buildings_variables Module

Module containing global variables relating to the plant buildings

GIFA = Gross Internal Floor Area




admv admvol aux_build_l aux_build_w aux_build_h auxcool_l auxcool_w auxcool_h bioshld_thk chemlab_l chemlab_w chemlab_h dz_tf_cryostat clh2 control_buildings_l control_buildings_w control_buildings_h conv convol crane_arm_h crane_clrnc_h crane_clrnc_v cryomag_l cryomag_w cryomag_h cryostore_l cryostore_w cryostore_h cryostat_clrnc cryvol efloor elecdist_l elecdist_w elecdist_h elecload_l elecload_w elecload_h elecstore_l elecstore_w elecstore_h elevol esbldgm3 fc_building_l fc_building_w fndt gas_buildings_l gas_buildings_w gas_buildings_h ground_clrnc hcd_building_l hcd_building_w hcd_building_h hccl hcwt heat_sink_l heat_sink_w heat_sink_h hot_sepdist hotcell_h hw_storage_l hw_storage_w hw_storage_h i_bldgs_size i_bldgs_v ilw_smelter_l ilw_smelter_w ilw_smelter_h ilw_storage_l ilw_storage_w ilw_storage_h llw_storage_l llw_storage_w llw_storage_h magnet_pulse_l magnet_pulse_w magnet_pulse_h magnet_trains_l magnet_trains_w magnet_trains_h maint_cont_l maint_cont_w maint_cont_h mbvfac nbi_sys_l nbi_sys_w pfbldgm3 pibv qnty_sfty_fac rbvfac rbrt rbvol rbwt reactor_clrnc reactor_fndtn_thk reactor_hall_l reactor_hall_w reactor_hall_h reactor_roof_thk reactor_wall_thk rmbvol robotics_l robotics_w robotics_h row rxcl sec_buildings_l sec_buildings_w sec_buildings_h shmf shov shovol staff_buildings_area staff_buildings_h stcl tfcbv transp_clrnc trcl triv turbine_hall_l turbine_hall_w turbine_hall_h tw_storage_l tw_storage_w tw_storage_h volrci volnucb warm_shop_l warm_shop_w warm_shop_h water_buildings_l water_buildings_w water_buildings_h wgt wgt2 workshop_l workshop_w workshop_h wrbi wsvol wsvfac a_reactor_bldg a_ee_ps_bldg a_aux_services_bldg a_hot_cell_bldg a_reactor_service_bldg a_service_water_bldg a_fuel_handling_bldg a_control_room_bldg a_ac_ps_bldg a_admin_bldg a_site_service_bldg a_cryo_inert_gas_bldg a_security_bldg


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=dp), public :: admv

administration building volume (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: admvol

volume of administration buildings (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: aux_build_l

aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: aux_build_w

aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: aux_build_h

aux building supporting tokamak processes length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: auxcool_l

Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: auxcool_w

Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: auxcool_h

Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: bioshld_thk

Radial thickness of bio-shield around reactor (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: chemlab_l

Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: chemlab_w

Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: chemlab_h

Chemistry labs and treatment buldings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dz_tf_cryostat

vertical clearance from TF coil to cryostat (m) (calculated for tokamaks)

real(kind=dp), public :: clh2

clearance beneath TF coil to foundation (including basement) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: control_buildings_l

control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: control_buildings_w

control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: control_buildings_h

control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: conv

control building volume (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: convol

volume of control, protection and i&c building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: crane_arm_h

vertical dimension of crane arm, operating over reactor (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: crane_clrnc_h

horizontal clearance to building wall for crane operation (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: crane_clrnc_v

vertical clearance for crane operation (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryomag_l

Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryomag_w

Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryomag_h

Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryostore_l

Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryostore_w

Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryostore_h

Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryostat_clrnc

vertical clearance from TF coil to cryostat (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: cryvol

volume of cryoplant building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: efloor

effective total floor space (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecdist_l

Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecdist_w

Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecdist_h

Transformers and electrical distribution facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecload_l

Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecload_w

Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecload_h

Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecstore_l

Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecstore_w

Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elecstore_h

Energy Storage facilities length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: elevol

volume of electrical equipment building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: esbldgm3

volume of energy storage equipment building (m3) (not used if i_pulsed_plant=0)

real(kind=dp), public :: fc_building_l

Fuel Cycle facilities length, width (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: fc_building_w

Fuel Cycle facilities length, width (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: fndt

foundation thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: gas_buildings_l

air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: gas_buildings_w

air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: gas_buildings_h

air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ground_clrnc

clearance beneath TF coil (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hcd_building_l

HCD building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hcd_building_w

HCD building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hcd_building_h

HCD building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hccl

clearance around components in hot cell (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hcwt

hot cell wall thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: heat_sink_l

heat sinks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: heat_sink_w

heat sinks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: heat_sink_h

heat sinks length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hot_sepdist

hot cell storage component separation distance (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hotcell_h

hot cell storage and maintenance facility height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hw_storage_l

hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hw_storage_w

hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hw_storage_h

hazardous waste storage building length, width, height (m)

integer, public :: i_bldgs_size

switch between routines estimating building sizes (0 = default; 1 = updated)

integer, public :: i_bldgs_v

switch to select verbose output for buildings (1 = verbose)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_smelter_l

radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_smelter_w

radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_smelter_h

radioactive waste smelting facility length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_storage_l

ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_storage_w

ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: ilw_storage_h

ILW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: llw_storage_l

LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: llw_storage_w

LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: llw_storage_h

LLW waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_pulse_l

pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_pulse_w

pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_pulse_h

pulsed magnet power building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_trains_l

steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_trains_w

steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: magnet_trains_h

steady state magnet power trains building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: maint_cont_l

maintenance control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: maint_cont_w

maintenance control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: maint_cont_h

maintenance control building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: mbvfac

maintenance building volume multiplication factor

real(kind=dp), public :: nbi_sys_l

NBI system length, width (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: nbi_sys_w

NBI system length, width (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: pfbldgm3

volume of PF coil power supply building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: pibv

power injection building volume (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: qnty_sfty_fac

quantity safety factor for component use during plant lifetime

real(kind=dp), public :: rbvfac

reactor building volume multiplication factor

real(kind=dp), public :: rbrt

reactor building roof thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rbvol

reactor building volume (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: rbwt

reactor building wall thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_clrnc

clearance around reactor (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_fndtn_thk

reactor building foundation thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_hall_l

reactor building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_hall_w

reactor building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_hall_h

reactor building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_roof_thk

reactor building roof thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: reactor_wall_thk

reactor building wall thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rmbvol

volume of maintenance and assembly building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: robotics_l

robotics buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: robotics_w

robotics buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: robotics_h

robotics buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: row

clearance to building wall for crane operation (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rxcl

clearance around reactor (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: sec_buildings_l

security & safety buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: sec_buildings_w

security & safety buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: sec_buildings_h

security & safety buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: shmf

fraction of shield mass per TF coil to be moved in the maximum shield lift

real(kind=dp), public :: shov

shops and warehouse volume (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: shovol

volume of shops and buildings for plant auxiliaries (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: staff_buildings_area

footprint of staff buildings (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: staff_buildings_h

staff buildings height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: stcl

clearance above crane to roof (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: tfcbv

volume of TF coil power supply building (m3) (calculated if TF coils are superconducting)

real(kind=dp), public :: transp_clrnc

transportation clearance between components (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: trcl

transportation clearance between components (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: triv

volume of tritium, fuel handling and health physics buildings (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: turbine_hall_l

turbine hall length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: turbine_hall_w

turbine hall length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: turbine_hall_h

turbine hall length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: tw_storage_l

tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: tw_storage_w

tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: tw_storage_h

tritiated waste storage building length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: volrci

internal volume of reactor building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: volnucb

sum of nuclear buildings volumes (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: warm_shop_l

warm shop length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: warm_shop_w

warm shop length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: warm_shop_h

warm shop length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: water_buildings_l

water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: water_buildings_w

water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: water_buildings_h

water, laundry & drainage buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: wgt

reactor building crane capacity (kg) (calculated if 0 is input)

real(kind=dp), public :: wgt2

hot cell crane capacity (kg) (calculated if 0 is input)

real(kind=dp), public :: workshop_l

[cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: workshop_w

[cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: workshop_h

[cold] workshop buildings length, width, height (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: wrbi

distance from centre of machine to building wall (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: wsvol

volume of warm shop building (m3)

real(kind=dp), public :: wsvfac

warm shop building volume multiplication factor

real(kind=dp), public :: a_reactor_bldg

Floor area of reactor building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_ee_ps_bldg

Floor area of electrical equipment and power supply building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_aux_services_bldg

Floor area of auxiliary services building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_hot_cell_bldg

Floor area of hot cell building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_reactor_service_bldg

Floor area of reactor service building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_service_water_bldg

Floor area of service water building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_fuel_handling_bldg

Floor area of fuel handling and storage building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_control_room_bldg

Floor area of controlroom building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_ac_ps_bldg

Floor area of AC power supply building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_admin_bldg

Floor area of admin building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_site_service_bldg

Floor area of site service building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_cryo_inert_gas_bldg

Floor area of cryogenics and inert gas storage building in m^2

real(kind=dp), public :: a_security_bldg

Floor area of security building in m^2


public subroutine init_buildings_variables()

Initialise buildings variables

