module fwbs_variables !! author: J. Morris (UKAEA), M. Kovari (UKAEA) !! !! Module containing global variables relating to the first wall, blanket and !! shield components !! !!### References !! !! - #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none public real(dp) :: bktlife !! Full power blanket lifetime (years) real(dp) :: bktlife_cal !! Calendar year blanket lifetime (years) real(dp) :: coolmass !! mass of water coolant (in shield, blanket, first wall, divertor) [kg] real(dp) :: vvmass !! vacuum vessel mass [kg] real(dp) :: denstl !! density of steel [kg m^-3] !#TODO: should this be in constants. Is currently an input. Should be a list of preapproved options? real(dp) :: denwc !! density of tungsten carbide [kg m^-3] real(dp) :: dewmkg !! total mass of vacuum vessel + cryostat [kg] (calculated if blktmodel>0) !# TODO: blktmodel needs consolidating with i_blanket_type real(dp) :: emult !! energy multiplication in blanket and shield real(dp) :: emultmw !! power due to energy multiplication in blanket and shield [MW] real(dp) :: fblss !! KIT blanket model: steel fraction of breeding zone real(dp) :: fdiv !! Solid angle fraction taken by one divertor real(dp) :: fhcd !! area fraction covered by heating/current drive apparatus plus diagnostics real(dp) :: fhole !! area fraction taken up by other holes (IFE) integer :: fwbsshape !! switch for first wall, blanket, shield and vacuum vessel shape: !! !! - =1 D-shaped (cylinder inboard + ellipse outboard) !! - =2 defined by two ellipses !#TODO: change to adopt switch naming convention real(dp) :: life_fw_fpy !! first wall full-power year lifetime (y) real(dp) :: m_fw_total !! first wall mass [kg] real(dp) :: fw_armour_mass !! first wall armour mass [kg] real(dp) :: fw_armour_thickness !! first wall armour thickness [m] real(dp) :: fw_armour_vol !! first wall armour volume [m^3] integer :: i_blanket_type !! switch for blanket model: !! !! - =1 CCFE HCPB model !! - =2 KIT HCPB model # REMOVED, no longer usable !! - =3 CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation !! - =4 KIT HCLL model # REMOVED, no longer usable !! - =5 DCLL model - no nutronics model included (in development) please check/choose values for !! 'dual-coolant blanket' fractions (provided in this file). !! - please use primary_pumping = 0 or 1. integer :: i_blkt_inboard !! switch for inboard blanket: !! !! - =0 No inboard blanket (dr_blkt_inboard=0.0) !! - =1 Inboard blanket present integer :: inuclear !! switch for nuclear heating in the coils: !! !! - =0 Frances Fox model (default) !! - =1 Fixed by user (qnuc) real(dp) :: qnuc !! nuclear heating in the coils (W) (`inuclear=1`) real(dp) :: li6enrich !! lithium-6 enrichment of breeding material (%) real(dp) :: pnucblkt !! nuclear heating in the blanket [MW] real(dp) :: pnuc_cp !! Total nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] real(dp) :: pnuc_cp_sh !! Neutronic shield nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] real(dp) :: pnuc_cp_tf !! TF neutronic nuclear heating in the ST centrepost [MW] real(dp) :: pnucdiv !! nuclear heating in the divertor [MW] real(dp) :: p_fw_nuclear_heat_total_mw !! nuclear heating in the first wall [MW] real(dp) :: pnuchcd !! nuclear heating in the HCD apparatus and diagnostics [MW] real(dp) :: pnucloss !! nuclear heating lost via holes [MW] real(dp) :: pnucvvplus !! nuclear heating to vacuum vessel and beyond [MW] real(dp) :: pnucshld !! nuclear heating in the shield [MW] real(dp) :: whtblkt !! mass of blanket [kg] real(dp) :: whtblss !! mass of blanket - steel part [kg] real(dp) :: armour_fw_bl_mass !! Total mass of armour, first wall and blanket [kg] ! CCFE HCPB Blanket Model (with or without TBR calculation) i_blanket_type=1,3 ! ---------- real(dp) :: breeder_f !! Volume ratio: Li4SiO4/(Be12Ti+Li4SiO4) (`iteration variable 108`) real(dp) :: breeder_multiplier !! combined breeder/multipler fraction of blanket by volume real(dp) :: vfcblkt !! He coolant fraction of blanket by volume (`i_blanket_type= 1,3` (CCFE HCPB)) real(dp) :: vfpblkt !! He purge gas fraction of blanket by volume (`i_blanket_type= 1,3` (CCFE HCPB)) real(dp) :: whtblli4sio4 !! mass of lithium orthosilicate in blanket [kg] (`i_blanket_type=1,3` (CCFE HCPB)) real(dp) :: whtbltibe12 !! mass of titanium beryllide in blanket [kg] (`i_blanket_type=1,3` (CCFE HCPB)) real(dp) :: neut_flux_cp !! Centrepost TF fast neutron flux (E > 0.1 MeV) [m^(-2).^(-1)] !! This variable is only calculated for superconducting (i_tf_sup = 1 ) !! spherical tokamal magnet designs (itart = 0) real(dp) :: f_neut_shield !! Fraction of nuclear power shielded before the CP magnet (ST) !! ( neut_absorb = -1 --> a fit on simplified MCNP neutronic !! calculation is used assuming water cooled (13%) tungesten carbyde ) real(dp) :: f_a_fw_coolant_inboard, f_a_fw_coolant_outboard !! Inboard/outboard FW coolant cross-sectional area void fraction real(dp) :: psurffwi, psurffwo !! Surface heat flux on first wall [MW] (sum = pradfw) real(dp) :: vol_fw_total !! First wall volume [m3] real(dp) :: fblss_ccfe, fblli2sio4, fbltibe12 !! Fractions of blanket by volume: steel, lithium orthosilicate, titanium beryllide ! KIT HCPB blanket model (i_blanket_type = 2) ! ---------- integer :: breedmat !! breeder material switch (i_blanket_type=2 (KIT HCPB)): !! !! - =1 Lithium orthosilicate !! - =2 Lithium methatitanate !! - =3 Lithium zirconate real(dp) :: densbreed !! density of breeder material [kg m^-3] (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: fblbe !! beryllium fraction of blanket by volume (if `i_blanket_type=2`, is Be fraction of breeding zone) real(dp) :: fblbreed !! breeder fraction of blanket breeding zone by volume (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: fblhebmi !! helium fraction of inboard blanket box manifold by volume (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: fblhebmo !! helium fraction of outboard blanket box manifold by volume (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: fblhebpi !! helium fraction of inboard blanket back plate by volume (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: fblhebpo !! helium fraction of outboard blanket back plate by volume (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) integer :: hcdportsize !! switch for size of heating/current drive ports (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)): !! !! - =1 'small' !! - =2 'large' !#TODO: switch name and also large and small not descriptive enough real(dp) :: nflutf !! peak fast neutron fluence on TF coil superconductor [n m^-2] (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) integer :: npdiv !! number of divertor ports (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) integer :: nphcdin !! number of inboard ports for heating/current drive (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) integer :: nphcdout !! number of outboard ports for heating/current drive (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: tbr !! tritium breeding ratio (`i_blanket_type=2,3` (KIT HCPB/HCLL)) real(dp) :: tritprate !! tritium production rate [g day^-1] (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: wallpf !! neutron wall load peaking factor (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: whtblbreed !! mass of blanket - breeder part [kg] (`i_blanket_type=2` (KIT HCPB)) real(dp) :: whtblbe !! mass of blanket - beryllium part [kg] ! CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation (i_blanket_type=3) ! --------------- integer :: iblanket_thickness !! Blanket thickness switch (Do not set dr_blkt_inboard, dr_blkt_outboard, dr_fw_inboard or dr_fw_outboard when `i_blanket_type=3`): !! !! - =1 thin 0.53 m inboard, 0.91 m outboard !! - =2 medium 0.64 m inboard, 1.11 m outboard !! - =3 thick 0.75 m inboard, 1.30 m outboard integer :: primary_pumping !! Switch for pumping power for primary coolant (mechanical power only and peak first wall !! temperature is only calculated if `primary_pumping=2`): !! !! - =0 User sets pump power directly (htpmw_blkt, htpmw_fw, htpmw_div, htpmw_shld) !! - =1 User sets pump power as a fraction of thermal power (fpumpblkt, fpumpfw, fpumpdiv, fpumpshld) !! - =2 Mechanical pumping power is calculated !! - =3 Mechanical pumping power is calculated using specified pressure drop integer :: i_shield_mat !! Switch for shield material - *currently only applied in costing routines* `cost_model = 2` !! !! - =0 Tungsten (default) !! - =1 Tungsten carbide integer :: secondary_cycle !! Switch for power conversion cycle: !! !! - =0 Set efficiency for chosen blanket, from detailed models (divertor heat not used) !! - =1 Set efficiency for chosen blanket, from detailed models (divertor heat used) !! - =2 user input thermal-electric efficiency (etath) !! - =3 steam Rankine cycle !! - =4 supercritical CO2 cycle integer :: secondary_cycle_liq !! Switch for power conversion cycle for the liquid breeder component of the blanket: !! !! - =2 user input thermal-electric efficiency (etath) !! - =4 supercritical CO2 cycle integer :: coolwh !! Switch for blanket coolant (set via blkttype): !! !! - =1 helium !! - =2 pressurized water !#TODO: change switch name to satisfy convention real(dp) :: afwi !! inner radius of inboard first wall/blanket coolant channels (stellarator only) [m] !#TODO move to stellarator? real(dp) :: afwo !! inner radius of outboard first wall/blanket coolant channels (stellarator only) [m] !#TODO move to stellarator? character(len=6) :: i_fw_coolant_type !! switch for first wall coolant (can be different from blanket coolant): !! !! - 'helium' !! - 'water' real(dp) :: dr_fw_wall !! wall thickness of first wall coolant channels [m] real(dp) :: radius_fw_channel !! radius of first wall cooling channels [m] real(dp) :: dx_fw_module !! Width of a FW module containing a cooling channel [m] real(dp) :: temp_fw_coolant_in !! inlet temperature of first wall coolant [K] real(dp) :: temp_fw_coolant_out !! outlet temperature of first wall coolant [K] real(dp) :: pres_fw_coolant !! first wall coolant pressure [Pa] (`secondary_cycle>1`) real(dp) :: temp_fw_peak !! peak first wall temperature [K] real(dp) :: roughness !! first wall channel roughness epsilon [m] real(dp) :: len_fw_channel !! Length of a single first wall channel (all in parallel) [m] !! (`iteration variable 114`, useful for `constraint equation 39`) real(dp) :: f_fw_peak !! peaking factor for first wall heat loads. (Applied separately to inboard and outboard loads. !! Applies to both neutron and surface loads. Only used to calculate peak temperature - not !! the coolant flow rate.) real(dp) :: blpressure !! blanket coolant pressure [Pa] (`secondary_cycle>1`) real(dp) :: inlet_temp !! inlet temperature of blanket coolant [K] (`secondary_cycle>1`) real(dp) :: outlet_temp !! Outlet temperature of blanket coolant [K] (`secondary_cycle>1`) !! !! - input if `coolwh=1` (helium) !! - calculated if `coolwh=2` (water) real(dp) :: coolp !! blanket coolant pressure [Pa] (stellarator only) integer :: nblktmodpo !! number of outboard blanket modules in poloidal direction (`secondary_cycle>1`) integer :: nblktmodpi !! number of inboard blanket modules in poloidal direction (`secondary_cycle>1`) integer :: nblktmodto !! number of outboard blanket modules in toroidal direction (`secondary_cycle>1`) integer :: nblktmodti !! number of inboard blanket modules in toroidal direction (`secondary_cycle>1`) real(dp) :: temp_fw_max !! maximum temperature of first wall material [K] (`secondary_cycle>1`) real(dp) :: fw_th_conductivity !! thermal conductivity of first wall material at 293 K (W/m/K) (Temperature dependence !! is as for unirradiated Eurofer) real(dp) :: fvoldw !! area coverage factor for vacuum vessel volume real(dp) :: fvolsi !! area coverage factor for inboard shield volume real(dp) :: fvolso !! area coverage factor for outboard shield volume real(dp) :: fwclfr !! first wall coolant fraction (calculated if `i_pulsed_plant=1` or `ipowerflow=1`) real(dp) :: praddiv !! Radiation power incident on the divertor (MW) real(dp) :: pradfw !! Radiation power incident on the first wall (MW) real(dp) :: pradhcd !! Radiation power incident on the heating and current drive system (MW) real(dp) :: pradloss !! Radiation power lost through holes (eventually hits shield) (MW) !! Only used for stellarator real(dp) :: ptfnuc !! nuclear heating in the TF coil (MW) real(dp) :: ptfnucpm3 !! nuclear heating in the TF coil (MW/m3) (`blktmodel>0`) !#TODO: check usage of old blktmodel. Update to i_blanket_type real(dp) :: r_cryostat_inboard !! cryostat radius [m] real(dp) :: z_cryostat_half_inside !! cryostat height [m] real(dp) :: dr_pf_cryostat !! Radial distance between outer edge of furthest away PF coil (or stellarator !! modular coil) and cryostat [m] real(dp) :: vol_cryostat !! Cryostat structure volume [m^3] real(dp) :: vol_cryostat_internal !! Internal volume of the cryostat [m^3] real(dp) :: vdewin !! vacuum vessel volume [m^3] real(dp) :: vfshld !! coolant void fraction in shield real(dp) :: volblkt !! volume of blanket [m^3] real(dp) :: volblkti !! volume of inboard blanket [m^3] real(dp) :: volblkto !! volume of outboard blanket [m^3] real(dp) :: volshld !! volume of shield [m^3] real(dp) :: whtshld !! mass of shield [kg] real(dp) :: wpenshld !! mass of the penetration shield [kg] real(dp) :: wtshldi !! mass of inboard shield [kg] real(dp) :: wtshldo !! mass of outboard shield [kg] integer :: irefprop !! Switch to use REFPROP routines (stellarator only) !#TODO: number of stellarator only items here. Also appear in fispact. Tidy needed real(dp) :: fblli !! lithium fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) real(dp) :: fblli2o !! lithium oxide fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) real(dp) :: fbllipb !! lithium lead fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) real(dp) :: fblvd !! vanadium fraction of blanket by volume (stellarator only) real(dp) :: wtblli2o !! mass of blanket - Li_2O part [kg] real(dp) :: wtbllipb !! mass of blanket - Li-Pb part [kg] real(dp) :: whtblvd !! mass of blanket - vanadium part [kg] real(dp) :: whtblli !! mass of blanket - lithium part [kg] real(dp) :: vfblkt !! coolant void fraction in blanket. integer :: blktmodel !! switch for blanket/tritium breeding model (see i_blanket_type): !! !! - =0 original simple model !! - =1 KIT model based on a helium-cooled pebble-bed blanket (HCPB) reference design !#TODO: this needs investigating and removing after any required functionality is in i_blanket_type real(dp) :: declblkt !! neutron power deposition decay length of blanket structural material [m] (stellarators only) real(dp) :: declfw !! neutron power deposition decay length of first wall structural material [m] (stellarators only) real(dp) :: declshld !! neutron power deposition decay length of shield structural material [m] (stellarators only) integer :: blkttype !! Switch for blanket type: !! !! - =1 WCLL; !! - =2 HCLL; efficiency taken from M. Kovari 2016 !! "PROCESS": A systems code for fusion power plants - Part 2: Engineering !! !! Feedheat & reheat cycle assumed !! - =3 HCPB; efficiency taken from M. Kovari 2016 !! "PROCESS": A systems code for fusion power plants - Part 2: Engineering !! !! Feedheat & reheat cycle assumed !#TODO: this needs to be merged into i_blanket_type and then removed. real(dp) :: etaiso !! isentropic efficiency of FW and blanket coolant pumps real(dp) :: etahtp !! electrical efficiency of primary coolant pumps !! ----------------------------------------------------- !! BLANKET REFACTOR !! For DCLL, but to be used by all mods that share blanket library after testing. !! Thermodynamic Model for primary_pumping == 2 !! ----------------------------------------------------- integer :: ipump !! Switch for whether the FW and BB are on the same pump system !! i.e. do they have the same primary coolant or not !! - =0 FW and BB have the same primary coolant, flow = FWin->FWout->BBin->BBout !! - =1 FW and BB have the different primary coolant and are on different pump systems integer :: i_bb_liq !! Switch for Liquid Metal Breeder Material !! - =0 PbLi !! - =1 Li integer :: icooldual !! Switch to specify whether breeding blanket is single-cooled or dual-coolant. !! - =0 Single coolant used for FW and Blanket (H2O or He). Solid Breeder. !! - =1 Single coolant used for FW and Blanket (H2O or He). Liquid metal breeder !! circulted for tritium extraction. !! - =2 Dual coolant: primary coolant (H2O or He) for FW and blanket structure; !! secondary coolant is self-cooled liquid metal breeder. integer :: ifci !! Switch for Flow Channel Insert (FCI) type if liquid metal breeder blanket. !! - =0 Thin conducting walls, default electrical conductivity (bz_channel_conduct_liq) is Eurofer !! - =1 Insulating Material, assumed perfect electrical insulator, default density (den_ceramic) is for SiC !! - =2 Insulating Material, electrical conductivity (bz_channel_conduct_liq) is input (default Eurofer), default density (den_ceramic) is for SiC integer :: ims !! Switch for Multi Module Segment (MMS) or Single Modle Segment (SMS) !! - =0 MMS !! - =1 SMS integer :: n_liq_recirc !! Number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day, for use with icooldual=1 real(dp) :: r_f_liq_ib, r_f_liq_ob !! Radial fraction of BZ liquid channels real(dp) :: w_f_liq_ib, w_f_liq_ob !! Toroidal fraction of BZ liquid channels real(dp) :: den_ceramic !! FCI material density real(dp) :: th_wall_secondary !! Liquid metal coolant/breeder wall thickness thin conductor or FCI [m] real(dp) :: bz_channel_conduct_liq !! Liquid metal coolant/breeder thin conductor or FCI wall conductance [A V^-1 m^-1] real(dp) :: a_bz_liq !! Toroidal width of the rectangular cooling channel [m] for long poloidal sections of blanket breeding zone real(dp) :: b_bz_liq !! Radial width of the rectangular cooling channel [m] for long poloidal sections of blanket breeding zone integer :: nopol !! Number of poloidal sections in a liquid metal breeder/coolant channel for module/segment integer :: nopipes !! Number of Liquid metal breeder/coolant channels per module/segment real(dp) :: den_liq !! Liquid metal breeder/coolant density [kg m^-3] real(dp) ::wht_liq, wht_liq_ib, wht_liq_ob !! Liquid metal real(dp) :: specific_heat_liq !! Liquid metal breeder/coolant specific heat [J kg^-1 K^-1] real(dp) :: thermal_conductivity_liq !! Liquid metal breeder/coolant thermal conductivity [W m^-1 K^-1] real(dp) :: dynamic_viscosity_liq !! Liquid metal breeder/coolant dynamic viscosity [Pa s] real(dp) :: electrical_conductivity_liq !! Liquid metal breeder/coolant electrical conductivity [Ohm m] real(dp) :: hartmann_liq(2) !! Hartmann number real(dp) :: b_mag_blkt(2) !! Toroidal Magnetic feild strength for IB/OB blanket [T] real(dp) :: etaiso_liq !! Isentropic efficiency of blanket liquid breeder/coolant pumps real(dp) :: blpressure_liq !! blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure [Pa] real(dp) :: inlet_temp_liq, outlet_temp_liq !! Inlet (scan var 68) and Outlet (scan var 69) temperature of the liquid breeder/coolant [K] real(dp) :: den_fw_coolant !! Density of the FW primary coolant real(dp) :: visc_fw_coolant !! Viscosity of the FW primary coolant real(dp) :: rhof_bl !! Density of the blanket primary coolant real(dp) :: visc_bl !! Viscosity of the blanket primary coolant real(dp) :: cp_fw, cv_fw, cp_bl, cv_bl !! Spesific heat for FW and blanket primary coolant(s) real(dp) :: f_nuc_pow_bz_struct !! For a dual-coolant blanket, fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant real(dp) :: f_nuc_pow_bz_liq !! For a dual-coolant blanket, fraction of BZ self-cooled power (secondary coolant) real(dp) :: pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll, pnuc_blkt_ratio_dcll !! For a dual-coolant blanket, ratio of FW/Blanket nuclear power as fraction of total integer :: bzfllengi_n_rad, bzfllengi_n_pol, bzfllengo_n_rad, bzfllengo_n_pol !! Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total primary coolant flow !! length in a blanket module (IB and OB) integer :: bzfllengi_n_rad_liq, bzfllengi_n_pol_liq, bzfllengo_n_rad_liq, bzfllengo_n_pol_liq !! Number of radial and poloidal sections that make up the total secondary coolant/breeder !! flow length in a blanket module (IB and OB) contains subroutine init_fwbs_variables !! Initialise fwbs variables implicit none bktlife = 0.0D0 bktlife_cal = 0.0D0 coolmass = 0.0D0 vvmass = 0.0D0 denstl = 7800.0D0 denwc = 15630.0D0 dewmkg = 0.0D0 emult = 1.269D0 emultmw = 0.0D0 fblss = 0.09705D0 fdiv = 0.115D0 fhcd = 0.0D0 fhole = 0.0D0 fwbsshape = 2 life_fw_fpy = 0.0D0 m_fw_total = 0.0D0 fw_armour_mass = 0.0D0 fw_armour_thickness = 0.005D0 fw_armour_vol = 0.0D0 i_blanket_type = 1 i_blkt_inboard = 1 inuclear = 0 qnuc = 0.0D0 li6enrich = 30.0D0 pnucblkt = 0.0D0 pnucdiv = 0.0D0 p_fw_nuclear_heat_total_mw = 0.0D0 pnuchcd = 0.0D0 pnucloss = 0.0D0 pnucvvplus = 0.0D0 pnucshld = 0.0D0 whtblkt = 0.0D0 whtblss = 0.0D0 armour_fw_bl_mass = 0.0D0 breeder_f = 0.5D0 breeder_multiplier = 0.75D0 vfcblkt = 0.05295D0 vfpblkt = 0.1D0 whtblli4sio4 = 0.0D0 whtbltibe12 = 0.0D0 f_neut_shield = -1.0D0 f_a_fw_coolant_inboard = 0.0D0 f_a_fw_coolant_outboard = 0.0D0 psurffwi = 0.0D0 psurffwo = 0.0D0 vol_fw_total = 0.0D0 fblss_ccfe = 0.0D0 fblli2sio4 = 0.0D0 fbltibe12 = 0.0D0 breedmat = 1 densbreed = 0.0D0 fblbe = 0.6D0 fblbreed = 0.154D0 fblhebmi = 0.4D0 fblhebmo = 0.4D0 fblhebpi = 0.6595D0 fblhebpo = 0.6713D0 hcdportsize = 1 nflutf = 0.0D0 npdiv = 2 nphcdin = 2 nphcdout = 2 tbr = 0.0D0 tritprate = 0.0D0 wallpf = 1.21D0 whtblbreed = 0.0D0 whtblbe = 0.0D0 iblanket_thickness = 2 primary_pumping = 2 i_shield_mat = 0 secondary_cycle = 0 secondary_cycle_liq = 4 coolwh = 1 afwi = 0.008D0 afwo = 0.008D0 i_fw_coolant_type = 'helium' dr_fw_wall = 0.003D0 radius_fw_channel = 0.006D0 dx_fw_module = 0.02D0 temp_fw_coolant_in = 573.0D0 temp_fw_coolant_out = 823.0D0 pres_fw_coolant = 15.5D6 temp_fw_peak = 873.0D0 roughness = 1.0D-6 len_fw_channel = 4.0D0 f_fw_peak = 1.0D0 blpressure = 15.50D6 inlet_temp = 573.0D0 outlet_temp = 823.0D0 coolp = 15.5D6 nblktmodpo = 8 nblktmodpi = 7 nblktmodto = 48 nblktmodti = 32 temp_fw_max = 823.0D0 fw_th_conductivity = 28.34D0 fvoldw = 1.74D0 fvolsi = 1.0D0 fvolso = 0.64D0 fwclfr = 0.15D0 praddiv = 0.0D0 pradfw = 0.0D0 pradhcd = 0.0D0 pradloss = 0.0D0 ptfnuc = 0.0D0 ptfnucpm3 = 0.0D0 r_cryostat_inboard = 0.0D0 z_cryostat_half_inside = 0.0D0 dr_pf_cryostat = 0.5D0 vol_cryostat = 0.0D0 vol_cryostat_internal = 0.0D0 vdewin = 0.0D0 vfshld = 0.25D0 volblkt = 0.0D0 volblkti = 0.0D0 volblkto = 0.0D0 volshld = 0.0D0 whtshld = 0.0D0 wpenshld = 0.0D0 wtshldi = 0.0D0 wtshldo = 0.0D0 irefprop = 1 fblli = 0.0D0 fblli2o = 0.08D0 fbllipb = 0.68D0 fblvd = 0.0D0 wtblli2o = 0.0D0 wtbllipb = 0.0D0 whtblvd = 0.0D0 whtblli = 0.0D0 vfblkt = 0.25D0 blktmodel = 0 declblkt = 0.075D0 declfw = 0.075D0 declshld = 0.075D0 blkttype = 3 etaiso = 0.85D0 etahtp = 0.95D0 pnuc_cp = 0.0D0 pnuc_cp_sh = 0.0D0 pnuc_cp_tf = 0.0D0 neut_flux_cp = 0.0D0 ipump = 0 i_bb_liq = 0 icooldual = 0 ifci = 0 ims = 0 n_liq_recirc = 10 r_f_liq_ib=0.5 r_f_liq_ob=0.5 w_f_liq_ib=0.5 w_f_liq_ob=0.5 den_ceramic = 3.21D3 th_wall_secondary = 1.25D-2 bz_channel_conduct_liq = 8.33D5 a_bz_liq = 0.2D0 b_bz_liq = 0.2D0 nopol = 2 nopipes = 4 den_liq = 9.5D3 specific_heat_liq = 1.9D2 thermal_conductivity_liq = 30.0 wht_liq = 0.0D0 wht_liq_ib = 0.0D0 wht_liq_ob = 0.0D0 dynamic_viscosity_liq = 0.0D0 electrical_conductivity_liq = 0.0D0 hartmann_liq = (0.0D0, 0.0D0) b_mag_blkt = (5.0D0, 5.0D0) etaiso_liq = 0.85D0 blpressure_liq = 1.7D6 inlet_temp_liq = 570.0D0 outlet_temp_liq = 720.0D0 den_fw_coolant = 0.0D0 visc_fw_coolant = 0.0D0 rhof_bl = 0.0D0 visc_bl = 0.0D0 cp_fw = 0.0D0 cv_fw = 0.0D0 cp_bl = 0.0D0 cv_bl = 0.0D0 f_nuc_pow_bz_struct = 0.34D0 f_nuc_pow_bz_liq = 0.66D0 pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll = 0.14D0 pnuc_blkt_ratio_dcll = 0.86D0 bzfllengi_n_rad = 4 bzfllengi_n_pol = 2 bzfllengo_n_rad = 4 bzfllengo_n_pol = 2 bzfllengi_n_rad_liq = 2 bzfllengi_n_pol_liq = 2 bzfllengo_n_rad_liq = 2 bzfllengo_n_pol_liq = 2 end subroutine init_fwbs_variables end module fwbs_variables