neoclassics_calc_vd Function

public function neoclassics_calc_vd()

Calculates the drift velocities



Return Value real(kind=dp), dimension(4,no_roots)


Source Code

Source Code

    function neoclassics_calc_vd()
        !! Calculates the drift velocities
        ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        use const_and_precisions, only: e_
        use physics_variables, only: rmajor, bt

        real(dp), dimension(no_roots) :: vde,vdT,vdD,vda, K
        real(dp), dimension(4,no_roots) :: vd,neoclassics_calc_vd

        K = roots

        vde = K * temperatures(1)/(e_ * rmajor * bt)
        vdD = K * temperatures(2)/(e_ * rmajor * bt)
        vdT = K * temperatures(3)/(e_ * rmajor * bt)
        vda = K * temperatures(4)/(2.0*e_ * rmajor * bt)

        vd(1,:) = vde
        vd(2,:) = vdD
        vd(3,:) = vdT
        vd(4,:) = vda

        neoclassics_calc_vd = vd
    end function neoclassics_calc_vd