! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Uncomment #define line below to perform unit testing ! Compile using pre-processor, e.g. ifort -cpp input.f90 !#define unit_test module process_input !! Module containing the routines that perform the actual reading !! and parsing of the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! N/A !! This module provides a set of routines to read in data from the !! main PROCESS input file (IN.DAT). The format of the file is !! similar to the F90 NAMELIST structure, but with a few !! additional features: !! <OL> !! <P><LI>Comments can be read in that are copied to the standard !! output channel - these are lines with five (or more) !! consecutive '*' characters at the start. !! <P><LI>Other lines within the file can contain simple comments !! for the user - these are not copied to the standard output !! channel. They start with one to four '*' characters. !! </OL> !! <P>Character strings, integers and double precision values can !! be read in. !! <P>The following rules must be obeyed when writing an input !! file: !! <UL> !! <P><LI>Each variable must be on a separate line. !! <P><LI>Leading spaces are ignored. !! <P><LI>Variable names can be upper case, lower case, or a !! mixture of both. !! <P><LI>Spaces may not appear within a variable name or data !! value. !! <P><LI>Other spaces within a line, and trailing spaces, are !! ignored. !! <P><LI>Commas are not necessary between variables. !! <P><LI>Data can extend over more than one line. !! <P><LI>One-dimensional arrays can be explicitly subscripted, or !! unscripted, in which case the following element order is !! assumed: A(1), A(2), A(3), ... !! <P><LI>At present, multiple dimension arrays can only be !! handled without reference to explicit subscripts, in which case !! the following element order is assumed: B(1,1), B(2,1), B(3,1), !! etc. The use of the input file to specify multiple dimension !! array elements is prone to error. !! <P><LI>Unscripted array elements must be separated by commas. !! <P><LI>Blank lines are allowed anywhere in the input file. !! <P><LI>Lines starting with a * are assumed to be comments. !! <P><LI>Comment lines starting with five or more asterisks !! (i.e. *****) are reproduced verbatim in the output file. These !! should be used copiously to give a great deal of information !! about the run being performed, and should be updated before !! every single run of the code, as it is very easy to lose track !! of what is being attempted. !! </UL> !! A User's Guide to the PROCESS Systems Code, P. J. Knight, !! AEA Fusion Report AEA FUS 251, 1993 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ifndef dp use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp=>real64 #endif implicit none private public :: input, check_range_int, check_range_real, lower_case, init_input integer, public, parameter :: nin = 10 #ifdef unit_test public :: parse_input_file #endif integer, parameter :: maxlen = 2000 ! maximum line length character(len=maxlen) :: line ! current line of text from input file integer :: linelen, lineno ! current line length, line number integer :: iptr ! current position on line integer :: infile, outfile, report_changes, icode logical :: subscript_present logical :: error character(len=78) :: error_message ! Vars for subroutine input() requiring re-initialisation before each new run integer :: show_changes logical :: constraints_exist contains ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine init_input !! Initialise module variables implicit none error = .False. show_changes = 0 constraints_exist = .false. line = "" linelen = 0 lineno = 0 iptr = 0 infile = 0 outfile = 0 report_changes = 0 icode = 0 subscript_present = .false. error_message = "" end subroutine init_input subroutine input !! Routine that calls the main input file parsing routines !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! None !! This routine provides the interface between the input file !! reading routines and the rest of PROCESS. !! A User's Guide to the PROCESS Systems Code, P. J. Knight, !! AEA Fusion Report AEA FUS 251, 1993 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: nout use numerics, only: ipeqns, icc, active_constraints implicit none ! Arguments ! Local variables integer :: i ! j ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call parse_input_file(nin,nout,show_changes) ! Set all the values of the active_constraints array do i = 1, ipeqns if (icc(i) /= 0) then active_constraints(icc(i)) = .true. constraints_exist = .true. end if end do ! Set the device type based on the input file's switches call devtyp end subroutine input ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine devtyp !! Set icase description based on device type use global_variables, only: icase use ife_variables, only: ife use stellarator_variables, only: istell implicit none if (ife == 1) then icase = 'Inertial Fusion model' else if (istell /= 0) then icase = 'Stellarator model' end if end subroutine devtyp subroutine parse_input_file(in_file,out_file,show_changes) !! Routine that parses the contents of the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! author: J Morris, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! author: F Warmer, IPP Greifswald !! in_file : input integer : Fortran input unit identifier !! out_file : input integer : Fortran output unit identifier !! show_changes : input integer : switch to turn on (1) or off (0) !! reporting of changed values !! This routine reads the data from the PROCESS input file (IN.DAT), !! dealing with comments or blank lines correctly, and sets the !! value of any variables found in the file. Any changes !! from the default values may be reported if required. !! <P>Each possible variable in this block is dealt with !! individually. (To add additional input variables, simply copy !! and edit one of the similar existing examples.) !! The routine also does the extremely useful function of checking !! that the given value for a variable lies within a sensible !! predefined range, and stops the program if apparently !! nonsensical values are attempted. !! A User's Guide to the PROCESS Systems Code, P. J. Knight, !! AEA Fusion Report AEA FUS 251, 1993 ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: dcopper, dalu use global_variables, only: run_tests, verbose, maxcal, runtitle use build_variables, only: tf_in_cs, blbmoth, blbuith, dr_shld_outboard, & shldtth, shldlth, vgap_vv_thermalshield, plleni, dr_fw_outboard, dr_shld_blkt_gap, & dr_shld_thermal_inboard, dr_shld_thermal_outboard, thshield_vb, i_cs_precomp, & blbpith, aplasmin, blbuoth, dr_tf_inboard, & iohcl, dr_tf_shld_gap, f_z_cryostat, dr_bore, plleno, dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard, gapomin, dr_cryostat, & rinboard, dr_blkt_outboard, fseppc, plsepo, dr_blkt_inboard, & dr_cs, plsepi, blbmith, dr_cs_tf_gap, fcspc, dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard, vgaptop, & blbpoth, dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard, dr_fw_inboard, vgap_xpoint_divertor, dr_shld_inboard, sigallpc, tfootfi, f_avspace,& r_cp_top, dr_vv_inboard, dr_vv_outboard, d_vv_top, d_vv_bot, f_r_cp, i_r_cp_top use buildings_variables, only: hcwt, conv, wgt, trcl, rbwt, & esbldgm3, fndt, row, wgt2, pibv, dz_tf_cryostat, stcl, clh2, & tfcbv, hccl, rbrt, triv, shov, admv, i_bldgs_v, i_bldgs_size, & mbvfac, pfbldgm3, wsvfac, rbvfac, rxcl, shmf, & aux_build_l, aux_build_w, aux_build_h, auxcool_l, auxcool_w, auxcool_h, & bioshld_thk, chemlab_l, chemlab_w, chemlab_h, control_buildings_l, & control_buildings_w, control_buildings_h, crane_arm_h, crane_clrnc_h, & crane_clrnc_v, cryomag_l, cryomag_w, cryomag_h, cryostore_l, & cryostore_w, cryostore_h, cryostat_clrnc, elecdist_l, elecdist_w, & elecdist_h, elecload_l, elecload_w, elecload_h, elecstore_l, & elecstore_w, elecstore_h, fc_building_l, fc_building_w, & gas_buildings_l, gas_buildings_w, gas_buildings_h, ground_clrnc, & hcd_building_l, hcd_building_w, hcd_building_h, hw_storage_l, & hw_storage_w, hw_storage_h, heat_sink_l, heat_sink_w, heat_sink_h, & hot_sepdist, hotcell_h, ilw_smelter_l, ilw_smelter_w, ilw_smelter_h, & ilw_storage_l, ilw_storage_w, ilw_storage_h, llw_storage_l, & llw_storage_w, llw_storage_h, magnet_pulse_l, magnet_pulse_w, & magnet_pulse_h, magnet_trains_l, magnet_trains_w, magnet_trains_h, & maint_cont_l, maint_cont_w, maint_cont_h, nbi_sys_l, nbi_sys_w, & qnty_sfty_fac, reactor_clrnc, reactor_fndtn_thk, reactor_hall_l, & reactor_hall_w, reactor_hall_h, reactor_roof_thk, reactor_wall_thk, & robotics_l, robotics_w, robotics_h, sec_buildings_l, sec_buildings_w, & sec_buildings_h, staff_buildings_h, staff_buildings_area, & transp_clrnc, turbine_hall_l, turbine_hall_w, turbine_hall_h, & tw_storage_l, tw_storage_w, tw_storage_h, warm_shop_l, warm_shop_w, & warm_shop_h, water_buildings_l, water_buildings_w, water_buildings_h, & workshop_l, workshop_w, workshop_h use constraint_variables, only: fl_h_threshold, fpeakb, fpsep, fdivcol, ftcycl, & beta_poloidal_max, fpsepbqar, ftmargtf, fradwall, fptfnuc, fnesep, fportsz, tbrmin, & maxradwallload, pseprmax, fdene, fniterpump, fpinj, pnetelin, powfmax, & fgamcd, ftbr, mvalim, f_alpha_energy_confinement_min, walalw, fmva, fradpwr, nflutfmax, fipir, & fauxmn, fiooic,fr_conducting_wall, fjohc0, frminor, psepbqarmax, ftpeak, bigqmin, & fstrcond, fptemp, ftmargoh, fvs, fbeta_max, vvhealw, fpnetel, ft_burn, & ffuspow, fpsepr, ptfnucmax, fvdump, pdivtlim, falpha_energy_confinement, nbshinefmax, & fcqt, fzeffmax, fstrcase, fhldiv, foh_stress, fwalld, gammax, fjprot, & ft_current_ramp_up, tcycmn, auxmin, zeffmax, f_fw_rad_max, fdtmp, fpoloidalpower, & fnbshinef, freinke, fvvhe, fqval, fq, fmaxvvstress, fbeta_poloidal, fbeta_poloidal_eps, fjohc, & fflutf, bmxlim, t_burn_min, fbeta_min, fecrh_ignition, fstr_wp, fncycle use cost_variables, only: ucich, uctfsw, dintrt, ucblbe, uubop, dtlife, & cost_factor_vv, cfind, uccry, fcap0cp, uccase, uuves, cconshtf, conf_mag, & ucbllipb, ucfuel, uumag, ucpfbs, ireactor, uucd, div_umain_time, div_nu, & maintenance_gen, uctfps, uufw, tbktrepl, cost_factor_fwbs, decomf, & cconshpf, uche3, ucpfdr1, ucech, uudiv, cost_model, adivflnc, & cost_factor_rh, cost_factor_bop, ifueltyp, fcontng, fwbs_nref, & cost_factor_buildings, favail, cconfix, ucblli2o, abktflnc, ucf1, ucfnc, & ucpfps, iavail, ibkt_life, life_dpa, ucpfbk, cost_factor_tf_coils, costexp_pebbles, & ucmisc, cpstflnc, uccryo, costexp, fwbs_nu, ucpfic, ucblbreed, tcomrepl, uufuel, & ucdiv, uccpcl1, discount_rate, uctfbr, uccpclb, ucoam, div_prob_fail, ucnbi, & uccu, ucwst, cfactr, div_nref, amortization, ucwindtf, ucme, csi, cowner, & cost_factor_misc, fcr0, cturbb, lsa, fcap0, output_costs, & cost_factor_land, redun_vacp, ucrb, uctfbus, num_rh_systems, fkind, & fwbs_umain_time, uchrs, avail_min, uciac, ucshld, tdivrepl, & ucblli, ucpfcb, tlife, ipnet, fcdfuel, ucbus, ucpfb, uchts, & maintenance_fwbs, fwbs_prob_fail, uclh, ucblss, ucblvd, ucsc, ucturb, & ucpens, cland, ucwindpf, i_cp_lifetime, cplife_input, & startupratio, tmain, u_unplanned_cp, supercond_cost_model use current_drive_variables, only: pinjfixmw, etaech, pinjalw, etanbi, & f_tritium_beam, gamma_ecrh, pheat, beamwd, beam_energy, pheatfix, bootstrap_current_fraction_max, & forbitloss, nbshield, tbeamin, feffcd, iefrf, iefrffix, irfcd, cboot, & etalh, frbeam, harnum, xi_ebw, wave_mode use divertor_variables, only: fdfs, anginc, divdens, divclfr, c4div, & c5div, ksic, fififi, flux_exp, divplt, delld, c2div, beta_div, betao, divdum, tdiv, c6div, & omegan, prn1, frrp, xpertin, c1div, betai, bpsout, xparain, fdiva, & zeffdiv, hldivlim, rlenmax, divfix, c3div, & hldiv, i_hldiv use fwbs_variables, only: fblhebpo, vfblkt, fdiv, fvolso, i_fw_coolant_type, & dx_fw_module, i_blanket_type, blktmodel, afwi, fblli2o, nphcdin, breeder_multiplier, & fw_armour_thickness, roughness, fwclfr, breedmat, fblli, fblvd, & iblanket_thickness, vfcblkt, breeder_f, fbllipb, fhcd, vfshld, fblhebmi, & f_neut_shield, fw_th_conductivity, nblktmodti, dr_fw_wall, afwo, & fvolsi, etahtp, nblktmodpo, pres_fw_coolant, emult, temp_fw_coolant_out, nblktmodpi, & fblhebpi, fblss, inlet_temp, outlet_temp, fblbreed, qnuc, blpressure, & blpressure_liq, n_liq_recirc, pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll, f_nuc_pow_bz_struct, & declblkt, fblhebmo, blkttype, radius_fw_channel, inuclear, declshld, hcdportsize, & npdiv, f_fw_peak, primary_pumping, dr_pf_cryostat, secondary_cycle, secondary_cycle_liq, & denstl, declfw, nphcdout, i_blkt_inboard, vfpblkt, temp_fw_coolant_in, wallpf, fblbe, & fhole, fwbsshape, coolp, temp_fw_max, irefprop, len_fw_channel, & li6enrich, etaiso, nblktmodto, fvoldw, i_shield_mat, i_bb_liq, & icooldual, ifci, inlet_temp_liq, outlet_temp_liq, bz_channel_conduct_liq, ipump, ims, & coolwh, emult use heat_transport_variables, only: htpmw_fw, baseel, fmgdmw, htpmw_div, & pwpm2, etath, vachtmw, iprimshld, fpumpdiv, pinjmax, htpmw_blkt, etatf, & htpmw_min, fpumpblkt, ipowerflow, htpmw_shld, fpumpshld, trithtmw, & fpumpfw, crypmw_max, f_crypmw use ife_variables, only: bldzu, etali, sombdr, gainve, cdriv0, v1dzl, & bldrc, fauxbop, pfusife, dcdrv0, fwdr, pdrive, mcdriv, ucconc, shdr, & v3dzu, bldzl, rrin, maxmat, shmatf, fwmatf, drveff, flirad, shdzu, v2dzu, & pifecr, ifedrv, v2dr, chmatf, v1dr, v1matf, dcdrv1, chdzu, dcdrv2, & ifetyp, fwdzl, htpmw_ife, uccarb, v3matf, fbreed, edrive, ptargf, cdriv2, & fburn, fwdzu, etave, v3dr, uctarg, shdzl, ucflib, v3dzl, v1dzu, v2dzl, & chdzl, chrad, cdriv1, tgain, somtdr, v2matf, rrmax, bldr, frrmax, & blmatf, ife use impurity_radiation_module, only: coreradius, n_impurities, & coreradiationfraction, fimp use numerics, only: factor, boundl, minmax, neqns, nvar, epsfcn, ixc, & epsvmc, ftol, ipnvars, ioptimz, nineqns, ipeqns, boundu, icc, ipnfoms, name_xc use pfcoil_variables, only: rhopfbus, rjconpf, zref, fcuohsu, oh_steel_frac, vf, & coheof, sigpfcalw, alstroh, ipfres, fcupfsu, fvssu, etapsu, i_cs_stress, & fbmaxcs, ngc, rpf2, fcohbop, ohhghf, vfohc, isumatoh, ngrpmx, ngc2, rpf1, & ngrp, isumatpf, nfxfh, alfapf, routr, sigpfcf, pfclres, bmaxcs_lim, & ncls, nfixmx, cptdin, ipfloc, i_sup_pf_shape, rref, i_pf_current, & ccl0_ma, ccls_ma, ld_ratio_cst use physics_variables, only: ipedestal, taumax, i_single_null, fvsbrnni, & rhopedt, f_vol_plasma, f_deuterium, ffwal, i_beta_component, itartpf, i_l_h_threshold, & fpdivlim, beta_poloidal_eps_max, i_confinement_time, kappa95, aspect, f_r_conducting_wall, nesep, c_beta, csawth, dene, & ftar, plasma_res_factor, f_sync_reflect, f_nd_beam_electron, beta, neped, hfact, beta_norm_max, & fgwsep, rhopedn, tratio, q0, i_plasma_geometry, i_plasma_shape, fne0, ignite, f_tritium, & i_beta_fast_alpha, tauee_in, alphaj, alphat, i_plasma_current, q95, ti, tesep, ind_plasma_internal_norm, triang, & itart, f_nd_alpha_electron, iprofile, triang95, rad_fraction_sol, betbm0, f_nd_protium_electrons, & teped, f_helium3, iwalld, ejima_coeff, f_alpha_plasma, fgwped, tbeta, i_bootstrap_current, & i_rad_loss, te, alphan, rmajor, plasma_square, kappa, fkzohm, beamfus0, & tauratio, i_density_limit, bt, i_plasma_wall_gap, n_confinement_scalings, beta_max, beta_min, & i_diamagnetic_current, i_pfirsch_schluter_current, m_s_limit, burnup_in use pf_power_variables, only: iscenr, maxpoloidalpower use pulse_variables, only: i_pulsed_plant, dtstor, itcycl, istore, bctmp use primary_pumping_variables, only: t_in_bb, t_out_bb, dp_he, p_he, gamma_he, & dp_fw_blkt, dp_fw, dp_blkt, dp_liq use scan_module, only: isweep_2, nsweep, isweep, scan_dim, nsweep_2, & sweep_2, sweep, ipnscns, ipnscnv use stellarator_variables, only: f_asym, isthtr, n_res, iotabar, fdivwet, & f_w, bmn, shear, m_res, f_rad, flpitch, istell, max_gyrotron_frequency, & te0_ecrh_achievable use tfcoil_variables, only: fcoolcp, tfinsgap, vftf, & fhts, dr_tf_wp, rcool, rho_tf_leg, thkcas, & casthi, n_pancake, bcritsc, i_tf_sup, str_pf_con_res, thwcndut, & thicndut, tftmp, oacdcp, tmax_croco, ptempalw, tmargmin_tf, tmpcry, & sig_tf_case_max, dztop, dcond, str_cs_con_res, etapump, drtop, vcool, dcondins, & i_tf_tresca, dhecoil, tmaxpro, n_tf_coils, temp_cp_average, fcutfsu, j_tf_bus, & casthi_fraction, tmargmin_cs, vdalw, dcase, t_turn_tf,& cpttf_max, tdmptf, casths, i_tf_turns_integer, quench_model, & tcritsc, layer_ins, tinstf, n_layer, tcoolin, ripmax, frhocp, & cpttf, tmargmin, casths_fraction, eff_tf_cryo, eyoung_ins, & eyoung_steel, eyoung_res_tf_buck, eyoung_cond_axial, f_vforce_inboard, & f_a_tf_cool_outboard, frholeg, ftoroidalgap, i_tf_sc_mat, i_tf_shape, i_tf_bucking, & n_tf_graded_layers, n_tf_joints, n_tf_joints_contact, poisson_al, & poisson_copper, poisson_steel, rho_tf_joints, rho_tf_bus, th_joint_contact,& i_tf_stress_model, eyoung_al, i_tf_wp_geom, i_tf_case_geom, & i_tf_turns_integer, n_rad_per_layer, b_crit_upper_nbti, t_crit_nbti, & i_cp_joints, n_tf_turn, f_t_turn_tf, t_turn_tf_max, t_cable_tf, & sig_tf_wp_max, eyoung_cond_trans, i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial, i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans, & str_wp_max, str_tf_con_res, i_str_wp, max_vv_stress, theta1_coil, theta1_vv, & len_tf_bus use times_variables, only: t_current_ramp_up, pulsetimings, t_ramp_down, t_fusion_ramp, t_precharge, t_burn, & t_between_pulse, i_t_current_ramp_up use vacuum_variables, only: dwell_pump, pbase, tn, pumpspeedfactor, & initialpressure, outgasfactor, prdiv, pumpspeedmax, rat, outgasindex, & pumpareafraction, ntype, vacuum_model, pumptp use rebco_variables, only: hastelloy_thickness, f_coppera_m2, & rebco_thickness, tape_thickness, tape_width, & copper_rrr, coppera_m2_max, croco_thick, copper_thick, f_copperaoh_m2, & copperaoh_m2, copperaoh_m2_max use reinke_variables, only: reinke_mode, fzactual, impvardiv, lhat use water_usage_variables, only: airtemp, watertemp, windspeed use CS_fatigue_variables, only: residual_sig_hoop, t_crack_radial, t_crack_vertical, & t_structural_vertical, t_structural_radial, n_cycle_min, bkt_life_csf, sf_vertical_crack, & sf_radial_crack, sf_fast_fracture ,paris_coefficient, paris_power_law, walker_coefficient, & fracture_toughness implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: in_file, out_file, show_changes ! Local variables integer :: iost integer :: isub1,isub2,varlen integer :: no_constraints integer :: no_iteration integer :: foundAst character(len=32) :: varnam logical :: obsolete_var ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Initialise local variables no_constraints = 0 no_iteration = 0 obsolete_var = .false. ! Initialise module-wide variables infile = in_file outfile = out_file report_changes = show_changes icode = 0 lineno = 0 ! Main loop loop_over_lines: do subscript_present = .FALSE. read(infile,'(A)',iostat=iost) line ! On error or end, return if (iost /= 0) exit loop_over_lines lineno = lineno + 1 line = adjustl(line) ! rotate any leading blanks to the end linelen = len_trim(line) 20 continue ! Ignore blank lines if (line == ' ') cycle ! Ignore comments, unless they start with '*****', ! in which case print them. if (line(1:5) == '*****') write(outfile,*) line(1:76) if (line(1:1) == '*') cycle if (line(1:1) == '$') cycle ! in case block delimiters are still present iptr = 1 !Ignore input comments denoted by asterisk, before assigning variables if (index(line,'*') > 0) then foundAst = index(line,'*') - 1 linelen = min(linelen, foundAst) line = line(:linelen) end if ! This must be an assignment line, so get the variable name call get_variable_name(varnam,varlen,isub1,isub2) if (isub1 /= 0) subscript_present = .TRUE. if (varlen == 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in IN.DAT at line ', lineno write(*,*) line error = .True. end if ! Read the associated data variable: select case (varnam(1:varlen)) ! General settings case ('runtitle') call parse_string_variable('runtitle', runtitle, & 'title of run') case ('verbose') call parse_int_variable('verbose', verbose, 0, 1, & 'Switch for diagnostic output') case ('run_tests') call parse_int_variable('run_tests', run_tests, 0, 1, & 'Switch for running built-in tests') ! Numerical solver settings case ('boundl') call parse_real_array('boundl', boundl, isub1, ipnvars, & 'Iteration variable lower bound', icode) case ('boundu') call parse_real_array('boundu', boundu, isub1, ipnvars, & 'Iteration variable upper bound', icode) case ('epsfcn') call parse_real_variable('epsfcn', epsfcn, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'HYBRD/VMCON derivative step length') case ('epsvmc') call parse_real_variable('epsvmc', epsvmc, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'VMCON error tolerance') case ('factor') call parse_real_variable('factor', factor, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'HYBRD initial step size') case ('ftol') call parse_real_variable('ftol', ftol, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'HYBRD tolerance') ! New optional argument startindex used MDK 3/3/17 ! Allows simplified IN.DAT format for icc and ixc. case ('icc') no_constraints = no_constraints + 1 call parse_int_array('icc', icc, isub1, ipeqns, & 'Constraint equation', icode,no_constraints) no_constraints = isub1 case ('ixc') no_iteration = no_iteration + 1 call parse_int_array('ixc', ixc, isub1, ipnvars, & 'Iteration variable', icode,no_iteration) no_iteration = isub1 case ('ioptimz') call parse_int_variable('ioptimz', ioptimz, -2, 1, & 'Switch for solver method') case ('maxcal') call parse_int_variable('maxcal', maxcal, 0, 10000, & 'Max no of VMCON iterations') case ('minmax') call parse_int_variable('minmax', minmax, -ipnfoms, ipnfoms, 'Switch for figure of merit') case ('neqns') call parse_int_variable('neqns', neqns, 1, ipeqns, 'No of equality constraints') case ('nineqns') call parse_int_variable('nineqns', nineqns, 1, ipeqns, 'No of inequality constraints') case ('nvar') write(*,*)'The number of iteration variables is counted automatically and does not need to be stated in IN.DAT.' ! call parse_int_variable('nvar', nvar, 1, ipnvars, 'No of independent variables') ! Physics settings case ('alphaj') call parse_real_variable('alphaj', alphaj, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Current density profile factor') case ('alphan') call parse_real_variable('alphan', alphan, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Density profile factor') case ('alphat') call parse_real_variable('alphat', alphat, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Temperature profile factor') case ('aspect') call parse_real_variable('aspect', aspect, 1.001D0, 40.0D0, & 'Aspect ratio') case ('beamfus0') call parse_real_variable('beamfus0', beamfus0, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Beam-background fusion multiplier') case ('beta') call parse_real_variable('beta', beta, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma beta') case ('beta_max') call parse_real_variable('beta_max', beta_max, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma beta upper limit') case ('beta_min') call parse_real_variable('beta_min', beta_min, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma beta lower limit') case ('betbm0') call parse_real_variable('betbm0', betbm0, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Leading coeff. for NB beta fraction') case ('bt') call parse_real_variable('bt', bt, 0.0D0, 30.0D0, & 'Toroidal field on axis (T)') case ('burnup_in') call parse_real_variable('burnup_in', burnup_in, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'User input plasma fuel burnup fraction') case ('coreradius') call parse_real_variable('coreradius', coreradius, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Normalised core radius') case ('coreradiationfraction') call parse_real_variable('coreradiationfraction', coreradiationfraction, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of core radiation subtracted from P_L') case ('c_beta') call parse_real_variable('c_beta', c_beta, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Destabalisation parameter for iprofile=6') case ('csawth') call parse_real_variable('csawth', csawth, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Coefficient for sawteeth effects') case ('f_vol_plasma') call parse_real_variable('f_vol_plasma', f_vol_plasma, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Plasma volume multiplier') case ('f_r_conducting_wall') call parse_real_variable('f_r_conducting_wall', f_r_conducting_wall, 1.0D0, 3.0D0, & 'Max conducting shell to rminor radius') case ('dene') call parse_real_variable('dene', dene, 1.0D18, 1.0D22, & 'Electron density (/m3)') case ('beta_norm_max') call parse_real_variable('beta_norm_max', beta_norm_max, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'beta coefficient') case ('beta_poloidal_eps_max') call parse_real_variable('beta_poloidal_eps_max', beta_poloidal_eps_max, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Max epsilon*beta value') case ('f_alpha_plasma') call parse_real_variable('f_alpha_plasma', f_alpha_plasma, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of alpha power deposited to plasma') case ('ftar') call parse_real_variable('ftar', ftar, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of power to divertor with lower divertor in double null') case ('f_deuterium') call parse_real_variable('f_deuterium', f_deuterium, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Deuterium fuel fraction') case ('ffwal') call parse_real_variable('ffwal', ffwal, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Wall load fiddle factor') case ('fgwped') call parse_real_variable('fgwped', fgwped, -1.0D0, 5.0D0, & 'Fraction of n_G at pedestal top') case ('fgwsep') call parse_real_variable('fgwsep', fgwsep, -1.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of n_G at separatrix') case ('f_helium3') call parse_real_variable('f_helium3', f_helium3, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Helium-3 fuel fraction') case ('fimp') call parse_real_array('fimp', fimp, isub1, n_impurities, & 'Impurity density fraction', icode) case ('fkzohm') call parse_real_variable('fkzohm', fkzohm, 0.5D0, 2.0D0, & 'Zohm elongation scaling multiplier') case ('fnesep') call parse_real_variable('fnesep', fnesep, 0.1D0, 2.0D1, & 'f-value for Eich critical separatrix density') case ('falpha_energy_confinement') call parse_real_variable('falpha_energy_confinement', falpha_energy_confinement, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy confinement times') case ('f_tritium') call parse_real_variable('f_tritium', f_tritium, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Tritium fuel fraction') case ('fvsbrnni') call parse_real_variable('fvsbrnni', fvsbrnni, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Non-inductive volt-sec burn fraction') case ('ejima_coeff') call parse_real_variable('ejima_coeff', ejima_coeff, 0.1D0, 1.0D0, & 'Ejima coefficient for resistive V-s formula') case ('hfact') call parse_real_variable('hfact', hfact, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Energy confinement time H factor') case ('taumax') call parse_real_variable('taumax', taumax, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Maximum allowed energy confinement time (s)') case ('i_bootstrap_current') call parse_int_variable('i_bootstrap_current', i_bootstrap_current, 1, 11, & 'Switch for bootstrap scaling') case ('i_beta_component') call parse_int_variable('i_beta_component', i_beta_component, 0, 3, & 'Switch for beta limit scaling') case ('i_plasma_current') call parse_int_variable('i_plasma_current', i_plasma_current, 1, 9, & 'Switch for plasma current scaling') case ('i_density_limit') call parse_int_variable('i_density_limit', i_density_limit, 1, 7, & 'Switch for enforced density limit') case ('i_diamagnetic_current') call parse_int_variable('i_diamagnetic_current', i_diamagnetic_current, 0, 2, & 'Switch for diamagnetic scaling') case ('i_beta_fast_alpha') call parse_int_variable('i_beta_fast_alpha', i_beta_fast_alpha, 0, 1, & 'Switch for fast alpha pressure fit') case ('ignite') call parse_int_variable('ignite', ignite, 0, 1, & 'Switch for ignited plasma assumption') case ('i_l_h_threshold') call parse_int_variable('i_l_h_threshold', i_l_h_threshold, 1, 21, & 'Switch for L-H power threshold to enforce') write(outfile,*) 'impvar is now deprecated - use iteration variables 125-136 instead.' case ('ipedestal') call parse_int_variable('ipedestal', ipedestal, 0, 1, & 'Switch for plasma profile type') case ('iprofile') call parse_int_variable('iprofile', iprofile, 0, 6, & 'Switch for current profile consistency') case ('i_pfirsch_schluter_current') call parse_int_variable('i_pfirsch_schluter_current', i_pfirsch_schluter_current, 0, 1, & 'Switch for Pfirsch-Schlüter scaling') case ('i_rad_loss') call parse_int_variable('i_rad_loss', i_rad_loss, 0, 2, & 'Switch for radiation loss term inclusion in power balance') case ('i_confinement_time') call parse_int_variable('i_confinement_time', i_confinement_time, 0, n_confinement_scalings-1, & 'Switch for confinement scaling law') case ('i_plasma_wall_gap') call parse_int_variable('i_plasma_wall_gap', i_plasma_wall_gap, 0, 1, & 'Switch for midplane gap between plasma and wall') case ('i_plasma_geometry') call parse_int_variable('i_plasma_geometry', i_plasma_geometry, 0, 11, & 'Switch for plasma shape vs. aspect') case ('i_plasma_shape') call parse_int_variable('i_plasma_shape', i_plasma_shape, 0, 1, & 'Switch for plasma outline shape') case ('itart') call parse_int_variable('itart', itart, 0, 1, & 'Switch for tight aspect ratio physics') case ('itartpf') call parse_int_variable('itartpf', itartpf, 0, 1, & 'Switch for tight aspect ratio PF coils') case ('iwalld') call parse_int_variable('iwalld', iwalld, 1, 2, & 'Switch for wall load calculation') case ('plasma_square') call parse_real_variable('plasma_square', plasma_square, -5.0D0, 5.0D0, & 'Plasma squareness') case ('kappa') call parse_real_variable('kappa', kappa, 0.99D0, 5.0D0, & 'Plasma separatrix elongation') case ('kappa95') call parse_real_variable('kappa95', kappa95, 0.99D0, 5.0D0, & 'Plasma 95% elongation') case ('neped') call parse_real_variable('neped', neped, 0.0D0, 1.0D21, & 'Electron density pedestal height (/m3)') case ('nesep') call parse_real_variable('nesep', nesep, 0.0D0, 1.0D21, & 'Electron density at separatrix (/m3)') case('m_s_limit') call parse_real_variable('m_s_limit', m_s_limit, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Vertical stablity margin limit') case ('plasma_res_factor') call parse_real_variable('plasma_res_factor', plasma_res_factor, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma resistivity pre-factor') case ('q95') call parse_real_variable('q95', q95, 1.00D0, 50.0D0, & 'Safety factor at 95% flux surface') case ('q0') call parse_real_variable('q0', q0, 0.01D0, 20.0D0, & 'Safety factor on axis') case ('tauratio') call parse_real_variable('tauratio', tauratio, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Ratio of He and pellet particle confinement times') case ('rad_fraction_sol') call parse_real_variable('rad_fraction_sol', rad_fraction_sol, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'SoL radiation fraction') case ('f_nd_alpha_electron') call parse_real_variable('f_nd_alpha_electron', f_nd_alpha_electron, 1.0D-12, 1.0D0, & 'Thermal alpha density / electron density') case ('f_nd_protium_electrons') call parse_real_variable('f_nd_protium_electrons', f_nd_protium_electrons, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Protium density / electron density') case ('rhopedn') call parse_real_variable('rhopedn', rhopedn, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'Density pedestal r/a') case ('rhopedt') call parse_real_variable('rhopedt', rhopedt, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'Temperature pedestal r/a') case ('ind_plasma_internal_norm') call parse_real_variable('ind_plasma_internal_norm', ind_plasma_internal_norm, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Plasma normalised internal inductance') case ('rmajor') call parse_real_variable('rmajor', rmajor, 0.1D0, 50.0D0, & 'Plasma major radius (m)') case ('f_nd_beam_electron') call parse_real_variable('f_nd_beam_electron', f_nd_beam_electron, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Hot beam density / electron density') case ('i_single_null') call parse_int_variable('i_single_null', i_single_null, 0, 1, & 'Switch for single/double null plasma') case ('f_sync_reflect') call parse_real_variable('f_sync_reflect', f_sync_reflect, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Synchrotron wall reflectivity factor') case ('tbeta') call parse_real_variable('tbeta', tbeta, 0.0D0, 4.0D0, & 'Temperature profile index beta') case ('te') call parse_real_variable('te', te, 1.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'Electron temperature (keV)') case ('tauee_in') call parse_real_variable('tauee_in', tauee_in, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Input electron energy confinement time (sec) (i_confinement_time=48 only)') case ('f_alpha_energy_confinement_min') call parse_real_variable('f_alpha_energy_confinement_min', f_alpha_energy_confinement_min, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Lower limit on f_alpha_energy_confinement the ratio of alpha particle to energy confinement times') case ('teped') call parse_real_variable('teped', teped, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Electron temperature pedestal height (keV)') case ('tesep') call parse_real_variable('tesep', tesep, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Electron temperature at separatrix (keV)') case ('ti') call parse_real_variable('ti', ti, 5.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'Ion temperature (keV)') case ('tratio') call parse_real_variable('tratio', tratio, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Ion / electron temperature ratio') case ('triang') call parse_real_variable('triang', triang, -1.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma separatrix triangularity') case ('triang95') call parse_real_variable('triang95', triang95, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plasma 95% triangularity') ! Inequality settings case ('fniterpump') call parse_real_variable('fniterpump', fniterpump, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'f-value for constraint on number of vacuum pumps') case ('auxmin') call parse_real_variable('auxmin', auxmin, 0.01D0, 100.0D0, & 'Minimum auxiliary power (MW)') case ('beta_poloidal_max') call parse_real_variable('beta_poloidal_max', beta_poloidal_max, 0.01D0, 2.0D0, & 'Maximum poloidal beta') case ('bigqmin') call parse_real_variable('bigqmin', bigqmin, 0.01D0, 100.0D0, & 'Minimum fusion gain Q') case ('bmxlim') call parse_real_variable('bmxlim', bmxlim, 0.1D0, 50.0D0, & 'Maximum toroidal field (T)') case ('fauxmn') call parse_real_variable('fauxmn', fauxmn, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for minimum auxiliary power') case ('fbeta_poloidal_eps') call parse_real_variable('fbeta_poloidal_eps', fbeta_poloidal_eps, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for eps.beta_poloidal beta limit') case ('fbeta_poloidal') call parse_real_variable('fbeta_poloidal', fbeta_poloidal, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for poloidal beta limit') case ('fbeta_max') call parse_real_variable('fbeta_max', fbeta_max, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for beta limit') case ('fbeta_min') call parse_real_variable('fbeta_min', fbeta_min, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for (lower) beta limit') case ('fecrh_ignition') call parse_real_variable('fecrh_ignition', fecrh_ignition, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for ecrh ignition constraint') case ('fcwr') call parse_real_variable('fcwr',fr_conducting_wall, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for conducting wall radius') case ('fdene') call parse_real_variable('fdene', fdene, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for density limit') case ('fdivcol') call parse_real_variable('fdivcol', fdivcol, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for divertor collisionality') case ('fdtmp') call parse_real_variable('fdtmp', fdtmp, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for first wall coolant temp rise') case ('fgamcd') call parse_real_variable('fgamcd', fgamcd, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for current drive gamma') case ('fipir') call parse_real_variable('fipir', fipir, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for Ip/Irod') case ('fjohc') call parse_real_variable('fjohc', fjohc, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for Central Solenoid current at EOF') case ('fjohc0') call parse_real_variable('fjohc0', fjohc0, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for Central Solenoid current at BOP') case ('fhldiv') call parse_real_variable('fhldiv', fhldiv, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for divertor heat load') case ('hldiv') call parse_real_variable('hldiv', hldiv, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Divertor heat load (MW/m2)') case ('i_hldiv') call parse_int_variable('i_hldiv', i_hldiv, 0, 2, & 'Switch for user input hldiv') case ('fflutf') call parse_real_variable('fflutf', fflutf, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for neutron fluence on TF coil') case ('ffuspow') call parse_real_variable('ffuspow', ffuspow, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for maximum fusion power') case ('fiooic') call parse_real_variable('fiooic', fiooic, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for SCTF iop/icrit') case ('fjprot') call parse_real_variable('fjprot', fjprot, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for SCTF winding pack J') case ('fl_h_threshold') call parse_real_variable('fl_h_threshold', fl_h_threshold, 0.001D0, 1.0D6, & 'F-value for L-H power threshold') case ('fmva') call parse_real_variable('fmva', fmva, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for maximum MVA') case ('fnbshinef') call parse_real_variable('fnbshinef', fnbshinef, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for maximum NBI shine-through fraction') case ('fncycle') call parse_real_variable('fncycle', fncycle, 1.0D-8, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for minimum CS coil stress load cycles') case ('fpeakb') call parse_real_variable('fpeakb', fpeakb, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for max toroidal field') case ('fpinj') call parse_real_variable('fpinj', fpinj, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for injection power') case ('fpnetel') call parse_real_variable('fpnetel', fpnetel, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for net electric power') case ('fportsz') call parse_real_variable('fportsz', fportsz, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for port size') case ('fpdivlim') call parse_real_variable('fpdivlim', fpdivlim, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for minimum pdivt') case ('ftoroidalgap') call parse_real_variable('ftoroidalgap', ftoroidalgap, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for toroidal gap consistency') case ('f_avspace') call parse_real_variable('f_avspace', f_avspace, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for radial build consistency (stellarators)') case ('fpsepr') call parse_real_variable('fpsepr', fpsepr, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for Psep/R limit') case ('fptemp') call parse_real_variable('fptemp', fptemp, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for peak centrepost temperature') case ('fptfnuc') call parse_real_variable('fptfnuc', fptfnuc, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for max TF coil nuclear heating') case ('fq') call parse_real_variable('fq', fq, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for edge safety factor') case ('fqval') call parse_real_variable('fqval', fqval, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for fusion gain Q') case ('fradpwr') call parse_real_variable('fradpwr', fradpwr, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for radiation power limit') case ('fradwall') call parse_real_variable('fradwall', fradwall, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for upper limit on radiation wall load') case ('freinke') call parse_real_variable('freinke', freinke, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for upper limit on Reinke detachment criterion') case ('frminor') call parse_real_variable('frminor', frminor, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for minor radius limit') case ('fstrcase') call parse_real_variable('fstrcase', fstrcase, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for TF coil case stress') case ('fstrcond') call parse_real_variable('fstrcond', fstrcond, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for TF coil conduit stress') case ('fstr_wp') call parse_real_variable('fstr_wp', fstr_wp, 1.0D-9, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for TF coil strain absolute value') case ('fmaxvvstress') call parse_real_variable('fmaxvvstress', fmaxvvstress, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for maximum permitted stress of the VV') case ('ftbr') call parse_real_variable('ftbr', ftbr, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for tritium breeding ratio limit') case ('ft_burn') call parse_real_variable('ft_burn', ft_burn, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for burn time limit') case ('ftcycl') call parse_real_variable('ftcycl', ftcycl, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for cycle time') case ('ftmargtf') call parse_real_variable('ftmargtf', ftmargtf, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for TF coil temp. margin') case ('ftmargoh') call parse_real_variable('ftmargoh', ftmargoh, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for TF coil temp. margin') case ('ft_current_ramp_up') call parse_real_variable('ft_current_ramp_up', ft_current_ramp_up, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for plasma current ramp-up time') case ('ftpeak') call parse_real_variable('ftpeak', ftpeak, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for peak first wall temperature') case ('fvdump') call parse_real_variable('fvdump', fvdump, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for dump voltage') case ('fvs') call parse_real_variable('fvs', fvs, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for startup V-s requirement') case ('fvssu') call parse_real_variable('fvssu', fvssu, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for start up V-s requirement and availability equality') case ('fvvhe') call parse_real_variable('fvvhe', fvvhe, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for VV He concentration limit') case ('fwalld') call parse_real_variable('fwalld', fwalld, 0.001D0, 10.0D0, & 'F-value for wall load limit') case ('fzactual') call parse_real_variable('fzactual', fzactual, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'fraction of specified impurity in SOL when constrained by Reinke criteria') case ('fzeffmax') call parse_real_variable('fzeffmax', fzeffmax, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for Zeff limit equation') case ('fpoloidalpower') call parse_real_variable('fpoloidalpower', fpoloidalpower, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for constraint on rate of change of energy in poloidal field') case ('fpsep') call parse_real_variable('fpsep', fpsep, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value to ensure separatrix power is less than value from Kallen bach divertor') case ('fpsepbqar') call parse_real_variable('fpsepbqar', fpsepbqar, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for TF coil quench temperature < tmax_croco (constraint equation 74)') case ('fcqt') call parse_real_variable('fcqt', fcqt, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'TF coil quench temparature remains below tmax_croco') case ('fne0') call parse_real_variable('fne0', fne0, 0.001D0, 1.0D0, & 'Central electron temperature remains higher that the pedestal one') case ('gammax') call parse_real_variable('gammax', gammax, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Maximum current drive gamma (A/W-m2)') case ('maxradwallload') call parse_real_variable('maxradwallload', maxradwallload, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Maximum permitted radiation wall load (MW/m^2)') case ('mvalim') call parse_real_variable('mvalim', mvalim, 0.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Maximum MVA limit') case ('nbshinefmax') call parse_real_variable('nbshinefmax', nbshinefmax, 1.0D-20, 1.0D-1, & 'Maximum NB shine-through fraction') case ('nflutfmax') call parse_real_variable('nflutfmax', nflutfmax, 1.0D20, 1.0D24, & 'Max fast neutron fluence on TF coil (n/m2)') case ('pdivtlim') call parse_real_variable('pdivtlim', pdivtlim, 0.1D0, 1.0D3, & 'Minimum pdivt (MW) (con. 80, itvar. 153)') case ('f_fw_rad_max') call parse_real_variable('f_fw_rad_max', f_fw_rad_max, 0.1D0, 10D0, & 'peaking factor for radiation wall load') case ('pnetelin') call parse_real_variable('pnetelin', pnetelin, 1.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'Required net electric power (MW)') case ('powfmax') call parse_real_variable('powfmax', powfmax, 1.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'Maximum fusion power (MW)') case ('psepbqarmax') call parse_real_variable('psepbqarmax', psepbqarmax, 1.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'Maximum Psep*Bt/q*A*R ratio (MW.T/m)') case ('pseprmax') call parse_real_variable('pseprmax', pseprmax, 1.0D0, 60.0D0, & 'Maximum Psep/R ratio (MW/m)') case ('ptfnucmax') call parse_real_variable('ptfnucmax', ptfnucmax, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'Maximum TF coil nuclear heating (MW/m3)') case ('tbrmin') call parse_real_variable('tbrmin', tbrmin, 0.001D0, 2.0D0, & 'Minimum tritium breeding ratio') case ('t_burn_min') call parse_real_variable('t_burn_min', t_burn_min, 1.0D-3, 1.0D6, & 'Minimum burn time (s)') case ('tcycmn') call parse_real_variable('tcycmn', tcycmn, 1.0D-3, 2.0D6, & 'Minimum cycle time (s)') case ('vvhealw') call parse_real_variable('vvhealw', vvhealw, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Allowable maximum He conc. in VV (appm)') case ('walalw') call parse_real_variable('walalw', walalw, 0.001D0, 50.0D0, & 'Allowable wall load (MW/m2)') case ('zeffmax') call parse_real_variable('zeffmax', zeffmax, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Allowable Zeff') ! Current drive settings case ('beamwd') call parse_real_variable('beamwd', beamwd, 0.001D0, 5.0D0, & 'Beam width (m)') case ('bootstrap_current_fraction_max') call parse_real_variable('bootstrap_current_fraction_max', bootstrap_current_fraction_max, -0.999D0, 0.999D0, & '(-fixed)/maximum Bootstrap fraction') case ('cboot') call parse_real_variable('cboot', cboot, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Bootstrap current fraction multiplier') case ('beam_energy') call parse_real_variable('beam_energy', beam_energy, 1.0D0, 1.0D6, & 'Neutral beam energy (keV)') case ('etalh') call parse_real_variable('etalh', etalh, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'LH wall plug to plasma efficiency') case ('etaech') call parse_real_variable('etaech', etaech, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'ECH wall plug to injector efficiency') case ('etanbi') call parse_real_variable('etanbi', etanbi, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'NBI wall plug to injector efficiency') case ('feffcd') call parse_real_variable('feffcd', feffcd, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Current drive efficiency fiddle factor') case ('forbitloss') call parse_real_variable('forbitloss', forbitloss, 0.0D0, 0.999D0, & 'NBI power orbit loss fraction') case ('frbeam') call parse_real_variable('frbeam', frbeam, 0.5D0, 2.0D0, & 'R_tan / R_major for NBI') case ('f_tritium_beam') call parse_real_variable('f_tritium_beam', f_tritium_beam, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Tritium fraction of beam') case ('gamma_ecrh') call parse_real_variable('gamma_ecrh', gamma_ecrh, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'User input ECRH gamma_CD') case ('harnum') call parse_real_variable('harnum', harnum, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cyclotron harmonic frequency number') case ('wave_mode') call parse_int_variable('wave_mode', wave_mode, 0, 1, & 'Cyclotron wave mode switch') case ('xi_ebw') call parse_real_variable('xi_ebw', xi_ebw, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'User input EBW scaling for Plasma Heating') case ('iefrf') call parse_int_variable('iefrf', iefrf, 1, 13, & 'Switch for curr drive efficiency model') case ('iefrffix') call parse_int_variable('iefrffix', iefrffix, 0, 13, & 'Switch for 2nd curr drive efficiency model') case ('irfcd') call parse_int_variable('irfcd', irfcd, 0, 1, & 'Switch for current drive calculation') case ('nbshield') call parse_real_variable('nbshield', nbshield, 0.01D0, 0.5D0, & 'Wall thickness of neutral beam duct (m)') case ('pheat') call parse_real_variable('pheat', pheat, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Heating power not used for C.D. (MW)') case ('pheatfix') call parse_real_variable('pheatfix', pheatfix, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Secondary fixed heating power not used for C.D. (MW)') case ('pinjalw') call parse_real_variable('pinjalw', pinjalw, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Maximum allowed injection power (MW)') case ('pinjfixmw') call parse_real_variable('pinjfixmw', pinjfixmw, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Secondary auxiliary injection power (MW)') case ('tbeamin') call parse_real_variable('tbeamin', tbeamin, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'No of NB decay lengths to plas centre') ! Time settings case ('t_burn') call parse_real_variable('t_burn', t_burn, 0.0D0, 1.0D8, & 'Burn time (s)') case ('t_between_pulse') call parse_real_variable('t_between_pulse', t_between_pulse, 0.0D0, 1.0D8, & 'Time between burns (s)') case ('t_fusion_ramp') call parse_real_variable('t_fusion_ramp', t_fusion_ramp, 0.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'Heating time after current ramp (s)') case ('t_current_ramp_up') call parse_real_variable('t_current_ramp_up', t_current_ramp_up, 0.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'Plasma current ramp-up time for current init (s)') case ('i_t_current_ramp_up') call parse_int_variable('i_t_current_ramp_up', i_t_current_ramp_up, 0, 1, & 'Switch for t_current_ramp_up calculation') case ('t_ramp_down') call parse_real_variable('t_ramp_down', t_ramp_down, 0.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'PF coil shutdown time (s)') case ('t_precharge') call parse_real_variable('t_precharge', t_precharge, 0.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'Initial charge time for PF coils (s)') case ('pulsetimings') call parse_real_variable('pulsetimings', pulsetimings, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Pulse timings switch for i_pulsed_plant=1') ! Divertor settings: 2016 Kallenbach model (2016/07/04) ! See HTS coil module for PROCESS.docx !case ('cable_helium_fraction') ! call parse_real_variable('cable_helium_fraction', cable_helium_fraction, 0.215D0, 0.99D0, & ! 'Helium area as a fraction of the cable space.') ! Divertor settings case ('anginc') call parse_real_variable('anginc', anginc, 0.0D0, 1.5707D0, & 'Field line ang of incid on dvrtr (rad)') case ('beta_div') call parse_real_variable('beta_div', beta_div, 0.0D0, 360.0D0, & 'Field line angle wrt divertor target plate (degrees)') case ('betai') call parse_real_variable('betai', betai, 0.0D0, 1.5707D0, & 'Poloidal plane angle between inner divertor leg and plate (rad)') case ('betao') call parse_real_variable('betao', betao, 0.0D0, 1.5707D0, & 'Poloidal plane angle between outer divertor leg and plate (rad)') case ('bpsout') call parse_real_variable('bpsout', bpsout, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Ref B_p at outboard divertor strike point') case ('c1div') call parse_real_variable('c1div', c1div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('c2div') call parse_real_variable('c2div', c2div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('c3div') call parse_real_variable('c3div', c3div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('c4div') call parse_real_variable('c4div', c4div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('c5div') call parse_real_variable('c5div', c5div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('c6div') call parse_real_variable('c6div', c6div, -100.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Divertor model fitting coefficient') case ('delld') call parse_real_variable('delld', delld, 0.1D0, 2.0D0, & 'Coefficient for power distribution') case ('divclfr') call parse_real_variable('divclfr', divclfr, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Divertor coolant fraction') case ('divdens') call parse_real_variable('divdens', divdens, 0.1D0, 1.0D5, & 'Divertor structure density (kg/m3)') case ('divdum') call parse_int_variable('divdum', divdum, 0, 1, & 'Switch for divertor Zeff value') case ('divfix') call parse_real_variable('divfix', divfix, 0.1D0, 5.0D0, & 'Divertor structure vertical extent (m)') case ('divplt') call parse_real_variable('divplt', divplt, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'Divertor plate thickness (m)') case ('fdfs') call parse_real_variable('fdfs', fdfs, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Radial gradient ratio') case ('fdiva') call parse_real_variable('fdiva', fdiva, 0.1D0, 2.0D0, & 'Divertor area fiddle factor') case ('fififi') call parse_real_variable('fififi', fififi, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'Coefficient for gamdiv') case ('flux_exp') call parse_real_variable('flux_exp', flux_exp, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Plasma flux expansion in the divertor') case ('frrp') call parse_real_variable('frrp', frrp, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of radiated power to plate') case ('hldivlim') call parse_real_variable('hldivlim', hldivlim, 0.1D0, 20.0D0, & 'Divertor heat load limit (MW/m2)') case ('ksic') call parse_real_variable('ksic', ksic, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Divertor power fraction thingy') case ('omegan') call parse_real_variable('omegan', omegan, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Pressure ratio (nT)_p / (nT)_s') case ('plleni') call parse_real_variable('plleni', plleni, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Poloidal length, inboard divertor plate (m)') case ('plleno') call parse_real_variable('plleno', plleno, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Poloidal length, outboard divertor plate (m)') case ('plsepi') call parse_real_variable('plsepi', plsepi, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Poloidal length, x to inboard strike point (m)') case ('plsepo') call parse_real_variable('plsepo', plsepo, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Poloidal length, x to outboard strike point (m)') case ('prn1') call parse_real_variable('prn1', prn1, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'n_scrapeoff / n_average plasma') case ('rlenmax') call parse_real_variable('rlenmax', rlenmax, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Maximum value for length ratio') case ('tdiv') call parse_real_variable('tdiv', tdiv, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Plasma temperature at divertor (eV)') case ('xparain') call parse_real_variable('xparain', xparain, 0.01D0, 1.0D4, & 'Parallel heat transport coeff (m2/s)') case ('xpertin') call parse_real_variable('xpertin', xpertin, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Perpendicular heat trans coeff (m2/s)') case ('zeffdiv') call parse_real_variable('zeffdiv', zeffdiv, 0.01D0, 100.0D0, & 'Zeff in the divertor region (if divdum.ne.0)') ! Radial / vertical build settings case ('aplasmin') call parse_real_variable('aplasmin', aplasmin, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Minimum minor radius (m)') case ('blbmith') call parse_real_variable('blbmith', blbmith, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Inboard blanket box manifold thickness (m)') case ('blbmoth') call parse_real_variable('blbmoth', blbmoth, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Outboard blanket box manifold thickness (m)') case ('blbpith') call parse_real_variable('blbpith', blbpith, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Inboard blanket back plate thickness (m)') case ('blbpoth') call parse_real_variable('blbpoth', blbpoth, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Outboard blanket back plate thickness (m)') case ('blbuith') call parse_real_variable('blbuith', blbuith, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Inboard blanket breeding unit thickness (m)') case ('blbuoth') call parse_real_variable('blbuoth', blbuoth, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Outboard blanket breeding unit thickness (m)') case ('dr_blkt_inboard') if (i_blanket_type == 3) then !CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'ERROR. BLNKITH input is not required for CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation -' write(outfile,*) 'please remove it from the input file' write(outfile,*) '**********' else call parse_real_variable('dr_blkt_inboard', dr_blkt_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Inboard blanket thickness (m)') ! Inboard blanket does not exist if the thickness is below a certain limit. if(dr_blkt_inboard>=0.0D00.and.dr_blkt_inboard<=1.0D-3) then dr_blkt_inboard = 0.0D00 ! Inboard blanket thickness is zero i_blkt_inboard = 0 ! Inboard blanket does not exist end if end if case ('dr_blkt_outboard') if (i_blanket_type == 3) then !CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'ERROR. dr_blkt_outboard input is not required for CCFE HCPB model with Tritium Breeding Ratio calculation -' write(outfile,*) 'please remove it from the input file' write(outfile,*) '**********' else call parse_real_variable('dr_blkt_outboard', dr_blkt_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Outboard blanket thickness (m)') end if case ('dr_bore') call parse_real_variable('dr_bore', dr_bore, 0.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'Machine dr_bore (m)') case ('f_z_cryostat') call parse_real_variable('f_z_cryostat', f_z_cryostat, 2.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cryostat lid height scaling factor (m)') case ('dr_cryostat') call parse_real_variable('dr_cryostat', dr_cryostat, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'cryostat wall thickness (m)') case ('dr_vv_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_vv_inboard', dr_vv_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Inboard vacuum vessel thickness (m)') case ('dr_vv_outboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_vv_outboard', dr_vv_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Outboard vacuum vessel thickness (m)') case ('d_vv_top') call parse_real_variable('d_vv_top', d_vv_top, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Topside vacuum vessel thickness (m)') case ('d_vv_bot') call parse_real_variable('d_vv_bot', d_vv_bot, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Underside vacuum vessel thickness (m)') case ('fcspc') call parse_real_variable('fcspc', fcspc, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of space occupied by CS pre-comp structure') case ('fseppc') call parse_real_variable('fseppc', fseppc, 1.0D6, 1.0D9, & 'CS separation force held by CS pre-comp structure') case ('oh_steel_frac') call parse_real_variable('oh_steel_frac', oh_steel_frac, 1.0D-3, 0.999D0, & 'Central solenoid steel fraction') case ('foh_stress') call parse_real_variable('foh_stress', foh_stress, 1.0D-3, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for CS coil Tresca yield criterion') ! case ('dr_fw_inboard') ! call parse_real_variable('dr_fw_inboard', dr_fw_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & ! 'Inboard first wall thickness, initial estimate (m)') ! case ('dr_fw_outboard') ! call parse_real_variable('dr_fw_outboard', dr_fw_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & ! 'Outboard first wall thickness, initial estimate (m)') case ('dr_cs_tf_gap') call parse_real_variable('dr_cs_tf_gap', dr_cs_tf_gap, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Gap between OHC and TF coil (m)') case ('dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard', dr_shld_vv_gap_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Gap between inboard vacuum vessel and shield (m)') case ('gapomin') call parse_real_variable('gapomin', gapomin, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Min gap between outboard shield & vac vessel (m)') case ('iohcl') call parse_int_variable('iohcl', iohcl, 0, 1, & 'Switch for existence of Central Solenoid') case ('i_cs_precomp') call parse_int_variable('i_cs_precomp', i_cs_precomp, 0, 1, & 'Switch for existence of Central Solenoid pre-compression structure') case ('tf_in_cs') call parse_int_variable('tf_in_cs', tf_in_cs, 0, 1, & 'Switch for placing TF coils inside of the CS') case ('dr_cs') call parse_real_variable('dr_cs', dr_cs, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Central Solenoid thickness (m)') case ('rinboard') call parse_real_variable('rinboard', rinboard, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Plasma inboard radius (m)') case ('dr_pf_cryostat') call parse_real_variable('dr_pf_cryostat', dr_pf_cryostat, 0.1D0, 5.0D0, & 'Outer PF coil to cryostat distance (m)') case ('i_r_cp_top') call parse_int_variable('i_r_cp_top', i_r_cp_top, 0, 2, & 'Switch selecting the parametrization of the TF CP top radius (ST only)') case ('r_cp_top') call parse_real_variable('r_cp_top', r_cp_top, 0.0010D0, 10.0D0, & 'Top CP outer radius (ST only) (m)') case ('f_r_cp') call parse_real_variable('f_r_cp', f_r_cp, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Ratio between the top and the midplane TF CP outer radius (-) ') case ('dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard', dr_fw_plasma_gap_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Inboard scrapeoff length (m)') case ('dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard', dr_fw_plasma_gap_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Outboard scrapeoff length (m)') case ('dr_shld_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_inboard', dr_shld_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Inboard shield thickness (m)') case ('shldlth') call parse_real_variable('shldlth', shldlth, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Lower (divertor) shield thickness (m)') case ('dr_shld_outboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_outboard', dr_shld_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Outboard shield thickness (m)') case ('shldtth') call parse_real_variable('shldtth', shldtth, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Top shield thickness (m)') case ('sigallpc') call parse_real_variable('sigallpc', sigallpc, 0.0D1, 1.0D9, & 'Allowable stress in CS pre-comp structure (Pa)') ! Issue #514 Make dr_tf_inboard an output not an input or iteration variable: ! Eventually this input will be removed. case ('dr_tf_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_tf_inboard', dr_tf_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'TF coil thickness (m)') case ('dr_tf_wp') call parse_real_variable('dr_tf_wp', dr_tf_wp, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'TF coil winding pack radial thickness (m)') case ('tfootfi') call parse_real_variable('tfootfi', tfootfi, 0.2D0, 5.0D0, & 'TFC outboard/inboard leg thickness') case ('dr_tf_shld_gap') call parse_real_variable('dr_tf_shld_gap', dr_tf_shld_gap, 0.0D0, 5.0D0, & 'Minimum gap between TF and thermal shield for manufacturing etc. (m)') case ('dr_shld_thermal_inboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_thermal_inboard', dr_shld_thermal_inboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'TF/VV thermal shield thickness, inboard (m)') case ('dr_shld_thermal_outboard') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_thermal_outboard', dr_shld_thermal_outboard, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'TF/VV thermal shield thickness, outboard (m)') case ('thshield_vb') call parse_real_variable('thshield_vb', thshield_vb, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'TF/VV thermal shield thickness, vertical build (m)') case ('vgap_xpoint_divertor') call parse_real_variable('vgap_xpoint_divertor', vgap_xpoint_divertor, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Vert gap between x-pnt and divertor (m)') case ('vgap_vv_thermalshield') call parse_real_variable('vgap_vv_thermalshield', vgap_vv_thermalshield, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Vert gap between TF coil and shield (m)') case ('vgaptop') call parse_real_variable('vgaptop', vgaptop, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Top vert gap between plasma and first wall (m)') case ('dr_shld_blkt_gap') call parse_real_variable('dr_shld_blkt_gap', dr_shld_blkt_gap, 0.0D0, 5.0D0, & 'Gap between vacuum vessel and blanket (m)') ! TF coil settings case ('bcritsc') call parse_real_variable('bcritsc', bcritsc, 10.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'Critical field for superconductor') case ('tape_width') call parse_real_variable('tape_width', tape_width, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Mean width of HTS tape (m)') case ('tape_thickness') call parse_real_variable('tape_thickness', tape_thickness, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Thickness of HTS tape (m)') case ('rebco_thickness') call parse_real_variable('rebco_thickness', rebco_thickness, 0.01D-6, 100.0D-6, & 'Thickness of REBCO layer in HTS tape (m)') if (rebco_thickness > 1.0D-6) then ! Warning includes concerns raised on Issue #1494 write(outfile,*) ' ' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'WARNING: the relationship between REBCO layer thickness and current density is not linear.' write(outfile,*) 'REBCO layer thicknesses > 1um should be considered an aggressive extrapolation of' write(outfile,*) 'current HTS technology and any results must be considered speculative.' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) ' ' end if case ('hastelloy_thickness') call parse_real_variable('hastelloy_thickness', hastelloy_thickness, 0.01D-6, 1000.0D-6, & 'Thickness of Hastelloy layer in HTS tape (m)') ! case ('croco_id') ! call parse_real_variable('croco_id', croco_id, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & ! 'croco_id') ! case ('croco_od') ! call parse_real_variable('croco_od', croco_od, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & ! 'Outer diameter of CroCo strand (m)') case ('croco_thick') call parse_real_variable('croco_thick', croco_thick, 0.001D0, 0.1D0, & 'Thickness of CroCo copper tube (m)') case ('copper_thick') call parse_real_variable('copper_thick', copper_thick, 0.0D0, 1000.0D-6, & 'copper_thick (m)') ! case ('copper_bar') ! call parse_real_variable('copper_bar', copper_bar, 0.0D0, 0.9D0, & ! 'area of central copper bar, as a fraction of area inside the jacket') case ('copper_rrr') call parse_real_variable('copper_rrr', copper_rrr, 1.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'residual resistivity ratio copper in TF superconducting cable') case ('coppera_m2_max') call parse_real_variable('coppera_m2_max', copperA_m2_max, 1.0D6, 1.0D10, & 'Maximum TF coil current / copper area (A/m2)') case ('f_coppera_m2') call parse_real_variable('f_coppera_m2', f_coppera_m2, 1.0D-3, 1.0D1, & 'f-value for constraint 75: TF coil current / copper area < copperA_m2_max') case ('casthi') call parse_real_variable('casthi', casthi, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'TF coil case inner thickness (m)') ! OR case ('casthi_fraction') call parse_real_variable('casthi_fraction', casthi_fraction, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'inboard TF coil case plasma side thickness as a fraction of dr_tf_inboard') ! Use EITHER case ('casths') call parse_real_variable('casths', casths, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'TF coil case sidewall thickness (m)') ! OR case ('casths_fraction') call parse_real_variable('casths_fraction', casths_fraction, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'inboard TF coil sidewall case thickness as a fraction of tftort') case ('cpttf') call parse_real_variable('cpttf', cpttf, 0.001D0, 1.0D6, & 'TF coil leg current per turn (A)') case ('cpttf_max') call parse_real_variable('cpttf_max', cpttf_max, 1.0D0, 1.0D6, & 'Maximum allowable TF coil leg current per turn (A) (constraint equation 77)') case ('sig_tf_case_max') call parse_real_variable('sig_tf_case_max', sig_tf_case_max, 1.0D6, 1.0D11, & 'Allowable maximum shear stress in TF coil case (Tresca criterion) (Pa)') case ('sig_tf_wp_max') call parse_real_variable('sig_tf_wp_max', sig_tf_wp_max, 1.0D6, 1.0D11, & 'Allowable maximum shear stress in TF coil conduit (Tresca criterion) (Pa)') case ('dcase') call parse_real_variable('dcase', dcase, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Density of TF coil case (kg/m3)') case ('dcond') call parse_real_array('dcond', dcond, isub1, 9, & 'TF/PF coil superconductor density (kg/m3)', icode) case ('dcondins') call parse_real_variable('dcondins', dcondins, 5.0D2, 1.0D4, & 'Density of TF coil insulation (kg/m3)') case ('dcopper') call parse_real_variable('dcopper', dcopper, 8.0D3, 1.0D4, & 'Density of copper (kg/m3)') case ('dalu') call parse_real_variable('dalu', dalu, 2.5D3, 3.0D4, & 'Density of Alumium (kg/m3)') case ('dhecoil') call parse_real_variable('dhecoil', dhecoil, 0.0d0, 0.1d0, & 'Diameter of He coil in TF winding (m)') case ('drtop') call parse_real_variable('drtop', drtop, -1.5D0, 1.5D0, & 'ST CP top radius adjust (m)') case ('dztop') call parse_real_variable('dztop', dztop, -0.5D0, 0.5D0, & 'ST CP taper height adjust (m)') case ('etapump') call parse_real_variable('etapump', etapump, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Efficiency of c/p coolant pump') case ('eyoung_steel') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_steel', eyoung_steel, 1.0D8, 1.0D13, & 'Steel case Youngs Modulus (Pa)') case ('eyoung_ins') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_ins', eyoung_ins, 1.0D8, 1.0D13, & 'Insulator Youngs Modulus (Pa)') case ('eyoung_cond_axial') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_cond_axial', eyoung_cond_axial, 0.0D0, 1.0D13, & 'SC TF coil Youngs Modulus, axial (Pa)') case ('eyoung_cond_trans') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_cond_trans', eyoung_cond_trans, 0.0D0, 1.0D13, & 'SC TF coil Youngs Modulus, transverse (Pa)') case ('eyoung_al') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_al', eyoung_al, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Reinforced aluminium Young modulus for TF stress calc.') case ('eyoung_res_tf_buck') call parse_real_variable('eyoung_res_tf_buck', eyoung_res_tf_buck, 1.0D-10, 1.0D12, & 'Reinforced aluminium Young modulus for TF stress calc.') case ('t_crit_nbti') call parse_real_variable('t_crit_nbti ', t_crit_nbti , 0.0D0, 15.0D0, & 'Critical temperature of GL_nbti ') case ('b_crit_upper_nbti') call parse_real_variable('b_crit_upper_nbti', b_crit_upper_nbti, 0.0D0, 30.0D0, & 'Upper critical field of GL_nbti ') case ('fcoolcp') call parse_real_variable('fcoolcp', fcoolcp, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant fraction of TF centrepost (itart=1) or the whole magnet (itart=0)') case ('f_a_tf_cool_outboard') call parse_real_variable('f_a_tf_cool_outboard', f_a_tf_cool_outboard, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant fraction of TF outboard leg (itart=1 only)') case ('fcutfsu') call parse_real_variable('fcutfsu', fcutfsu, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Cu fraction of SCTF cable conductor') case ('fhts') call parse_real_variable('fhts', fhts, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'Technology adjustment factor for Bi-2212 HTS') case ('frhocp') call parse_real_variable('frhocp', frhocp, 0.01D0, 5.0D0, & 'Centrepost (itart=1) or global (itart=0) resistivity enhancement factor') case ('frholeg') call parse_real_variable('frholeg', frholeg, 0.01D0, 5.0D0, & 'TART outboard leg resistivity enhancement factor') case ('rho_tf_joints') call parse_real_variable('rho_tf_joints', rho_tf_joints, 0.0D0, 1.0D-2, & 'TF joints surfacic resistivity') case ('i_cp_joints') call parse_int_variable('i_cp_joints', i_cp_joints, 0, 1, & 'Switch for CP demoutable joints type') case ('th_joint_contact') call parse_real_variable('th_joint_contact', th_joint_contact, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'TF sliding joints contact pad width') case ('n_tf_joints_contact') call parse_int_variable('n_tf_joints_contact', n_tf_joints_contact, 1, 50, & 'Number of contact per sliding joint') case ('n_tf_joints') call parse_int_variable('n_tf_joints', n_tf_joints, 1, 50, & 'Number of joints per turn') case ('eff_tf_cryo') call parse_real_variable('eff_tf_cryo', eff_tf_cryo, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'TF coil cryo-plane efficiency') case ('i_tf_stress_model') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_stress_model', i_tf_stress_model, 0, 2, & 'Switch for the TF stress model') case ('i_tf_tresca') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_tresca', i_tf_tresca, 0, 1, & 'Switch for TF coil Tresca criterion') case ('i_tf_wp_geom') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_wp_geom', i_tf_wp_geom, 0, 2, & 'Switch for TF WP geometry selection') case ('i_tf_case_geom') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_case_geom', i_tf_case_geom, 0, 1, & 'Switch for TF case geometry selection') case ('i_tf_turns_integer') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_turns_integer', i_tf_turns_integer, 0, 1, & 'Switch for TF coil integer/non-integer turns') case ('i_tf_bucking') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_bucking', i_tf_bucking, 0, 3, & 'Switch for bucking cylinder (case)') case ('i_tf_sc_mat') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_sc_mat', i_tf_sc_mat, 1, 9, & 'TF coil superconductor material') if (i_tf_sc_mat == 2) then write(outfile,*) ' ' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'Warning if you are using an old input file:' write(outfile,*) 'i_tf_sc_mat=2 usage has changed -' write(outfile,*) 'please check validity!' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) ' ' end if case ('i_tf_sup') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_sup', i_tf_sup, 0, 2, & 'Switch for TF coil type') case ('i_tf_shape') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_shape', i_tf_shape, 0, 2, & 'Switch for TF coil shape') case ('i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial', i_tf_cond_eyoung_axial, 0, 2, & 'Switch for the behavior of the TF coil conductor elastic axial properties') case ('i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans') call parse_int_variable('i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans', i_tf_cond_eyoung_trans, 0, 1, & 'Switch for the TF coil conductor transverse behavior') case ('i_str_wp') call parse_int_variable('i_str_wp', i_str_wp, 0, 1, & 'Switch for the TF coil strain behavior') case ('j_tf_bus') call parse_real_variable('j_tf_bus', j_tf_bus, 1.0D4, 1.0D8, & 'TF coil bus current density (A/m2)') case ('n_pancake') call parse_int_variable('n_pancake', n_pancake, 1, 100, & 'Number of pancakes in TF coil (i_tf_turns_integer=1)') case ('n_layer') call parse_int_variable('n_layer', n_layer, 1, 100, & 'Number of layers in TF coil (i_tf_turns_integer=1)') case ('n_tf_graded_layers') call parse_int_variable('n_tf_graded_layers', n_tf_graded_layers, 1, 20, & 'Number of layers of different stress properties in the WP') case ('n_rad_per_layer') call parse_int_variable('n_rad_per_layer', n_rad_per_layer, 1, 500, & 'Size of the arrays per layers storing the radial dependent stress ') case ('oacdcp') call parse_real_variable('oacdcp', oacdcp, 1.0D4, 1.0D9, & 'Overall J in inboard TF coil midplane') case ('poisson_steel') call parse_real_variable('poisson_steel', poisson_steel, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Steel Poissons ratio for TF stress calc.') case ('poisson_copper') call parse_real_variable('poisson_copper', poisson_copper, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Steel Poissons ratio for TF stress calc.') case ('poisson_al') call parse_real_variable('poisson_al', poisson_al, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Aluminium Poissons ratio for TF stress calc.') case ('ptempalw') call parse_real_variable('ptempalw', ptempalw, 4.0D0, 573.15D0, & 'Maximum peak centrepost temp. (K)') case ('rcool') call parse_real_variable('rcool', rcool, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'Centrepost coolant channel radius') case ('ripmax') call parse_real_variable('ripmax', ripmax, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Max allowed ripple ampl. at plasma edge (%)') case ('theta1_coil') call parse_real_variable('theta1_coil', theta1_coil, 1.0D-1, 6.0D1, & 'The angle of the outboard arc forming the TF coil current center line (deg)') case ('theta1_vv') call parse_real_variable('theta1_vv', theta1_vv, 1.0D-1, 6.0D1, & 'The angle of the outboard arc forming the VV current center line (deg)') case ('max_vv_stress') call parse_real_variable('max_vv_stress', max_vv_stress, 0.1D6, 500.0D6, & 'The maximum shear stress that the Vacuum Vessel should experience (Pa)') case ('str_cs_con_res') call parse_real_variable('str_cs_con_res', str_cs_con_res, -0.02D0, 0.02D0, & 'Residual manufacturing strain in CS superconductor material') case ('str_pf_con_res') call parse_real_variable('str_pf_con_res', str_pf_con_res, -0.02D0, 0.02D0, & 'Residual manufacturing strain in PF superconductor material') case ('str_tf_con_res') call parse_real_variable('str_tf_con_res', str_tf_con_res, -0.02D0, 0.02D0, & 'Residual manufacturing strain in TF superconductor material') case ('str_wp_max') call parse_real_variable('str_wp_max', str_wp_max, 0.0D0, 0.3D0, & 'Maximum allowed absolute value of the strain in the TF coil') case ('tcoolin') call parse_real_variable('tcoolin', tcoolin, 4.0D0, 373.15D0, & 'Centrepost coolant inlet temperature (K)') case ('temp_cp_average') call parse_real_variable('temp_cp_average', temp_cp_average, 4.0D0, 573.15D0, & 'Average centrepost coolant temperature (K)') case ('tcritsc') call parse_real_variable('tcritsc', tcritsc, 1.0D0, 300.0D0, & 'Critical temperature for superconductor') case ('tdmptf') call parse_real_variable('tdmptf', tdmptf, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Dump time for TF coil (s)') case ('tfinsgap') call parse_real_variable('tfinsgap', tfinsgap, 1.0D-10, 1.0D-1, & 'TF coil WP insertion gap (m)') case ('rho_tf_bus') call parse_real_variable('rho_tf_bus', rho_tf_bus, 0.0D0, 1.0D-5, & 'TF coil bus (feeders) resistivity (ohm-m)') case ('n_tf_coils') call parse_real_variable('n_tf_coils', n_tf_coils, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Number of TF coils') case ('n_tf_turn') call parse_real_variable('n_tf_turn', n_tf_turn, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'number of turns per TF coil') case ('tftmp') call parse_real_variable('tftmp', tftmp, 0.01D0, 293.0D0, & 'Peak TF coil He coolant temp. (K)') case ('t_turn_tf') call parse_real_variable('t_turn_tf', t_turn_tf, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'TF turn square dimensions (m)') case ('f_t_turn_tf') call parse_real_variable('f_t_turn_tf', f_t_turn_tf, 0.0D0, 1.D0, & 'f-value for TF coils WP trurn squared dimension constraint') case ('t_turn_tf_max') call parse_real_variable('t_turn_tf_max', t_turn_tf_max, 0.0D0, 1.D0, & 'TF coils WP turn squared dimension upper limit (m)') case ('t_cable_tf') call parse_real_variable('t_cable_tf', t_cable_tf, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'TF coil cable square/rounded dimensions (m)') case ('thicndut') call parse_real_variable('thicndut', thicndut, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Conduit insulation thickness (m)') case ('layer_ins') call parse_real_variable('layer_ins', layer_ins, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Additional insulation thickness between layers (m)') case ('thkcas') call parse_real_variable('thkcas', thkcas, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'External supercond. case thickness (m)') case ('thwcndut') call parse_real_variable('thwcndut', thwcndut, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'TF coil conduit case thickness (m)') case ('tinstf') call parse_real_variable('tinstf', tinstf, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Ground wall insulation thickness (m)') case ('tmargmin_tf') call parse_real_variable('tmargmin_tf', tmargmin_tf, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Minimum allowable temp margin: TF coil (K)') case ('tmargmin_cs') call parse_real_variable('tmargmin_cs', tmargmin_cs, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Minimum allowable temp margin: CS (K)') case ('tmargmin') call parse_real_variable('tmargmin', tmargmin, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Minimum allowable temp margin: TFC AND CS (K)') case ('tmaxpro') call parse_real_variable('tmaxpro', tmaxpro, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Maximum temp rise during quench (K)') case ('quench_model') call parse_string_variable('quench_model', quench_model, & 'Switch for TF coil quench model (Only applies to REBCO magnet at present)') case ('tmax_croco') call parse_real_variable('tmax_croco', tmax_croco, 4.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'CroCo strand: maximum temp during a quench (K)') ! case ('tmax_jacket') ! call parse_real_variable('tmax_jacket', tmax_jacket, 4.0D0, 1.0D3, & ! 'Jacket: maximum temp during a quench (K)') case ('tmpcry') call parse_real_variable('tmpcry', tmpcry, 0.01D0, 293.0D0, & 'Cryogenic temperature (K)') case ('vcool') call parse_real_variable('vcool', vcool, 0.001D0, 100.0D0, & 'Inlet centrepost coolant speed (m/s)') case ('vdalw') call parse_real_variable('vdalw', vdalw, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Max V across TFC during quench (kV)') case ('f_vforce_inboard') call parse_real_variable('f_vforce_inboard', f_vforce_inboard, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of vertical force taken by the TF inboard leg') case ('vftf') call parse_real_variable('vftf', vftf, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant fraction of TF coil leg') case ('len_tf_bus') call parse_real_variable('len_tf_bus', len_tf_bus, 0.01D0, 1.0D3, & 'TF coil bus length (m)') ! PF coil settings case ('rhopfbus') call parse_real_variable('rhopfbus', rhopfbus, 0.0D0, 1.0D-5, & 'CS and PF coil bus (feeders) resistivity (ohm-m)') case ('bmaxcs_lim') call parse_real_variable('bmaxcs_lim', bmaxcs_lim, 0.01D0, 100.0D0, & 'Maximum allowed peak field on central solenoid') case ('fbmaxcs') call parse_real_variable('fbmaxcs', fbmaxcs, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for max peak CS field (con. 79, itvar 149)') case ('alstroh') call parse_real_variable('alstroh', alstroh, 1.0D6, 1.0D11, & 'Allowable hoop stress in Central Solenoid structural material (Pa)') case ('i_cs_stress') call parse_int_variable('i_cs_stress', i_cs_stress, 0, 1, & 'Switch for CS stress calculation') case ('alfapf') call parse_real_variable('alfapf', alfapf, 1.0D-12, 1.0D0, & 'PF coil current smoothing parameter') case ('coheof') call parse_real_variable('coheof', coheof, 1.0D4, 5.0D8, & 'Central Solenoid current density at EOF') case ('cptdin') call parse_real_array('cptdin', cptdin, isub1, ngc2, & 'Current per turn for PF coil', icode) case ('etapsu') call parse_real_variable('etapsu', etapsu, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Efficiency of ohmic heating') case ('fcohbop') call parse_real_variable('fcohbop', fcohbop, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Central Solenoid J ratio : BOP/EOF') case ('fcuohsu') call parse_real_variable('fcuohsu', fcuohsu, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Cu frac of conductor in Central Solenoid cable') case ('fcupfsu') call parse_real_variable('fcupfsu', fcupfsu, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Cu fraction of PF cable conductor') case ('ipfloc') call parse_int_array('ipfloc', ipfloc, isub1, ngrpmx, & 'PF coil location', icode) case ('ipfres') call parse_int_variable('ipfres', ipfres, 0, 1, & 'Switch for supercond / resist PF coils') case ('isumatoh') call parse_int_variable('isumatoh', isumatoh, 1, 9, & 'Central Solenoid superconductor material') case ('isumatpf') call parse_int_variable('isumatpf', isumatpf, 1, 9, & 'PF coil superconductor material') case ('supercond_cost_model') call parse_int_variable('supercond_cost_model', supercond_cost_model, 0, 1, & 'Superconductor cost model') case ('i_pf_current') call parse_int_variable('i_pf_current', i_pf_current, 0, 2, & 'Switch for controlling the current of the PF coils') case ('i_sup_pf_shape') call parse_int_variable('i_sup_pf_shape', i_sup_pf_shape, 0, 1, & 'Switch to place outboard PF coils when TF superconducting') case ('ncls') call parse_int_array('ncls', ncls, isub1, ngrpmx+2, & 'No of coils in PF group', icode) case ('nfxfh') call parse_int_variable('nfxfh', nfxfh, 1, nfixmx/2, & 'Central Solenoid splitting parameter') case ('ngrp') call parse_int_variable('ngrp', ngrp, 0, ngrpmx, & 'No of groups of PF coils') case ('ohhghf') call parse_real_variable('ohhghf', ohhghf, 0.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Central Solenoid height / TF coil height') case ('pfclres') call parse_real_variable('pfclres', pfclres, 0.0D0, 1.0D-4, & 'PF coil resistivity (ohm-m)') case ('rjconpf') call parse_real_array('rjconpf', rjconpf, isub1, ngc2, & 'Average J of PF coil (A/m2)', icode) case ('routr') call parse_real_variable('routr', routr, -3.0D0, 3.0D0, & 'Gap from outboard TFC leg for PFC') case ('rpf1') call parse_real_variable('rpf1', rpf1, 0.0D0, 3.0D0, & 'Radial offset for location 1 PF coils') case ('rpf2') call parse_real_variable('rpf2', rpf2, -3.0D0, 3.0D0, & 'Radial offset for location 2 PF coils') case ('rref') call parse_real_array('rref', rref, isub1, ngrpmx, & 'radius of location 4 coil groups, minor radii from major radius', icode) case ('ccl0_ma') call parse_real_array('ccl0_ma', ccl0_ma, isub1, ngrpmx, & 'Flux-swing cancel current of PF coil groups, MA', icode) case ('ccls_ma') call parse_real_array('ccls_ma', ccls_ma, isub1, ngrpmx, & 'Equilibrium current of PF coil groups, MA', icode) case ('sigpfcalw') call parse_real_variable('sigpfcalw', sigpfcalw, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Allowable stress in the PF coil case (MPa)') case ('sigpfcf') call parse_real_variable('sigpfcf', sigpfcf, 0.1D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of JxB force supported by PF coil case') case ('vf') call parse_real_array('vf', vf, isub1, ngc2, & 'Void fraction of PF coil', icode) case ('vfohc') call parse_real_variable('vfohc', vfohc, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Central Solenoid void fraction for coolant') case ('zref') call parse_real_array('zref', zref, isub1, ngrpmx, & 'height of location 3 and 4 coil groups / minor radius', icode) case ('radius_fw_channel') call parse_real_variable('radius_fw_channel', radius_fw_channel, 1.0D-3, 0.5D0, & 'Inner radius of first wall coolant channel (m)') case ('dr_fw_wall') call parse_real_variable('dr_fw_wall', dr_fw_wall, 0.5D-3, 0.1D0, & 'wall thickness of first wall coolant channels (m)') case ('dx_fw_module') call parse_real_variable('dx_fw_module', dx_fw_module, 0.5D-3, 0.1D0, & 'Width of a FW module containing a cooling channel [m]') case ('temp_fw_coolant_in') call parse_real_variable('temp_fw_coolant_in', temp_fw_coolant_in, 300.0d0, 1500.0D0, & 'inlet temperature of first wall coolant (K)') case ('temp_fw_coolant_out') call parse_real_variable('temp_fw_coolant_out', temp_fw_coolant_out, 300.0d0, 1500.0D0, & 'outlet temperature of first wall coolant (K)') case ('pres_fw_coolant') call parse_real_variable('pres_fw_coolant', pres_fw_coolant, 1.0d5, 1.0D8, & 'first wall coolant pressure (Pa)') case ('i_fw_coolant_type') call parse_string_variable('i_fw_coolant_type', i_fw_coolant_type, 'first wall coolant') call lower_case(i_fw_coolant_type) case ('roughness') call parse_real_variable('roughness', roughness, 0.0d0, 1.0D-2, & 'first wall channel roughness epsilon') case ('len_fw_channel') call parse_real_variable('len_fw_channel', len_fw_channel, 1.0D-3, 1.0D3, & 'first wall channel length') case ('f_fw_peak') call parse_real_variable('f_fw_peak', f_fw_peak, 1.0d0, 100.0D0, & 'peaking factor for first wall heat loads') case ('bctmp') call parse_real_variable('bctmp', bctmp, 1.0D0, 800.0D0, & 'First wall bulk coolant temperature (C)') case ('blpressure') call parse_real_variable('blpressure', blpressure, 1.0D5, 1.0D8, & 'Blanket coolant pressure (Pa)') case ('blpressure_liq') call parse_real_variable('blpressure_liq', blpressure_liq, 1.0D5, 1.0D8, & 'Blanket liquid metal breeder/coolant pressure (Pa)') case ('n_liq_recirc') call parse_int_variable('n_liq_recirc', n_liq_recirc, 1, 50, & 'Selected number of liquid metal breeder recirculations per day') case ('bz_channel_conduct_liq') call parse_real_variable('bz_channel_conduct_liq', bz_channel_conduct_liq, 1.0D-6, 1.0D6, & 'Conductance of liquid metal breeder duct walls (A V-1 m-1)') case ('pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll') call parse_real_variable('pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll', pnuc_fw_ratio_dcll, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Ratio of FW nuclear power as fraction of total (FW+BB)') case ('f_nuc_pow_bz_struct') call parse_real_variable('f_nuc_pow_bz_struct', f_nuc_pow_bz_struct, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of BZ power cooled by primary coolant for dual-coolant balnket') case ('coolp') call parse_real_variable('coolp', coolp, 1.0D5, 1.0D8, & 'blanket coolant pressure (Pa) stellarator ONLY') case ('dtstor') call parse_real_variable('dtstor', dtstor, 50.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'Max temp change in thermal storage medium (K)') case ('istore') call parse_int_variable('istore', istore, 1, 3, & 'Switch for thermal storage option') case ('itcycl') call parse_int_variable('itcycl', itcycl, 1, 3, & 'Switch for 1st wall axial stress model') case ('i_pulsed_plant') call parse_int_variable('i_pulsed_plant', i_pulsed_plant, 0, 1, & 'Switch for pulsed reactor model') case ('copperaoh_m2') call parse_real_variable('copperaoh_m2', copperaoh_m2, 1.0D0, 1.0D10, & 'CS coil current / copper area (A/m2)') case ('copperaoh_m2_max') call parse_real_variable('copperaoh_m2_max', copperaoh_m2_max, 1.0D4, 1.0D10, & 'Maximum CS coil current / copper area (A/m2)') case ('f_copperaoh_m2') call parse_real_variable('f_copperaoh_m2', f_copperaoh_m2, 1.0D-3, 1.0D0, & 'f-value for constraint 75: CS coil current / copper area < copperaoh_m2_max') ! First wall, blanket, shield settings case ('primary_pumping') call parse_int_variable('primary_pumping', primary_pumping, 0, 3, & 'Switch for pumping of primary coolant') case ('htpmw_blkt') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_blkt', htpmw_blkt, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'blanket coolant mechanical pumping power (MW)') case ('htpmw_div') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_div', htpmw_div, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'divertor coolant mechanical pumping power (MW)') case ('htpmw_fw') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_fw', htpmw_fw, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'first wall coolant mechanical pumping power (MW)') case ('htpmw_shld') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_shld', htpmw_shld, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'shield and vacuum vessel coolant mechanical pumping power (MW)') case ('i_shield_mat') call parse_int_variable('i_shield_mat', i_shield_mat, 0, 1, & 'Switch for shield material)') case ('i_bb_liq') call parse_int_variable('i_bb_liq', i_bb_liq, 0, 1, & 'Switch for breeding blaket liquid metal') case ('icooldual') call parse_int_variable('icooldual', icooldual, 0, 2, & 'Switch for single or dual-coolant blanket)') case ('ifci') call parse_int_variable('ifci', ifci, 0, 2, & 'Switch for blanket FCIs)') case ('inlet_temp_liq') call parse_real_variable('inlet_temp_liq', inlet_temp_liq, 508.D0, 1.5D3, & 'Inlet temperature for blanket liquid metal') case ('outlet_temp_liq') call parse_real_variable('outlet_temp_liq', outlet_temp_liq, 508.D0, 1.5D3, & 'Outlet temperature for blanket liquid metal') case ('ipump') call parse_int_variable('ipump', ipump, 0, 2, & 'Switch for same or different pumping system for FW/BB') case ('ims') call parse_int_variable('ims', ims, 0, 1, & ' Switch for Multi or Single Modle Segment (MMS or SMS)') case ('coolwh') call parse_int_variable('coolwh', coolwh, 1, 2, & ' Blanket coolant type (1=He, 2=H20)') case ('secondary_cycle') call parse_int_variable('secondary_cycle', secondary_cycle, 0, 4, & 'Switch for blanket thermodynamic model') case ('secondary_cycle_liq') call parse_int_variable('secondary_cycle_liq', secondary_cycle_liq, 2, 4, & 'Switch for blanket thermodynamic model - liquid breeder') case ('afwi') call parse_real_variable('afwi', afwi, 1.0D-3, 0.05D0, & 'I/B fw/blkt coolant channel inner radius (m)') case ('afwo') call parse_real_variable('afwo', afwo, 1.0D-3, 0.05D0, & 'O/B fw/blkt coolant channel inner radius (m)') case ('inlet_temp') call parse_real_variable('inlet_temp', inlet_temp, 200.0D0, 600.0D0, & 'Coolant inlet temperature (K)') case ('irefprop') call parse_int_variable('irefprop', irefprop, 0, 1, & 'Switch to use REFPROP routines') case ('outlet_temp') call parse_real_variable('outlet_temp', outlet_temp, 450.0D0, 900.0D0, & 'Coolant outlet temperature (K)') case ('nblktmodpo') call parse_int_variable('nblktmodpo', nblktmodpo, 1, 16, & 'No of o/b blanket modules in poloidal direction') case ('nblktmodpi') call parse_int_variable('nblktmodpi', nblktmodpi, 1, 16, & 'No of i/b blanket modules in poloidal direction') case ('nblktmodto') call parse_int_variable('nblktmodto', nblktmodto, 8, 96, & 'No of o/b blanket modules in toroidal direction') case ('nblktmodti') call parse_int_variable('nblktmodti', nblktmodti, 8, 96, & 'No of i/b blanket modules in toroidal direction') case ('temp_fw_max') call parse_real_variable('temp_fw_max', temp_fw_max, 500.0D0, 2000.0D0, & 'Max temperature of first wall material (K)') case ('fw_th_conductivity') call parse_real_variable('fw_th_conductivity', fw_th_conductivity, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'thermal conductivity of first wall material at 293 K (W/m/K)') case ('etaiso') call parse_real_variable('etaiso', etaiso, 0.1D0, 1.0D0, & 'Isentropic efficiency of coolant pumps') case ('blkttype') call parse_int_variable('blkttype', blkttype, 1, 3, & 'Switch for blanket type') case ('blktmodel') call parse_int_variable('blktmodel', blktmodel, 0, 1, & 'Switch for blanket neutronics calculations') case ('breedmat') call parse_int_variable('breedmat', breedmat, 1, 3, & 'Switch for blanket breeder material') case ('declblkt') call parse_real_variable('declblkt', declblkt, 0.01D0, 0.2D0, & 'Neutron decay length in blanket') case ('declfw') call parse_real_variable('declfw', declfw, 0.01D0, 0.2D0, & 'Neutron decay length in first wall') case ('declshld') call parse_real_variable('declshld', declshld, 0.01D0, 0.2D0, & 'Neutron decay length in blanket') case ('denstl') call parse_real_variable('denstl', denstl, 5.0D3, 1.0D4, & 'Density of steel (kg/m3)') case ('emult') call parse_real_variable('emult', emult, 1.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Energy multip. in blanket and shield') case ('fblbe') call parse_real_variable('fblbe', fblbe, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Beryllium fraction of blanket') case ('fblbreed') call parse_real_variable('fblbreed', fblbreed, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Breeder fraction of blanket breeding unit') case ('fblhebmi') call parse_real_variable('fblhebmi', fblhebmi, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Helium fraction of IB blanket box manifold') case ('fblhebmo') call parse_real_variable('fblhebmo', fblhebmo, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Helium fraction of OB blanket box manifold') case ('fblhebpi') call parse_real_variable('fblhebpi', fblhebpi, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Helium fraction of IB blanket back plate') case ('fblhebpo') call parse_real_variable('fblhebpo', fblhebpo, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Helium fraction of OB blanket back plate') case ('fblli') call parse_real_variable('fblli', fblli, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Lithium fraction of blanket') case ('fblli2o') call parse_real_variable('fblli2o', fblli2o, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Li2O fraction of blanket') case ('fbllipb') call parse_real_variable('fbllipb', fbllipb, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Li-Pb fraction of blanket') case ('fblss') call parse_real_variable('fblss', fblss, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Stainless steel fraction of blanket') case ('fblvd') call parse_real_variable('fblvd', fblvd, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Vanadium fraction of blanket') case ('fdiv') call parse_real_variable('fdiv', fdiv, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Divertor area fraction') case ('fhcd') call parse_real_variable('fhcd', fhcd, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'HCD + diagnostics area fraction') case ('fhole') call parse_real_variable('fhole', fhole, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Hole area fraction') case ('fvoldw') call parse_real_variable('fvoldw', fvoldw, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Fudge factor for vacuum vessel volume') !+PJK FVOLSI, FVOLSO should now be restricted to <= 1 case ('fvolsi') call parse_real_variable('fvolsi', fvolsi, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Fudge factor for inboard shield volume') case ('fvolso') call parse_real_variable('fvolso', fvolso, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Fudge factor for outboard shield volume') !-PJK case ('fwclfr') call parse_real_variable('fwclfr', fwclfr, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'First wall coolant fraction') case ('fwbsshape') call parse_int_variable('fwbsshape', fwbsshape, 1, 2, & 'Switch for fw/blanket/shield/vv shape') case ('fw_armour_thickness') call parse_real_variable('fw_armour_thickness', fw_armour_thickness, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'First wall W coating thickness (m)') case ('hcdportsize') call parse_int_variable('hcdportsize', hcdportsize, 1, 2, & 'H/CD port size') case ('i_blanket_type') call parse_int_variable('i_blanket_type', i_blanket_type, 1, 5, 'Switch for blanket model') if ((i_blanket_type == 2).or.(i_blanket_type == 4)) then write(outfile,*) ' ' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'i_blanket_type = 2/4, KIT HCPB/HCLL model has been removed -' write(outfile,*) 'please select a different blanket model.' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) ' ' obsolete_var = .true. endif if (i_blanket_type == 3) then dr_fw_inboard = 0.03D0 dr_fw_outboard = 0.03D0 fw_armour_thickness = 0.003D0 end if case ('i_blkt_inboard') call parse_int_variable('i_blkt_inboard', i_blkt_inboard, 0, 1, 'Switch for inboard blanket') case ('inuclear') call parse_int_variable('inuclear', inuclear, 0, 1, & 'switch for nuclear heating in the coils') case ('qnuc') call parse_real_variable('qnuc', qnuc, 0.0D0, 1.0D6, & 'nuclear heating in the coils (W)') case ('li6enrich') call parse_real_variable('li6enrich', li6enrich, 7.40D0, 100.0D0, & 'Li-6 enrichment') ! CCFE hcpb BB module (also includes the CP shielding for ST) case ('breeder_f') call parse_real_variable('breeder_f', breeder_f, 0.00D0, 1.0D0, & 'Volume of Li4SiO4 / (Volume of Be12Ti + Li4SiO4)') case ('breeder_multiplier') call parse_real_variable('breeder_multiplier', breeder_multiplier, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'combined breeder/multipler fraction of blanket by volume') case ('vfcblkt') call parse_real_variable('vfcblkt', vfcblkt, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'He coolant fraction of blanket by volume') case ('vfpblkt') call parse_real_variable('vfpblkt', vfpblkt, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'He purge gas fraction of blanket by volume') case ('f_neut_shield') call parse_real_variable('f_neut_shield', f_neut_shield, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'He purge gas fraction of blanket by volume') case ('iblanket_thickness') call parse_int_variable('iblanket_thickness', iblanket_thickness, 1, 3, & 'Blanket thickness switch') if (iblanket_thickness == 1) then dr_blkt_inboard = 0.53D0 dr_blkt_outboard = 0.91D0 else if (iblanket_thickness == 2) then dr_blkt_inboard = 0.64D0 dr_blkt_outboard = 1.11D0 else if (iblanket_thickness == 3) then dr_blkt_inboard = 0.75D0 dr_blkt_outboard = 1.30D0 end if case ('npdiv') call parse_int_variable('npdiv', npdiv, 0, 4, & 'Number of divertor ports') case ('nphcdin') call parse_int_variable('nphcdin', nphcdin, 0, 4, & 'Number of inboard H/CD ports') case ('nphcdout') call parse_int_variable('nphcdout', nphcdout, 0, 4, & 'Number of outboard H/CD ports') case ('vfblkt') call parse_real_variable('vfblkt', vfblkt, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant void fraction in blanket') case ('vfshld') call parse_real_variable('vfshld', vfshld, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant void fraction in shield') case ('wallpf') call parse_real_variable('wallpf', wallpf, 1.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Neutron wall load peaking factor') ! Heat transport / power settings case ('baseel') call parse_real_variable('baseel', baseel, 1.0D6, 1.0D10, & 'Base plant electric load (W)') case ('crypmw_max') call parse_real_variable('crypmw_max', crypmw_max, 0.01D0, 200.0D0, & ' Maximum cryogenic plant power (MW)') case ('f_crypmw') call parse_real_variable('f_crypmw', f_crypmw, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & ' f-value for cryogenic plant power (icc = 87, c = 164)') case ('etahtp') call parse_real_variable('etahtp', etahtp, 0.1D0, 1.0D0, & 'Coolant pump electrical efficiency') case ('etatf') call parse_real_variable('etatf', etatf, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'AC to resistive power conversion for TF coils') case ('etath') call parse_real_variable('etath', etath, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Thermal-electric conversion efficiency') case ('fmgdmw') call parse_real_variable('fmgdmw', fmgdmw, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Power to MGF units (MW)') case ('fpumpblkt') call parse_real_variable('fpumpblkt', fpumpblkt, 0.0D0, 0.2D0, & 'Blanket pumping/thermal power ratio') case ('fpumpdiv') call parse_real_variable('fpumpdiv', fpumpdiv, 0.0D0, 0.2D0, & 'Divertor pumping/thermal power ratio') case ('fpumpfw') call parse_real_variable('fpumpfw', fpumpfw, 0.0D0, 0.2D0, & 'First wall pumping/thermal power ratio') case ('fpumpshld') call parse_real_variable('fpumpshld', fpumpshld, 0.0D0, 0.2D0, & 'Shield pumping/thermal power ratio') case ('htpmw_min') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_min', htpmw_min, 0.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'Minimum total electrical power for primary coolant pumps (MW)') case ('ipowerflow') call parse_int_variable('ipowerflow', ipowerflow, 0, 1, & 'Switch for power flow model') case ('iprimshld') call parse_int_variable('iprimshld', iprimshld, 0, 1, & 'Switch for shield thermal power destiny') case ('pwpm2') call parse_real_variable('pwpm2', pwpm2, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Base AC power requirement (W/m2)') case ('pinjmax') call parse_real_variable('pinjmax', pinjmax, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Maximum injector wall plug power during pulse (MW)') case ('trithtmw') call parse_real_variable('trithtmw', trithtmw, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Tritium process power (MW)') case ('vachtmw') call parse_real_variable('vachtmw', vachtmw, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Vacuum pump power (MW)') case ('t_in_bb') call parse_real_variable('t_in_bb', t_in_bb, 200.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Helium or Gas Inlet Temperature (K)') case ('t_out_bb') call parse_real_variable('t_out_bb', t_out_bb, 200.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Helium or Gas Outlet Temperature (K)') case ('dp_he') call parse_real_variable('dp_he', dp_he, 0.0D0, 10.0D6, & 'Helium Pressure drop or Gas Pressure drop (Pa)') case ('dp_fw_blkt') call parse_real_variable('dp_fw_blkt', dp_fw_blkt, 0.0D0, 10.0D6, & 'Pressure drop across FW and blanket (Pa)') case ('dp_fw') call parse_real_variable('dp_fw', dp_fw, 0.0D0, 10.0D6, & 'Pressure drop across FW (Pa)') case ('dp_blkt') call parse_real_variable('dp_blkt', dp_blkt, 0.0D0, 10.0D6, & 'Pressure drop across blanket (Pa)') case ('dp_liq') call parse_real_variable('dp_liq', dp_liq, 0.0D0, 10.0D6, & 'Pressure drop across liquid metal blanket (Pa)') case ('p_he') call parse_real_variable('p_he', p_he, 0.0D0, 100.0D6, & 'Pressure in FW and blanket coolant at pump exit') case ('gamma_he') call parse_real_variable('gamma_he', gamma_he, 1.0D0, 2.0D0, & 'Ratio of specific heats for helium or for another Gas') ! Cost information settings case ('abktflnc') call parse_real_variable('abktflnc', abktflnc, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Allowable blanket fluence (MW-yr/m2)') case ('adivflnc') call parse_real_variable('adivflnc', adivflnc, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'Allowable divertor fluence (MW-yr/m2)') case ('cfactr') call parse_real_variable('cfactr', cfactr, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Plant capacity factor or availability') case ('cfind') call parse_real_array('cfind', cfind, isub1, 4, & 'Indirect cost factor vs LSA', icode) case ('cpstflnc') call parse_real_variable('cpstflnc', cpstflnc, 0.01D0, 30.0D0, & 'Allowable centrepost neutron fluence (MW-yr/m2)') case ('cplife_input') call parse_real_variable('cplife_input', cplife_input, 0.001D0, 50.0D0, & 'Full power centrepost lifetime (yr)') case ('decomf') call parse_real_variable('decomf', decomf, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Decommissioning fund fraction') case ('dintrt') call parse_real_variable('dintrt', dintrt, 0.0D0, 0.1D0, & 'Borrowing - saving interest rate difference') case ('dtlife') call parse_real_variable('dtlife', dtlife, 0.0D0, 15.0D0, & 'Decommissioning time prior to end of plant') case ('fcap0') call parse_real_variable('fcap0', fcap0, 1.0D0, 1.5D0, & 'Ave cost of money for plant construction') case ('fcap0cp') call parse_real_variable('fcap0cp', fcap0cp, 1.0D0, 1.5D0, & 'Ave cost of money for replaceable components') case ('fcdfuel') call parse_real_variable('fcdfuel', fcdfuel, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of CD cost assumed fuel cost') case ('fcr0') call parse_real_variable('fcr0', fcr0, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fixed charge rate during construction') case ('fkind') call parse_real_variable('fkind', fkind, 0.5D0, 1.0D0, & 'Multiplier for Nth of a kind costs') case ('i_cp_lifetime') call parse_int_variable('i_cp_lifetime', i_cp_lifetime, 0, 3, & 'Switch for ST centrepost lifetime contraint (10) setting') case ('ifueltyp') call parse_int_variable('ifueltyp', ifueltyp, 0, 2, & 'Switch for costing of 1st wall etc.') case ('ipnet') call parse_int_variable('ipnet', ipnet, 0, 1, & 'Switch for net electric power calc.') case ('ireactor') call parse_int_variable('ireactor', ireactor, 0, 1, & 'Switch for MWe / C-o-E calculation') case ('lsa') call parse_int_variable('lsa', lsa, 1, 4, & 'Level of safety assurance') case ('output_costs') call parse_int_variable('output_costs', output_costs, 0, 1, & 'Switch for writing costs to file') case ('discount_rate') call parse_real_variable('discount_rate', discount_rate, 0.0D0, 0.5D0, & 'Effective cost of money') case ('startupratio') call parse_real_variable('startupratio', startupratio, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Ratio (additional HCD power for start-up) / (flat-top operational requirements)') case ('tmain') call parse_real_variable('tmain', tmain, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Maintenance time for replacing CP (years) (iavail = 3)') case ('u_unplanned_cp') call parse_real_variable('u_unplanned_cp', u_unplanned_cp, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'User-input CP unplanned unavailability (iavail = 3)') ! Unit cost settings case ('cconfix') call parse_real_variable('cconfix', cconfix, 50.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'Fixed cost of superconducting cable ($/m)') case ('cconshpf') call parse_real_variable('cconshpf', cconshpf, 50.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'PF coil steel conduit/sheath cost ($/m)') case ('cconshtf') call parse_real_variable('cconshtf', cconshtf, 50.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'TF coil steel conduit/sheath cost ($/m)') case ('cland') call parse_real_variable('cland', cland, 10.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Cost of land (M$)') case ('costexp') call parse_real_variable('costexp', costexp, 0.01D0, 5.0D0, & 'Cost exponent for 2015 costs model') case ('costexp_pebbles') call parse_real_variable('costexp_pebbles', costexp_pebbles, 0.01D0, 5.0D0, & 'cost exponent for pebbles in 2015 costs model') case ('cost_factor_buildings') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_buildings', cost_factor_buildings, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for buildings (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_land') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_land', cost_factor_land, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for land (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_tf_coils') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_tf_coils', cost_factor_tf_coils, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for TF coils (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_fwbs') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_fwbs', cost_factor_fwbs, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for fwbs (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_rh') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_rh', cost_factor_rh, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for remote handling (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_vv') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_vv', cost_factor_vv, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for vacuum vessel (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_bop') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_bop', cost_factor_bop, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for energy conversion system (2015 costs model)') case ('cost_factor_misc') call parse_real_variable('cost_factor_misc', cost_factor_misc, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost scaling factor for remaining subsystems (2015 costs model)') case ('maintenance_fwbs') call parse_real_variable('maintenance_fwbs', maintenance_fwbs, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Maintenance cost factor: first wall, blanket, shield, divertor') case ('maintenance_gen') call parse_real_variable('maintenance_gen', maintenance_gen, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Maintenance cost factor: All other components except coils, vacuum vessel, thermal shield, cryostat, land') case ('amortization') call parse_real_variable('amortization', amortization, 1.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'amortization factor (fixed charge factor) "A" (years)') case ('cost_model') call parse_int_variable('cost_model', cost_model, 0, 2, & 'Switch for cost model') case ('cowner') call parse_real_variable('cowner', cowner, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Owner cost factor') case ('csi') call parse_real_variable('csi', csi, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Allowance for site costs (M$)') case ('cturbb') call parse_real_variable('cturbb', cturbb, 100.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Cost of turbine building (M$)') case ('fcontng') call parse_real_variable('fcontng', fcontng, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Project contingency factor') case ('ucblbe') call parse_real_variable('ucblbe', ucblbe, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Unit cost for blanket Be ($/kg)') case ('ucblbreed') call parse_real_variable('ucblbreed', ucblbreed, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Unit cost for blanket breeder material ($/kg)') case ('ucblli') call parse_real_variable('ucblli', ucblli, 1.0D1, 1.0D4, & 'Unit cost for blanket Li ($/kg)') case ('ucblli2o') call parse_real_variable('ucblli2o', ucblli2o, 1.0D2, 1.0D4, & 'Unit cost for blanket Li2O ($/kg)') case ('ucbllipb') call parse_real_variable('ucbllipb', ucbllipb, 1.0D2, 1.0D4, & 'Unit cost for blanket Li-Pb ($/kg)') case ('ucblss') call parse_real_variable('ucblss', ucblss, 10.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Unit cost for blanket st.steel ($/kg)') case ('ucblvd') call parse_real_variable('ucblvd', ucblvd, 100.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Unit cost for blanket Vd ($/kg)') case ('ucbus') call parse_real_variable('ucbus', ucbus, 0.01D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost of Al bus for TF coil ($/A-m)') case ('uccase') call parse_real_variable('uccase', uccase, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of superconductor case ($/kg)') case ('uccpcl1') call parse_real_variable('uccpcl1', uccpcl1, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of tapered copper ($/kg)') case ('uccpclb') call parse_real_variable('uccpclb', uccpclb, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost TF outer leg plate coils ($/kg)') case ('uccry') call parse_real_variable('uccry', uccry, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Heat transport cryoplant costs ($/W)') case ('uccryo') call parse_real_variable('uccryo', uccryo, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Unit cost for cryostat ($/kg)') case ('uccu') call parse_real_variable('uccu', uccu, 10.0D0, 1.0D2, & 'Copper in SC cable cost ($/kg)') case ('ucdiv') call parse_real_variable('ucdiv', ucdiv, 1.0D3, 1.0D7, & 'Cost of divertor blade ($)') case ('ucech') call parse_real_variable('ucech', ucech, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'ECH system cost ($/W)') case ('ucf1') call parse_real_variable('ucf1', ucf1, 1.0D6, 50.0D6, & 'Fuelling system cost ($)') case ('ucfnc') call parse_real_variable('ucfnc', ucfnc, 10.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Outer PF fence support cost ($/kg)') case ('ucfuel') call parse_real_variable('ucfuel', ucfuel, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost of fuel (M$/yr)') case ('uche3') call parse_real_variable('uche3', uche3, 1.0D5, 1.0D7, & 'Cost of He3 fuel ($/kg)') case ('uchrs') call parse_real_variable('uchrs', uchrs, 1.0D7, 5.0D8, & 'Cost of heat rejection system ($)') case ('uchts') call parse_real_array('uchts', uchts, isub1, 2, & 'Cost of heat transp system equip per loop ($/W)', icode) case ('uciac') call parse_real_variable('uciac', uciac, 1.0D7, 1.0D9, & 'Cost of instrum, control & diag.($)') case ('ucich') call parse_real_variable('ucich', ucich, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost of ICH system ($/W)') case ('uclh') call parse_real_variable('uclh', uclh, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'LH system cost ($/W)') case ('ucme') call parse_real_variable('ucme', ucme, 1.0D7, 1.0D9, & 'cost of maintenance equip. ($)') case ('ucmisc') call parse_real_variable('ucmisc', ucmisc, 1.0D7, 5.0D7, & 'Miscellaneous plant allowance ($)') case ('ucnbi') call parse_real_variable('ucnbi', ucnbi, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'NBI system cost ($/W)') case ('ucoam') call parse_real_array('ucoam', ucoam, isub1, 4, & 'Annual cost of operation and maintenance', icode) case ('ucpens') call parse_real_variable('ucpens', ucpens, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Penetration shield cost ($/kg)') case ('ucpfb') call parse_real_variable('ucpfb', ucpfb, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of PF coil buses ($/kA-m)') case ('ucpfbk') call parse_real_variable('ucpfbk', ucpfbk, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Cost of PF coil DC breakers ($/MVA)') case ('ucpfbs') call parse_real_variable('ucpfbs', ucpfbs, 1.0D3, 1.0D4, & 'Cost of PF burn power supplies ($/kW**0.7)') case ('ucpfcb') call parse_real_variable('ucpfcb', ucpfcb, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Cost of PF coil AC breakers ($/circ)') case ('ucpfdr1') call parse_real_variable('ucpfdr1', ucpfdr1, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost factor for dump resistors ($/MJ)') case ('ucpfic') call parse_real_variable('ucpfic', ucpfic, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Cost of PF instrum & cont ($/channel)') case ('ucpfps') call parse_real_variable('ucpfps', ucpfps, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Cost of PF coil pulsed P.S. ($/MVA)') case ('ucrb') call parse_real_variable('ucrb', ucrb, 1.0D2, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of reactor building ($/m3)') case ('ucsc') call parse_real_array('ucsc', ucsc, isub1, 9, & 'Cost of superconductor ($/kg)', icode) case ('ucshld') call parse_real_variable('ucshld', ucshld, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Cost of shield structural steel ($/kg)') case ('uctfbr') call parse_real_variable('uctfbr', uctfbr, 1.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost of TF coil breakers ($/W**0.7)') case ('uctfbus') call parse_real_variable('uctfbus', uctfbus, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of TF coil bus ($/kg)') case ('uctfps') call parse_real_variable('uctfps', uctfps, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of TF power supplies ($/W**0.7)') case ('uctfsw') call parse_real_variable('uctfsw', uctfsw, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Cost of TF slow dump switches ($/A)') case ('ucturb') call parse_real_array('ucturb', ucturb, isub1, 2, & 'Cost of turbine plant equipment ($)', icode) case ('ucwindpf') call parse_real_variable('ucwindpf', ucwindpf, 100.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of SCPF windings ($/m)') case ('ucwindtf') call parse_real_variable('ucwindtf', ucwindtf, 100.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of SCTF windings ($/m)') case ('ucwst') call parse_real_array('ucwst', ucwst, isub1, 4, & 'cost of waste disposal (M$/yr)', icode) ! Availability settings case ('iavail') call parse_int_variable('iavail', iavail, 0, 3, & 'Switch for plant availability model') case ('ibkt_life') call parse_int_variable('ibkt_life', ibkt_life, 0, 2, & 'Switch for DEMO fw/blanket lifetime calculation') case ('life_dpa') call parse_real_variable('life_dpa', life_dpa, 1.0D1, 1.0D2, & 'Allowable DPA for DEMO fw/blanket lifetime calculation') case ('avail_min') call parse_real_variable('avail_min', avail_min, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Required minimum availability (constraint equation 61)') case ('favail') call parse_real_variable('favail', favail, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for minimum availability (constraint equation 61)') case ('num_rh_systems') call parse_int_variable('num_rh_systems', num_rh_systems, 1, 10, & 'Number of remote handling systems (from 1-10)') case ('conf_mag') call parse_real_variable('conf_mag', conf_mag, 0.9D0, 1.0D0, & 'c parameter, which determines the temperature margin at which magnet lifetime starts to decline') case ('div_prob_fail') call parse_real_variable('div_prob_fail', div_prob_fail, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Divertor probability of failure (per op day)') case ('div_umain_time') call parse_real_variable('div_umain_time', div_umain_time, 0.1D0, 2.0D0, & 'Divertor unplanned maintenance time (years)') case ('div_nref') call parse_real_variable('div_nref', div_nref, 1.0D3, 1.0D8, & 'Reference value for cycle life of divertor') case ('div_nu') call parse_real_variable('div_nu', div_nu, 1.0D3, 1.0D8, & 'The cycle when the divertor fails with 100% probability') case ('fwbs_nref') call parse_real_variable('fwbs_nref', fwbs_nref, 1.0D3, 1.0D8, & 'Reference value for cycle life of blanket') case ('fwbs_nu') call parse_real_variable('fwbs_nu', fwbs_nu, 1.0D3, 1.0D8, & 'The cycle when the blanket fails with 100% probability') case ('fwbs_prob_fail') call parse_real_variable('fwbs_prob_fail', fwbs_prob_fail, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fwbs probability of failure (per op day)') case ('fwbs_umain_time') call parse_real_variable('fwbs_umain_time', fwbs_umain_time, 0.1D0, 2.0D0, & 'Fwbs unplanned maintenace time (years)') case ('redun_vacp') call parse_real_variable('redun_vacp', redun_vacp, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Vacuum system pump redundancy level (%)') case ('tbktrepl') call parse_real_variable('tbktrepl', tbktrepl, 0.01D0, 2.0D0, & 'Time needed to replace blanket (yr)') case ('tcomrepl') call parse_real_variable('tcomrepl', tcomrepl, 0.01D0, 2.0D0, & 'Time needed to replace blanket+divertor (yr)') case ('tdivrepl') call parse_real_variable('tdivrepl', tdivrepl, 0.01D0, 2.0D0, & 'Time needed to replace divertor (yr)') case ('tlife') call parse_real_variable('tlife', tlife, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Plant life (yr)') case ('uubop') call parse_real_variable('uubop', uubop, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for BOP') case ('uucd') call parse_real_variable('uucd', uucd, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for CD system') case ('uudiv') call parse_real_variable('uudiv', uudiv, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for divertor') case ('uufuel') call parse_real_variable('uufuel', uufuel, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for fuel system') case ('uufw') call parse_real_variable('uufw', uufw, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for first wall') case ('uumag') call parse_real_variable('uumag', uumag, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for magnets') case ('uuves') call parse_real_variable('uuves', uuves, 0.005D0, 0.1D0, & 'Unplanned unavailability for vessel') ! Sweep settings case ('isweep') call parse_int_variable('isweep', isweep, 0, ipnscns, & 'Number of scans to perform') case ('nsweep') call parse_int_variable('nsweep', nsweep, 1, ipnscnv, & 'Variable used in scan') case ('sweep') call parse_real_array('sweep', sweep, isub1, ipnscns, & 'Actual values to use in scan', icode) case ('scan_dim') call parse_int_variable('scan_dim', scan_dim, 1, 2, & 'Switch for 1-D or 2-D scan') case ('isweep_2') call parse_int_variable('isweep_2', isweep_2, 0, ipnscns, & 'Number of 2D scans to perform') case ('nsweep_2') call parse_int_variable('nsweep_2', nsweep_2, 1, ipnscnv, & 'Second variable used in 2D scan') case ('sweep_2') call parse_real_array('sweep_2', sweep_2, isub1, ipnscns, & 'Actual values to use in 2D scan', icode) ! Buildings settings case('i_bldgs_size') call parse_int_variable('i_bldgs_size', i_bldgs_size, 0, 1, & 'Switch between routines estimating building sizes') case('i_bldgs_v') call parse_int_variable('i_bldgs_v', i_bldgs_v, 0, 1, & 'Switch for verbose buildings output') case ('admv') call parse_real_variable('admv', admv, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Administration building volume (m3)') case ('dz_tf_cryostat') call parse_real_variable('dz_tf_cryostat', dz_tf_cryostat, 0.0D0, 20.0D0, & 'Clearance TF coil to cryostat top (m)') case ('clh2') call parse_real_variable('clh2', clh2, 0.0D0, 30.0D0, & 'Clearance TF coil to foundation (m)') case ('conv') call parse_real_variable('conv', conv, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Control building volume (m3)') case ('esbldgm3') call parse_real_variable('esbldgm3', esbldgm3, 1.0D3, 1.0D6, & 'Energy storage building volume (m3)') case ('fndt') call parse_real_variable('fndt', fndt, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Foundation thickness (m)') case ('hccl') call parse_real_variable('hccl', hccl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Clearance around components in hot cell (m)') case ('hcwt') call parse_real_variable('hcwt', hcwt, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Hot cell wall thickness (m)') case ('mbvfac') call parse_real_variable('mbvfac', mbvfac, 0.9D0, 3.0D0, & 'Maintenance building volume multiplier') case ('pfbldgm3') call parse_real_variable('pfbldgm3', pfbldgm3, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'PF coil power conv. bldg volume (m3)') case ('pibv') call parse_real_variable('pibv', pibv, 1.0D3, 1.0D5, & 'Power injection building volume (m3)') case ('rbrt') call parse_real_variable('rbrt', rbrt, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Reactor building roof thickness (m)') case ('rbvfac') call parse_real_variable('rbvfac', rbvfac, 0.9D0, 3.0D0, & 'Reactor building volume multiplier') case ('rbwt') call parse_real_variable('rbwt', rbwt, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Reactor building wall thickness (m)') case ('row') call parse_real_variable('row', row, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Wall clearance for cranes (m)') case ('rxcl') call parse_real_variable('rxcl', rxcl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Clearance around reactor (m)') case ('shmf') call parse_real_variable('shmf', shmf, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Fraction of TF shield mass per lift') case ('shov') call parse_real_variable('shov', shov, 1.0D3, 1.0D6, & 'Shops and warehouse volume (m3)') case ('stcl') call parse_real_variable('stcl', stcl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Clearance above crane to roof (m)') case ('tfcbv') call parse_real_variable('tfcbv', tfcbv, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'TF coil power conv. bldg volume (m3)') case ('trcl') call parse_real_variable('trcl', trcl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Transport clearance between comps (m)') case ('triv') call parse_real_variable('triv', triv, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Tritium building volume (m3)') case ('wgt') call parse_real_variable('wgt', wgt, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Reactor building crane capacity (kg)') case ('wgt2') call parse_real_variable('wgt2', wgt2, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'Hot cell crane capacity (kg)') case ('wsvfac') call parse_real_variable('wsvfac', wsvfac, 0.9D0, 3.0D0, & 'Warm shop building volume multiplier') case ('aux_build_l') call parse_real_variable('aux_build_l', aux_build_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'aux building supporting tokamak processes, length (m)') case ('aux_build_w') call parse_real_variable('aux_build_w', aux_build_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'aux building supporting tokamak processes, width (m)') case ('aux_build_h') call parse_real_variable('aux_build_h', aux_build_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'aux building supporting tokamak processes, height (m)') case ('auxcool_l') call parse_real_variable('auxcool_l', auxcool_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility, length (m)') case ('auxcool_w') call parse_real_variable('auxcool_w', auxcool_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility, width (m)') case ('auxcool_h') call parse_real_variable('auxcool_h', auxcool_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Site-Wide Auxiliary Cooling Water facility, height (m)') case ('bioshld_thk') call parse_real_variable('bioshld_thk', bioshld_thk, 0.25D0, 25.0D0, & 'Radial thickness of bio-shield around reactor (m)') case ('chemlab_l') call parse_real_variable('chemlab_l', chemlab_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Chemistry labs and treatment buldings, length (m)') case ('chemlab_w') call parse_real_variable('chemlab_w', chemlab_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Chemistry labs and treatment buldings, width (m)') case ('chemlab_h') call parse_real_variable('chemlab_h', chemlab_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Chemistry labs and treatment buldings, height (m)') case ('control_buildings_l') call parse_real_variable('control_buildings_l', control_buildings_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'control building, length (m)') case ('control_buildings_w') call parse_real_variable('control_buildings_w', control_buildings_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'control building, width (m)') case ('control_buildings_h') call parse_real_variable('control_buildings_h', control_buildings_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'control building, height (m)') case ('crane_arm_h') call parse_real_variable('crane_arm_h', crane_arm_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'vertical dimension of crane arm, operating over reactor (m)') case ('crane_clrnc_h') call parse_real_variable('crane_clrnc_h', crane_clrnc_h, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'horizontal clearance to building wall for crane operation (m)') case ('crane_clrnc_v') call parse_real_variable('crane_clrnc_v', crane_clrnc_v, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'vertical clearance for crane operation (m)') case ('cryomag_l') call parse_real_variable('cryomag_l', cryomag_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle, length (m)') case ('cryomag_w') call parse_real_variable('cryomag_w', cryomag_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle, width (m)') case ('cryomag_h') call parse_real_variable('cryomag_h', cryomag_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Cryogenic Buildings for Magnet and Fuel Cycle, height (m)') case ('cryostore_l') call parse_real_variable('cryostore_l', cryostore_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks, length (m)') case ('cryostore_w') call parse_real_variable('cryostore_w', cryostore_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks, width (m)') case ('cryostore_h') call parse_real_variable('cryostore_h', cryostore_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Magnet Cryo Storage Tanks, height (m)') case ('cryostat_clrnc') call parse_real_variable('cryostat_clrnc', cryostat_clrnc, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'vertical clearance from TF coil to cryostat (m)') case ('elecdist_l') call parse_real_variable('elecdist_l', elecdist_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Transformers and electrical distribution facilities, length (m)') case ('elecdist_w') call parse_real_variable('elecdist_w', elecdist_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Transformers and electrical distribution facilities, width (m)') case ('elecdist_h') call parse_real_variable('elecdist_h', elecdist_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Transformers and electrical distribution facilities, height (m)') case ('elecload_l') call parse_real_variable('elecload_l', elecload_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres, length (m)') case ('elecload_w') call parse_real_variable('elecload_w', elecload_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres, width (m)') case ('elecload_h') call parse_real_variable('elecload_h', elecload_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Electric (eesential and non-essential) load centres, height (m)') case ('elecstore_l') call parse_real_variable('elecstore_l', elecstore_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Energy Storage facilities, length (m)') case ('elecstore_w') call parse_real_variable('elecstore_w', elecstore_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Energy Storage facilities, width (m)') case ('elecstore_h') call parse_real_variable('elecstore_h', elecstore_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'Energy Storage facilities, height (m)') case ('fc_building_l') call parse_real_variable('fc_building_l', fc_building_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Fuel Cycle facilities, length (m)') case ('fc_building_w') call parse_real_variable('fc_building_w', fc_building_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'Fuel Cycle facilities, width (m)') case ('gas_buildings_l') call parse_real_variable('gas_buildings_l', gas_buildings_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings, length (m)') case ('gas_buildings_w') call parse_real_variable('gas_buildings_w', gas_buildings_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings, width (m)') case ('gas_buildings_h') call parse_real_variable('gas_buildings_h', gas_buildings_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'air & gas supply (amalgamated) buildings, height (m)') case ('ground_clrnc') call parse_real_variable('ground_clrnc', ground_clrnc, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'clearance beneath TF coil (m)') case ('hcd_building_l') call parse_real_variable('hcd_building_l', hcd_building_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'HCD building, length (m)') case ('hcd_building_w') call parse_real_variable('hcd_building_w', hcd_building_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'HCD building, width (m)') case ('hcd_building_h') call parse_real_variable('hcd_building_h', hcd_building_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'HCD building, height (m)') case ('hw_storage_l') call parse_real_variable('hw_storage_l', hw_storage_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'hazardous waste storage building, length (m)') case ('hw_storage_w') call parse_real_variable('hw_storage_w', hw_storage_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'hazardous waste storage building, width (m)') case ('hw_storage_h') call parse_real_variable('hw_storage_h', hw_storage_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'hazardous waste storage building, height (m)') case ('heat_sink_l') call parse_real_variable('heat_sink_l', heat_sink_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'heat sinks, length (m)') case ('heat_sink_w') call parse_real_variable('heat_sink_w', heat_sink_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'heat sinks, width (m)') case ('heat_sink_h') call parse_real_variable('heat_sink_h', heat_sink_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'heat sinks, height (m)') case ('hot_sepdist') call parse_real_variable('hot_sepdist', hot_sepdist, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & '') case ('hotcell_h') call parse_real_variable('hotcell_h', hotcell_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'hot cell storage component separation distance (m)') case ('ilw_smelter_l') call parse_real_variable('ilw_smelter_l', ilw_smelter_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'radioactive waste smelting facility, length (m)') case ('ilw_smelter_w') call parse_real_variable('ilw_smelter_w', ilw_smelter_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'radioactive waste smelting facility, width (m)') case ('ilw_smelter_h') call parse_real_variable('ilw_smelter_h', ilw_smelter_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'radioactive waste smelting facility, height (m)') case ('ilw_storage_l') call parse_real_variable('ilw_storage_l', ilw_storage_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'ILW waste storage building, length (m)') case ('ilw_storage_w') call parse_real_variable('ilw_storage_w', ilw_storage_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'ILW waste storage building, width (m)') case ('ilw_storage_h') call parse_real_variable('ilw_storage_h', ilw_storage_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'ILW waste storage building, height (m)') case ('llw_storage_l') call parse_real_variable('llw_storage_l', llw_storage_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'LLW waste storage building, length (m)') case ('llw_storage_w') call parse_real_variable('llw_storage_w', llw_storage_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'LLW waste storage building, width (m)') case ('llw_storage_h') call parse_real_variable('llw_storage_h', llw_storage_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'LLW waste storage building, height (m)') case ('magnet_pulse_l') call parse_real_variable('magnet_pulse_l', magnet_pulse_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'pulsed magnet power building, length (m)') case ('magnet_pulse_w') call parse_real_variable('magnet_pulse_w', magnet_pulse_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'pulsed magnet power building, width (m)') case ('magnet_pulse_h') call parse_real_variable('magnet_pulse_h', magnet_pulse_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'pulsed magnet power building, height (m)') case ('magnet_trains_l') call parse_real_variable('magnet_trains_l', magnet_trains_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'steady state magnet power trains building, length (m)') case ('magnet_trains_w') call parse_real_variable('magnet_trains_w', magnet_trains_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'steady state magnet power trains building, width (m)') case ('magnet_trains_h') call parse_real_variable('magnet_trains_h', magnet_trains_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'steady state magnet power trains building, height (m)') case ('maint_cont_l') call parse_real_variable('maint_cont_l', maint_cont_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'maintenance control building, length (m)') case ('maint_cont_w') call parse_real_variable('maint_cont_w', maint_cont_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'maintenance control building, width (m)') case ('maint_cont_h') call parse_real_variable('maint_cont_h', maint_cont_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'maintenance control building, height (m)') case ('nbi_sys_l') call parse_real_variable('nbi_sys_l', nbi_sys_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'NBI system length (m)') case ('nbi_sys_w') call parse_real_variable('nbi_sys_w', nbi_sys_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'NBI system width (m)') case ('qnty_sfty_fac') call parse_real_variable('qnty_sfty_fac', qnty_sfty_fac, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'quantity safety factor for component use during plant lifetime') case ('reactor_clrnc') call parse_real_variable('reactor_clrnc', reactor_clrnc, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'clearance around reactor (m)') case ('reactor_fndtn_thk') call parse_real_variable('reactor_fndtn_thk', reactor_fndtn_thk, 0.25D0, 25.0D0, & 'reactor building foundation thickness (m)') case ('reactor_hall_l') call parse_real_variable('reactor_hall_l', reactor_hall_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'reactor building, length (m)') case ('reactor_hall_w') call parse_real_variable('reactor_hall_w', reactor_hall_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'reactor building, width (m)') case ('reactor_hall_h') call parse_real_variable('reactor_hall_h', reactor_hall_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'reactor building, height (m)') case ('reactor_roof_thk') call parse_real_variable('reactor_roof_thk', reactor_roof_thk, 0.25D0, 25.0D0, & 'reactor building roof thickness (m)') case ('reactor_wall_thk') call parse_real_variable('reactor_wall_thk', reactor_wall_thk, 0.25D0, 25.0D0, & 'reactor building wall thickness (m)') case ('robotics_l') call parse_real_variable('robotics_l', robotics_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'robotics buildings, length (m)') case ('robotics_w') call parse_real_variable('robotics_w', robotics_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'robotics buildings, width (m)') case ('robotics_h') call parse_real_variable('robotics_h', robotics_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'robotics buildings, height (m)') case ('sec_buildings_l') call parse_real_variable('sec_buildings_l', sec_buildings_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'security & safety buildings, length (m)') case ('sec_buildings_w') call parse_real_variable('sec_buildings_w', sec_buildings_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'security & safety buildings, width (m)') case ('sec_buildings_h') call parse_real_variable('sec_buildings_h', sec_buildings_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'security & safety buildings, height (m)') case ('staff_buildings_h') call parse_real_variable('staff_buildings_h', staff_buildings_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'staff buildings height (m)') case ('staff_buildings_area') call parse_real_variable('staff_buildings_area', staff_buildings_area, 1.0D4, 1.0D6, & 'footprint of staff buildings (m2)') case ('transp_clrnc') call parse_real_variable('transp_clrnc', transp_clrnc, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'transportation clearance between components (m)') case ('turbine_hall_l') call parse_real_variable('turbine_hall_l', turbine_hall_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'turbine hall, length (m)') case ('turbine_hall_w') call parse_real_variable('turbine_hall_w', turbine_hall_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'turbine hall, width (m)') case ('turbine_hall_h') call parse_real_variable('turbine_hall_h', turbine_hall_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'turbine hall, height (m)') case ('tw_storage_l') call parse_real_variable('tw_storage_l', tw_storage_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'tritiated waste storage building, length (m)') case ('tw_storage_w') call parse_real_variable('tw_storage_w', tw_storage_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'tritiated waste storage building, width (m)') case ('tw_storage_h') call parse_real_variable('tw_storage_h', tw_storage_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'tritiated waste storage building, height (m)') case ('warm_shop_l') call parse_real_variable('warm_shop_l', warm_shop_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'warm shop, length (m)') case ('warm_shop_w') call parse_real_variable('warm_shop_w', warm_shop_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'warm shop, width (m)') case ('warm_shop_h') call parse_real_variable('warm_shop_h', warm_shop_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'warm shop, height (m)') case ('water_buildings_l') call parse_real_variable('water_buildings_l', water_buildings_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'water, laundry & drainage buildings, length (m)') case ('water_buildings_w') call parse_real_variable('water_buildings_w', water_buildings_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'water, laundry & drainage buildings, width (m)') case ('water_buildings_h') call parse_real_variable('water_buildings_h', water_buildings_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'water, laundry & drainage buildings, height (m)') case ('workshop_l') call parse_real_variable('workshop_l', workshop_l, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'workshop buildings, length (m)') case ('workshop_w') call parse_real_variable('workshop_w', workshop_w, 10.0D0, 1000.0D0, & 'workshop buildings, width (m)') case ('workshop_h') call parse_real_variable('workshop_h', workshop_h, 1.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'workshop buildings, height (m)') ! Energy storage settings case ('iscenr') call parse_int_variable('iscenr', iscenr, 1, 3, & 'Switch for energy storage option') case ('maxpoloidalpower') call parse_real_variable('maxpoloidalpower', maxpoloidalpower, 0.0D0, 2.0D3, & 'Maximum permitted absolute rate of change of stored energy in poloidal field (MW)') ! Output file options settings case ('sect01', 'sect02', 'sect03', 'sect04', 'sect05', & 'sect06', 'sect07', 'sect08', 'sect09', 'sect10', & 'sect11', 'sect12', 'sect13', 'sect14', 'sect15', & 'sect16', 'sect17', 'sect18', 'sect19', 'sect20', & 'sect21') write(outfile,*) ' ' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) 'SECT flags are now ignored -' write(outfile,*) 'please remove them from the input file' write(outfile,*) '**********' write(outfile,*) ' ' ! Vacuum system settings case ('vacuum_model') call parse_string_variable('vacuum_model', vacuum_model, 'vacuum_model') case ('ntype') call parse_int_variable('ntype', ntype, 0, 1, & 'Pump type') case ('pbase') call parse_real_variable('pbase', pbase, 1.0D-8, 1.0D-3, & 'Base pressure (Pa)') case ('prdiv') call parse_real_variable('prdiv', prdiv, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Divertor chamber pressure in burn (Pa)') case ('pumptp') call parse_real_variable('pumptp', pumptp, 0.0D0, 1.0D30, & 'Pump throughput (molecules/s) (default is ITER value)') case ('rat') call parse_real_variable('rat', rat, 1.0D-10, 1.0D-6, & 'Plas chamber wall outgas rate (Pa-m/s)') case ('tn') call parse_real_variable('tn', tn, 1.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Neutral gas temp in chamber (K)') case ('dwell_pump') call parse_int_variable('dwell_pump', dwell_pump, 0, 2, & 'switch for dwell pumping options') case ('pumpareafraction') call parse_real_variable('pumpareafraction', pumpareafraction, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'Area of one pumping port as a fraction of plasma surface area') case ('pumpspeedmax') call parse_real_variable('pumpspeedmax', pumpspeedmax, 1.0D-6, 1.0D3, & 'Maximum pumping speed per unit area for deuterium & tritium, molecular flow') case ('pumpspeedfactor') call parse_real_variable('pumpspeedfactor', pumpspeedfactor, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'Effective pumping speed reduction factor due to duct impedance') case ('initialpressure') call parse_real_variable('initialpressure', initialpressure, 1.0D-6, 1.0D4, & 'initial neutral pressure at the beginning of the dwell phase (Pa)') case ('outgasindex') call parse_real_variable('outgasindex', outgasindex, 1.0D-6, 1.0D3, & 'outgassing decay index') case ('outgasfactor') call parse_real_variable('outgasfactor', outgasfactor, 1.0D-6, 1.0D3, & 'outgassing prefactor kw: outgassing rate at 1 s per unit area (Pa m s-1)') ! Reinke criterion case ('lhat') call parse_real_variable('lhat', lhat, 1.0D0, 1.5D1, & 'connection length factor') case ('reinke_mode') call parse_int_variable('reinke_mode', reinke_mode, 0, 1, & 'Switch for Reinke Criterion mode (0=H, 1=I)') case ('impvardiv') call parse_int_variable('impvardiv', impvardiv, 3, n_impurities, & 'Index of impurity to be iterated for Reike criterion') ! Stellarator settings case ('istell') call parse_int_variable('istell', istell, 0, 6, & 'Stellarator machine specification (1=Helias5, 2=Helias4, 3=Helias3, 4=W7X50, 5=W7X30, 6=jsoninput)') case ('bmn') call parse_real_variable('bmn', bmn, 1.0D-4, 1.0D-2, & 'Relative radial field perturbation') case ('max_gyrotron_frequency') call parse_real_variable('max_gyrotron_frequency', max_gyrotron_frequency, 1.0d9, 1.0d14, & 'Maximum avail. gyrotron frequency') case ('te0_ecrh_achievable') call parse_real_variable('te0_ecrh_achievable', te0_ecrh_achievable, 1.0d0, 1.0d3, & 'Maximum achievable ecrh temperature (peak value)') case ('f_asym') call parse_real_variable('f_asym', f_asym, 0.9D0, 2.0D0, & 'Heat load peaking factor') case ('f_rad') call parse_real_variable('f_rad', f_rad, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Radiated power fraction in SOL') case ('f_w') call parse_real_variable('f_w', f_w, 0.1D0, 1.0D0, & 'Island size fraction factor') case ('fdivwet') call parse_real_variable('fdivwet', fdivwet, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'Wetted area fraction of divertor plates') case ('flpitch') call parse_real_variable('flpitch', flpitch, 1.0D-4, 1.0D-2, & 'Field line pitch (rad)') case ('iotabar') call parse_real_variable('iotabar', iotabar, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Stellarator rotational transform (at s=2/3)') case ('isthtr') call parse_int_variable('isthtr', isthtr, 1, 3, & 'Stellarator method of auxiliary heating') case ('m_res') call parse_int_variable('m_res', m_res, 1, 10, & 'Poloidal resonance number') case ('n_res') call parse_int_variable('n_res', n_res, 3, 6, & 'Toroidal resonance number') case ('shear') call parse_real_variable('shear', shear, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'Magnetic shear') ! Inertial Fusion Energy plant settings case ('ife') call parse_int_variable('ife', ife, 0, 1, & 'Switch for Inertial Fusion Energy model') case ('bldr') call parse_real_variable('bldr', bldr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE blanket radial thickness (m)') case ('bldrc') call parse_real_variable('bldrc', bldrc, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE curtain radial thickness (m)') case ('bldzl') call parse_real_variable('bldzl', bldzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE blanket bottom part thickness (m)') case ('bldzu') call parse_real_variable('bldzu', bldzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE blanket top part thickness (m)') case ('blmatf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('blmatf', blmatf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE blanket material fraction', icode) case ('cdriv0') call parse_real_variable('cdriv0', cdriv0, 50.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost offset (M$)') case ('cdriv1') call parse_real_variable('cdriv1', cdriv1, 50.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost offset (M$)') case ('cdriv2') call parse_real_variable('cdriv2', cdriv2, 50.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost offset (M$)') case ('chdzl') call parse_real_variable('chdzl', chdzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE chamber bottom part thickness (m)') case ('chdzu') call parse_real_variable('chdzu', chdzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE chamber top part thickness (m)') case ('chmatf') call parse_real_array('chmatf', chmatf, isub1, maxmat+1, & 'IFE chamber material fraction', icode) case ('chrad') call parse_real_variable('chrad', chrad, 0.1D0, 20.0D0, & 'IFE chamber radial thickness (m)') case ('dcdrv0') call parse_real_variable('dcdrv0', dcdrv0, 0.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost gradient (M$/MJ)') case ('dcdrv1') call parse_real_variable('dcdrv1', dcdrv1, 0.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost gradient (M$/MJ)') case ('dcdrv2') call parse_real_variable('dcdrv2', dcdrv2, 0.0D0, 200.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost gradient (M$/MJ)') case ('drveff') call parse_real_variable('drveff', drveff, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'IFE driver efficiency') case ('edrive') call parse_real_variable('edrive', edrive, 1.0D5, 50.0D8, & 'IFE driver energy (J)') case ('etali') call parse_real_variable('etali', etali, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'IFE lithium pump wall plug efficiency') case ('etave') call parse_real_array('etave', etave, isub1, 10, & 'IFE driver efficiency vs driver energy', icode) case ('fauxbop') call parse_real_variable('fauxbop', fauxbop, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Frac. of gross electric power to BOP (IFE)') case ('fbreed') call parse_real_variable('fbreed', fbreed, 0.0D0, 0.999D0, & 'Fraction of breeder outside core') case ('fburn') call parse_real_variable('fburn', fburn, 0.01D0, 1.0D0, & 'IFE burn fraction') case ('flirad') call parse_real_variable('flirad', flirad, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Radius of FLiBe inlet (HYLIFE) (m)') case ('frrmax') call parse_real_variable('frrmax', frrmax, 1.0D-6, 1.0D0, & 'F-value for IFE repetition rate') case ('fwdr') call parse_real_variable('fwdr', fwdr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE first wall radial thickness (m)') case ('fwdzl') call parse_real_variable('fwdzl', fwdzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE first wall bottom part thickness (m)') case ('fwdzu') call parse_real_variable('fwdzu', fwdzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE first wall top part thickness (m)') case ('fwmatf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('fwmatf', fwmatf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE first wall material fraction', icode) case ('gainve') call parse_real_array('gainve', gainve, isub1, 10, & 'IFE target gain vs driver energy', icode) case ('htpmw_ife') call parse_real_variable('htpmw_ife', htpmw_ife, 0.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'IFE heat transport system electrical pump power (MW)') case ('ifedrv') call parse_int_variable('ifedrv', ifedrv, -1, 3, & 'IFE driver type') case ('ifetyp') call parse_int_variable('ifetyp', ifetyp, 0, 4, & 'IFE device build type') case ('mcdriv') call parse_real_variable('mcdriv', mcdriv, 0.1D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE driver cost multiplier') case ('pdrive') call parse_real_variable('pdrive', pdrive, 1.0D6, 200.0D6, & 'IFE driver power to target (W)') case ('pfusife') call parse_real_variable('pfusife', pfusife, 0.0D0, 1.0D4, & 'IFE input fusion power (MW) (ifedrv=3 only)') case ('pifecr') call parse_real_variable('pifecr', pifecr, 0.0D0, 100.0D0, & 'IFE cryogenic power (MW)') case ('ptargf') call parse_real_variable('ptargf', ptargf, 0.1D0, 100.0D0, & 'IFE target factory power at 6Hz (MW)') case ('rrin') call parse_real_variable('rrin', rrin, 0.1D0, 50.0D0, & 'Input IFE repetition rate (Hz) (ifedrv=3 only)') case ('rrmax') call parse_real_variable('rrmax', rrmax, 1.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'Maximum IFE repetition rate (Hz)') case ('shdr') call parse_real_variable('shdr', shdr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE shield radial thickness (m)') case ('shdzl') call parse_real_variable('shdzl', shdzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE shield bottom part thickness (m)') case ('shdzu') call parse_real_variable('shdzu', shdzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE shield top part thickness (m)') case ('shmatf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('shmatf', shmatf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE shield material fraction', icode) case ('sombdr') call parse_real_variable('sombdr', sombdr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Radius of SOMBRERO blanket bottom (m)') case ('somtdr') call parse_real_variable('somtdr', somtdr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'Radius of SOMBRERO blanket top (m)') case ('tgain') call parse_real_variable('tgain', tgain, 1.0D0, 500.0D0, & 'IFE target gain') case ('uccarb') call parse_real_variable('uccarb', uccarb, 10.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of carbon cloth ($/kg)') case ('ucconc') call parse_real_variable('ucconc', ucconc, 0.1D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of concrete ($/kg)') case ('ucflib') call parse_real_variable('ucflib', ucflib, 10.0D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost of FLiBe ($/kg)') case ('uctarg') call parse_real_variable('uctarg', uctarg, 0.1D0, 1.0D3, & 'Cost per IFE target ($/target)') case ('v1dr') call parse_real_variable('v1dr', v1dr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 1 radial thickness (m)') case ('v1dzl') call parse_real_variable('v1dzl', v1dzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 1 bottom part thickness (m)') case ('v1dzu') call parse_real_variable('v1dzu', v1dzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 1 top part thickness (m)') case ('v1matf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('v1matf', v1matf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE void 1 material fraction', icode) case ('v2dr') call parse_real_variable('v2dr', v2dr, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 2 radial thickness (m)') case ('v2dzl') call parse_real_variable('v2dzl', v2dzl, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 2 bottom part thickness (m)') case ('v2dzu') call parse_real_variable('v2dzu', v2dzu, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'IFE void 2 top part thickness (m)') case ('v2matf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('v2matf', v2matf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE void 2 material fraction', icode) case ('v3dr') call parse_real_variable('v3dr', v3dr, 0.0D0, 50.0D0, & 'IFE void 3 radial thickness (m)') case ('v3dzl') call parse_real_variable('v3dzl', v3dzl, 0.0D0, 30.0D0, & 'IFE void 3 bottom part thickness (m)') case ('v3dzu') call parse_real_variable('v3dzu', v3dzu, 0.0D0, 30.0D0, & 'IFE void 3 top part thickness (m)') case ('v3matf') ! N.B. actually a 2-D array call parse_real_array('v3matf', v3matf, isub1, 3*(maxmat+1), & 'IFE void 3 material fraction', icode) ! Water usage settings case ('airtemp') call parse_real_variable('airtemp', airtemp, -15.0D0, 40.0D0, & 'ambient air temperature (degrees C)') case ('watertemp') call parse_real_variable('watertemp', watertemp, 0.0D0, 25.0D0, & 'water temperature (degrees C)') case ('windspeed') call parse_real_variable('windspeed', windspeed, 0.0D0, 10.0D0, & 'wind speed (m/s)') ! CS fatigue settings case('residual_sig_hoop') call parse_real_variable('residual_sig_hoop',residual_sig_hoop, 0.0D0, 1.0D9, & 'residual hoop stress in strucutal material (Pa) ') case('n_cycle_min') call parse_real_variable('n_cycle_min',n_cycle_min, 0.0D0, 1.0D8, & 'Minimum required cycles for CS') case('t_crack_radial') call parse_real_variable('t_crack_radial',t_crack_radial, 1.0D-5, 1.0D0, & 'Inital radial crack size (m)') case('t_crack_vertical') call parse_real_variable('t_crack_vertical',t_crack_vertical, 1.0D-5, 1.0D0, & 'Inital vertical crack size (m)') case('t_structural_radial') call parse_real_variable('t_structural_radial',t_structural_radial, 1.0D-3, 1.0D0, & 'CS structural radial thickness (m)') case('t_structural_vertical') call parse_real_variable('t_structural_vertical',t_structural_vertical, 1.0D-3, 1.0D0, & 'CS structural vertical thickness (m)') case('ld_ratio_cst') call parse_real_variable('ld_ratio_cst',ld_ratio_cst, 0.0D0, 5.0D0, & 'CS coil turn conduit length to depth ratio') case('bkt_life_csf') call parse_real_variable('bkt_life_csf',bkt_life_csf, 0.0D0, 1.0D0, & 'Switch for bkt_life -> n_cycle_min') case('sf_vertical_crack') call parse_real_variable('sf_vertical_crack',sf_vertical_crack, 1.0D0, 1.0D1, & 'Safety factor for vertical crack size (-)') case('sf_radial_crack') call parse_real_variable('sf_radial_crack',sf_radial_crack, 1.0D0, 1.0D1, & 'Safety factor for radial crack size (-)') case('sf_fast_fracture') call parse_real_variable('sf_fast_fracture',sf_fast_fracture, 1.0D0, 1.0D1, & 'safety factor for stress intensity factor (-)') case('paris_coefficient') call parse_real_variable('paris_coefficient',paris_coefficient, 1.0D-20, 1.0D1, & 'Paris equation material coefficient (-)') case('paris_power_law') call parse_real_variable('paris_power_law',paris_power_law, 1.0D0, 1.0D1, & 'Paris equation material power law (-)') case('walker_coefficient') call parse_real_variable('walker_coefficient',walker_coefficient, 1.0D-1, 1.0D1, & 'walker coefficient (-)') case('fracture_toughness') call parse_real_variable('fracture_toughness',fracture_toughness, 1.0D-1, 1.0D8, & 'fracture toughness (MPa m^1/2)') case default error_message = 'Unknown variable in input file: '//varnam(1:varlen) write(*,*) error_message write(*,*) 'Error occurred at this line in the IN.DAT file:', lineno write(*,*) line error = .True. end select variable ! Uncomment the following to abort the code if an obsolete variable name ! has been found in the input file if (obsolete_var) then error_message = 'Obsolete variable specified' write(*,*) error_message write(*,*) 'Error occurred at this line in the IN.DAT file: ', lineno write(*,*) line obsolete_var = .false. error = .True. end if ! If we have just read in an array, a different loop-back is needed if (icode == -1) goto 20 cycle end do loop_over_lines if(neqns == 0) then ! The value of neqns has not been set in the input file. Default = 0. neqns = no_constraints - nineqns else ! The value of neqns has been set in the input file. nineqns = no_constraints - neqns end if nvar = no_iteration if (error .eqv. .True.) stop 1 ! MDK Try allocating here if (allocated(name_xc)) deallocate(name_xc) allocate(name_xc(nvar)) ! Ensure array is initialised name_xc = "" end subroutine parse_input_file ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine parse_real_variable(varnam,varval,vmin,vmax,description) !! Routine that obtains the value of a real variable from the input !! file and checks that it lies within the expected range !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : input string : name of the variable !! varval : input/output real : value of the variable !! vmin : input real : minimum allowed value for the variable !! vmax : input real : maximum allowed value for the variable !! description : input string : brief description of the variable !! This routine parses a line containing a 'name = value' pair !! for a real variable, extracting the value from the line !! and checking whether it lies between user-defined lower and !! upper limits. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam, description real(dp), intent(inout) :: varval real(dp), intent(in) :: vmin, vmax ! Local variables real(dp) :: oldval ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check whether a subscript was found by the preceding call to GET_VARIABLE_NAME ! and stop if this is the case if (subscript_present) then write(*,*) 'Unexpected subscript found at line ', lineno write(*,*) 'Variable name and description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description error = .True. end if ! Obtain the new value for the variable oldval = varval call get_value_real(varval,icode) if (icode /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Error whilst reading input file. Variable name and description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description write(*,*) 'Comments should be indicated by an asterisk' error = .True. end if ! Check variable lies within range call check_range_real(varnam,varval,vmin,vmax) if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval /= oldval)) then write(outfile,*) trim(description),', ',trim(varnam),' = ',varval end if end subroutine parse_real_variable ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine parse_int_variable(varnam,varval,vmin,vmax,description) !! Routine that obtains the value of an integer variable from the !! input file and checks that it lies within the expected range !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : input string : name of the variable !! varval : input/output integer : value of the variable !! vmin : input integer : minimum allowed value for the variable !! vmax : input integer : maximum allowed value for the variable !! description : input string : brief description of the variable !! This routine parses a line containing a 'name = value' pair !! for an integer variable, extracting the value from the line !! and checking whether it lies between user-defined lower and !! upper limits. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use constants, only: nout implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam, description integer, intent(inout) :: varval integer, intent(in) :: vmin, vmax ! Local variables integer :: oldval ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check whether a subscript was found by the preceding call to GET_VARIABLE_NAME ! and stop if this is the case if (subscript_present) then write(*,*) 'Unexpected subscript found in IN.DAT at line number: ', lineno write(*,*) 'Name and description of variable: ' write(*,*) varnam, description error = .True. end if ! Obtain the new value for the variable oldval = varval call get_value_int(varval,icode) if (icode /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Error found in input file, check line ',lineno write(*,*) 'Variable name, description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description error = .True. end if ! Check variable lies within range call check_range_int(varnam,varval,vmin,vmax) if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval /= oldval)) then write(outfile,*) trim(description),', ',trim(varnam),' = ',varval end if end subroutine parse_int_variable ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine parse_string_variable(varnam,varval,description) !! Routine that obtains the value of a string variable from the !! input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : input string : name of the variable !! varval : input/output string : value of the variable !! description : input string : brief description of the variable !! This routine parses a line containing a 'name = value' pair !! for a string variable, extracting the value from the line. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam, description character(len=*), intent(inout) :: varval ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: oldval ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check whether a subscript was found by the preceding call to GET_VARIABLE_NAME ! and stop if this is the case if (subscript_present) then write(*,*) 'Unexpected subscript found in IN.DAT at line number: ', lineno write(*,*) 'Name and description of variable: ' write(*,*) varnam, description error = .True. !stop 1 end if ! Obtain the new value for the variable oldval = varval call get_substring(varval,icode) if (icode /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in IN.DAT found at line ',lineno write(*,*) 'Variable name, description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description error = .True. end if if ((report_changes == 1).and.(trim(varval) /= trim(oldval))) then write(outfile,*) trim(description),', ',trim(varnam),' = ',varval end if end subroutine parse_string_variable ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine parse_real_array(varnam,varval,isub1,n,description,icode) !! Routine that obtains the values of a real array from the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : input string : name of the variable !! varval(n) : input/output real array : value of the variable !! isub1 : input integer : array element pointer !! n : input integer : size of varval array !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! description : input string : brief description of the variable !! This routine parses a line in one of the two following forms: !! <PRE> !! name = v1[, v2, ...] !! name(element) = v !! </PRE> !! to read in and extract one or more values for a real 1-D array. !! <P>N.B. No array bounds or value range checking is performed. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam, description integer, intent(inout) :: isub1 integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(out) :: icode real(dp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: varval ! Local variables real(dp) :: oldval, val ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check whether a subscript was found by the preceding call to GET_VARIABLE_NAME if (subscript_present) then oldval = varval(isub1) call get_value_real(val,icode) if (icode /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in IN.DAT found at line ',lineno write(*,*) 'Variable name, description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description error = .True. end if varval(isub1) = val if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval(isub1) /= oldval)) then write(outfile,10) trim(description),', ', & trim(varnam),'(',isub1,') = ',varval(isub1) end if else isub1 = 1 do call get_value_real(val,icode) ! icode == 1 denotes an error ! icode == -1 denotes end of line, so the next line needs to be read in ! (hence the 'goto 20' in the calling routine) if (icode /= 0) return oldval = varval(isub1) varval(isub1) = val if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval(isub1) /= oldval)) then write(outfile,10) trim(description),', ', & trim(varnam),'(',isub1,') = ',varval(isub1) end if isub1 = isub1 + 1 end do end if 10 format(a,a,a,a1,i3,a,e14.6e2) end subroutine parse_real_array ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine parse_int_array(varnam,varval,isub1,n,description,icode,startindex) !! Routine that obtains the values of an integer array !! from the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : input string : name of the variable !! varval(n) : input/output integer array : value of the variable !! isub1 : input integer : array element pointer !! n : input integer : size of varval array !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! description : input string : brief description of the variable !! This routine parses a line in one of the two following forms: !! <PRE> !! name = v1[, v2, ...] !! name(element) = v !! </PRE> !! to read in and extract one or more values for an integer 1-D array. !! <P>N.B. No array bounds or value range checking is performed. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: varnam, description integer, intent(inout) :: isub1 integer, intent(in) :: n integer, intent(out) :: icode integer, dimension(n), intent(inout) :: varval integer, intent(in), optional :: startindex ! Local variables integer :: oldval, val ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Check whether a subscript was found by the preceding call to GET_VARIABLE_NAME if (subscript_present) then oldval = varval(isub1) call get_value_int(val,icode) if (icode /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Error in IN.DAT found at line ',lineno write(*,*) 'Variable name, description:' write(*,*) varnam, ', ', description error = .True. end if varval(isub1) = val if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval(isub1) /= oldval)) then write(outfile,10) trim(description),', ', & trim(varnam),'(',isub1,') = ',varval(isub1) end if else ! subscript is not present isub1 = 1 if(present(startindex))isub1 = startindex do call get_value_int(val,icode) ! icode == 1 denotes an error ! icode == -1 denotes end of line if (icode /= 0) then ! Make sure isub1 = the last array index isub1 = isub1 - 1 return end if oldval = varval(isub1) varval(isub1) = val if ((report_changes == 1).and.(varval(isub1) /= oldval)) then write(outfile,10) trim(description),', ', & trim(varnam),'(',isub1,') = ',varval(isub1) end if isub1 = isub1 + 1 end do end if 10 format(a,a,a,a1,i3,a,i12) end subroutine parse_int_array ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine string_to_int(string,length,ivar,icode) !! Routine that converts the ASCII digits in a string to !! an integer !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! string : input string : contains digits of the number !! length : input integer : useful length of character string !! ivar : output integer : value stored in the string !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine converts the ASCII digits in string(1:length) !! to the integer ivar. It is equivalent to doing !! 'READ(STRING(1:LENGTH),I) IVAR' but this routine conforms !! to the ANSI standard. !! Each digit is parsed in turn, the current total is multiplied !! by ten and the new digit is added. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: string integer, intent(in) :: length integer, intent(out) :: ivar, icode ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: xstr integer :: iptr,izero,xlen logical :: negate ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ivar = 0 icode = 0 if (length <= 0) goto 1000 negate = .false. izero = ichar('0') iptr = 1 xstr = string(1:length) ! *** Ignore trailing spaces xlen = len_trim(xstr) if (xlen <= 0) goto 1000 ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (xstr(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > xlen) goto 1000 goto 10 end if ! *** Check for leading + or - if (xstr(iptr:iptr) == '+') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > xlen) goto 1000 else if (xstr(iptr:iptr) == '-') then negate = .true. iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > xlen) goto 1000 else continue end if ! *** Ignore leading zeros 20 continue if (xstr(iptr:iptr) == '0') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > xlen) goto 1000 goto 20 end if ! *** Check for number too large if ((xlen-iptr+1) > 10) then if (negate) then ivar = -1234567890 else ivar = 1234567890 write(*,*) '1 Problem with IN file, please check line' write(*,*) xstr error = .True. end if icode = 1 goto 1000 else if ((xlen-iptr+1) == 10) then if (xstr(iptr:xlen) > '2147483647') then if (negate) then ivar = -1234567890 else ivar = 1234567890 end if icode = 1 goto 1000 end if else continue end if ! *** Parse the digits 30 continue if ((xstr(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(xstr(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then ivar = (ivar * 10) + (ichar(xstr(iptr:iptr))-izero) iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= xlen) goto 30 ! *** This is the normal exit path... if (negate) ivar = -ivar else if(ivar /= 0) then write(*,*) 'Problem with IN file, please check line' write(*,*) xstr write(*,*) 'Comments should be indicated by an asterisk (*)' error = .True. end if icode = 1 end if 1000 continue end subroutine string_to_int ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine string_to_real(string,length,rval,icode) !! Routine that converts the ASCII digits in a string to !! a real value !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! string : input string : contains digits of the number !! length : input integer : useful length of character string !! rvar : output real : value stored in the string !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine converts the ASCII digits in string(1:length) !! to the real variable rvar. !! The string is parsed one character at a time, from the left, !! handling the mantissa, and all other components of the real !! number separately, combining them at the end. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: string integer, intent(in) :: length real(dp), intent(out) :: rval integer, intent(out) :: icode ! Local variables real(dp) :: valbdp,valadp,xexp integer :: iptr,izero,iexpon logical :: negatm,negate ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iptr = 1 ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (string(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= length) goto 10 end if ! *** Initialise real value rval = 0.0D0 ! *** ASCII '0' izero = ichar('0') ! *** If negative mantissa negatm = .false. ! *** If negative exponent negate = .false. ! *** Value before decimal point valbdp = 0.0D0 ! *** Value after decimal point valadp = 0.0D0 ! *** Exponent iexpon = 0 ! *** First character can be +, -, ., or <digit> if (string(iptr:iptr) == '+') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 else if (string(iptr:iptr) == '-') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 negatm = .true. else continue end if ! *** Parse the mantissa - before the decimal point valbdp = 0.0D0 xexp = -1.0D0 20 continue if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then valbdp = (valbdp * 10.0D0) + dble(ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero) iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 goto 20 end if ! *** After the mantissa, we expect '.' or 'd' or 'e' if (string(iptr:iptr) == '.') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 end if ! *** Parse the mantissa - after the decimal point valadp = 0.0D0 30 continue if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then valadp = valadp + (dble(ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero)*(10.0D0 ** xexp)) xexp = xexp - 1.0D0 iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 goto 30 end if ! *** Now we expect the exponent if ( (string(iptr:iptr) == 'D').or. & (string(iptr:iptr) == 'E').or. & (string(iptr:iptr) == 'd').or. & (string(iptr:iptr) == 'e')) then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 ! *** First character can be +, -, ., or <digit> if (string(iptr:iptr) == '+') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 else if (string(iptr:iptr) == '-') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > length) goto 50 negate = .true. else continue end if ! *** Parse the exponent 40 continue if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then iexpon = (iexpon * 10) + (ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero) iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= length) goto 40 else goto 60 end if else goto 60 end if 50 continue ! *** Negative exponent? if (negate) iexpon = -iexpon ! *** Build the number at last if (iexpon == 0) then rval = (valbdp + valadp) else rval = (valbdp + valadp) * (10.0D0 ** iexpon) end if ! *** Negative mantissa? if (negatm) rval = -rval ! *** All OK icode = 0 goto 1000 ! *** Errors 60 continue write(*,*) 'Problem with IN file, please check line' write(*,*) string write(*,*) 'Comments should be indicated by an asterisk (*)' error = .True. icode = 1 1000 continue end subroutine string_to_real ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_value_int(ival,icode) !! Routine that extracts an integer value from a line of the !! input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! ival : output integer : extracted integer value !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine extracts an integer value from the current line of !! the input file, i.e. the value of an integer variable as !! specified by the user. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(out) :: ival, icode ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: varval integer :: varlen integer :: foundComma, foundAst, foundPoint ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 goto 10 end if end if if (iptr > linelen) goto 60 ! 40 continue !KE I guess I can remove this too ! *** Put rest of line into varval (makes it easier to parse) varval = line(iptr:) ! *** Exclude any input after * or , - these denote an input comment varlen = len_trim(varval) foundComma = varlen foundAst = varlen foundPoint = 0 if (index(varval,',') > 0) then foundComma = index(varval,',') - 1 end if if (index(varval,'*') > 0) then foundAst = index(varval,'*') - 1 end if varlen = min(varlen, foundComma, foundAst) if (varlen <= 0) varlen = index(varval,' ') - 1 if (varlen <= 0) varlen = iptr varval = varval(:varlen) varlen = len_trim(varval) foundPoint = index(varval,'.') - 1 if (foundPoint > 0) then varlen = foundPoint write(*,*) 'Integer value expected in following input line...' write(*,*) ' ',line(1:50),'...' error = .True. end if ! *** Update pointer iptr = iptr + varlen ! *** Ignore trailing spaces 50 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 50 end if ! *** Ignore comma, if present if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') iptr = iptr + 1 end if ! *** Convert the ASCII text into an integer value call string_to_int(varval,varlen,ival,icode) goto 1000 60 continue icode = 1 1000 continue end subroutine get_value_int ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_value_real(rval,icode) !! Routine that extracts a real value from a line of the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! rval : output real : extracted real value !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine extracts a real value from the current line of !! the input file, i.e. the value of a real variable as specified !! by the user. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(out) :: icode real(dp), intent(out) :: rval ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: varval integer :: varlen integer :: foundComma, foundAst ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 goto 10 end if end if if (iptr > linelen) goto 60 ! *** Put rest of line into varval (makes it easier to parse) varval = line(iptr:) ! *** Exclude any input after * or , - these denote an input comment varlen = len_trim(varval) foundComma = varlen foundAst = varlen if (index(varval,',') > 0) then foundComma = index(varval,',') - 1 end if if (index(varval,'*') > 0) then foundAst = index(varval,'*') - 1 end if varlen = min(varlen, foundComma, foundAst) if (varlen <= 0) varlen = index(varval,' ') - 1 if (varlen <= 0) varlen = iptr varval = varval(:varlen) varlen = len_trim(varval) ! *** Update pointer iptr = iptr + varlen ! *** Ignore trailing spaces 50 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 50 end if ! *** Ignore comma, if present if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') iptr = iptr + 1 end if ! *** Convert the ASCII text into a real value call string_to_real(varval,varlen,rval,icode) goto 1000 60 continue icode = 1 1000 continue end subroutine get_value_real ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_substring(string,icode) !! Routine that extracts a substring from a line of the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! string : output string : extracted string !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine extracts a string from the current line of !! the input file, i.e. the value of a string variable as specified !! by the user. Unlike routine !! <A HREF="get_substring_trim.html">get_substring_trim</A>, !! this routine does not truncate the string found at its first !! non-leading blank. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(out) :: icode character(len=*), intent(out) :: string ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: varval integer :: varlen ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 goto 10 end if end if if (iptr > linelen) goto 60 ! *** Put rest of line into varval (makes it easier to parse) varval = line(iptr:) varlen = len_trim(varval) if (varlen <= 0) varlen = iptr ! *** Update pointer iptr = iptr + varlen ! *** Ignore trailing spaces 50 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 50 end if ! *** Ignore comma, if present if (iptr <= linelen) then if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') iptr = iptr + 1 end if ! *** Write the text into the variable string = varval goto 1000 60 continue icode = 1 1000 continue end subroutine get_substring ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_subscript(isub1,isub2,icode) !! Routine that extracts any subscripts present in a line of !! the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! isub1 : output integer : first subscript found !! isub2 : output integer : second subscript found !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag !! This routine extracts any subscripts from the current line of !! the input file, i.e. if any array elements are specified !! by the user. It looks at the next non-space character in the !! line, and if it is a left bracket, it assumes that at !! least one subscript is to follow and extracts it/them. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(out) :: isub1, isub2, icode ! Local variables integer :: izero logical :: negate ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** Initial values isub1 = 0 isub2 = 0 ! *** First character should be '(' if (line(iptr:iptr) /= '(') goto 70 iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 ! *** Parse the first subscript ! *** Ignore leading spaces 10 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 goto 10 end if izero = ichar('0') negate = .false. ! *** Extract and evaluate the first subscript ! *** Subscript may be prefaced by '+' or '-' if (line(iptr:iptr) == '+') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 else if (line(iptr:iptr) == '-') then negate = .true. iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 else continue end if 20 continue if ((line(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then isub1 = isub1 * 10 + ichar(line(iptr:iptr)) - izero iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 goto 20 end if if (negate) isub1 = -isub1 ! *** Ignore trailing spaces of first subscript 30 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 70 goto 30 end if ! *** Is there a second subscript? if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 ! *** Ignore leading spaces of second subscript 40 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 goto 40 end if ! *** Extract and evaluate the second subscript negate = .false. ! *** Subscript may be prefaced by '+' or '-' if (line(iptr:iptr) == '+') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 else if (line(iptr:iptr) == '-') then negate = .true. iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 else continue end if 50 continue if ((line(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then isub2 = isub2 * 10 + ichar(line(iptr:iptr)) - izero iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 80 goto 50 end if ! *** Is it a negative subscript? if (negate) isub2 = -isub2 ! *** Ignore trailing spaces of second subscript 60 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 60 end if end if ! *** Must end with ')' if (line(iptr:iptr) /= ')') goto 80 iptr = iptr + 1 70 continue icode = 0 goto 1000 80 continue icode = 1 1000 continue end subroutine get_subscript ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine get_variable_name(varnam,varlen,isub1,isub2) !! Routine that extracts a variable name from a line of !! the input file !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! varnam : output string : extracted variable name !! varlen : output integer : length of variable name !! isub1 : output integer : first subscript found !! isub2 : output integer : second subscript found !! This routine extracts a variable name from the current line of !! the input file. It also extracts any subscripts present. !! On exit, the counter <CODE>iptr</CODE> points to the first !! character of the value to be assigned to the variable. !! If the routine finds an error a value of 0 is returned in !! variable <CODE>varlen</CODE>. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(out) :: varlen, isub1, isub2 character(len=*), intent(out) :: varnam ! Local variables character(len=maxlen) :: line1 integer :: ifrom,ito,icode ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! *** Store LINE in local variable line1 = line ! *** Convert string to lower case call lower_case(line) varlen = 0 ifrom = iptr ! *** First character must be alphabetic if ((line(iptr:iptr) < 'a').or.(line(iptr:iptr) > 'z')) goto 1000 iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr > linelen) goto 1000 ! *** Now parse the rest of the letters (must be alphanumeric or _ ) 10 continue if ( ((line(iptr:iptr) >= 'a').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= 'z')).or. & ((line(iptr:iptr) == '_')).or. & ((line(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) ) then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 10 end if ! *** Extract variable name ito = iptr - 1 varlen = ito - ifrom + 1 if (varlen > 0) varnam = line(ifrom:ito) ! *** Ignore intervening spaces 20 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 20 end if ! *** Now extract any subscript call get_subscript(isub1,isub2,icode) if (icode /= 0) then varlen = 0 goto 1000 end if ! *** Ignore intervening spaces 30 continue if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then iptr = iptr + 1 if (iptr <= linelen) goto 30 end if ! *** We now expect '=' if (line(iptr:iptr) == '=') then iptr = iptr + 1 ! *** Restore original string's upper/lower case after '=' sign line(iptr:linelen) = line1(iptr:linelen) else varlen = 0 end if 1000 continue end subroutine get_variable_name ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine check_range_int(cvar,varval,min_value,max_value) !! Routine that checks whether an integer variable lies within !! the desired range !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! outfile : input integer : Fortran output unit identifier !! cvar : input string : name of variable !! varval : input integer : value of variable !! min_value : input integer : minimum allowed value of variable !! max_value : input integer : maximum allowed value of variable !! This routine checks whether an integer variable lies within !! the range predetermined by the user, and reports an error !! and stops if it doesn't. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: cvar integer, intent(in) :: varval,min_value,max_value ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (min_value > max_value) then write(outfile,*) 'Illegal relative values of min_value and max_value' write(outfile,*) 'for variable ',cvar write(*,*) 'Illegal relative values of min_value and max_value' write(*,*) 'for variable ',cvar error = .True. end if if ((varval < min_value).or.(varval > max_value)) then write(outfile,*) cvar,' lies outside its allowed range :' write(outfile,*) 'Minimum value = ',min_value write(outfile,*) 'Maximum value = ',max_value write(outfile,*) ' Actual value = ',varval write(*,*) cvar,' lies outside its allowed range :' write(*,*) 'Minimum value = ',min_value write(*,*) 'Maximum value = ',max_value write(*,*) ' Actual value = ',varval error = .True. end if end subroutine check_range_int ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine check_range_real(cvar,varval,min_value,max_value) !! Routine that checks whether a real variable lies within !! the desired range !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! cvar : input string : name of variable !! varval : input real : value of variable !! min_value : input real : minimum allowed value of variable !! max_value : input real : maximum allowed value of variable !! This routine checks whether a real variable lies within !! the range predetermined by the user, and reports an error !! and stops if it doesn't. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(in) :: cvar real(dp), intent(in) :: varval,min_value,max_value ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (min_value > max_value) then write(outfile,*) 'Illegal relative values of min_value and max_value' write(outfile,*) 'for variable ',cvar write(*,*) 'Illegal relative values of min_value and max_value' write(*,*) 'for variable ',cvar error = .True. end if if ((varval < min_value).or.(varval > max_value)) then write(outfile,*) cvar,' lies outside its allowed range :' write(outfile,*) 'Minimum value = ',min_value write(outfile,*) 'Maximum value = ',max_value write(outfile,*) ' Actual value = ',varval write(*,*) cvar,' lies outside its allowed range :' write(*,*) 'Minimum value = ',min_value write(*,*) 'Maximum value = ',max_value write(*,*) ' Actual value = ',varval error = .True. end if end subroutine check_range_real ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine lower_case(string,start,finish) !! Routine that converts a (sub-)string to lowercase !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre !! string : input string : character string of interest !! start : optional input integer : starting character for conversion !! finish : optional input integer : final character for conversion !! This routine converts the specified section of a string !! to lowercase. By default, the whole string will be converted. !! None ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none ! Arguments character(len=*), intent(inout) :: string integer, optional, intent(in) :: start,finish ! Local variables character(len=1) :: letter character(len=27), parameter :: lowtab = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_' integer :: loop, i integer :: first, last ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (present(start)) then first = start else first = 1 end if if (present(finish)) then last = finish else last = len(string) end if if (first <= last) then do loop = first,last letter = string(loop:loop) i = index('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_',letter) if (i > 0) string(loop:loop) = lowtab(i:i) end do end if end subroutine lower_case end module process_input #ifdef unit_test program test use process_input implicit none open(unit=1,file='IN.DAT',status='old') call parse_input_file(1,6,1) close(unit=1) end program test #endif