Calculates the energy on the given grid which is given by the gauss laguerre roots.
function neoclassics_calc_KT() result(KK)
!! Calculates the energy on the given grid
!! which is given by the gauss laguerre roots.
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
use const_and_precisions, only: e_,c_,me_,mp_,keV_
real(dp), dimension(no_roots) :: K
real(dp), dimension(4,no_roots) :: KK
K = roots/keV_
KK(1,:) = K * temperatures(1) ! electrons
KK(2,:) = K * temperatures(2) ! deuterium
KK(3,:) = K * temperatures(3) ! tritium
KK(4,:) = K * temperatures(4) ! helium
end function neoclassics_calc_KT