ID LEVEL MESSAGE' output: do if (.not.associated(ptr)) exit output error_id = ptr%id write(nout,'(i3,t7,i3,t13,a80)') ptr%id,ptr%data%level,ptr%data%message write(*, '(i3,t7,i3,t13,a80)') ptr%id,ptr%data%level,ptr%data%message if (any(ptr%data%idiags /= INT_DEFAULT)) then write(*,*) 'Integer diagnostic values for this error:' do i = 1,8 if (ptr%data%idiags(i) /= INT_DEFAULT) then write(*,'(i4,a,i14)') i,') ',ptr%data%idiags(i) write(nout,'(i4,a,i14)') i,') ',ptr%data%idiags(i) endif end do end if if (any(ptr%data%fdiags /= FLT_DEFAULT)) then write(*,*) 'Floating point diagnostic values for this error:' do i = 1,8 if (ptr%data%fdiags(i) /= FLT_DEFAULT) then write(*,'(i4,a,1pe14.5)') i,') ',ptr%data%fdiags(i) write(nout,'(i4,a,1pe14.5)') i,') ',ptr%data%fdiags(i) endif end do end if write(*,*) ' ' ptr => ptr%ptr end do output call ostars(iotty, 110) call oblnkl(iotty) call ovarin(nout,'Final error identifier','(error_id)',error_id) end subroutine show_errors end module error_handling