string_to_real Subroutine

private subroutine string_to_real(string, length, rval, icode)

Routine that converts the ASCII digits in a string to a real value author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre string : input string : contains digits of the number length : input integer : useful length of character string rvar : output real : value stored in the string icode : output integer : diagnostic flag This routine converts the ASCII digits in string(1:length) to the real variable rvar. The string is parsed one character at a time, from the left, handling the mantissa, and all other components of the real number separately, combining them at the end. None


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
integer, intent(in) :: length
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: rval
integer, intent(out) :: icode


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine string_to_real(string,length,rval,icode)

    !! Routine that converts the ASCII digits in a string to
    !! a real value
    !! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
    !! string : input string : contains digits of the number
    !! length : input integer : useful length of character string
    !! rvar : output real : value stored in the string
    !! icode : output integer : diagnostic flag
    !! This routine converts the ASCII digits in string(1:length)
    !! to the real variable rvar.
    !! The string is parsed one character at a time, from the left,
    !! handling the mantissa, and all other components of the real
    !! number separately, combining them at the end.
    !! None
    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    implicit none

    !  Arguments

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
    integer, intent(in) :: length
    real(dp), intent(out) :: rval
    integer, intent(out) :: icode

    !  Local variables

    real(dp) :: valbdp,valadp,xexp
    integer :: iptr,izero,iexpon
    logical :: negatm,negate

    ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    iptr = 1

    ! *** Ignore leading spaces

10  continue
    if (string(iptr:iptr) == ' ') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr <= length) goto 10
    end if

    ! *** Initialise real value

    rval = 0.0D0

    ! *** ASCII '0'

    izero = ichar('0')

    ! *** If negative mantissa

    negatm = .false.

    ! *** If negative exponent

    negate = .false.

    ! *** Value before decimal point

    valbdp = 0.0D0

    ! *** Value after decimal point

    valadp = 0.0D0

    ! *** Exponent

    iexpon = 0

    ! *** First character can be +, -, ., or <digit>

    if (string(iptr:iptr) == '+') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50
    else if (string(iptr:iptr) == '-') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50
       negatm = .true.
    end if

    ! *** Parse the mantissa - before the decimal point

    valbdp = 0.0D0
    xexp = -1.0D0
20  continue
    if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then
       valbdp = (valbdp * 10.0D0) + dble(ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero)
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50
       goto 20
    end if

    ! *** After the mantissa, we expect '.' or 'd' or 'e'

    if (string(iptr:iptr) == '.') then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50
    end if

    ! *** Parse the mantissa - after the decimal point

    valadp = 0.0D0
30  continue
    if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then
       valadp = valadp + (dble(ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero)*(10.0D0 ** xexp))
       xexp = xexp - 1.0D0
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50
       goto 30
    end if

    ! *** Now we expect the exponent

    if ( (string(iptr:iptr) == 'D').or. &
         (string(iptr:iptr) == 'E').or. &
         (string(iptr:iptr) == 'd').or. &
         (string(iptr:iptr) == 'e')) then
       iptr = iptr + 1
       if (iptr > length) goto 50

       ! *** First character can be +, -, ., or <digit>

       if (string(iptr:iptr) == '+') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > length) goto 50
       else if (string(iptr:iptr) == '-') then
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr > length) goto 50
          negate = .true.
       end if

       ! *** Parse the exponent

40     continue
       if ((string(iptr:iptr) >= '0').and.(string(iptr:iptr) <= '9')) then
          iexpon = (iexpon * 10) + (ichar(string(iptr:iptr))-izero)
          iptr = iptr + 1
          if (iptr <= length) goto 40
          goto 60
       end if
       goto 60
    end if

50  continue

    ! *** Negative exponent?

    if (negate) iexpon = -iexpon

    ! *** Build the number at last

    if (iexpon == 0) then
       rval = (valbdp + valadp)
       rval = (valbdp + valadp) * (10.0D0 ** iexpon)
    end if

    ! *** Negative mantissa?

    if (negatm) rval = -rval

    ! *** All OK

    icode = 0
    goto 1000

    ! *** Errors

60  continue

    write(*,*) 'Problem with IN file, please check line'
    write(*,*) string
    write(*,*) 'Comments should be indicated by an asterisk (*)'
    error = .True.

    icode = 1

1000 continue

  end subroutine string_to_real