recursive subroutine parse_array(unit, array)
use fson_value_m, only: fson_value_create, fson_value_add
implicit none
integer, intent(inout) :: unit
type(fson_value), pointer :: array, element
logical :: eof
character :: c
! try to parse an element value
element => fson_value_create()
call parse_value(unit, element)
! parse value will disassociate an empty array value
if (associated(element)) then
call fson_value_add(array, element)
end if
! popped the next character
c = pop_char(unit, eof=eof, skip_ws=.true.)
if (eof) then
else if ("," == c) then
! parse the next element
call parse_array(unit, array)
else if ("]" == c) then
! end of array
end if
end subroutine parse_array