build_variables Module

Module containing global variables relating to the machine's radial and vertical build





TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real(kind=dp), public :: aplasmin

minimum minor radius (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: available_radial_space

Minimal radial space between plasma and coils (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: blarea

blanket total surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: blareaib

inboard blanket surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: blareaob

outboard blanket surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbmith

inboard blanket box manifold thickness (m) (blktmodel>0)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbmoth

outboard blanket box manifold thickness (m) (blktmodel>0)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbpith

inboard blanket base plate thickness (m) (blktmodel>0)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbpoth

outboard blanket base plate thickness (m) (blktmodel>0)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbuith

inboard blanket breeding zone thickness (m) (blktmodel>0) (iteration variable 90)

real(kind=dp), public :: blbuoth

outboard blanket breeding zone thickness (m) (blktmodel>0) (iteration variable 91)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_blkt_inboard

inboard blanket thickness (m); (calculated if blktmodel>0) (=0.0 if i_blkt_inboard=0)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_blkt_outboard

outboard blanket thickness (m); calculated if blktmodel>0

real(kind=dp), public :: blnktth

top blanket thickness (m), = mean of inboard and outboard blanket thicknesses

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_bore

central solenoid inboard radius (m) (iteration variable 29)

real(kind=dp), public :: f_z_cryostat

cryostat lid height scaling factor (tokamaks)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_cryostat

cryostat thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_vv_inboard

vacuum vessel inboard thickness (TF coil / shield) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_vv_outboard

vacuum vessel outboard thickness (TF coil / shield) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: d_vv_top

vacuum vessel topside thickness (TF coil / shield) (m) (= d_vv_bot if double-null)

real(kind=dp), public :: d_vv_bot

vacuum vessel underside thickness (TF coil / shield) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: f_avspace

F-value for stellarator radial space check (constraint equation 83)

real(kind=dp), public :: fcspc

Fraction of space occupied by CS pre-compression structure

real(kind=dp), public :: fseppc

Separation force in CS coil pre-compression structure

real(kind=dp), public :: a_fw_total

First wall total surface area [m^2]

real(kind=dp), public :: a_fw_inboard

Inboard first wall surface area [m^2]

real(kind=dp), public :: a_fw_outboard

Outboard first wall surface area [m^2]

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_fw_inboard

inboard first wall thickness, initial estimate as calculated (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_fw_outboard

outboard first wall thickness, initial estimate as calculated (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard

gap between inboard vacuum vessel and thermal shield (m) (iteration variable 61)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_cs_tf_gap

gap between central solenoid and TF coil (m) (iteration variable 42)

real(kind=dp), public :: gapomin

minimum gap between outboard vacuum vessel and TF coil (m) (iteration variable 31)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_vv_gap_outboard

gap between outboard vacuum vessel and TF coil (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hmax

maximum (half-)height of TF coil (inside edge) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hpfdif

difference in distance from midplane of upper and lower portions of TF legs (non-zero for single-null devices) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hpfu

height to top of (upper) TF coil leg (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: hr1

half-height of TF coil inboard leg straight section (m)

integer, public :: iohcl

Switch for existence of central solenoid:

  • =0 central solenoid not present
  • =1 central solenoid exists
integer, public :: i_cs_precomp

Switch for existence of central solenoid pre-compression structure:

  • =0 no pre-compression structure
  • =1 calculated pre-compression structure
integer, public :: tf_in_cs

Switch for placing the TF coil inside the CS

  • = 0 TF coil is outside the CS (default)
  • = 1 TF coil is inside the CS
real(kind=dp), public :: dr_cs

Central solenoid thickness (m) (iteration variable 16)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_cs_precomp

CS coil precompression structure thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rbld

sum of thicknesses to the major radius (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: required_radial_space

Required space between coil and plasma for blanket shield wall etc (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rinboard

plasma inboard radius (m) (consistency equation 29)

real(kind=dp), public :: rsldi

radius to inboard shield (inside point) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rsldo

radius to outboard shield (outside point) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: r_vv_inboard_out

Radial plasma facing side position of inboard vacuum vessel [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_sh_inboard_in

Radial inner side position of inboard neutronic shield [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_sh_inboard_out

Radial plasma facing side position of inboard neutronic shield [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_tf_inboard_in

Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at the centre-machine side [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_tf_inboard_mid

Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at middle of the coil [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_tf_inboard_out

Mid-plane inboard TF coil leg radius at the plasma side [m]

real(kind=dp), public :: r_tf_outboard_mid

Mid-plane outboard TF coil leg radius at the middle of the coil [m]

integer, public :: i_r_cp_top

Switch selecting the he parametrization of the outer radius of the top of the CP part of the TF coil 0 : r_cp_top is set by the plasma shape 1 : r_cp_top is a user input 2 : r_cp_top is set using the CP top and midplane CP radius ratio

real(kind=dp), public :: r_cp_top

Top outer radius of the centropost (ST only) (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: f_r_cp

Ratio between the top and the midplane TF CP outer radius [-] Not used by default (-1) must be larger than 1 otherwise

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_tf_inner_bore

TF coil horizontal inner dr_bore (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dh_tf_inner_bore

TF coil vertical inner dr_bore (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard

Gap between plasma and first wall, inboard side (m) (if i_plasma_wall_gap=1) Iteration variable: ixc = 73 Scan variable: nsweep = 58

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard

Gap between plasma and first wall, outboard side (m) (if i_plasma_wall_gap=1) Iteration variable: ixc = 74 Scan variable: nsweep = 59

real(kind=dp), public :: sharea

shield total surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: shareaib

inboard shield surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: shareaob

outboard shield surface area (m2)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_inboard

inboard shield thickness (m) (iteration variable 93)

real(kind=dp), public :: shldlth

lower (under divertor) shield thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_outboard

outboard shield thickness (m) (iteration variable 94)

real(kind=dp), public :: shldtth

upper/lower shield thickness (m); calculated if blktmodel > 0 (= shldlth if double-null)

real(kind=dp), public :: sigallpc

allowable stress in CSpre-compression structure (Pa)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_tf_inboard

inboard TF coil thickness, (centrepost for ST) (m) (input, calculated or iteration variable 13)

real(kind=dp), public :: tfoffset

vertical distance between centre of TF coils and centre of plasma (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: tfootfi

TF coil outboard leg / inboard leg radial thickness ratio (i_tf_sup=0 only) (iteration variable 75)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_tf_outboard

Outboard TF coil thickness (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_tf_shld_gap

Minimum metal-to-metal gap between TF coil and thermal shield (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_thermal_inboard

TF-VV thermal shield thickness, inboard (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_thermal_outboard

TF-VV thermal shield thickness, outboard (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: thshield_vb

TF-VV thermal shield thickness, vertical build (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: vgap_vv_thermalshield

vertical gap between vacuum vessel and thermal shields (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: vgap_xpoint_divertor

vertical gap between x-point and divertor (m) (if = 0, it is calculated)

real(kind=dp), public :: vgaptop

vertical gap between top of plasma and first wall (m) (= vgap_xpoint_divertor if double-null)

real(kind=dp), public :: dr_shld_blkt_gap

gap between vacuum vessel and blanket (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: plleni

length of inboard divertor plate (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: plleno

length of outboard divertor plate (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: plsepi

poloidal length, x-point to inboard strike point (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: plsepo

poloidal length, x-point to outboard strike point (m)

real(kind=dp), public :: rspo

outboard strike point radius (m)


public subroutine init_build_variables()

Initialise module variables

