module define_iteration_variables !! Module to define iteration variables #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public real(dp) :: DUMMY contains subroutine init_define_iteration_variables !! Initialise module variables implicit none DUMMY = 0.0D0 end subroutine init_define_iteration_variables !! lablxc(ipnvars) : labels describing iteration variables<UL> !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_1 !! <LI> ( 1) aspect use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(1) = 'aspect ' boundl(1) = 1.100D0 boundu(1) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_1 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_1() use physics_variables, only: aspect implicit none itv_1 = aspect end function itv_1 subroutine set_itv_1(ratio) use physics_variables, only: aspect implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio aspect = ratio end subroutine set_itv_1 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_2 !! <LI> ( 2) bt use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(2) = 'bt ' boundl(2) = 0.010D0 boundu(2) = 30.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_2 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_2() use physics_variables, only: bt implicit none itv_2 = bt end function itv_2 subroutine set_itv_2(ratio) use physics_variables, only: bt implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio bt = ratio end subroutine set_itv_2 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_3 !! <LI> ( 3) rmajor use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(3) = 'rmajor ' boundl(3) = 0.100D0 boundu(3) = 50.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_3 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_3() use physics_variables, only: rmajor implicit none itv_3 = rmajor end function itv_3 subroutine set_itv_3(ratio) use physics_variables, only: rmajor implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio rmajor = ratio end subroutine set_itv_3 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_4 !! <LI> ( 4) te use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(4) = 'te ' boundl(4) = 5.000D0 boundu(4) = 150.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_4 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_4() use physics_variables, only: te implicit none itv_4 = te end function itv_4 subroutine set_itv_4(ratio) use physics_variables, only: te implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio te = ratio end subroutine !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_5 !! <LI> ( 5) beta use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(5) = 'beta ' boundl(5) = 0.001D0 boundu(5) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_5 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_5() use physics_variables, only: beta implicit none itv_5 = beta end function itv_5 subroutine set_itv_5(ratio) use physics_variables, only: beta implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio beta = ratio end subroutine !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_6 !! <LI> ( 6) dene use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(6) = 'dene ' boundl(6) = 2.00D19 boundu(6) = 1.00D21 end subroutine init_itv_6 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_6() use physics_variables, only: dene implicit none itv_6 = dene end function itv_6 subroutine set_itv_6(ratio) use physics_variables, only: dene implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dene = ratio end subroutine set_itv_6 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_7 !! <LI> ( 7) f_nd_beam_electron use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(7) = 'f_nd_beam_electron ' boundl(7) = 1.00D-6 boundu(7) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_7 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_7() use physics_variables, only: f_nd_beam_electron implicit none itv_7 = f_nd_beam_electron end function itv_7 subroutine set_itv_7(ratio) use physics_variables, only: f_nd_beam_electron implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_nd_beam_electron = ratio end subroutine set_itv_7 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_8 !! <LI> ( 8) fbeta_poloidal_eps (f-value for equation 6) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(8) = 'fbeta_poloidal_eps ' boundl(8) = 0.001D0 boundu(8) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_8 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_8() use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_poloidal_eps implicit none itv_8 = fbeta_poloidal_eps end function itv_8 subroutine set_itv_8(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_poloidal_eps implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fbeta_poloidal_eps = ratio end subroutine set_itv_8 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_9 !! <LI> ( 9) fdene (f-value for equation 5) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(9) = 'fdene ' boundl(9) = 0.001D0 boundu(9) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_9 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_9() use constraint_variables, only: fdene implicit none itv_9 = fdene end function itv_9 subroutine set_itv_9(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fdene implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fdene = ratio end subroutine set_itv_9 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_10 !! <LI> (10) hfact use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(10) = 'hfact ' boundl(10) = 0.100D0 boundu(10) = 3.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_10 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_10() use physics_variables, only: hfact implicit none itv_10 = hfact end function itv_10 subroutine set_itv_10(ratio) use physics_variables, only: hfact implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio hfact = ratio end subroutine set_itv_10 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_11 !! <LI> (11) pheat use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(11) = 'pheat ' boundl(11) = 1.00D-3 boundu(11) = 1.000D3 end subroutine init_itv_11 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_11() use current_drive_variables, only: pheat implicit none itv_11 = pheat end function itv_11 subroutine set_itv_11(ratio) use current_drive_variables, only: pheat implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio pheat = ratio end subroutine set_itv_11 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_12 !! <LI> (12) oacdcp use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(12) = 'oacdcp ' boundl(12) = 1.000D5 boundu(12) = 1.500D8 end subroutine init_itv_12 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_12() use tfcoil_variables, only: oacdcp implicit none itv_12 = oacdcp end function itv_12 subroutine set_itv_12(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: oacdcp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio oacdcp = ratio end subroutine set_itv_12 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_13 !! <LI> (13) dr_tf_inboard (NOT RECOMMENDED) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(13) = 'dr_tf_inboard ' boundl(13) = 0.100D0 boundu(13) = 5.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_13 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_13() use build_variables, only: dr_tf_inboard use error_handling, only: report_error use stellarator_variables, only: istell implicit none itv_13 = dr_tf_inboard if (istell /= 0) then call report_error(46) end if end function itv_13 subroutine set_itv_13(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_tf_inboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_tf_inboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_13 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_14 !! <LI> (14) fwalld (f-value for equation 8) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(14) = 'fwalld ' boundl(14) = 0.001D0 boundu(14) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_14 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_14() use constraint_variables, only: fwalld implicit none itv_14 = fwalld end function itv_14 subroutine set_itv_14(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fwalld implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fwalld = ratio end subroutine set_itv_14 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_15 !! <LI> (15) fvs (f-value for equation 12) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(15) = 'fvs ' boundl(15) = 0.001D0 boundu(15) = 10.000 end subroutine init_itv_15 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_15() use constraint_variables, only: fvs implicit none itv_15 = fvs end function itv_15 subroutine set_itv_15(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fvs implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fvs = ratio end subroutine set_itv_15 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_16 !! <LI> (16) dr_cs use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(16) = 'dr_cs ' boundl(16) = 0.010D0 boundu(16) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_16 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_16() use build_variables, only: dr_cs implicit none itv_16 = dr_cs end function itv_16 subroutine set_itv_16(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_cs implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_cs = ratio end subroutine set_itv_16 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_17 !! <LI> (17) t_between_pulse use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(17) = 't_between_pulse ' boundl(17) = 0.100D0 boundu(17) = 1.000D8 end subroutine init_itv_17 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_17() use times_variables, only: t_between_pulse implicit none itv_17 = t_between_pulse end function itv_17 subroutine set_itv_17(ratio) use times_variables, only: t_between_pulse implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio t_between_pulse = ratio end subroutine set_itv_17 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_18 !! <LI> (18) q95 use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(18) = 'q95 ' boundl(18) = 2.000D0 boundu(18) = 50.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_18 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_18() use physics_variables, only: q95 implicit none itv_18 = q95 end function itv_18 subroutine set_itv_18(ratio) use physics_variables, only: q95 implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio q95 = ratio end subroutine set_itv_18 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_19 !! <LI> (19) beam_energy use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(19) = 'beam_energy ' boundl(19) = 1.000D0 boundu(19) = 1.000D6 end subroutine init_itv_19 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_19() use current_drive_variables, only: beam_energy implicit none itv_19 = beam_energy end function itv_19 subroutine set_itv_19(ratio) use current_drive_variables, only: beam_energy implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio beam_energy = ratio end subroutine !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_20 !! <LI> (20) temp_cp_average use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(20) = 'temp_cp_average ' boundl(20) = 40.00D0 boundu(20) = 3.000D2 end subroutine init_itv_20 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_20() use tfcoil_variables, only: temp_cp_average implicit none itv_20 = temp_cp_average end function itv_20 subroutine set_itv_20(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: temp_cp_average implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio temp_cp_average = ratio end subroutine set_itv_20 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_21 !! <LI> (21) ft_burn (f-value for equation 13) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(21) = 'ft_burn ' boundl(21) = 0.001D0 boundu(21) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_21 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_21() use constraint_variables, only: ft_burn implicit none itv_21 = ft_burn end function itv_21 subroutine set_itv_21(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ft_burn implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ft_burn = ratio end subroutine set_itv_21 !! <LI> (22) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_22() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 22 is no longer in use.' end function itv_22 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_23 !! <LI> (23) fcoolcp use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(23) = 'fcoolcp ' boundl(23) = 0.100D0 boundu(23) = 0.500D0 end subroutine init_itv_23 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_23() use tfcoil_variables, only: fcoolcp implicit none itv_23 = fcoolcp end function itv_23 subroutine set_itv_23(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: fcoolcp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fcoolcp = ratio end subroutine set_itv_23 !! <LI> (24) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_24() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 24 is no longer in use.' end function itv_24 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_25 !! <LI> (25) fpnetel (f-value for equation 16) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(25) = 'fpnetel ' boundl(25) = 0.001D0 boundu(25) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_25 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_25() use constraint_variables, only: fpnetel implicit none itv_25 = fpnetel end function itv_25 subroutine set_itv_25(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpnetel implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpnetel = ratio end subroutine set_itv_25 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_26 !! <LI> (26) ffuspow (f-value for equation 9) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(26) = 'ffuspow ' boundl(26) = 0.001D0 boundu(26) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_26 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_26() use constraint_variables, only: ffuspow implicit none itv_26 = ffuspow end function itv_26 subroutine set_itv_26(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ffuspow implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ffuspow = ratio end subroutine set_itv_26 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_27 !! <LI> (27) fhldiv (f-value for equation 18) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(27) = 'fhldiv ' boundl(27) = 0.001D0 boundu(27) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_27 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_27() use constraint_variables, only: fhldiv implicit none itv_27 = fhldiv end function itv_27 subroutine set_itv_27(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fhldiv implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fhldiv = ratio end subroutine set_itv_27 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_28 !! <LI> (28) fradpwr (f-value for equation 17), total radiation fraction use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(28) = 'fradpwr ' boundl(28) = 0.001D0 boundu(28) = 0.990D0 end subroutine init_itv_28 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_28() use constraint_variables, only: fradpwr implicit none itv_28 = fradpwr end function itv_28 subroutine set_itv_28(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fradpwr implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fradpwr = ratio end subroutine set_itv_28 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_29 !! <LI> (29) dr_bore use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(29) = 'dr_bore ' boundl(29) = 0.100D0 boundu(29) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_29 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_29() use build_variables, only: dr_bore implicit none itv_29 = dr_bore end function itv_29 subroutine set_itv_29(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_bore implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_bore = ratio end subroutine set_itv_29 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_30 !! <LI> (30) fmva (f-value for equation 19) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(30) = 'fmva ' boundl(30) = 0.010D0 boundu(30) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_30 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_30() use constraint_variables, only: fmva implicit none itv_30 = fmva end function itv_30 subroutine set_itv_30(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fmva implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fmva = ratio end subroutine set_itv_30 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_31 !! <LI> (31) gapomin use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(31) = 'gapomin ' boundl(31) = 0.001D0 boundu(31) = 1.000D1 end subroutine init_itv_31 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_31() use build_variables, only: gapomin implicit none itv_31 = gapomin end function itv_31 subroutine set_itv_31(ratio) use build_variables, only: gapomin implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio gapomin = ratio end subroutine set_itv_31 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_32 !! <LI> (32) frminor (f-value for equation 21) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(32) = 'frminor ' boundl(32) = 0.001D0 boundu(32) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_32 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_32() use constraint_variables, only: frminor implicit none itv_32 = frminor end function itv_32 subroutine set_itv_32(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: frminor implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio frminor = ratio end subroutine set_itv_32 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_33 !! <LI> (33) fportsz (f-value for equation 20) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(33) = 'fportsz ' boundl(33) = 0.001D0 boundu(33) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_33 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_33() use constraint_variables, only: fportsz implicit none itv_33 = fportsz end function itv_33 subroutine set_itv_33(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fportsz implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fportsz = ratio end subroutine set_itv_33 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_34 !! <LI> (34) fdivcol (f-value for equation 22) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(34) = 'fdivcol ' boundl(34) = 0.001D0 boundu(34) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_34 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_34() use constraint_variables, only: fdivcol implicit none itv_34 = fdivcol end function itv_34 subroutine set_itv_34(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fdivcol implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fdivcol = ratio end subroutine set_itv_34 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_35 !! <LI> (35) fpeakb (f-value for equation 25) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(35) = 'fpeakb ' boundl(35) = 0.001D0 boundu(35) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_35 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_35() use constraint_variables, only: fpeakb implicit none itv_35 = fpeakb end function itv_35 subroutine set_itv_35(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpeakb implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpeakb = ratio end subroutine set_itv_35 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_36 !! <LI> (36) fbeta_max (f-value for equation 24) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(36) = 'fbeta_max ' boundl(36) = 0.001D0 boundu(36) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_36 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_36() use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_max implicit none itv_36 = fbeta_max end function itv_36 subroutine set_itv_36(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_max implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fbeta_max = ratio end subroutine set_itv_36 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_37 !! <LI> (37) coheof use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(37) = 'coheof ' boundl(37) = 1.000D5 boundu(37) = 1.000D8 end subroutine init_itv_37 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_37() use pfcoil_variables, only: coheof implicit none itv_37 = coheof end function itv_37 subroutine set_itv_37(ratio) use pfcoil_variables, only: coheof implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio coheof = ratio end subroutine set_itv_37 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_38 !! <LI> (38) fjohc (f-value for equation 26) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(38) = 'fjohc ' boundl(38) = 0.010D0 boundu(38) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_38 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_38() use constraint_variables, only: fjohc implicit none itv_38 = fjohc end function itv_38 subroutine set_itv_38(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fjohc implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fjohc = ratio end subroutine set_itv_38 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_39 !! <LI> (39) fjohc0 (f-value for equation 27) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(39) = 'fjohc0 ' boundl(39) = 0.001D0 boundu(39) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_39 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_39() use constraint_variables, only: fjohc0 implicit none itv_39 = fjohc0 end function itv_39 subroutine set_itv_39(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fjohc0 implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fjohc0 = ratio end subroutine set_itv_39 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_40 !! <LI> (40) fgamcd (f-value for equation 37) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(40) = 'fgamcd ' boundl(40) = 0.001D0 boundu(40) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_40 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_40() use constraint_variables, only: fgamcd implicit none itv_40 = fgamcd end function itv_40 subroutine set_itv_40(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fgamcd implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fgamcd = ratio end subroutine set_itv_40 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_41 !! <LI> (41) fcohbop use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(41) = 'fcohbop ' boundl(41) = 0.001D0 boundu(41) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_41 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_41() use pfcoil_variables, only: fcohbop implicit none itv_41 = fcohbop end function itv_41 subroutine set_itv_41(ratio) use pfcoil_variables, only: fcohbop implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fcohbop = ratio end subroutine set_itv_41 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_42 !! <LI> (42) dr_cs_tf_gap use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(42) = 'dr_cs_tf_gap ' boundl(42) = 0.001D0 boundu(42) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_42 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_42() use build_variables, only: dr_cs_tf_gap implicit none itv_42 = dr_cs_tf_gap end function subroutine set_itv_42(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_cs_tf_gap implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_cs_tf_gap = ratio end subroutine set_itv_42 !! <LI> (43) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_43() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 43 is no longer in use.' end function itv_43 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_44 !! <LI> (44) fvsbrnni use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(44) = 'fvsbrnni ' boundl(44) = 0.001D0 boundu(44) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_44 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_44() use physics_variables, only: fvsbrnni implicit none itv_44 = fvsbrnni end function itv_44 subroutine set_itv_44(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fvsbrnni implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fvsbrnni = ratio end subroutine set_itv_44 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_45 !! <LI> (45) fqval (f-value for equation 28) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(45) = 'fqval ' boundl(45) = 0.001D0 boundu(45) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_45 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_45() use constraint_variables, only: fqval implicit none itv_45 = fqval end function itv_45 subroutine set_itv_45(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fqval implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fqval = ratio end subroutine set_itv_45 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_46 !! <LI> (46) fpinj (f-value for equation 30) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(46) = 'fpinj ' boundl(46) = 0.001D0 boundu(46) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_46 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_46() use constraint_variables, only: fpinj implicit none itv_46 = fpinj end function subroutine set_itv_46(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpinj implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpinj = ratio end subroutine set_itv_46 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_47 !! <LI> (47) feffcd use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(47) = 'feffcd ' boundl(47) = 0.001D0 boundu(47) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_47 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_47() use current_drive_variables, only: feffcd implicit none itv_47 = feffcd end function itv_47 subroutine set_itv_47(ratio) use current_drive_variables, only: feffcd implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio feffcd = ratio end subroutine set_itv_47 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_48 !! <LI> (48) fstrcase (f-value for equation 31) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(48) = 'fstrcase ' boundl(48) = 0.001D0 boundu(48) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_48 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_48() use constraint_variables, only: fstrcase implicit none itv_48 = fstrcase end function itv_48 subroutine set_itv_48(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fstrcase implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fstrcase = ratio end subroutine set_itv_48 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_49 !! <LI> (49) fstrcond (f-value for equation 32) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(49) = 'fstrcond ' boundl(49) = 0.001D0 boundu(49) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_49 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_49() use constraint_variables, only: fstrcond implicit none itv_49 = fstrcond end function itv_49 subroutine set_itv_49(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fstrcond implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fstrcond = ratio end subroutine set_itv_49 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_50 !! <LI> (50) fiooic (f-value for equation 33) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(50) = 'fiooic ' boundl(50) = 0.001D0 boundu(50) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_50 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_50() use constraint_variables, only: fiooic implicit none itv_50 = fiooic end function itv_50 subroutine set_itv_50(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fiooic implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fiooic = ratio end subroutine set_itv_50 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_51 !! <LI> (51) fvdump (f-value for equation 34) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(51) = 'fvdump ' boundl(51) = 0.001D0 boundu(51) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_51 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_51() use constraint_variables, only: fvdump implicit none itv_51 = fvdump end function subroutine set_itv_51(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fvdump implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fvdump = ratio end subroutine set_itv_51 !! <LI> (52) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_52() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 52 is no longer in use.' end function itv_52 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_53 !! <LI> (53) fjprot (f-value for equation 35) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(53) = 'fjprot ' boundl(53) = 0.001D0 boundu(53) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_53 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_53() use constraint_variables, only: fjprot implicit none itv_53 = fjprot end function itv_53 subroutine set_itv_53(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fjprot implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fjprot = ratio end subroutine !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_54 !! <LI> (54) ftmargtf (f-value for equation 36) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(54) = 'ftmargtf ' boundl(54) = 0.001D0 boundu(54) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_54 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_54() use constraint_variables, only: ftmargtf implicit none itv_54 = ftmargtf end function itv_54 subroutine set_itv_54(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ftmargtf implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftmargtf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_54 !! <LI> (55) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_55() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 55 is no longer in use.' end function itv_55 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_56 !! <LI> (56) tdmptf use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(56) = 'tdmptf ' boundl(56) = 0.100D0 boundu(56) = 100.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_56 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_56() use tfcoil_variables, only: tdmptf implicit none itv_56 = tdmptf end function itv_56 subroutine set_itv_56(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: tdmptf implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio tdmptf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_56 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_57 !! <LI> (57) thkcas use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(57) = 'thkcas ' boundl(57) = 0.050D0 boundu(57) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_57 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_57() use error_handling, only: report_error use stellarator_variables, only: istell use tfcoil_variables, only: thkcas implicit none itv_57 = thkcas if (istell /= 0) then call report_error(48) end if end function itv_57 subroutine set_itv_57(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: thkcas implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio thkcas = ratio end subroutine !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_58 !! <LI> (58) thwcndut use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(58) = 'thwcndut ' boundl(58) = 0.001D0 boundu(58) = 0.100D0 end subroutine init_itv_58 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_58() use tfcoil_variables, only: thwcndut implicit none itv_58 = thwcndut end function itv_58 subroutine set_itv_58(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: thwcndut implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio thwcndut = ratio end subroutine set_itv_58 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_59 !! <LI> (59) fcutfsu use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(59) = 'fcutfsu ' boundl(59) = 0.001D0 boundu(59) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_59 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_59() use tfcoil_variables, only: fcutfsu implicit none itv_59 = fcutfsu end function itv_59 subroutine set_itv_59(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: fcutfsu implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fcutfsu = ratio end subroutine set_itv_59 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_60 !! <LI> (60) cpttf use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(60) = 'cpttf ' boundl(60) = 0.001D0 boundu(60) = 4.000D4 end subroutine init_itv_60 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_60() use error_handling, only: report_error use stellarator_variables, only: istell use tfcoil_variables, only: i_tf_sup, cpttf implicit none itv_60 = cpttf if ((istell /= 0).or.(i_tf_sup /= 1)) then call report_error(49) end if end function itv_60 subroutine set_itv_60(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: cpttf implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio cpttf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_60 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_61 !! <LI> (61) dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(61) = 'dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard ' boundl(61) = 0.001D0 boundu(61) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_61 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_61() use build_variables, only: dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard implicit none itv_61 = dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard end function itv_61 subroutine set_itv_61(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_61 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_62 !! <LI> (62) fdtmp (f-value for equation 38) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(62) = 'fdtmp ' boundl(62) = 0.001D0 boundu(62) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_62 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_62() use constraint_variables, only: fdtmp implicit none itv_62 = fdtmp end function itv_62 subroutine set_itv_62(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fdtmp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fdtmp = ratio end subroutine set_itv_62 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_63 !! <LI> (63) ftpeak (f-value for equation 39) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(63) = 'ftpeak ' boundl(63) = 0.001D0 boundu(63) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_63 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_63() use constraint_variables, only: ftpeak implicit none itv_63 = ftpeak end function itv_63 subroutine set_itv_63(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ftpeak implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftpeak = ratio end subroutine set_itv_63 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_64 !! <LI> (64) fauxmn (f-value for equation 40) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(64) = 'fauxmn ' boundl(64) = 0.001D0 boundu(64) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_64 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_64() use constraint_variables, only: fauxmn implicit none itv_64 = fauxmn end function itv_64 subroutine set_itv_64(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fauxmn implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fauxmn = ratio end subroutine set_itv_64 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_65 !! <LI> (65) t_current_ramp_up use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(65) = 't_current_ramp_up ' boundl(65) = 0.100D0 boundu(65) = 1.000D3 end subroutine init_itv_65 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_65() use error_handling, only: report_error use pulse_variables, only: i_pulsed_plant use times_variables, only: t_current_ramp_up implicit none itv_65 = t_current_ramp_up if (i_pulsed_plant /= 1) then call report_error(50) end if end function itv_65 subroutine set_itv_65(ratio) use times_variables, only: t_current_ramp_up implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio t_current_ramp_up = ratio end subroutine set_itv_65 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_66 !! <LI> (66) ft_current_ramp_up (f-value for equation 41) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(66) = 'ft_current_ramp_up ' boundl(66) = 0.001D0 boundu(66) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_66 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_66() use constraint_variables, only: ft_current_ramp_up implicit none itv_66 = ft_current_ramp_up end function itv_66 subroutine set_itv_66(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ft_current_ramp_up implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ft_current_ramp_up = ratio end subroutine set_itv_66 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_67 !! <LI> (67) ftcycl (f-value for equation 42) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(67) = 'ftcycl ' boundl(67) = 0.001D0 boundu(67) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_67 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_67() use constraint_variables, only: ftcycl implicit none itv_67 = ftcycl end function itv_67 subroutine set_itv_67(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ftcycl implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftcycl = ratio end subroutine set_itv_67 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_68 !! <LI> (68) fptemp (f-value for equation 44) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(68) = 'fptemp ' boundl(68) = 0.001D0 boundu(68) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_68 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_68() use constraint_variables, only: fptemp implicit none itv_68 = fptemp end function itv_68 subroutine set_itv_68(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fptemp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fptemp= ratio end subroutine set_itv_68 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_69 !! <LI> (69) rcool use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(69) = 'rcool ' boundl(69) = 0.001D0 boundu(69) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_69 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_69() use tfcoil_variables, only: rcool implicit none itv_69 = rcool end function itv_69 subroutine set_itv_69(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: rcool implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio rcool = ratio end subroutine set_itv_69 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_70 !! <LI> (70) vcool use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(70) = 'vcool ' boundl(70) = 1.000D0 boundu(70) = 1.000D2 end subroutine init_itv_70 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_70() use tfcoil_variables, only: vcool implicit none itv_70 = vcool end function itv_70 subroutine set_itv_70(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: vcool implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio vcool = ratio end subroutine set_itv_70 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_71 !! <LI> (71) fq (f-value for equation 45) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(71) = 'fq ' boundl(71) = 0.001D0 boundu(71) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_71 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_71() use constraint_variables, only: fq implicit none itv_71 = fq end function itv_71 subroutine set_itv_71(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fq implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fq = ratio end subroutine set_itv_71 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_72 !! <LI> (72) fipir (f-value for equation 46) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(72) = 'fipir ' boundl(72) = 0.001D0 boundu(72) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_72 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_72() use constraint_variables, only: fipir implicit none itv_72 = fipir end function itv_72 subroutine set_itv_72(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fipir implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fipir = ratio end subroutine set_itv_72 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_73 !! <LI> (73) dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(73) = 'dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard ' boundl(73) = 0.001D0 boundu(73) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_73 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_73() use build_variables, only: dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard implicit none itv_73 = dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard end function itv_73 subroutine set_itv_73(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_73 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_74 !! <LI> (74) dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(74) = 'dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard ' boundl(74) = 0.001D0 boundu(74) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_74 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_74() use build_variables, only: dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard implicit none itv_74 = dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard end function itv_74 subroutine set_itv_74(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_74 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_75 !! <LI> (75) tfootfi use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(75) = 'tfootfi ' boundl(75) = 0.200D0 boundu(75) = 5.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_75 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_75() use build_variables, only: tfootfi implicit none itv_75 = tfootfi end function itv_75 subroutine set_itv_75(ratio) use build_variables, only: tfootfi implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio tfootfi = ratio end subroutine set_itv_75 !! <LI> (76) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_76() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 76 is no longer in use.' end function itv_76 !! <LI> (77) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_77() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 77 is no longer in use.' end function itv_77 !! <LI> (78) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_78() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 78 is no longer in use.' end function itv_78 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_79 !! <LI> (79) fbeta_poloidal (f-value for equation 48) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(79) = 'fbeta_poloidal ' boundl(79) = 0.001D0 boundu(79) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_79 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_79() use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_poloidal implicit none itv_79 = fbeta_poloidal end function itv_79 subroutine set_itv_79(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_poloidal implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fbeta_poloidal = ratio end subroutine set_itv_79 !! <LI> (80) NOT USED !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_80() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 80 is no longer in use.' end function itv_80 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_81 !! <LI> (81) edrive use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(81) = 'edrive ' boundl(81) = 1.000d5 boundu(81) = 5.000d7 end subroutine init_itv_81 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_81() use ife_variables, only: edrive implicit none itv_81 = edrive end function itv_81 subroutine set_itv_81(ratio) use ife_variables, only: edrive implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio edrive = ratio end subroutine set_itv_81 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_82 !! <LI> (82) drveff use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(82) = 'drveff ' boundl(82) = 0.010D0 boundu(82) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_82 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_82() use ife_variables, only: drveff implicit none itv_82 = drveff end function itv_82 subroutine set_itv_82(ratio) use ife_variables, only: drveff implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio drveff = ratio end subroutine set_itv_82 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_83 !! <LI> (83) tgain use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(83) = 'tgain ' boundl(83) = 1.000D0 boundu(83) = 500.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_83 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_83() use ife_variables, only: tgain implicit none itv_83 = tgain end function itv_83 subroutine set_itv_83(ratio) use ife_variables, only: tgain implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio tgain = ratio end subroutine set_itv_83 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_84 !! <LI> (84) chrad use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(84) = 'chrad ' boundl(84) = 0.100D0 boundu(84) = 20.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_84 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_84() use ife_variables, only: chrad implicit none itv_84 = chrad end function itv_84 subroutine set_itv_84(ratio) use ife_variables, only: chrad implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio chrad = ratio end subroutine set_itv_84 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_85 !! <LI> (85) pdrive use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(85) = 'pdrive ' boundl(85) = 1.000D6 boundu(85) = 200.0D6 end subroutine init_itv_85 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_85() use ife_variables, only: pdrive implicit none itv_85 = pdrive end function itv_85 subroutine set_itv_85(ratio) use ife_variables, only: pdrive implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio pdrive = ratio end subroutine set_itv_85 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_86 !! <LI> (86) frrmax (f-value for equation 50) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(86) = 'frrmax ' boundl(86) = 0.001D0 boundu(86) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_86 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_86() use ife_variables, only: frrmax implicit none itv_86 = frrmax end function itv_86 subroutine set_itv_86(ratio) use ife_variables, only: frrmax implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio frrmax = ratio end subroutine set_itv_86 !! <LI> (87) NOT USED !--------------------------------- !! <LI> (88) NOT USED !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_89 !! <LI> (89) ftbr (f-value for equation 52) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(89) = 'ftbr ' boundl(89) = 0.001D0 boundu(89) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_89 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_89() use constraint_variables, only: ftbr implicit none itv_89 = ftbr end function itv_89 subroutine set_itv_89(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ftbr implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftbr = ratio end subroutine set_itv_89 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_90 !! <LI> (90) blbuith use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(90) = 'blbuith ' boundl(90) = 0.001D0 boundu(90) = 2.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_90 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_90() use build_variables, only: blbuith implicit none itv_90 = blbuith end function itv_90 subroutine set_itv_90(ratio) use build_variables, only: blbuith implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio blbuith = ratio end subroutine set_itv_90 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_91 !! <LI> (91) blbuoth use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(91) = 'blbuoth ' boundl(91) = 0.001D0 boundu(91) = 2.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_91 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_91() use build_variables, only: blbuoth implicit none itv_91 = blbuoth end function itv_91 subroutine set_itv_91(ratio) use build_variables, only: blbuoth implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio blbuoth = ratio end subroutine set_itv_91 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_92 !! <LI> (92) fflutf (f-value for equation 53) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(92) = 'fflutf ' boundl(92) = 0.001D0 boundu(92) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_92 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_92() use constraint_variables, only: fflutf implicit none itv_92 = fflutf end function itv_92 subroutine set_itv_92(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fflutf implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fflutf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_92 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_93 !! <LI> (93) dr_shld_inboard use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(93) = 'dr_shld_inboard ' boundl(93) = 0.001D0 boundu(93) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_93 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_93() use build_variables, only: dr_shld_inboard implicit none itv_93 = dr_shld_inboard end function itv_93 subroutine set_itv_93(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_shld_inboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_shld_inboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_93 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_94 !! <LI> (94) dr_shld_outboard use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(94) = 'dr_shld_outboard ' boundl(94) = 0.001D0 boundu(94) = 10.00D0 end subroutine init_itv_94 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_94() use build_variables, only: dr_shld_outboard implicit none itv_94 = dr_shld_outboard end function itv_94 subroutine set_itv_94(ratio) use build_variables, only: dr_shld_outboard implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_shld_outboard = ratio end subroutine set_itv_94 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_95 !! <LI> (95) fptfnuc (f-value for equation 54) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(95) = 'fptfnuc ' boundl(95) = 0.001D0 boundu(95) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_95 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_95() use constraint_variables, only: fptfnuc implicit none itv_95 = fptfnuc end function itv_95 subroutine set_itv_95(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fptfnuc implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fptfnuc = ratio end subroutine set_itv_95 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_96 !! <LI> (96) fvvhe (f-value for equation 55) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(96) = 'fvvhe ' boundl(96) = 0.001D0 boundu(96) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_96 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_96() use constraint_variables, only: fvvhe implicit none itv_96 = fvvhe end function itv_96 subroutine set_itv_96(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fvvhe implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fvvhe = ratio end subroutine set_itv_96 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_97 !! <LI> (97) fpsepr (f-value for equation 56) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(97) = 'fpsepr ' boundl(97) = 0.001D0 boundu(97) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_97 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_97() use constraint_variables, only: fpsepr implicit none itv_97 = fpsepr end function itv_97 subroutine set_itv_97(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpsepr implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpsepr = ratio end subroutine set_itv_97 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_98 !! <LI> (98) li6enrich use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(98) = 'li6enrich ' boundl(98) = 10.00D0 boundu(98) = 100.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_98 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_98() use fwbs_variables, only: li6enrich implicit none itv_98 = li6enrich end function itv_98 subroutine set_itv_98(ratio) use fwbs_variables, only: li6enrich implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio li6enrich = ratio end subroutine set_itv_98 !! <LI> (99) NOT USED !--------------------------------- !! <LI> (100) NOT USED !! <LI> (101) NOT USED !--------------------------------- !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_103 !! <LI> (103) fl_h_threshold (f-value for equation 15) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(103) = 'fl_h_threshold ' boundl(103) = 1.000D0 boundu(103) = 1.000D6 end subroutine init_itv_103 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_103() use constraint_variables, only: fl_h_threshold implicit none itv_103 = fl_h_threshold end function itv_103 subroutine set_itv_103(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fl_h_threshold implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fl_h_threshold = ratio end subroutine set_itv_103 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_104 !! <LI> (104)fr_conducting_wall (f-value for equation 23) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(104) = 'fcwr ' boundl(104) = 0.001D0 boundu(104) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_104 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_104() use constraint_variables, only:fr_conducting_wall implicit none itv_104 =fr_conducting_wall end function itv_104 subroutine set_itv_104(ratio) use constraint_variables, only:fr_conducting_wall implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fr_conducting_wall = ratio end subroutine set_itv_104 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_105 !! <LI> (105) fnbshinef (f-value for equation 59) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(105) = 'fnbshinef ' boundl(105) = 0.001D0 boundu(105) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_105 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_105() use constraint_variables, only: fnbshinef implicit none itv_105 = fnbshinef end function itv_105 subroutine set_itv_105(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fnbshinef implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fnbshinef = ratio end subroutine set_itv_105 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_106 !! <LI> (106) ftmargoh (f-value for equation 60) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(106) = 'ftmargoh ' boundl(106) = 0.001D0 boundu(106) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_106 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_106() use constraint_variables, only: ftmargoh implicit none itv_106 = ftmargoh end function itv_106 subroutine set_itv_106(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: ftmargoh implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftmargoh = ratio end subroutine set_itv_106 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_107 !! <LI> (107) favail (f-value for equation 61) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(107) = 'favail ' boundl(107) = 0.001D0 boundu(107) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_107 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_107() use cost_variables, only: favail implicit none itv_107 = favail end function itv_107 subroutine set_itv_107(ratio) use cost_variables, only: favail implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio favail = ratio end subroutine set_itv_107 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_108 !! <LI> (108) breeder_f: Volume of Li4SiO4 / (Volume of Be12Ti + Li4SiO4) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(108) = 'breeder_f ' boundl(108) = 0.060D0 boundu(108) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_108 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_108() use fwbs_variables, only: breeder_f implicit none itv_108 = breeder_f end function itv_108 subroutine set_itv_108(ratio) use fwbs_variables, only: breeder_f implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio breeder_f = ratio end subroutine set_itv_108 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_109 !! <LI> (109) f_nd_alpha_electron: thermal alpha density / electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(109) = 'f_nd_alpha_electron ' boundl(109) = 0.050D0 boundu(109) = 0.150D0 end subroutine init_itv_109 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_109() use physics_variables, only: f_nd_alpha_electron implicit none itv_109 = f_nd_alpha_electron end function itv_109 subroutine set_itv_109(ratio) use physics_variables, only: f_nd_alpha_electron implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_nd_alpha_electron = ratio end subroutine set_itv_109 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_110 !! <LI> (110) falpha_energy_confinement: Lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none !! particle to energy confinement times (f-value for equation 62) lablxc(110) = 'falpha_energy_confinement ' boundl(110) = 0.001D0 boundu(110) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_110 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_110() use constraint_variables, only: falpha_energy_confinement implicit none itv_110 = falpha_energy_confinement end function itv_110 subroutine set_itv_110(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: falpha_energy_confinement implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio falpha_energy_confinement = ratio end subroutine set_itv_110 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_111 !! <LI> (111) fniterpump: f-value for constraint that number use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none !! of vacuum pumps < TF coils (f-value for equation 63) lablxc(111) = 'fniterpump ' boundl(111) = 0.001D0 boundu(111) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_111 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_111() use constraint_variables, only: fniterpump implicit none itv_111 = fniterpump end function itv_111 subroutine set_itv_111(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fniterpump implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fniterpump = ratio end subroutine set_itv_111 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_112 !! <LI> (112) fzeffmax: f-value for max Zeff (f-value for equation 64) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(112) = 'fzeffmax ' boundl(112) = 0.001D0 boundu(112) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_112 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_112() use constraint_variables, only: fzeffmax implicit none itv_112 = fzeffmax end function itv_112 subroutine set_itv_112(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fzeffmax implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fzeffmax = ratio end subroutine set_itv_112 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_113 !! <LI> (113) ftaucq: f-value for maximum VV stress (f-value for equation 65) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(113) = 'fmaxvvstress ' boundl(113) = 0.001D0 boundu(113) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_113 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_113() use constraint_variables, only: fmaxvvstress implicit none itv_113 = fmaxvvstress end function itv_113 subroutine set_itv_113(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fmaxvvstress implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fmaxvvstress = ratio end subroutine set_itv_113 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_114 !! <LI> (114) len_fw_channel: Length of a single first wall channel use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(114) = 'len_fw_channel ' boundl(114) = 0.001D0 boundu(114) = 1.000D3 end subroutine init_itv_114 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_114() use fwbs_variables, only: len_fw_channel implicit none itv_114 = len_fw_channel end function itv_114 subroutine set_itv_114(ratio) use fwbs_variables, only: len_fw_channel implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio len_fw_channel = ratio end subroutine set_itv_114 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_115 !! <LI> (115) fpoloidalpower: f-value for max rate of change of use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none !! energy in poloidal field (f-value for equation 66) lablxc(115) = 'fpoloidalpower' boundl(115) = 0.001D0 boundu(115) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_115 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_115() use constraint_variables, only: fpoloidalpower implicit none itv_115 = fpoloidalpower end function itv_115 subroutine set_itv_115(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpoloidalpower implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpoloidalpower = ratio end subroutine set_itv_115 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_116 !! <LI> (116) fradwall: f-value for radiation wall load limit (eq. 67) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(116) = 'fradwall ' boundl(116) = 0.001D0 boundu(116) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_116 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_116() use constraint_variables, only: fradwall implicit none itv_116 = fradwall end function itv_116 subroutine set_itv_116(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fradwall implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fradwall = ratio end subroutine set_itv_116 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_117 !! <LI> (117) fpsepbqar: f-value for Psep*Bt/qar upper limit (eq. 68) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(117) = 'fpsepbqar ' boundl(117) = 0.001D0 boundu(117) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_117 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_117() use constraint_variables, only: fpsepbqar implicit none itv_117 = fpsepbqar end function itv_117 subroutine set_itv_117(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpsepbqar implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpsepbqar = ratio end subroutine set_itv_117 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_118 !! <LI> (118) fpsep: f-value to ensure separatrix power is less than use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none !! value from Kallenbach divertor (f-value for equation 69) lablxc(118) = 'fpsep ' boundl(118) = 0.001D0 boundu(118) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_118 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_118() use constraint_variables, only: fpsep implicit none itv_118 = fpsep end function itv_118 subroutine set_itv_118(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fpsep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpsep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_118 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_119 !! <LI> (119) tesep: separatrix temperature calculated by the Kallenbach divertor model use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(119) = 'tesep ' boundl(119) = 0.000D0 boundu(119) = 1.000D1 end subroutine init_itv_119 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_119() use physics_variables, only: tesep implicit none itv_119 = tesep end function itv_119 subroutine set_itv_119(ratio) use physics_variables, only: tesep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio tesep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_119 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_120 !! <LI> (120) ttarget: Plasma temperature adjacent to divertor sheath [eV] use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(120) = 'ttarget ' boundl(120) = 1.000D0 boundu(120) = 1.000D4 end subroutine init_itv_120 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_120() ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end function itv_120 subroutine set_itv_120(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end subroutine set_itv_120 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_121 !! <LI> (121) neratio: ratio of mean SOL density at OMP to separatrix density at OMP use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(121) = 'neratio ' boundl(121) = 0.001D0 boundu(121) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_121 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_121() ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end function itv_121 subroutine set_itv_121(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end subroutine set_itv_121 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_122 !! <LI> (122) oh_steel_frac : streel fraction of Central Solenoid use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(122) = 'oh_steel_frac ' boundl(122) = 0.001D0 boundu(122) = 0.950D0 end subroutine init_itv_122 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_122() use pfcoil_variables, only: oh_steel_frac implicit none itv_122 = oh_steel_frac end function itv_122 subroutine set_itv_122(ratio) use pfcoil_variables, only: oh_steel_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio oh_steel_frac = ratio end subroutine set_itv_122 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_123 !! <LI> (123) foh_stress : f-value for CS coil Tresca yield criterion (f-value for eq. 72) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(123) = 'foh_stress ' boundl(123) = 0.001D0 boundu(123) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_123 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_123() use constraint_variables, only: foh_stress implicit none itv_123 = foh_stress end function itv_123 subroutine set_itv_123(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: foh_stress implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio foh_stress = ratio end subroutine set_itv_123 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_124 !! <LI> (124) qtargettotal : Power density on target including surface recombination [W/m2] use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(124) = 'qtargettotal ' boundl(124) = 0.001D0 boundu(124) = 1.000D7 end subroutine init_itv_124 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_124() ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end function itv_124 subroutine set_itv_124(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end subroutine set_itv_124 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_125 !! <LI> (125) fimp(3) : Beryllium density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(125) = 'fimp(03) ' boundl(125) = 1.00D-8 boundu(125) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_125 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_125() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_125 = impurity_arr_frac(3) end function itv_125 subroutine set_itv_125(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(3) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_125 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_126 !! <LI> (126) fimp(4) : Carbon density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(126) = 'fimp(04) ' boundl(126) = 1.00D-8 boundu(126) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_126 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_126() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_126 = impurity_arr_frac(4) end function itv_126 subroutine set_itv_126(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(4) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_126 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_127 !! <LI> (127) fimp(5) : Nitrogen fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(127) = 'fimp(05) ' boundl(127) = 1.00D-8 boundu(127) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_127 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_127() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_127 = impurity_arr_frac(5) end function itv_127 subroutine set_itv_127(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(5) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_127 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_128 !! <LI> (128) fimp(6) : Oxygen density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(128) = 'fimp(06) ' boundl(128) = 1.00D-8 boundu(128) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_128 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_128() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_128 = impurity_arr_frac(6) end function itv_128 subroutine set_itv_128(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(6) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_128 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_129 !! <LI> (129) fimp(7) : Neon density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(129) = 'fimp(07) ' boundl(129) = 1.00D-8 boundu(129) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_129 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_129() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_129 = impurity_arr_frac(7) end function itv_129 subroutine set_itv_129(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(7) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_129 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_130 !! <LI> (130) fimp(8) : Silicon density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(130) = 'fimp(08) ' boundl(130) = 1.00D-8 boundu(130) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_130 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_130() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_130 = impurity_arr_frac(8) end function itv_130 subroutine set_itv_130(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(8) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_130 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_131 !! <LI> (131) fimp(9) : Argon density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(131) = 'fimp(09) ' boundl(131) = 1.00D-8 boundu(131) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_131 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_131() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_131 = impurity_arr_frac(9) end function itv_131 subroutine set_itv_131(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(9) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_131 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_132 !! <LI> (132) fimp(10) : Iron density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(132) = 'fimp(10) ' boundl(132) = 1.00D-8 boundu(132) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_132 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_132() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_132 = impurity_arr_frac(10) end function itv_132 subroutine set_itv_132(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(10) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_132 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_133 !! <LI> (133) fimp(11) : Nickel density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(133) = 'fimp(11) ' boundl(133) = 1.00D-8 boundu(133) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_133 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_133() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_133 = impurity_arr_frac(11) end function itv_133 subroutine set_itv_133(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(11) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_133 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_134 !! <LI> (134) fimp(12) : Krypton density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(134) = 'fimp(12) ' boundl(134) = 1.00D-8 boundu(134) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_134 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_134() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_134 = impurity_arr_frac(12) end function itv_134 subroutine set_itv_134(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(12) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_134 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_135 !! <LI> (135) fimp(13) : Xenon density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(135) = 'fimp(13) ' boundl(135) = 1.00D-8 boundu(135) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_135 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_135() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_135 = impurity_arr_frac(13) end function itv_135 subroutine set_itv_135(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(13) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_135 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_136 !! <LI> (136) fimp(14) : Tungsten density fraction relative to electron density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(136) = 'fimp(14) ' boundl(136) = 1.00D-8 boundu(136) = 0.010D0 end subroutine init_itv_136 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_136() use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none itv_136 = impurity_arr_frac(14) end function itv_136 subroutine set_itv_136(ratio) use impurity_radiation_module, only: impurity_arr_frac implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio impurity_arr_frac(14) = ratio end subroutine set_itv_136 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_137 !! <LI> (137) fplhsep (f-value for equation 73) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(137) = 'fplhsep ' boundl(137) = 0.001D0 boundu(137) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_137 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_137() use physics_variables, only: fplhsep implicit none itv_137 = fplhsep end function itv_137 subroutine set_itv_137(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fplhsep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fplhsep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_137 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_138 !! <LI> (138) rebco_thickness : thickness of REBCO layer in tape (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(138) = 'rebco_thickness' boundl(138) = 0.01D-6 boundu(138) = 100.0D-6 end subroutine init_itv_138 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_138() use physics_variables, only: fplhsep implicit none itv_138 = fplhsep end function itv_138 subroutine set_itv_138(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fplhsep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fplhsep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_138 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_139 !! <LI> (139) copper_thick : thickness of copper layer in tape (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(139) = 'copper_thick ' boundl(139) = 1.00D-6 boundu(139) = 1.00D-3 end subroutine init_itv_139 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_139() use rebco_variables, only: copper_thick implicit none itv_139 = copper_thick end function itv_139 subroutine set_itv_139(ratio) use rebco_variables, only: copper_thick implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio copper_thick = ratio end subroutine set_itv_139 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_140 !! <LI> (140) dr_tf_wp : radial thickness of TFC winding pack (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(140) = 'dr_tf_wp ' boundl(140) = 0.001D0 boundu(140) = 2.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_140 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_140() use tfcoil_variables, only: dr_tf_wp implicit none itv_140 = dr_tf_wp end function itv_140 subroutine set_itv_140(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: dr_tf_wp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio dr_tf_wp = ratio end subroutine set_itv_140 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_141 !! <LI> (141) fcqt : TF coil quench temperature < tmax_croco (f-value for equation 74) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(141) = 'fcqt ' boundl(141) = 0.001D0 boundu(141) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_141 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_141() use constraint_variables, only: fcqt implicit none itv_141 = fcqt end function itv_141 subroutine set_itv_141(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fcqt implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fcqt = ratio end subroutine set_itv_141 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_142 !! <LI> (142) nesep : electron density at separatrix [m-3] use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(142) = 'nesep ' boundl(142) = 1.00D17 boundu(142) = 1.00D20 end subroutine init_itv_142 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_142() use physics_variables, only: nesep implicit none itv_142 = nesep end function itv_142 subroutine set_itv_142(ratio) use physics_variables, only: nesep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio nesep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_142 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_143 !! <LI> (143) f_copperA_m2 : TF coil current / copper area < Maximum value !! (f-value for equation 75) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(143) = 'f_coppera_m2 ' boundl(143) = 0.001D0 boundu(143) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_143 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_143() use rebco_variables, only: f_coppera_m2 implicit none itv_143 = f_copperA_m2 end function itv_143 subroutine set_itv_143(ratio) use rebco_variables, only: f_coppera_m2 implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_coppera_m2 = ratio end subroutine set_itv_143 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_144 !! <LI> (144) fnesep : Eich critical electron density at separatrix use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none !! (f-value for constraint equation 76) [m-3] lablxc(144) = 'fnesep ' boundl(144) = 0.001D0 boundu(144) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_144 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_144() use constraint_variables, only: fnesep implicit none itv_144 = fnesep end function itv_144 subroutine set_itv_144(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fnesep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fnesep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_144 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_145 !! <LI> (145) fgwped : fraction of Greenwald density to set as pedestal-top density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(145) = 'fgwped ' boundl(145) = 0.100D0 boundu(145) = 0.9D0 end subroutine init_itv_145 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_145() use physics_variables, only: fgwped implicit none itv_145 = fgwped end function itv_145 subroutine set_itv_145(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fgwped implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fgwped = ratio end subroutine set_itv_145 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_146 !! <LI> (146) fcpttf : F-value for TF coil current per turn limit (constraint equation 77) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(146) = 'fcpttf ' boundl(146) = 0.001D0 boundu(146) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_146 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_146() use constraint_variables, only: fcpttf implicit none itv_146 = fcpttf end function itv_146 subroutine set_itv_146(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fcpttf implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fcpttf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_146 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_147 !! <LI> (147) freinke : F-value for Reinke detachment criterion (constraint equation 78) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(147) = 'freinke ' boundl(147) = 0.001D0 boundu(147) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_147 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_147() use constraint_variables, only: freinke implicit none itv_147 = freinke end function itv_147 subroutine set_itv_147(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: freinke implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio freinke = ratio end subroutine set_itv_147 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_148 !! <LI> (148) fzactual : fraction of impurity at SOL with Reinke detachment criterion use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(148) = 'fzactual ' boundl(148) = 1.00D-8 boundu(148) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_148 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_148() ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end function itv_148 subroutine set_itv_148(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ! From Kallenbach model, should be reserved if the model is going to be added back end subroutine set_itv_148 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_149 !! <LI> (149) fbmaxcs : F-value for max peak CS field (con. 79, itvar 149) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(149) = 'fbmaxcs ' boundl(149) = 0.001D0 boundu(149) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_149 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_149() use pfcoil_variables, only: fbmaxcs implicit none itv_149 = fbmaxcs end function itv_149 subroutine set_itv_149(ratio) use pfcoil_variables, only: fbmaxcs implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fbmaxcs = ratio end subroutine set_itv_149 !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_150() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 150 no longer in use' end function itv_150 !--------------------------------- real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_151() implicit none write(*,*) 'Iteration variable 150 no longer in use' end function itv_151 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_152 !! <LI> (152) fgwsep : Ratio of separatrix density to Greenwald density use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(152) = 'fgwsep ' boundl(152) = 0.001D0 boundu(152) = 0.5D0 end subroutine init_itv_152 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_152() use physics_variables, only: fgwsep implicit none itv_152 = fgwsep end function itv_152 subroutine set_itv_152(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fgwsep implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fgwsep = ratio end subroutine set_itv_152 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_153 !! <LI> (153) fpdivlim : F-value for minimum pdivt (con. 80) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(153) = 'fpdivlim ' boundl(153) = 0.001D0 boundu(153) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_153 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_153() use physics_variables, only: fpdivlim implicit none itv_153 = fpdivlim end function itv_153 subroutine set_itv_153(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fpdivlim implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fpdivlim = ratio end subroutine set_itv_153 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_154 !! <LI> (154) fne0 : F-value for ne(0) > ne(ped) (con. 81) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(154) = 'fne0 ' boundl(154) = 0.001D0 boundu(154) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_154 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_154() use physics_variables, only: fne0 implicit none itv_154 = fne0 end function itv_154 subroutine set_itv_154(ratio) use physics_variables, only: fne0 implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fne0 = ratio end subroutine set_itv_154 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_155 !! <LI> (155) pfusife : IFE input fusion power (MW) (ifedrv=3 only) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(155) = 'pfusife ' boundl(155) = 5.000d2 boundu(155) = 3.000d3 end subroutine init_itv_155 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_155() use ife_variables, only: pfusife implicit none itv_155 = pfusife end function itv_155 subroutine set_itv_155(ratio) use ife_variables, only: pfusife implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio pfusife = ratio end subroutine set_itv_155 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_156 !! <LI> (156) rrin : Input IFE repetition rate (Hz) (ifedrv=3 only) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(156) = 'rrin ' boundl(156) = 1.000d0 boundu(156) = 1.000d1 end subroutine init_itv_156 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_156() use ife_variables, only: rrin implicit none itv_156 = rrin end function itv_156 subroutine set_itv_156(ratio) use ife_variables, only: rrin implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio rrin = ratio end subroutine set_itv_156 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_157 !! <LI> (157) fvssu : F-value for available to required start up flux (con. 51) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(157) = 'fvssu ' boundl(157) = 1.00d-3 boundu(157) = 1.000d1 end subroutine init_itv_157 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_157() use pfcoil_variables, only: fvssu implicit none itv_157 = fvssu end function itv_157 subroutine set_itv_157(ratio) use pfcoil_variables, only: fvssu implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fvssu = ratio end subroutine set_itv_157 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_158 !! <LI> (158) croco_thick : Thickness of CroCo copper tube (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(158) = 'croco_thick ' boundl(158) = 1.0d-3 boundu(158) = 1.0d-1 end subroutine init_itv_158 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_158() use rebco_variables, only: croco_thick implicit none itv_158 = croco_thick end function itv_158 subroutine set_itv_158(ratio) use rebco_variables, only: croco_thick implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio croco_thick = ratio end subroutine set_itv_158 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_159 !! <LI> (159) ftoroidalgap : F-value for toroidalgap > tftort constraint (con. 82) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu lablxc(159) = 'ftoroidalgap ' boundl(159) = 1.0D-4 boundu(159) = 1.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_159 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_159() use tfcoil_variables, only: ftoroidalgap implicit none itv_159 = ftoroidalgap end function itv_159 subroutine set_itv_159(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: ftoroidalgap implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio ftoroidalgap = ratio end subroutine set_itv_159 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_160 !! <LI> (160) f_avspace (f-value for equation 83) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundu, boundl lablxc(160) = 'f_avspace ' boundl(160) = 0.010D0 boundu(160) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_160 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_160() use build_variables, only: f_avspace implicit none itv_160 = f_avspace end function itv_160 subroutine set_itv_160(ratio) use build_variables, only: f_avspace implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_avspace = ratio end subroutine set_itv_160 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_161 !! <LI> (161) fbeta_min (f-value for equation 84) use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_min use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(161) = 'fbeta_min ' boundl(161) = 0.010D0 boundu(161) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_161 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_161() use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_min implicit none itv_161 = fbeta_min end function itv_161 subroutine set_itv_161(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fbeta_min real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fbeta_min = ratio end subroutine set_itv_161 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_162 !! <LI> (162) r_cp_top : Top outer radius of the centropost (ST only) (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(162) = 'r_cp_top ' boundl(162) = 0.0010D0 boundu(162) = 10.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_162 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_162() use build_variables, only: r_cp_top implicit none itv_162 = r_cp_top end function itv_162 subroutine set_itv_162(ratio) use build_variables, only: r_cp_top real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio r_cp_top = ratio end subroutine set_itv_162 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_163 !! <LI> (163)f_t_turn_tf : Top outer radius of the centropost (ST only) (m) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(163) = 'f_t_turn_tf ' boundl(163) = 0.0010D0 boundu(163) = 1000.0D0 end subroutine init_itv_163 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_163() use tfcoil_variables, only: f_t_turn_tf implicit none itv_163 = f_t_turn_tf end function itv_163 subroutine set_itv_163(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: f_t_turn_tf real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_t_turn_tf = ratio end subroutine set_itv_163 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_164 !! <LI> (164) f-value for maximum cryogenic plant power use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(164) = 'f_crypmw ' boundl(164) = 0.001D0 boundu(164) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_164 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_164() use heat_transport_variables, only: f_crypmw implicit none itv_164 = f_crypmw end function itv_164 subroutine set_itv_164(ratio) use heat_transport_variables, only: f_crypmw implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_crypmw = ratio end subroutine set_itv_164 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_165 !! <LI> (165) f-value for maximum TF coil strain use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(165) = 'fstr_wp ' boundl(165) = 1.0d-9 boundu(165) = 1.0d0 end subroutine init_itv_165 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_165() use constraint_variables, only: fstr_wp implicit none itv_165 = fstr_wp end function itv_165 subroutine set_itv_165(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fstr_wp implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fstr_wp = ratio end subroutine set_itv_165 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_166 !! <LI> (166) f_copperaoh_m2 : CS coil current / copper area < Maximum value !! (f-value for equation 89) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(166) = 'f_copperaoh_m2' boundl(166) = 0.001D0 boundu(166) = 1.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_166 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_166() use rebco_variables, only: f_copperaoh_m2 implicit none itv_166 = f_copperaoh_m2 end function itv_166 subroutine set_itv_166(ratio) use rebco_variables, only: f_copperaoh_m2 implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio f_copperaoh_m2 = ratio end subroutine set_itv_166 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_167 !! <LI> (167) fncycle : f-value for minimum CS coil stress load cycles use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(167) = 'fncycle ' boundl(167) = 1.0d-8 boundu(167) = 1.0d0 end subroutine init_itv_167 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_167() use constraint_variables, only: fncycle implicit none itv_167 = fncycle end function itv_167 subroutine set_itv_167(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fncycle implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fncycle = ratio end subroutine set_itv_167 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_168 !! <LI> (168) fecrh_ignition (f-value for equation 91) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(168) = 'fecrh_ignition ' boundl(168) = 0.010D0 boundu(168) = 2.000D0 end subroutine init_itv_168 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_168() use constraint_variables, only: fecrh_ignition implicit none itv_168 = fecrh_ignition end function itv_168 subroutine set_itv_168(ratio) use constraint_variables, only: fecrh_ignition implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio fecrh_ignition = ratio end subroutine set_itv_168 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_169 !! <LI> (169) te0_ecrh_achievable (iteration parameter for equation 91) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(169) = 'te0_ecrh_achievable' boundl(169) = 1.0d0 boundu(169) = 1.0d3 end subroutine init_itv_169 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_169() use stellarator_variables, only: te0_ecrh_achievable implicit none itv_169 = te0_ecrh_achievable end function itv_169 subroutine set_itv_169(ratio) use stellarator_variables, only: te0_ecrh_achievable implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio te0_ecrh_achievable = ratio end subroutine set_itv_169 subroutine init_itv_170 !! <LI> (170) beta_div : field line angle wrt divertor target plate (degrees) use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(170) = 'beta_div ' boundl(170) = 0.49 boundu(170) = 5.01 end subroutine init_itv_170 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_170() use divertor_variables, only: beta_div implicit none itv_170 = beta_div end function itv_170 subroutine set_itv_170(ratio) use divertor_variables, only: beta_div implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio beta_div = ratio end subroutine set_itv_170 subroutine init_itv_171 !! <LI> (171) casths_fraction: TF side case fraction of toroidal thickness use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(171) = 'casths_fraction ' boundl(171) = 0.01 boundu(171) = 0.99 end subroutine init_itv_171 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_171() use tfcoil_variables, only: casths_fraction implicit none itv_171 = casths_fraction end function itv_171 subroutine set_itv_171(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: casths_fraction implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio casths_fraction = ratio end subroutine set_itv_171 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_172 !! <LI> (172) casths: TF side case thickness [m] use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(172) = 'casths ' boundl(172) = 0.001 boundu(172) = 1.0 end subroutine init_itv_172 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_172() use tfcoil_variables, only: casths implicit none itv_172 = casths end function itv_172 subroutine set_itv_172(ratio) use tfcoil_variables, only: casths implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio casths = ratio end subroutine set_itv_172 !--------------------------------- ! DUMMY variables below here !--------------------------------- !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_173 !! <LI> (173) DUMMY : Description use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(173) = 'DUMMY ' boundl(173) = 1.0d-99 boundu(173) = 1.0d99 end subroutine init_itv_173 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_173() implicit none itv_173 = DUMMY end function itv_173 subroutine set_itv_173(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio DUMMY = ratio end subroutine set_itv_173 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_174 !! <LI> (174) DUMMY : Description use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(174) = 'DUMMY ' boundl(174) = 1.0d-99 boundu(174) = 1.0d99 end subroutine init_itv_174 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_174() implicit none itv_174 = DUMMY end function itv_174 subroutine set_itv_174(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio DUMMY = ratio end subroutine set_itv_174 !--------------------------------- subroutine init_itv_175 !! <LI> (175) DUMMY : Description use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu implicit none lablxc(175) = 'DUMMY ' boundl(175) = 1.0d-99 boundu(175) = 1.0d99 end subroutine init_itv_175 real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_175() implicit none itv_175 = DUMMY end function itv_175 subroutine set_itv_175(ratio) implicit none real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio DUMMY = ratio end subroutine set_itv_175 !------------------------------------------------------ subroutine loadxc !! Routine to load the physics and engineering variables into the !! optimisation variables array !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! author: J Morris, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This subroutine loads the physics and engineering variables !! into the optimisation variables array <CODE>XCM</CODE>. ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: nout use error_handling, only: idiags, fdiags, report_error use numerics, only: nvar, xcm, ixc, name_xc, lablxc, scafc, scale use physics_variables, only: i_plasma_current use global_variables, only: vlabel implicit none ! Local variables integer :: i ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i = 1,nvar select case (ixc(i)) case (1); xcm(i) = itv_1() case (2); xcm(i) = itv_2() case (3); xcm(i) = itv_3() case (4); xcm(i) = itv_4() case (5); xcm(i) = itv_5() case (6); xcm(i) = itv_6() case (7); xcm(i) = itv_7() case (8); xcm(i) = itv_8() case (9); xcm(i) = itv_9() case (10); xcm(i) = itv_10() case (11); xcm(i) = itv_11() case (12); xcm(i) = itv_12() case (13); xcm(i) = itv_13() case (14); xcm(i) = itv_14() case (15); xcm(i) = itv_15() case (16); xcm(i) = itv_16() case (17); xcm(i) = itv_17() case (18); xcm(i) = itv_18() case (19); xcm(i) = itv_19() case (20); xcm(i) = itv_20() case (21); xcm(i) = itv_21() case (22); xcm(i) = itv_22() case (23); xcm(i) = itv_23() case (24); xcm(i) = itv_24() case (25); xcm(i) = itv_25() case (26); xcm(i) = itv_26() case (27); xcm(i) = itv_27() case (28); xcm(i) = itv_28() case (29); xcm(i) = itv_29() case (30); xcm(i) = itv_30() case (31); xcm(i) = itv_31() case (32); xcm(i) = itv_32() case (33); xcm(i) = itv_33() case (34); xcm(i) = itv_34() case (35); xcm(i) = itv_35() case (36); xcm(i) = itv_36() case (37); xcm(i) = itv_37() case (38); xcm(i) = itv_38() case (39); xcm(i) = itv_39() case (40); xcm(i) = itv_40() case (41); xcm(i) = itv_41() case (42); xcm(i) = itv_42() case (43); case (44); xcm(i) = itv_44() case (45); xcm(i) = itv_45() case (46); xcm(i) = itv_46() case (47); xcm(i) = itv_47() case (48); xcm(i) = itv_48() case (49); xcm(i) = itv_49() case (50); xcm(i) = itv_50() case (51); xcm(i) = itv_51() case (52); xcm(i) = itv_52() case (53); xcm(i) = itv_53() case (54); xcm(i) = itv_54() case (55); xcm(i) = itv_55() case (56); xcm(i) = itv_56() case (57); xcm(i) = itv_57() case (58); xcm(i) = itv_58() case (59); xcm(i) = itv_59() case (60); xcm(i) = itv_60() case (61); xcm(i) = itv_61() case (62); xcm(i) = itv_62() case (63); xcm(i) = itv_63() case (64); xcm(i) = itv_64() case (65); xcm(i) = itv_65() case (66); xcm(i) = itv_66() case (67); xcm(i) = itv_67() case (68); xcm(i) = itv_68() case (69); xcm(i) = itv_69() case (70); xcm(i) = itv_70() case (71); xcm(i) = itv_71() case (72); xcm(i) = itv_72() case (73); xcm(i) = itv_73() case (74); xcm(i) = itv_74() case (75); xcm(i) = itv_75() case (76); xcm(i) = itv_76() case (77); xcm(i) = itv_77() case (78); xcm(i) = itv_78() case (79); xcm(i) = itv_79() case (80); xcm(i) = itv_80() case (81); xcm(i) = itv_81() case (82); xcm(i) = itv_82() case (83); xcm(i) = itv_83() case (84); xcm(i) = itv_84() case (85); xcm(i) = itv_85() case (86); xcm(i) = itv_86() case (87); case (88); case (89); xcm(i) = itv_89() case (90); xcm(i) = itv_90() case (91); xcm(i) = itv_91() case (92); xcm(i) = itv_92() case (93); xcm(i) = itv_93() case (94); xcm(i) = itv_94() case (95); xcm(i) = itv_95() case (96); xcm(i) = itv_96() case (97); xcm(i) = itv_97() case (98); xcm(i) = itv_98() case (99); case (100); case (101); case (102); case (103); xcm(i) = itv_103() case (104); xcm(i) = itv_104() case (105); xcm(i) = itv_105() case (106); xcm(i) = itv_106() case (107); xcm(i) = itv_107() case (108); xcm(i) = itv_108() case (109); xcm(i) = itv_109() case (110); xcm(i) = itv_110() case (111); xcm(i) = itv_111() case (112); xcm(i) = itv_112() case (113); xcm(i) = itv_113() case (114); xcm(i) = itv_114() case (115); xcm(i) = itv_115() case (116); xcm(i) = itv_116() case (117); xcm(i) = itv_117() case (118); xcm(i) = itv_118() case (119); xcm(i) = itv_119() case (120); xcm(i) = itv_120() case (121); xcm(i) = itv_121() case (122); xcm(i) = itv_122() case (123); xcm(i) = itv_123() case (124); xcm(i) = itv_124() case (125); xcm(i) = itv_125() case (126); xcm(i) = itv_126() case (127); xcm(i) = itv_127() case (128); xcm(i) = itv_128() case (129); xcm(i) = itv_129() case (130); xcm(i) = itv_130() case (131); xcm(i) = itv_131() case (132); xcm(i) = itv_132() case (133); xcm(i) = itv_133() case (134); xcm(i) = itv_134() case (135); xcm(i) = itv_135() case (136); xcm(i) = itv_136() case (137); xcm(i) = itv_137() case (138); xcm(i) = itv_138() case (139); xcm(i) = itv_139() case (140); xcm(i) = itv_140() case (141); xcm(i) = itv_141() case (142); xcm(i) = itv_142() case (143); xcm(i) = itv_143() case (144); xcm(i) = itv_144() case (145); xcm(i) = itv_145() case (146); xcm(i) = itv_146() case (147); xcm(i) = itv_147() case (148); xcm(i) = itv_148() case (149); xcm(i) = itv_149() case (150); case (151); case (152); xcm(i) = itv_152() case (153); xcm(i) = itv_153() case (154); xcm(i) = itv_154() case (155); xcm(i) = itv_155() case (156); xcm(i) = itv_156() case (157); xcm(i) = itv_157() case (158); xcm(i) = itv_158() case (159); xcm(i) = itv_159() case (160); xcm(i) = itv_160() case (161); xcm(i) = itv_161() case (162); xcm(i) = itv_162() case (163); xcm(i) = itv_163() case (164); xcm(i) = itv_164() case (165); xcm(i) = itv_165() case (166); xcm(i) = itv_166() case (167); xcm(i) = itv_167() case (168); xcm(i) = itv_168() case (169); xcm(i) = itv_169() case (170); xcm(i) = itv_170() case (171); xcm(i) = itv_171() case (172); xcm(i) = itv_172() ! DUMMY Cases case (173); xcm(i) = itv_173() case (174); xcm(i) = itv_174() case (175); xcm(i) = itv_175() case default idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) call report_error(54) end select ! Simple list of iteration variable names name_xc(i) = lablxc(ixc(i)) ! Note that iteration variable 18 has more than one name: if ((ixc(i) == 18).and.(i_plasma_current /= 2)) name_xc(i) = 'q95' if ((ixc(i) == 18).and.(i_plasma_current == 2)) name_xc(i) = 'qbar' ! MDK Check if sweep variable is also an iteration variable if (name_xc(i) == vlabel) then write(nout,*) 'WARNING: The sweep variable is also an iteration variable.' write(nout,*) 'The values of the sweep variable will be overwritten by the optimiser.' write(*,*) 'WARNING: The sweep variable is also an iteration variable.' end if ! Check that no iteration variable is zero if (abs(xcm(i)) <= 1.0D-12) then idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) write(*,*) 'Iteration variable ',ixc(i),'(',trim(lablxc(ixc(i))),') is zero.' call report_error(55) end if if ((isnan(xcm(i)).or.(abs(xcm(i))>9.99D99))) then idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) ; fdiags(1) = xcm(i) call report_error(56) end if end do do i = 1,nvar if (abs(xcm(i)) > 1.0D-99) then scale(i) = 1.0D0/xcm(i) else scale(i) = 1.0D0 end if scafc(i) = 1.0D0/scale(i) xcm(i) = xcm(i)*scale(i) end do end subroutine loadxc ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine convxc(xc,nn) !! Routine to convert scaled iteration variables back to !! their real values !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! author: J Morris, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! xc(ipnvars) : input/output real array : scaled iteration variable values !! nn : input integer : number of iteration variables !! This subroutine converts the scaled iteration variables back to !! their real values. ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use error_handling, only: idiags, fdiags, report_error use numerics, only: ipnvars, scale, ixc, lablxc #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: nn real(dp), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xc ! Local variables integer :: i real(dp)::ratio ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i = 1,nn ratio = xc(i)/scale(i) select case (ixc(i)) case (1); call set_itv_1(ratio) case (2); call set_itv_2(ratio) case (3); call set_itv_3(ratio) case (4); call set_itv_4(ratio) case (5); call set_itv_5(ratio) case (6); call set_itv_6(ratio) case (7); call set_itv_7(ratio) case (8); call set_itv_8(ratio) case (9); call set_itv_9(ratio) case (10); call set_itv_10(ratio) case (11); call set_itv_11(ratio) case (12); call set_itv_12(ratio) case (13); call set_itv_13(ratio) case (14); call set_itv_14(ratio) case (15); call set_itv_15(ratio) case (16); call set_itv_16(ratio) case (17); call set_itv_17(ratio) case (18); call set_itv_18(ratio) case (19); call set_itv_19(ratio) case (20); call set_itv_20(ratio) case (21); call set_itv_21(ratio) case (22); case (23); call set_itv_23(ratio) case (24); case (25); call set_itv_25(ratio) case (26); call set_itv_26(ratio) case (27); call set_itv_27(ratio) case (28); call set_itv_28(ratio) case (29); call set_itv_29(ratio) case (30); call set_itv_30(ratio) case (31); call set_itv_31(ratio) case (32); call set_itv_32(ratio) case (33); call set_itv_33(ratio) case (34); call set_itv_34(ratio) case (35); call set_itv_35(ratio) case (36); call set_itv_36(ratio) case (37); call set_itv_37(ratio) case (38); call set_itv_38(ratio) case (39); call set_itv_39(ratio) case (40); call set_itv_40(ratio) case (41); call set_itv_41(ratio) case (42); call set_itv_42(ratio) case (43); case (44); call set_itv_44(ratio) case (45); call set_itv_45(ratio) case (46); call set_itv_46(ratio) case (47); call set_itv_47(ratio) case (48); call set_itv_48(ratio) case (49); call set_itv_49(ratio) case (50); call set_itv_50(ratio) case (51); call set_itv_51(ratio) case (52); case (53); call set_itv_53(ratio) case (54); call set_itv_54(ratio) case (55); case (56); call set_itv_56(ratio) case (57); call set_itv_57(ratio) case (58); call set_itv_58(ratio) case (59); call set_itv_59(ratio) case (60); call set_itv_60(ratio) case (61); call set_itv_61(ratio) case (62); call set_itv_62(ratio) case (63); call set_itv_63(ratio) case (64); call set_itv_64(ratio) case (65); call set_itv_65(ratio) case (66); call set_itv_66(ratio) case (67); call set_itv_67(ratio) case (68); call set_itv_68(ratio) case (69); call set_itv_69(ratio) case (70); call set_itv_70(ratio) case (71); call set_itv_71(ratio) case (72); call set_itv_72(ratio) case (73); call set_itv_73(ratio) case (74); call set_itv_74(ratio) case (75); call set_itv_75(ratio) case (76); case (77); case (78); case (79); call set_itv_79(ratio) case (80); case (81); call set_itv_81(ratio) case (82); call set_itv_82(ratio) case (83); call set_itv_83(ratio) case (84); call set_itv_84(ratio) case (85); call set_itv_85(ratio) case (86); call set_itv_86(ratio) case (87); case (88); case (89); call set_itv_89(ratio) case (90); call set_itv_90(ratio) case (91); call set_itv_91(ratio) case (92); call set_itv_92(ratio) case (93); call set_itv_93(ratio) case (94); call set_itv_94(ratio) case (95); call set_itv_95(ratio) case (96); call set_itv_96(ratio) case (97); call set_itv_97(ratio) case (98); call set_itv_98(ratio) case (99); case (100); case (101); case (102); case (103); call set_itv_103(ratio) case (104); call set_itv_104(ratio) case (105); call set_itv_105(ratio) case (106); call set_itv_106(ratio) case (107); call set_itv_107(ratio) case (108); call set_itv_108(ratio) case (109); call set_itv_109(ratio) case (110); call set_itv_110(ratio) case (111); call set_itv_111(ratio) case (112); call set_itv_112(ratio) case (113); call set_itv_113(ratio) case (114); call set_itv_114(ratio) case (115); call set_itv_115(ratio) case (116); call set_itv_116(ratio) case (117); call set_itv_117(ratio) case (118); call set_itv_118(ratio) case (119); call set_itv_119(ratio) case (120); call set_itv_120(ratio) case (121); call set_itv_121(ratio) case (122); call set_itv_122(ratio) case (123); call set_itv_123(ratio) case (124); call set_itv_124(ratio) case (125); call set_itv_125(ratio) case (126); call set_itv_126(ratio) case (127); call set_itv_127(ratio) case (128); call set_itv_128(ratio) case (129); call set_itv_129(ratio) case (130); call set_itv_130(ratio) case (131); call set_itv_131(ratio) case (132); call set_itv_132(ratio) case (133); call set_itv_133(ratio) case (134); call set_itv_134(ratio) case (135); call set_itv_135(ratio) case (136); call set_itv_136(ratio) case (137); call set_itv_137(ratio) case (138); call set_itv_138(ratio) case (139); call set_itv_139(ratio) case (140); call set_itv_140(ratio) case (141); call set_itv_141(ratio) case (142); call set_itv_142(ratio) case (143); call set_itv_143(ratio) case (144); call set_itv_144(ratio) case (145); call set_itv_145(ratio) case (146); call set_itv_146(ratio) case (147); call set_itv_147(ratio) case (148); call set_itv_148(ratio) case (149); call set_itv_149(ratio) case (150); case (151); case (152); call set_itv_152(ratio) case (153); call set_itv_153(ratio) case (154); call set_itv_154(ratio) case (155); call set_itv_155(ratio) case (156); call set_itv_156(ratio) case (157); call set_itv_157(ratio) case (158); call set_itv_158(ratio) case (159); call set_itv_159(ratio) case (160); call set_itv_160(ratio) case (161); call set_itv_161(ratio) case (162); call set_itv_162(ratio) case (163); call set_itv_163(ratio) case (164); call set_itv_164(ratio) case (165); call set_itv_165(ratio) case (166); call set_itv_166(ratio) case (167); call set_itv_167(ratio) case (168); call set_itv_168(ratio) case (169); call set_itv_169(ratio) case (170); call set_itv_170(ratio) case (171); call set_itv_171(ratio) case (172); call set_itv_172(ratio) ! DUMMY Cases case (173); call set_itv_173(ratio) case (174); call set_itv_174(ratio) case (175); call set_itv_175(ratio) case default call report_error(57) end select ! Check that no iteration variable is zero if (abs(xc(i)) <= 1.0D-12) then idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) write(*,*) 'Iteration variable ',ixc(i),'(',trim(lablxc(ixc(i))),') is zero.' call report_error(58) end if ! Crude method of catching NaN errors !if ((abs(xc(i)) > 9.99D99).or.(xc(i) /= xc(i))) then if (isnan(xc(i)).or.(abs(xc(i))>9.99D99)) then idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) ; fdiags(1) = xc(i) call report_error(59) end if if (abs(scale(i)) < 1.0D-99) then idiags(1) = i ; idiags(2) = ixc(i) call report_error(60) end if end do end subroutine convxc ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine boundxc !! Routine to convert variable bounds to their real values !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This subroutine converts the scaled iteration variable bounds !! back to their real values. !! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use numerics, only: nvar, bondl, bondu, scale, ixc, boundl, boundu implicit none ! Local variables integer :: i ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i = 1,nvar bondl(i) = boundl(ixc(i))*scale(i) bondu(i) = boundu(ixc(i))*scale(i) end do end subroutine boundxc ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end module define_iteration_variables ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!