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Guide for adding Variabales & Constraints

Specific instructions must be followed to add an input, iteration variable, optimisation figure of merit and constraints to the PROCESS code.

Add a input

To add a PROCESS input, please follow below:

  1. Choose the most relevant module XX and add the variable in the the XX_variables defined in XX_variables.f90.

  2. Add a description of the input variable below the declaration, using the FORD formating decribed in the standards section specifying the units.

  3. Specify a sensible default value in the init_xx_variables subroutine.

  4. Add the parameter to the parse_input_file subroutine in input.f90. Please use the parse_real_variable subroutine for reals, parse_int_array for integers and parse_real_array for array inputs. Here is an example of the code to add:

Variable definition example in XX_variables.f90:

  real(dp) :: rho_tf_joints
  !! TF joints surfacic resistivity [ohm.m]
  !! Feldmetal joints assumed.

Variable initialization example in XX_variables.f90:

    subroutine init_tfcoil_variables
    !! Initialise module variables
    rho_tf_joints = 2.5D-10

Code example in the input.f90 file:

  subroutine parse_input_file(in_file,out_file,show_changes)
    case ('rho_tf_joints')
       call parse_real_variable('rho_tf_joints', rho_tf_joints, 0.0D0, 1.0D-2, &
            'TF joints surfacic resistivity')

Add an iteration variable

To add a PROCESS iteration variable please follow the steps below, in addition to the instructions for adding an input variable:

  1. The parameter ipnvars in module numerics of numerics.f90 will normally be greater than the actual number of iteration variables, and does not need to be changed.

  2. Utilise the next available block of code in module define_iteration_variables in iteration_variables.f90. You can find the relevant block searching for the DUMMY key word.

  3. Assign values for the variable's lower and upper bounds to the relevant elements in arrays boundl (lower) and boundu (upper).

  4. Paste the variable name in the relevant places in the code block in place of the word DUMMY.

  5. Ensure that the relevant element of character array lablxc is exactly 14 characters long.

  6. Add the variable use, XX only: XX statement in the relevant functions (itv_XX and subroutine set_itv_XX).

  7. Update the lablxc derscription in numerics.f90.

It should be noted that iteration variables must not be reset elsewhere in the code. That is, they may only be assigned new values when originally initialised (in the relevant module, or in the input file if required), and in the subroutine set_itv_XX where the iteration process itself is performed. Otherwise, the numerical procedure cannot adjust the value as it requires, and the program will fail. If there no DUMMY slots available, please notify the PROCESS developpement team.

Here is a code snipet showing how rmajor is defined

  subroutine init_itv_3
    !! <LI> ( 3) rmajor
    use numerics, only: lablxc, boundl, boundu
    implicit none
    lablxc(3) = 'rmajor        '
    boundl(3) = 0.100D0 
    boundu(3) = 50.00D0  
  end subroutine init_itv_3

  real(kind(1.d0)) function itv_3()
    use physics_variables, only: rmajor
    implicit none
    itv_3 = rmajor
  end function itv_3

  subroutine set_itv_3(ratio)
    use physics_variables, only: rmajor
    implicit none
    real(kind(1.d0)) :: ratio
    rmajor = ratio
  end subroutine set_itv_3

Add a figure of merit

New figures of merit are added to PROCESS in the following way:

  1. Increment the parameter ipnfoms in module numerics in source file numerics.f90 to accommodate the new figure of merit.

  2. Assign a description of the new figure of merit to the relevant element of array lablmm in module numerics in the source file numerics.f90.

  3. Add the new figure of merit equation to routine FUNFOM in the source file evaluators.f90, following the method used in the existing examples. The value of fc should be of order unity, so select a reasonable scaling factor if necessary.

  4. Add the use only statements for all the added variables in all modified functions

Add a scan variable

After following the instruction to add an input variable, you can make the variable a scan variable by following these steps:

  1. Increment the parameter ipnscnv defined in the scan_module module in the scan.f90 source file, to accommodate the new scanning variable. The incremented value will identify your scan variable.

  2. Add a short description of the new scanning variable in the nsweep comment in scan.f90, alongside its identification number.

  3. Update the scan_select subroutine in the scan.f90 source file by adding a new case statement connecting the vaiable to the scan integer switch, a short variable desciption vlab (the variable name) and a more explicit variable description xlab. Don't forget to add the use only statment at the beginning of scan_select.

  4. Add a comment in the XX_variables.f90 variable description indicating the scan switch number.

nsweep comment example:

  integer :: nsweep = 1
  !! nsweep /1/ : switch denoting quantity to scan:<UL>
  !!         <LI> 1  aspect
  !!         <LI> 2  hldivlim
  !!         <LI> 54 GL_nbti upper critical field at 0 Kelvin
  !!         <LI> 55 `dr_shld_inboard` : Inboard neutron shield thickness </UL>

scan_select case example:

  case (54)
      b_crit_upper_nbti = swp(iscn)
      vlab = 'Bc2(0K)' ; xlab = 'GL_NbTi Bc2(0K)'
      dr_shld_inboard = swp(iscn)
      vlab = 'dr_shld_inboard' ; xlab = 'Inboard neutronic shield'

Add a constraint equation

Constraint equations are added to PROCESS in the following way:

  1. Increment the parameter ipeqns in module numerics in the source file numerics.f90 in order to accommodate the new constraint.

  2. Add a line to lablcc in the source file numerics.f90 decribing the constraint equation.

  3. Add a line to the FORD description of lablcc the source file numerics.f90.

  4. Add a new Fortran case statement to routine CONSTRAINT_EQNS in source file constraint_equations.f90.

  5. Then add a new subrountine including the constraints module ensuring that all the variables used in the formula are contained in the modules specified via use, XX only: XX statements. Use a similar formulation to that used for the existing constraint equations, remembering that the code will try to force cc(i) to be zero.

  6. If the constraint is using a f-value, notify the constraint equation number on the f-value description.

Remember that if an inequality is being added, a new f-value iteration variable may also need to be added to the code.

    do i = i1,i2       
      ! The constraint value in physical units is
      ! a) for consistency equations, the quantity to be equated, or
      ! b) for limit equations, the limiting value.
      ! The symbol is = for a consistency equation, < for an upper limit
      ! or > for a lower limit.
      select case (icc(i))
          ! Equation for fusion power upper limit
        case (9); call constraint_eqn_009(args)
   subroutine constraint_eqn_009(args)
      !! Equation for fusion power upper limit
      !! author: P B Lloyd, CCFE, Culham Science Centre
      !! args : output structure : residual error; constraint value; 
      !! residual error in physical units; output string; units string
      !! Equation for fusion power upper limit
      !! #=# physics
      !! #=#=# ffuspow, powfmax
      !! and hence also optional here.
      !! Logic change during pre-factoring: err, symbol, units will be assigned only if present.
      !! ffuspow : input real : f-value for maximum fusion power
      !! powfmax : input real : maximum fusion power (MW)
      !! fusion_power : input real : fusion power (MW)
      use constraint_variables, only: ffuspow, powfmax
      use physics_variables, only: fusion_power
      implicit none
      type (constraint_args_type), intent(out) :: args

      args%cc =  1.0D0 - ffuspow * powfmax/fusion_power
      args%con = powfmax * (1.0D0 - args%cc)
      args%err = fusion_power * args%cc
      args%symbol = '<'
      args%units = 'MW'

   end subroutine constraint_eqn_009