svd Subroutine

public subroutine svd(nm, m, n, a, w, matu, u, matv, v, ierr, rv1)

Singular Value Decomposition author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre author: B. S. Garbow, Applied Mathematics Division, Argonne National Laboratory nm : input integer : Max number of rows of arrays a, u, v; >= m,n m : input integer : Actual number of rows of arrays a, u n : input integer : Number of columns of arrays a, u, and the order of v a(nm,n) : input/output real array : On input matrix to be decomposed; on output, either unchanged or overwritten with u or v w(n) : output real array : The n (non-negative) singular values of a (the diagonal elements of s); unordered. If an error exit is made, the singular values should be correct for indices ierr+1,ierr+2,...,n. matu : input logical : Set to .true. if the u matrix in the decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise. u(nm,n) : output real array : The matrix u (orthogonal column vectors) of the decomposition if matu has been set to .true., otherwise u is used as a temporary array. u may coincide with a. If an error exit is made, the columns of u corresponding to indices of correct singular values should be correct. matv : input logical : Set to .true. if the v matrix in the decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise. v(nm,n) : output real array : The matrix v (orthogonal) of the decomposition if matv has been set to .true., otherwise v is not referenced. v may also coincide with a if u is not needed. If an error exit is made, the columns of v corresponding to indices of correct singular values should be correct. ierr : output integer : zero for normal return, or k if the k-th singular value has not been determined after 30 iterations. rv1(n) : output real array : work array This subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure SVD, Num. Math. 14, 403-420(1970) by Golub and Reinsch, Handbook for Auto. Comp., vol II - Linear Algebra, 134-151(1971).

It determines the singular value decomposition a=usvt of a real m by n rectangular matrix. Householder bidiagonalization and a variant of the QR algorithm are used. None


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: nm
integer, intent(in) :: m
integer, intent(in) :: n
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(nm,n):: a
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(n):: w
logical, intent(in) :: matu
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(nm,n):: u
logical, intent(in) :: matv
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(nm,n):: v
integer, intent(out) :: ierr
real(kind=dp), intent(out), dimension(n):: rv1


Source Code


Source Code

  subroutine svd(nm,m,n,a,w,matu,u,matv,v,ierr,rv1)

    !! Singular Value Decomposition
    !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
    !! author: B. S. Garbow, Applied Mathematics Division, Argonne National Laboratory
    !! nm : input integer : Max number of rows of arrays a, u, v; >= m,n
    !! m : input integer : Actual number of rows of arrays a, u
    !! n : input integer : Number of columns of arrays a, u, and the order of v
    !! a(nm,n) : input/output real array : On input matrix to be decomposed;
    !! on output, either unchanged or overwritten with u or v
    !! w(n) : output real array : The n (non-negative) singular values of a
    !! (the diagonal elements of s); unordered.  If an error exit
    !! is made, the singular values should be correct for indices
    !! ierr+1,ierr+2,...,n.
    !! matu : input logical : Set to .true. if the u matrix in the
    !! decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise.
    !! u(nm,n) : output real array : The matrix u (orthogonal column vectors)
    !! of the decomposition if matu has been set to .true., otherwise
    !! u is used as a temporary array.  u may coincide with a.
    !! If an error exit is made, the columns of u corresponding
    !! to indices of correct singular values should be correct.
    !! matv : input logical : Set to .true. if the v matrix in the
    !! decomposition is desired, and to .false. otherwise.
    !! v(nm,n) : output real array : The matrix v (orthogonal) of the
    !! decomposition if matv has been set to .true., otherwise
    !! v is not referenced.  v may also coincide with a if u is
    !! not needed.  If an error exit is made, the columns of v
    !! corresponding to indices of correct singular values
    !! should be correct.
    !! ierr : output integer :  zero for normal return, or <I>k</I> if the
    !! k-th singular value has not been determined after 30 iterations.
    !! rv1(n) : output real array : work array
    !! This subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure SVD,
    !! Num. Math. 14, 403-420(1970) by Golub and Reinsch,
    !! Handbook for Auto. Comp., vol II - Linear Algebra, 134-151(1971).
    !! <P>It determines the singular value decomposition
    !! <I>a=usv<SUP>t</SUP></I> of a real m by n rectangular matrix.
    !! Householder bidiagonalization and a variant of the QR
    !! algorithm are used.
    !! None
    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    implicit none

    !  Arguments

    integer, intent(in) :: nm, m, n
    logical, intent(in) :: matu, matv
    real(dp), dimension(nm,n), intent(inout) :: a
    real(dp), dimension(nm,n), intent(out) :: u, v
    real(dp), dimension(n), intent(out) :: w, rv1
    integer, intent(out) :: ierr

    !  Local variables

    integer :: i,j,k,l,ii,i1,kk,k1,ll,l1,mn,its
    real(dp) :: c,f,g,h,s,x,y,z,scale,anorm

    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ierr = 0

    u = a

    !  Householder reduction to bidiagonal form

    g = 0.0D0
    scale = 0.0D0
    anorm = 0.0D0

    do i = 1, n

       l = i + 1
       rv1(i) = scale * g
       g = 0.0D0
       s = 0.0D0
       scale = 0.0D0

       if (i <= m) then

          do k = i, m
             scale = scale + abs(u(k,i))
          end do

          if (scale /= 0.0D0) then

             do k = i, m
                u(k,i) = u(k,i) / scale
                s = s + u(k,i)**2
             end do

             f = u(i,i)
             g = -sign(sqrt(s),f)
             h = f * g - s
             u(i,i) = f - g

             if (i /= n) then
                do j = l, n
                   s = 0.0D0
                   do k = i, m
                      s = s + u(k,i) * u(k,j)
                   end do
                   f = s / h
                   do k = i, m
                      u(k,j) = u(k,j) + f * u(k,i)
                   end do
                end do
             end if

             do k = i, m
                u(k,i) = scale * u(k,i)
             end do

          end if

       end if

       w(i) = scale * g
       g = 0.0D0
       s = 0.0D0
       scale = 0.0D0

       if (.not.((i > m) .or. (i == n))) then

          do k = l, n
             scale = scale + abs(u(i,k))
          end do

          if (scale /= 0.0D0) then

             do k = l, n
                u(i,k) = u(i,k) / scale
                s = s + u(i,k)**2
             end do

             f = u(i,l)
             g = -sign(sqrt(s),f)
             h = f * g - s
             u(i,l) = f - g

             do k = l, n
                rv1(k) = u(i,k) / h
             end do

             if (i /= m) then
                do j = l, m
                   s = 0.0D0
                   do k = l, n
                      s = s + u(j,k) * u(i,k)
                   end do
                   do k = l, n
                      u(j,k) = u(j,k) + s * rv1(k)
                   end do
                end do
             end if

             do k = l, n
                u(i,k) = scale * u(i,k)
             end do

          end if

       end if

       anorm = max(anorm,abs(w(i))+abs(rv1(i)))

    end do  ! i

    !  Accumulation of right-hand transformations

    if (matv) then

       !  For i=n step -1 until 1 do
       do ii = 1, n
          i = n + 1 - ii
          if (i /= n) then

             if (g /= 0.0D0) then
                do j = l, n
                   !  Double division avoids possible underflow
                   v(j,i) = (u(i,j) / u(i,l)) / g
                end do
                do j = l, n
                   s = 0.0D0
                   do k = l, n
                      s = s + u(i,k) * v(k,j)
                   end do
                   do k = l, n
                      v(k,j) = v(k,j) + s * v(k,i)
                   end do
                end do
             end if

             do j = l, n
                v(i,j) = 0.0D0
                v(j,i) = 0.0D0
             end do

          end if

          v(i,i) = 1.0D0
          g = rv1(i)
          l = i
       end do

    end if

    !  Accumulation of left-hand transformations

    if (matu) then

       !  For i=min(m,n) step -1 until 1 do
       mn = n
       if (m < n) mn = m

       do ii = 1, mn
          i = mn + 1 - ii
          l = i + 1
          g = w(i)
          if (i /= n) then
             do j = l, n
                u(i,j) = 0.0D0
             end do
          end if

          if (g /= 0.0D0) then

             if (i /= mn) then
                do j = l, n
                   s = 0.0D0
                   do k = l, m
                      s = s + u(k,i) * u(k,j)
                   end do
                   f = (s / u(i,i)) / g  !  Double division avoids possible underflow
                   do k = i, m
                      u(k,j) = u(k,j) + f * u(k,i)
                   end do
                end do
             end if

             do j = i, m
                u(j,i) = u(j,i) / g
             end do

             do j = i, m
                u(j,i) = 0.0D0
             end do
          end if

          u(i,i) = u(i,i) + 1.0D0

       end do

    end if

    !  Diagonalization of the bidiagonal form
    !  For k=n step -1 until 1 do

    do kk = 1, n
       k1 = n - kk
       k = k1 + 1
       its = 0

       !  Test for splitting.
       !  For l=k step -1 until 1 do

          do ll = 1, k
             l1 = k - ll
             l = l1 + 1
             if ((abs(rv1(l)) + anorm) == anorm) goto 470

             !  rv1(1) is always zero, so there is no exit
             !  through the bottom of the loop

             !+**PJK 23/05/06 Prevent problems from the code getting here with l1=0
             if (l1 == 0) then
                write(*,*) 'SVD: Shouldn''t get here...'
                goto 470
             end if

             if ((abs(w(l1)) + anorm) == anorm) exit
          end do

          !  Cancellation of rv1(l) if l greater than 1

          c = 0.0D0
          s = 1.0D0

          do i = l, k
             f = s * rv1(i)
             rv1(i) = c * rv1(i)
             if ((abs(f) + anorm) == anorm) exit
             g = w(i)
             h = sqrt(f*f+g*g)
             w(i) = h
             c = g / h
             s = -f / h
             if (.not. matu) cycle

             do j = 1, m
                y = u(j,l1)
                z = u(j,i)
                u(j,l1) = y * c + z * s
                u(j,i) = -y * s + z * c
             end do
          end do

470       continue

          !  Test for convergence

          z = w(k)
          if (l == k) exit

          !  Shift from bottom 2 by 2 minor

          if (its == 30) then
             !  Set error - no convergence to a
             !  singular value after 30 iterations
             ierr = k
          end if

          its = its + 1
          x = w(l)
          y = w(k1)
          g = rv1(k1)
          h = rv1(k)
          f = ((y - z) * (y + z) + (g - h) * (g + h)) / (2.D0 * h * y)
          g = sqrt(f*f+1.D0)
          f = ((x - z) * (x + z) + h * (y / (f + sign(g,f)) - h)) / x

          !  Next QR transformation

          c = 1.0D0
          s = 1.0D0

          do i1 = l, k1
             i = i1 + 1
             g = rv1(i)
             y = w(i)
             h = s * g
             g = c * g
             z = sqrt(f*f+h*h)
             rv1(i1) = z
             c = f / z
             s = h / z
             f = x * c + g * s
             g = -x * s + g * c
             h = y * s
             y = y * c

             if (matv) then
                do j = 1, n
                   x = v(j,i1)
                   z = v(j,i)
                   v(j,i1) = x * c + z * s
                   v(j,i) = -x * s + z * c
                end do
             end if

             z = sqrt(f*f+h*h)
             w(i1) = z

             !  Rotation can be arbitrary if z is zero

             if (z /= 0.0D0) then
                c = f / z
                s = h / z
             end if

             f = c * g + s * y
             x = -s * g + c * y
             if (.not. matu) cycle

             do j = 1, m
                y = u(j,i1)
                z = u(j,i)
                u(j,i1) = y * c + z * s
                u(j,i) = -y * s + z * c
             end do

          end do

          rv1(l) = 0.0D0
          rv1(k) = f
          w(k) = x

       end do

       !  Convergence

       if (z >= 0.0D0) cycle

       !  w(k) is made non-negative
       w(k) = -z
       if (.not. matv) cycle

       do j = 1, n
          v(j,k) = -v(j,k)
       end do

    end do

  end subroutine svd