get_subscript Subroutine

private subroutine get_subscript(isub1, isub2, icode)

Routine that extracts any subscripts present in a line of the input file author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre isub1 : output integer : first subscript found isub2 : output integer : second subscript found icode : output integer : diagnostic flag This routine extracts any subscripts from the current line of the input file, i.e. if any array elements are specified by the user. It looks at the next non-space character in the line, and if it is a left bracket, it assumes that at least one subscript is to follow and extracts it/them. None


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(out) :: isub1
integer, intent(out) :: isub2
integer, intent(out) :: icode


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine get_subscript(isub1,isub2,icode)

    !! Routine that extracts any subscripts present in a line of
    !! the input file
    !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
    !! isub1  : output integer : first subscript found
    !! isub2  : output integer : second subscript found
    !! icode  : output integer : diagnostic flag
    !! This routine extracts any subscripts from the current line of
    !! the input file, i.e. if any array elements are specified
    !! by the user. It looks at the next non-space character in the
    !! line, and if it is a left bracket, it assumes that at
    !! least one subscript is to follow and extracts it/them.
    !! None
    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    implicit none

    !  Arguments

    integer, intent(out) :: isub1, isub2, icode

    !  Local variables

    integer :: izero
    logical :: negate

    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ! *** Initial values

    isub1 = 0
    isub2 = 0

    ! *** First character should be '('

    if (line(iptr:iptr) /= '(') goto 70
    iptr = iptr + 1
    if (iptr > linelen) goto 80

    ! *** Parse the first subscript
    ! *** Ignore leading spaces

10  continue
    if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
       goto 10
    end if

    izero = ichar('0')
    negate = .false.

    ! *** Extract and evaluate the first subscript
    ! *** Subscript may be prefaced by '+' or '-'

    if (line(iptr:iptr) == '+') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
    else if (line(iptr:iptr) == '-') then
       negate = .true.
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
    end if

20  continue

    if ((line(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then
       isub1 = isub1 * 10 + ichar(line(iptr:iptr)) - izero
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
       goto 20
    end if
    if (negate) isub1 = -isub1

    ! *** Ignore trailing spaces of first subscript

30  continue
    if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 70
       goto 30
    end if

    ! *** Is there a second subscript?

    if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > linelen) goto 80

       ! *** Ignore leading spaces of second subscript

40     continue
       if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
          goto 40
       end if

       ! *** Extract and evaluate the second subscript

       negate = .false.

       ! *** Subscript may be prefaced by '+' or '-'

       if (line(iptr:iptr) == '+') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
       else if (line(iptr:iptr) == '-') then
          negate = .true.
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
       end if
50     continue
       if ((line(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(line(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then
          isub2 = isub2 * 10 + ichar(line(iptr:iptr)) - izero
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > linelen) goto 80
          goto 50
       end if

       ! *** Is it a negative subscript?

       if (negate) isub2 = -isub2

       ! *** Ignore trailing spaces of second subscript

60     continue
       if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr <= linelen) goto 60
       end if

    end if

    ! *** Must end with ')'

    if (line(iptr:iptr) /= ')') goto 80
    iptr = iptr + 1

70  continue
    icode = 0
    goto 1000

80  continue
    icode = 1

1000 continue

  end subroutine get_subscript