hydraulic_diameter Function

public function hydraulic_diameter(i_channel_shape)

Caculate the hydraulic diameter (m) for a given coolant pipe size/shape. author: G. Graham !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Function return parameter !!!!!

If secondary coolant then rectangular channels assumed


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: i_channel_shape


If primary coolant then circular channels assumed

Return Value real(kind=dp)

Arguments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swicth for circular or rectangular channel crossection Shape depends on whether primary or secondary coolant - =1 circle (primary) - =2 rectangle (secondary)


Source Code

Source Code

    function hydraulic_diameter(i_channel_shape)

        !! Caculate the hydraulic diameter (m) for a given coolant pipe size/shape.
        !! author: G. Graham
        !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        use fwbs_variables, only: afw, a_bz_liq, b_bz_liq

        implicit none

        !! Function return parameter !!!!!

        real(dp) :: hydraulic_diameter

        !! Arguments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        !! Swicth for circular or rectangular channel crossection
        !! Shape depends on whether primary or secondary coolant
        !!  - =1   circle (primary)
        !!  - =2   rectangle (secondary)
        integer, intent(in) :: i_channel_shape

        !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        !! If primary coolant then circular channels assumed
        if (i_channel_shape==1) hydraulic_diameter = 2.0D0*afw

        !! If secondary coolant then rectangular channels assumed
        if (i_channel_shape==2) hydraulic_diameter = 2*a_bz_liq*b_bz_liq/(a_bz_liq+b_bz_liq)

    end function hydraulic_diameter