get_value_int Subroutine

private subroutine get_value_int(ival, icode)

Routine that extracts an integer value from a line of the input file author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre ival : output integer : extracted integer value icode : output integer : diagnostic flag This routine extracts an integer value from the current line of the input file, i.e. the value of an integer variable as specified by the user. None


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(out) :: ival
integer, intent(out) :: icode


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine get_value_int(ival,icode)

    !! Routine that extracts an integer value from a line of the
    !! input file
    !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
    !! ival   : output integer : extracted integer value
    !! icode  : output integer : diagnostic flag
    !! This routine extracts an integer value from the current line of
    !! the input file, i.e. the value of an integer variable as
    !! specified by the user.
    !! None
    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    implicit none

    !  Arguments

    integer, intent(out) :: ival, icode

    !  Local variables

    character(len=maxlen) :: varval
    integer :: varlen
    integer :: foundComma, foundAst, foundPoint

    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ! *** Ignore leading spaces

10  continue
    if (iptr <= linelen) then
       if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          goto 10
       end if
    end if

    if (iptr > linelen) goto 60

! 40     continue !KE I guess I can remove this too

    ! *** Put rest of line into varval (makes it easier to parse)

    varval = line(iptr:)

    ! *** Exclude any input after * or , - these denote an input comment

    varlen = len_trim(varval)
    foundComma = varlen
    foundAst = varlen
    foundPoint = 0

    if (index(varval,',') > 0) then
       foundComma = index(varval,',') - 1
    end if
    if (index(varval,'*') > 0) then
       foundAst = index(varval,'*') - 1
    end if
    varlen = min(varlen, foundComma, foundAst)

    if (varlen <= 0) varlen = index(varval,' ') - 1
    if (varlen <= 0) varlen = iptr

    varval = varval(:varlen)

    varlen = len_trim(varval)

    foundPoint = index(varval,'.') - 1
    if (foundPoint > 0) then
       varlen = foundPoint
       write(*,*) 'Integer value expected in following input line...'
       write(*,*) '   ',line(1:50),'...'
       error = .True.
    end if

    ! *** Update pointer

    iptr = iptr + varlen

    ! *** Ignore trailing spaces

50  continue
    if (line(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr <= linelen) goto 50
    end if

    ! *** Ignore comma, if present

    if (iptr <= linelen) then
       if (line(iptr:iptr) == ',') iptr = iptr + 1
    end if

    ! *** Convert the ASCII text into an integer value

    call string_to_int(varval,varlen,ival,icode)

    goto 1000

60  continue
    icode = 1

1000 continue

  end subroutine get_value_int