main_module Module



public subroutine inform(progid)

Routine to obtain information about the program being executed author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre progid(0:10) : output string array : Strings containing useful info This subroutine uses system calls to identify the user, date, machine etc. for the present run, and stores the information in a character string array. !


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=110), dimension(0:10):: progid

public subroutine run_summary()

Routine to print out a summary header author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre None This routine prints out a header summarising the program execution details, plus a list of the active iteration variables and constraint equations for the run. A User's Guide to the PROCESS Systems Code, P. J. Knight, AEA Fusion Report AEA FUS 251, 1993



public subroutine herror(ifail)

Routine to print out relevant messages in the case of an unfeasible result from a HYBRD (non-optimisation) run author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre ifail : input integer : error flag This routine prints out relevant messages in the case of an unfeasible result from a HYBRD (non-optimisation) run.

The messages are written to units NOUT and IOTTY, which are by default the output file and screen, respectively.

If IFAIL=1 then a feasible solution has been found and therefore no error message is required. !


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: ifail

public subroutine verror(ifail)

Routine to print out relevant messages in the case of an unfeasible result from a VMCON (optimisation) run author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre ifail : input integer : error flag This routine prints out relevant messages in the case of an unfeasible result from a VMCON (optimisation) run.

The messages are written to units NOUT and IOTTY, which are by default the output file and screen, respectively.

If IFAIL=1 then a feasible solution has been found and therefore no error message is required. !


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: ifail

public subroutine runtests()



public subroutine get_DDMonYYTimeZone(dt_time)

Routine to get date, time and timezone author: M Kumar, CCFE, Culham Science Centre dt_time : output string : String containing formatted time and date This routine calls the intrinsic DATE_AND_TIME subroutine and format the output in DD Mon YYYY hr:minute:second time difference from UTC.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(out) :: dt_time