module tfcoil_variables !! author: J. Morris, M. Kovari, S. Kahn (UKAEA) !! !! Module containing global variables relating to the toroidal field coil systems !! !!### References !! !! - ITER Magnets design description document DDD11-2 v2 2 (2009) #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public real(dp) :: acasetf !! external case area per coil (inboard leg) (m2) real(dp) :: acasetfo !! external case area per coil (outboard leg) (m2) real(dp) :: acndttf !! area of the cable conduit (m2) real(dp) :: acond !! Winding pack conductor area [m2] !! Does not include the area of voids and central helium channel real(dp) :: acstf !! Cable space area (per turn) [m2] !! Includes the area of voids and central helium channel real(dp) :: insulation_area !! single turn insulation area (m2) real(dp) :: aiwp !! winding pack turn insulation area per coil (m2) real(dp) :: sig_tf_case_max !! Allowable maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF coil case (Pa) real(dp) :: sig_tf_wp_max !! Allowable maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF coil conduit (Pa) ! TODO remove below IF not needed ! real(dp) :: alstrtf !! Allowable Tresca stress in TF coil structural material (Pa) real(dp) :: a_tf_leg_outboard !! outboard TF leg area (m2) real(dp) :: aswp !! winding pack structure area (m2) real(dp) :: avwp !! winding pack void (He coolant) area (m2) real(dp) :: awphec !! winding pack He coil area (m2) real(dp) :: bcritsc !! upper critical field (T) for Nb3Sn superconductor at zero temperature and !! strain (`i_tf_sc_mat=4, =bc20m`) real(dp) :: bmaxtf !! mean peak field at TF coil (T) real(dp) :: bmaxtfrp !! peak field at TF conductor with ripple (T) real(dp) :: casestr !! case strain real(dp) :: casthi !! inboard TF coil case plasma side thickness (m) (calculated for stellarators) real(dp) :: casthi_fraction !! inboard TF coil case plasma side thickness as a fraction of dr_tf_inboard logical :: casthi_is_fraction !! logical switch to make casthi a fraction of TF coil thickness (`casthi_fraction`) real(dp) :: casths !! inboard TF coil sidewall case thickness (m) (calculated for stellarators) real(dp) :: casths_fraction !! inboard TF coil sidewall case thickness as a fraction of tftort logical :: tfc_sidewall_is_fraction !! logical switch to make casths a fraction of TF coil thickness (`casths_fraction`) real(dp) :: t_conductor !! Conductor (cable + steel conduit) area averaged dimension [m] real(dp) :: t_turn_tf !! TF coil turn edge length including turn insulation [m] !! If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of !! equivelent size is use to calculated this quantity !! If the t_turn_tf is non zero, cpttf is calculated logical :: t_turn_tf_is_input !! Boolean switch to activated when the user set the TF coil turn dimensions !! Not an input real(dp) :: f_t_turn_tf !! f-value for TF turn edge length constraint !! If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of !! equivelent size is use for this constraint !! iteration variable ixc = 175 !! constraint equation icc = 86 real(dp) :: t_turn_tf_max !! TF turn edge length including turn insulation upper limit [m] !! If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared turn of !! equivelent size is use for this constraint !! constraint equation icc = 86 real(dp) :: t_cable_tf !! TF coil superconducting cable squared/rounded dimensions [m] !! If the turn is not a square (i_tf_turns_integer = 1) a squared cable of !! equivelent size is use to calculated this quantity !! If the t_cable_tf is non zero, cpttf is calculated logical :: t_cable_tf_is_input !! Boolean switch to activated when the user set the TF coil cable dimensions !! Not an input real(dp) :: acs !! Area of space inside conductor (m2) real(dp) :: cdtfleg !! TF outboard leg current density (A/m2) (resistive coils only) real(dp) :: cforce !! centering force on inboard leg (per coil) (N/m) real(dp) :: cplen !! length of TF coil inboard leg ('centrepost') (`i_tf_sup = 1`) real(dp) :: cpttf !! TF coil current per turn (A). (calculated for stellarators) (calculated for !! integer-turn TF coils `i_tf_turns_integer=1`) (`iteration variable 60`) real(dp) :: cpttf_max !! Max TF coil current per turn [A]. (for stellarators and `i_tf_turns_integer=1`) !! (`constraint equation 77`) real(dp) :: dcase !! density of coil case (kg/m3) real(dp), dimension(9) :: dcond !! density of superconductor type given by i_tf_sc_mat/isumatoh/isumatpf (kg/m3) real(dp) :: dcondins !! density of conduit + ground-wall insulation (kg/m3) real(dp) :: dhecoil !! diameter of central helium channel in TF winding (m) real(dp) :: estotftgj !! total stored energy in the toroidal field (GJ) real(dp) :: b_crit_upper_nbti !! upper critical field of GL_nbti real(dp) :: t_crit_nbti !! critical temperature of GL_nbti real(dp) :: max_force_density !! Maximal (WP averaged) force density in TF coils at 1 point. (MN/m3) real(dp) :: fcutfsu !! copper fraction of cable conductor (TF coils) !! (iteration variable 59) real(dp) :: fhts !! technology adjustment factor for critical current density fit for isumat..=2 !! Bi-2212 superconductor, to describe the level of technology assumed (i.e. to !! account for stress, fatigue, radiation, AC losses, joints or manufacturing !! variations; 1.0 would be very optimistic) real(dp) :: insstrain !! Radial strain in insulator integer :: i_tf_stress_model !! Switch for the TF coil stress model !! 0 : Generalized plane strain formulation, Issues #977 and #991, O(n^3) !! 1 : Old plane stress model (only for SC) !! 2 : Axisymmetric extended plane strain, Issues #1414 and #998, O(n) integer :: i_tf_tresca !! Switch for TF coil conduit Tresca stress criterion: !! 0 : Tresca (no adjustment); !! 1 : Tresca with CEA adjustment factors (radial+2%, vertical+60%) </UL> integer :: i_tf_wp_geom !! Switch for TF WP geometry selection !! 0 : Rectangular geometry !! 1 : Double rectangular geometry !! 2 : Trapezoidal geometry (constant lateral casing thickness) !! Default setting for backward compatibility !! if i_tf_turns_integer = 0 : Double rectangular !! if i_tf_turns_integer = 1 : Rectangular integer :: i_tf_case_geom !! Switch for TF case geometry selection !! 0 : Circular front case (ITER design) !! 1 : Straight front case integer :: i_tf_turns_integer !! Switch for TF coil integer/non-integer turns: !! 0 : non-integer turns !! 1 : integer turns integer :: i_tf_sc_mat !! Switch for superconductor material in TF coils: !! !! - =1 ITER Nb3Sn critical surface model with standard !! ITER parameters !! - =2 Bi-2212 high temperature superconductor (range of !! validity T < 20K, adjusted field b < 104 T, B > 6 T) !! - =3 NbTi !! - =4 ITER Nb3Sn model with user-specified parameters !! - =5 WST Nb3Sn parameterisation !! - =6 REBCO HTS tape in CroCo strand !! - =7 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for Nb-Ti !! - =8 Durham Ginzburg-Landau critical surface model for REBCO !! - =9 Hazelton experimental data + Zhai conceptual model for REBCO integer :: i_tf_sup !! Switch for TF coil conductor model: !! !! - =0 copper !! - =1 superconductor !! - =2 Cryogenic aluminium integer :: i_tf_shape !! Switch for TF coil toroidal shape: !! !! - =0 Default value : Picture frame coil for TART / PROCESS D-shape for non itart !! - =1 PROCESS D-shape : parametrise with 2 arcs !! - =2 Picture frame coils integer :: i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial !! Switch for the behavior of the TF coil conductor elastic axial properties !! !! - =0 Young's modulus is set to zero, and the conductor is not considered !! in the stress calculation. This corresponds to the case that the !! conductor is much less stiff than the conduit, or the case that the !! conductor is prevented (isolated) from taking axial loads. !! - =1 Elastic properties are set by user input, using the variable !! `eyoung_cond_axial` !! - =2 Elastic properties are set to reasonable defaults taking into !! account the superconducting material `i_tf_sc_mat` integer :: i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans !! Switch for the behavior of the elastic properties of the TF coil !! conductorin the transverse direction. Only active if !! `i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial == 2` !! !! - =0 Cable not potted in solder. Transverse Young's modulus set to zero. !! - =1 Cable potted in solder. If `i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial == 2`, the !! transverse Young's modulus of the conductor is equal to the axial, !! which is set to a sensible material-dependent default. integer :: n_pancake !! Number of pancakes in TF coil. Only used if `i_tf_turns_integer=1` integer :: n_layer !! Number of layers in TF coil. Only used if `i_tf_turns_integer=1` integer :: n_rad_per_layer !! Size of the arrays per layers storing the radial dependent stress !! quantities (stresses, strain displacement etc..) integer :: i_tf_bucking !! Switch for TF inboard suport structure design: !! !! Default setting for backward compatibility !! - if copper resistive TF (i_tf_sup = 0) : Free standing TF without bucking structure !! - if Superconducting TF (i_tf_sup = 1) : Free standing TF with a steel casing !! - if aluminium TF (i_tf_sup = 2) : Free standing TF with a bucking structure !! Rem : the case is a bucking structure !! - =0 : Free standing TF without case/bucking cyliner (only a conductor layer) !! - =1 : Free standing TF with a case/bucking cylinder made of !! - if copper resistive TF (i_tf_sup = 0) : used defined bucking cylinder !! - if Superconducting TF (i_tf_sup = 1) : Steel casing !! - if aluminium resisitive TF (i_tf_sup = 2) : used defined bucking cylinder !! - =2 : The TF is in contact with the CS : "bucked and wedged design" !! Fast version : thin TF-CS interface neglected in the stress calculations (3 layers) !! The CS is frictionally decoupled from the TF, does not carry axial tension !! - =3 : The TF is in contact with the CS : "bucked and wedged design" !! Full version : thin TF-CS Kapton interface introduced in the stress calculations (4 layers) !! The CS and kaptop are frictionally decoupled from the TF, do not carry !! axial tension integer :: n_tf_graded_layers !! Number of layers of different stress properties in the WP. If `n_tf_graded_layers > 1`, !! a graded coil is condidered integer :: n_tf_stress_layers !! Number of layers considered for the inboard TF stress calculations !! set in initial.f90 from i_tf_bucking and n_tf_graded_layers integer :: n_tf_wp_layers !! Maximum number of layers that can be considered in the TF coil composited/smeared !! stress analysis. This is the layers of one turn, not the entire WP. !! Default: 5. void, conductor, copper, conduit, insulation. real(dp) :: j_tf_bus !! bussing current density (A/m2) real(dp) :: j_crit_str_tf !! j_crit_str : superconductor strand critical current density under operating !! conditions (A/m2). Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kAm real(dp), dimension(9) :: j_crit_str_0 !! j_crit_str_pf_0 : superconductor strand critical current density at 6 T and 4.2 K (A/m2) !! Necessary for the cost calculation in $/kAm real(dp) :: jwdgcrt !! critical current density for winding pack (A/m2) real(dp) :: jwdgpro !! allowable TF coil winding pack current density, for dump temperature rise protection (A/m2) real(dp) :: jwptf !! winding pack engineering current density (A/m2) real(dp) :: oacdcp !! Overall current density in TF coil inboard legs midplane (A/m2) !! Rem SK : Not used in tfcoil to set the current any more. Should not be used as !! iteration variable 12 any more. It is now calculated. real(dp) :: eyoung_ins !! Insulator Young's modulus [Pa]. Default value (1.0D8) setup the following values !! - SC TF, eyoung_ins = 20 Gpa (default value from DDD11-2 v2 2 (2009)) !! - Al TF, eyoung_ins = 2.5 GPa (Kapton polymer) real(dp) :: eyoung_steel !! Steel case Young's modulus (Pa) (default value from DDD11-2 v2 2 (2009)) real(dp) :: eyoung_cond_axial !! SC TF coil conductor Young's modulus in the parallel (along the wire/tape) !! direction [Pa] !! Set by user input only if `i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial == 1`; otherwise !! set by the behavior of that switch. real(dp) :: eyoung_cond_trans !! SC TF coil conductor Young's modulus in the transverse direction [Pa] !! Set by user input only if `i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial == 1`; otherwise !! set by the behavior of that switch. real(dp) :: eyoung_res_tf_buck !! Resistive TF magnets bucking cylinder young modulus (Pa) real(dp) :: eyoung_copper !! Copper young modulus. Default value taken from wikipedia real(dp) :: eyoung_al !! Aluminium young modulus. Default value taken from wikipedia real(dp) :: poisson_steel !! Steel Poisson's ratio, Source : real(dp):: poisson_copper !! Copper Poisson's ratio. Source : real(dp):: poisson_al !! Aluminium Poisson's ratio. !! Source : real(dp):: poisson_ins !! Insulation Poisson's ratio. Default: Kapton. !! Source : DuPont™ Kapton® HN datasheet. real(dp) :: poisson_cond_axial !! SC TF coil conductor Poisson's ratio in the parallel-transverse direction real(dp) :: poisson_cond_trans !! SC TF coil conductor Poisson's ratio in the transverse-transverse direction real(dp) :: rbmax !! Radius of maximum TF B-field (m) real(dp) :: res_tf_leg !! TF coil leg resistance (ohm) real(dp) :: toroidalgap !! Minimal distance between two toroidal coils. (m) real(dp) :: ftoroidalgap !! F-value for minimum tftort (`constraint equation 82`) real(dp) :: ripmax !! aximum allowable toroidal field ripple amplitude at plasma edge (%) real(dp) :: ripple !! peak/average toroidal field ripple at plasma edge (%) real(dp) :: c_tf_total !! total (summed) current in TF coils (A) integer, parameter :: n_radial_array = 50 !! Size of the radial distribution arrays per layers !! used for stress, strain and displacement distibution real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: radial_array !! Array refining the radii of the stress calculations arrays real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: sig_tf_r !! TF Inboard leg radial stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: sig_tf_t !! TF Inboard leg tangential stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: deflect !! TF coil radial deflection (displacement) radial distribution [m] real(dp) :: sig_tf_z !! TF Inboard leg vertical tensile stress in steel at mid-plane [Pa] real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: sig_tf_vmises !! TF Inboard leg Von-Mises stress in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] real(dp), dimension(2*n_radial_array) :: sig_tf_tresca !! TF Inboard leg maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in steel r distribution at mid-plane [Pa] real(dp) :: sig_tf_cs_bucked ! TODO is this needed? ! real(dp) :: strtf0 !! Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in CS structures at CS flux swing [Pa]: !! !! - If superconducting CS (ipfres = 0): turn steel conduits stress !! - If resistive CS (ipfres = 1): copper conductor stress !! !! Quantity only computed for bucked and wedged design (`i_tf_bucking >= 2`) !! Def : CS Flux swing, instant when the current changes sign in CS (null current) real(dp) :: sig_tf_case !! Maximum shear stress (Tresca criterion) in TF casing steel structures (Pa) real(dp) :: sig_tf_wp ! TODO is this needed? ! real(dp) :: strtf1 ! !! Maximum TRESCA stress in TF casing steel structures (Pa) ! real(dp) :: strtf2 ! !! Maximum TRESCA stress in TF WP conduit steel structures (Pa) ! !! This is the TF stress condition used in the case of stellarators real(dp) :: str_cs_con_res !! Residual manufacturing strain in CS superconductor material real(dp) :: str_pf_con_res !! Residual manufacturing strain in PF superconductor material real(dp) :: str_tf_con_res !! Residual manufacturing strain in TF superconductor material !! If `i_str_wp == 0`, used to compute the critical surface. !! Otherwise, the self-consistent winding pack `str_wp` is used. real(dp) :: str_wp !! Axial (vertical) strain in the TF coil winding pack found by !! self-consistent stress/strain calculation. !! if `i_str_wp == 1`, used to compute the critical surface. !! Otherwise, the input value `str_tf_con_res` is used. !! Constrain the absolute value using `constraint equation 88` !! You can't have constraint 88 and i_str_wp = 0 at the same time real(dp) :: str_wp_max !! Maximum allowed absolute value of the strain in the TF coil !! (`Constraint equation 88`) integer :: i_str_wp !! Switch for the behavior of the TF strain used to compute !! the strain-dependent critical surface: !! !! - =0 str_tf_con_res is used !! - =1 str_wp is used character(len=12) :: quench_model !! switch for TF coil quench model (Only applies to REBCO magnet at present, issue #522): !! !! - ='exponential' exponential quench with constant discharge resistor !! - ='linear' quench with constant voltage real(dp) :: time1 !! Time at which TF quench is detected (s) real(dp) :: tcritsc !! critical temperature (K) for superconductor at zero field and strain (`i_tf_sc_mat=4, =tc0m`) real(dp) :: tdmptf !! fast discharge time for TF coil in event of quench (s) (`iteration variable 56`) !! !! For REBCO model, meaning depends on quench_model: !! !! - exponential quench : e-folding time (s)` !! - linear quench : discharge time (s) real(dp) :: tfareain !! Area of inboard midplane TF legs (m2) real(dp) :: len_tf_bus !! TF coil bus length (m) real(dp) :: m_tf_bus !! TF coil bus mass (kg) real(dp) :: tfckw !! available DC power for charging the TF coils (kW) real(dp) :: tfcmw !! Peak power per TF power supply (MW) real(dp) :: tfcpmw !! Peak resistive TF coil inboard leg power (MW) real(dp) :: tfjtsmw !! TF joints resistive power losses (MW) real(dp) :: tfcryoarea !! surface area of toroidal shells covering TF coils (m2) real(dp) :: tficrn !! TF coil half-width - inner dr_bore (m) real(dp) :: tfind !! TF coil inductance (H) real(dp) :: tfinsgap !! TF coil WP insertion gap (m) real(dp) :: tflegmw !! TF coil outboard leg resistive power (MW) real(dp) :: rho_cp !! TF coil inboard leg resistivity [Ohm-m]. If `itart=0`, this variable is the !! average resistivity over the whole magnet real(dp) :: rho_tf_leg !! Resistivity of a TF coil leg (Ohm-m) real(dp) :: rho_tf_bus !! Resistivity of a TF coil bus (Ohm-m). Default values is for that of GLIDCOP AL-15 (C15715) at 293K real(dp) :: frhocp !! Centrepost resistivity enhancement factor. For `itart=0`, this factor !! is used for the whole magnet real(dp) :: frholeg !! Ouboard legs resistivity enhancement factor. Only used for `itart=1`. integer :: i_cp_joints !! Switch for CP demoutable joints type !! -= 0 : Clampled joints !! -= 1 : Sliding joints !! Default value (-1) choses : !! Sliding joints for resistive magnets (i_tf_sup = 0, 2) !! Clampled joints for superconducting magents (i_tf_sup = 1) real(dp) :: rho_tf_joints !! TF joints surfacic resistivity [ohm.m]. Feldmetal joints assumed. integer :: n_tf_joints_contact !! Number of contact per turn integer :: n_tf_joints !! Number of joints !! Ex: n_tf_joints = 2 for top and bottom CP joints real(dp) :: th_joint_contact !! TF sliding joints contact pad width [m] real(dp) :: pres_joints !! Calculated TF joints resistive power losses [W] real(dp) :: len_tf_coil !! TF coil circumference (m) real(dp) :: eff_tf_cryo !! TF cryoplant efficiency (compared to pefect Carnot cycle). !! Using -1 set the default value depending on magnet technology: !! !! - i_tf_sup = 1 : SC magnet, eff_tf_cryo = 0.13 (ITER design) !! - i_tf_sup = 2 : Cryo-aluminium, eff_tf_cryo = 0.4 real(dp) :: n_tf_coils !! Number of TF coils (default = 50 for stellarators). Number of TF coils outer legs for ST real(dp) :: tfocrn !! TF coil half-width - outer dr_bore (m) real(dp) :: tfsai !! area of the inboard TF coil legs (m2) real(dp) :: tfsao !! area of the outboard TF coil legs (m2) real(dp) :: tftmp !! peak helium coolant temperature in TF coils and PF coils (K) real(dp) :: tftort !! TF coil toroidal thickness (m) real(dp) :: thicndut !! conduit insulation thickness (m) real(dp) :: layer_ins !! Additional insulation thickness between layers (m) real(dp) :: thkcas !! inboard TF coil case outer (non-plasma side) thickness (m) (`iteration variable 57`) !! (calculated for stellarators) real(dp) :: dr_tf_wp !! radial thickness of winding pack (m) (`iteration variable 140`) (issue #514) real(dp) :: thwcndut !! TF coil conduit case thickness (m) (`iteration variable 58`) real(dp) :: tinstf !! Thickness of the ground insulation layer surrounding (m) !! - Superconductor TF (`i_tf_sup == 1`) : The TF coil Winding packs !! - Resistive magnets (`i_tf_sup /= 1`) : The TF coil wedges !! Rem : Thickness calculated for stellarators. real(dp) :: tmargmin_tf !! minimum allowable temperature margin : TF coils (K) real(dp) :: tmargmin_cs !! minimum allowable temperature margin : CS (K) real(dp) :: tmargmin !! minimum allowable temperature margin : TFC AND CS (K) real(dp) :: temp_margin !! temperature margin (K) real(dp) :: tmargtf !! TF coil temperature margin (K) real(dp) :: tmaxpro !! maximum temp rise during a quench for protection (K) real(dp) :: tmax_croco !! CroCo strand: maximum permitted temp during a quench (K) real(dp) :: croco_quench_temperature !! CroCo strand: Actual temp reached during a quench (K) real(dp) :: tmpcry !! coil temperature for cryogenic plant power calculation (K) real(dp) :: n_tf_turn !! number of turns per TF coil real(dp) :: vdalw !! max voltage across TF coil during quench (kV) (`iteration variable 52`) real(dp) :: vforce !! vertical tension on inboard leg/coil (N) real(dp) :: f_vforce_inboard !! Fraction of the total vertical force taken by the TF inboard leg tension !! Not used for resistive `itart=1` (sliding joints) real(dp) :: vforce_outboard !! Vertical tension on outboard leg/coil (N) real(dp) :: vftf !! coolant fraction of TFC 'cable' (`i_tf_sup=1`), or of TFC leg (`i_tf_ssup=0`) real(dp) :: voltfleg !! volume of each TF coil outboard leg (m3) real(dp) :: vtfkv !! TF coil voltage for resistive coil including bus (kV) real(dp) :: vtfskv !! voltage across a TF coil during quench (kV) real(dp) :: whtcas !! mass per coil of external case (kg) real(dp) :: whtcon !! TF coil conductor mass per coil (kg/coil). !! For `itart=1`, coil is return limb plus centrepost/n_tf_coils real(dp) :: whtconcu !! copper mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil). !! For `itart=1`, coil is return limb plus centrepost/n_tf_coils real(dp) :: whtconal !! Aluminium mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil). !! For `itart=1`, coil is return limb plus centrepost/n_tf_coils real(dp) :: whtconin !! conduit insulation mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil) real(dp) :: whtconsc !! superconductor mass in TF coil cable (kg/coil) real(dp) :: whtconsh !! steel conduit mass in TF coil conductor (kg/coil) real(dp) :: whtgw !! mass of ground-wall insulation layer per coil (kg/coil) real(dp) :: whttf !! total mass of the TF coils (kg) real(dp) :: wwp1 !! width of first step of winding pack (m) real(dp) :: wwp2 !! width of second step of winding pack (m) ! Superconducting TF coil shape parameters; ! the TF inner surface top half is approximated by four circular arcs. ! Arc 1 goes through points 1 and 2 on the inner surface. Arc 2 ! goes through points 2 and 3, etc. real(dp), dimension(4) :: dthet !! angle of arc i (rad) real(dp), dimension(4) :: radctf !! radius of arc i (m) real(dp), dimension(5) :: xarc !! x location of arc point i on surface (m) real(dp), dimension(4) :: xctfc !! x location of arc centre i (m) real(dp), dimension(5) :: yarc !! y location of arc point i on surface (m) real(dp), dimension(4) :: yctfc !! y location of arc centre i (m) ! New TF shape: Horizontal and vertical radii of inside edge of TF coil ! Arcs are numbered clockwise: ! 1=upper inboard, 2=upper outboard, 3=lower ouboard, 4=lower inboard real(dp), dimension(4) :: tfa !! Horizontal radius of inside edge of TF coil (m) real(dp), dimension(4) :: tfb !! Vertical radius of inside edge of TF coil (m) ! Quantities relating to the spherical tokamak model (itart=1) ! (and in some cases, also to resistive TF coils, i_tf_sup=0): real(dp) :: drtop !! centrepost taper maximum radius adjustment (m) real(dp) :: dztop !! centrepost taper height adjustment (m) real(dp) :: etapump !! centrepost coolant pump efficiency real(dp) :: fcoolcp !! coolant fraction of TF coil inboard legs (`iteration variable 23`) real(dp) :: f_a_tf_cool_outboard !! coolant fraction of TF coil outboard legs real(dp) :: a_cp_cool !! Centrepost cooling area toroidal cross-section (constant over the whole CP) real(dp) :: ncool !! number of centrepost coolant tubes real(dp) :: ppump !! centrepost coolant pump power (W) real(dp) :: p_cp_resistive !! resistive power in the centrepost (itart=1) [W]. !! If `itart=0`, this variable is the ressitive power on the whole magnet real(dp) :: p_tf_leg_resistive !! Summed resistive power in the TF coil legs [W]. Remain 0 if `itart=0`. real(dp) :: ptempalw !! maximum peak centrepost temperature (K) (`constraint equation 44`) real(dp) :: rcool !! average radius of coolant channel (m) (`iteration variable 69`) real(dp) :: tcoolin !! centrepost coolant inlet temperature (K) real(dp) :: dtiocool !! inlet / outlet TF coil coolant temperature rise (K) real(dp) :: temp_cp_average !! Average temperature of centrepost called CP (K). Only used for resistive coils !! to compute the resisitive heating. Must be an iteration variable for !! ST (`itart=1`) (`iteration variable 20`) real(dp) :: tcpav2 !! Computed centrepost average temperature (K) (for consistency) real(dp) :: temp_tf_legs_outboard !! Average temperature of the TF outboard legs [K]. If `temp_tf_legs_outboard=-1.0`, the ouboard !! legs and CP temperatures are the same. Fixed for now, should use a contraints eq like temp_cp_average real(dp) :: tcpmax !! peak centrepost temperature (K) real(dp) :: vcool !! inlet centrepost coolant flow speed at midplane (m/s) (`iteration variable 70`) real(dp) :: vol_cond_cp !! Exact conductor volume in the centrepost (m3) real(dp) :: whtcp !! mass of TF coil inboard legs (kg) real(dp) :: whttflgs !! mass of the TF coil legs (kg) real(dp) :: cryo_cool_req !! Cryo cooling requirement at helium temp 4.5K (kW) real(dp) :: theta1_coil !! The angle of the outboard arc forming the TF coil current center line [deg] real(dp) :: theta1_vv !! The angle of the outboard arc forming the Vacuum Vessel current center line [deg] real(dp) :: max_vv_stress !! The allowable peak maximum shear stress in the vacuum vessel due to quench and fast discharge of the TF coils [Pa] contains subroutine init_tfcoil_variables !! Initialise module variables implicit none acasetf = 0.0D0 acasetfo = 0.0D0 acndttf = 0.0D0 acond = 0.0D0 acstf = 0.0D0 insulation_area = 0.0D0 aiwp = 0.0D0 sig_tf_case_max = 6.0D8 sig_tf_wp_max = 6.0D8 a_tf_leg_outboard = 0.0D0 aswp = 0.0D0 avwp = 0.0D0 awphec = 0.0D0 bcritsc = 24.0D0 bmaxtf = 0.0D0 bmaxtfrp = 0.0D0 casestr = 0.0D0 casthi = 0.0D0 casthi_fraction = 0.05D0 casthi_is_fraction = .false. casths = 0.0D0 casths_fraction = 0.06D0 t_conductor = 0.0D0 t_cable_tf = 0.0D0 t_cable_tf_is_input = .false. t_turn_tf = 0.0D0 t_turn_tf_is_input = .false. f_t_turn_tf = 1.0D0 t_turn_tf_max = 0.05 acs = 0.0D0 cdtfleg = 0.0D0 cforce = 0.0D0 cplen = 0.0D0 cpttf = 7.0e4 cpttf_max = 9.0e4 dcase = 8000.0D0 dcond = (/6080.0D0, 6080.0D0, 6070.0D0, 6080.0D0, 6080.0D0, 8500.0D0, & 6070.0D0, 8500.0D0, 8500.0D0/) dcondins = 1800.0D0 dhecoil = 0.005D0 estotftgj = 0.0D0 b_crit_upper_nbti = 14.86D0 t_crit_nbti = 9.04D0 max_force_density = 0.0D0 fcutfsu = 0.69D0 fhts = 0.5D0 insstrain = 0.0D0 i_tf_stress_model = 1 i_tf_tresca = 0 i_tf_wp_geom = -1 i_tf_case_geom = 0 i_tf_turns_integer = 0 i_tf_sc_mat = 1 i_tf_sup = 1 i_tf_shape = 0 i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial = 0 i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans = 1 n_pancake = 10 n_layer = 20 n_rad_per_layer = 100 i_tf_bucking = -1 n_tf_graded_layers = 1 n_tf_stress_layers = 0 n_tf_wp_layers = 5 j_tf_bus = 1.25D6 j_crit_str_tf = 0.0D0 j_crit_str_0 = & (/596905475.80390120D0,1925501534.8512938D0,& 724544682.96063495D0,549858624.45072436D0, & 669284509.85818779D0,0.0D0,& 898964415.36996782D0,1158752995.2559297D0, & 865652122.9071957D0/) jwdgcrt = 0.0D0 jwdgpro = 0.0D0 jwptf = 0.0D0 oacdcp = 0.0D0 eyoung_ins = 1.0D8 eyoung_steel = 2.05D11 eyoung_cond_axial = 6.6D8 eyoung_cond_trans = 0.0D0 eyoung_res_tf_buck = 150.0D9 eyoung_copper = 117.0D9 eyoung_al = 69.0D9 poisson_steel = 0.3D0 poisson_copper = 0.35D0 poisson_al = 0.35D0 poisson_ins = 0.34D0 poisson_cond_axial = 0.3 poisson_cond_trans = 0.3 rbmax = 0.0D0 res_tf_leg = 0.0D0 toroidalgap = 1.0D0 ![m] ftoroidalgap = 1.0D0 ripmax = 1.0D0 ripple = 0.0D0 c_tf_total = 0.0D0 radial_array = 0.0D0 sig_tf_r = 0.0D0 sig_tf_t = 0.0D0 deflect = 0.0D0 sig_tf_z = 0.0D0 sig_tf_vmises = 0.0D0 sig_tf_tresca = 0.0D0 sig_tf_cs_bucked = 0.0D0 sig_tf_case = 0.0D0 sig_tf_wp = 0.0D0 str_cs_con_res = -0.005D0 str_pf_con_res = -0.005D0 str_tf_con_res = -0.005D0 str_wp = 0.0D0 str_wp_max = 0.7D-2 i_str_wp = 1 quench_model = 'exponential' time1 = 0D0 tcritsc = 16.0D0 tdmptf = 10.0D0 tfareain = 0.0D0 len_tf_bus = 300.0D0 m_tf_bus = 0.0D0 tfckw = 0.0D0 tfcmw = 0.0D0 tfcpmw = 0.0D0 tfjtsmw = 0.0D0 tfcryoarea = 0.0D0 tficrn = 0.0D0 tfind = 0.0D0 tfinsgap = 0.010D0 tflegmw = 0.0D0 rho_cp = 0.0D0 rho_tf_leg = 0.0D0 rho_tf_bus = 1.86D-8 frhocp = 1.0D0 frholeg = 1.0D0 rho_tf_joints = 2.5D-10 n_tf_joints_contact = 6 n_tf_joints = 4 th_joint_contact = 0.03D0 pres_joints = 0.0D0 len_tf_coil = 0.0D0 eff_tf_cryo = -1.0D0 n_tf_coils = 16.0D0 tfocrn = 0.0D0 tfsai = 0.0D0 tfsao = 0.0D0 tftmp = 4.5D0 tftort = 1.0D0 thicndut = 8.0D-4 layer_ins = 0.0D0 thkcas = 0.3D0 dr_tf_wp = 0.0D0 thwcndut = 8.0D-3 tinstf = 0.018D0 tmargmin_tf = 0D0 tmargmin_cs = 0D0 tmargmin = 0D0 temp_margin = 0.00D0 tmargtf = 0.0D0 tmaxpro = 150.0D0 tmax_croco = 200.0D0 croco_quench_temperature = 0D0 tmpcry = 4.5D0 n_tf_turn = 0.0D0 vdalw = 20.0D0 vforce = 0.0D0 f_vforce_inboard = 0.5D0 vforce_outboard = 0.0D0 vftf = 0.4D0 voltfleg = 0.0D0 vtfkv = 0.0D0 vtfskv = 0.0D0 whtcas = 0.0D0 whtcon = 0.0D0 whtconcu = 0.0D0 whtconal = 0.0D0 whtconin = 0.0D0 whtconsc = 0.0D0 whtconsh = 0.0D0 whtgw = 0.0D0 whttf = 0.0D0 wwp1 = 0.0D0 wwp2 = 0.0D0 dthet = 0.0D0 radctf = 0.0D0 xarc = 0.0D0 xctfc = 0.0D0 yarc = 0.0D0 yctfc = 0.0D0 tfa = 0.0D0 tfb = 0.0D0 drtop = 0.0D0 dztop = 0.0D0 etapump = 0.8D0 fcoolcp = 0.3D0 f_a_tf_cool_outboard = 0.2D0 a_cp_cool = 0.0D0 ncool = 0.0D0 ppump = 0.0D0 p_cp_resistive = 0.0D0 p_tf_leg_resistive = 0.0D0 ptempalw = 473.15D0 ! 200 C rcool = 0.005D0 tcoolin = 313.15D0 ! 40 C dtiocool = 0.0D0 temp_cp_average = 373.15D0 ! 100 C tcpav2 = 0.0D0 temp_tf_legs_outboard = -1.0D0 tcpmax = 0.0D0 vcool = 20.0D0 vol_cond_cp = 0.0D0 whtcp = 0.0D0 whttflgs = 0.0D0 tfc_sidewall_is_fraction = .false. i_cp_joints = -1 cryo_cool_req = 0.0D0 theta1_coil = 45.0D0 theta1_vv = 1.0D0 max_vv_stress = 143.0D6 end subroutine init_tfcoil_variables end module tfcoil_variables