Initialises the informational/error message list author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre None This routine sets all the possible informational/error messages that may be used during the course of a run. Thus, it needs to be called during the initialisation phase.
The error messages are read in from a JSON-format file. None
subroutine initialise_error_list
!! Initialises the informational/error message list
!! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
!! None
!! This routine sets all the possible informational/error messages
!! that may be used during the course of a run. Thus, it needs
!! to be called during the initialisation phase.
!! <P>The error messages are read in from a JSON-format file.
!! None
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
use fson_library, only: fson_parse, fson_value, fson_get, fson_destroy
implicit none
! Arguments
! Local variables
integer :: n_errortypes
character(len=180) :: filename
type(fson_value), pointer :: errorfile
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Parse the json file
character(len=200) :: process_dir
CALL get_environment_variable("PYTHON_PROCESS_ROOT", process_dir)
if (process_dir == "") then
filename = INSTALLDIR//'/process//utilities/errorlist.json'
filename = trim(process_dir)//'/utilities/errorlist.json'
end if
errorfile => fson_parse(trim(filename))
! Allocate memory for error_type array contents
call fson_get(errorfile, "n_errortypes", n_errortypes)
! Guard against re-allocation
if (allocated(error_type)) deallocate(error_type)
error_type(:)%level = ERROR_OKAY
error_type(:)%message = ' '
! Extract information arrays from the file
call fson_get(errorfile, "errors", "level", error_type%level)
call fson_get(errorfile, "errors", "message", error_type%message)
! Clean up
call fson_destroy(errorfile)
end subroutine initialise_error_list