Routine to calculate the first part of the heat transport and plant power balance constituents, for an IFE power plant author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre None This routine calculates the first part of the heat transport and plant power balance constituents, for an IFE power plant. F/MI/PJK/LOGBOOK12, pp.67,89 Bourque et al., Fusion Technology vol.21 (1992) 1465
subroutine ifepw1
!! Routine to calculate the first part of the heat transport
!! and plant power balance constituents, for an IFE power plant
!! author: P J Knight, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
!! None
!! This routine calculates the first part of the heat transport
!! and plant power balance constituents, for an IFE power plant.
!! F/MI/PJK/LOGBOOK12, pp.67,89
!! Bourque et al., Fusion Technology vol.21 (1992) 1465
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
use fwbs_variables, only: emult, fhole, pnucblkt, pnucshld, pnucloss
use heat_transport_variables, only: priheat, pthermmw, pfwdiv, nphx, pinjwp, &
pinjht, crypmw, helpow
use ife_variables, only: pdrive, ifetyp, etadrv, pifecr
use physics_variables, only: powfmw
implicit none
! Local variables
real(dp) :: pdrvmw
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Driver power reaching target (MW)
pdrvmw = 1.0D-6 * pdrive
! Primary nuclear heating (MW)
! Total thermal power removed from fusion core
priheat = emult * powfmw
! Useful (high-grade) thermal power (MW)
pthermmw = priheat * (1.0D0-fhole)
! Assume 0.24 of thermal power is intercepted by the first wall
! (Bourque et al)
! HYLIFE-II case: Assume FLiBe flows intercept all fusion power
! and provide the energy multiplication as though it were a
! conventional blanket
if ((ifetyp /= 3).and.(ifetyp /= 4)) then
pfwdiv = 0.24D0 * pthermmw
pnucblkt = pthermmw - pfwdiv
pfwdiv = 0.0D0
pnucblkt = pthermmw
end if
pnucshld = 0.0D0
! Lost fusion power (MW)
pnucloss = priheat - pthermmw ! = priheat*fhole
! Number of primary heat exchangers
!rnphx = max(2.0D0, (pthermmw/400.0D0 + 0.8D0) )
nphx = ceiling(pthermmw/1000.0D0)
! Secondary heat (some of it... rest calculated in IFEPW2)
! Wall plug driver power (MW)
pinjwp = pdrvmw/etadrv
! Waste driver power (MW)
pinjht = pinjwp - pdrvmw
! Cryogenic power (MW)
! Cryogenic temperature is assumed to be 4.5K
crypmw = pifecr
helpow = 1.0D6 * crypmw * (0.13D0 * 4.5D0)/(293.0D0 - 4.5D0)
end subroutine ifepw1