close_idempotence_files Subroutine

public subroutine close_idempotence_files()




Source Code

   subroutine close_idempotence_files
      ! Close the intermediate idempotence-check files, deleting them in the process
      ! Re-open the original OUT.DAT and MFILE.DAT output files, ready to write
      ! the final data, now model evaluation idempotence has been checked
      use global_variables, only: output_prefix
      use constants, only: nout, mfile
      implicit none

      ! Close idempotence files, deleting them in the process
      close(unit = nout, status="delete")
      close(unit = mfile, status="delete")
      ! Re-open original output file and mfile, appending future output to them
      open(unit=nout, file=trim(output_prefix)//'OUT.DAT', action='write', position='append')
      open(unit=mfile, file=trim(output_prefix)//'MFILE.DAT', action='write', position='append')
   end subroutine close_idempotence_files